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In todays ever changing society, exercise plays an important role in maintaining good
health. We all have our fitness goals - strength training, weight reduction or body
contouring. A good cardiovascular exercise routine can get the adrenalin pumping, or you
can take on a yoga exercise program that can do wonders for your body and mind. Even
persons suffering from diseases such as diabetes or hypertension would do well to
undertake an exercise regimen that has been planned with keeping their health condition
in mind.


Based on the results of the survey of the overall attitude of the military was that they
perceived exercise as extremely important with an overall mean of 9.15 (10 being the
highest). The attitudes of non military personnel was perceived as somewhat important
with an overall mean of 5.4 (the highest being 10).

The preference for a particular exercise varied between the m and non mil with the mil
showing greater preference for strength training while th non mil showed pref for aerobics


This report sought to show that if we continue on this trend of no exercise or very little
exercise, the implications are that the as members of the general population (non military)
run the risk of being more exposed to lifestyle diseases, whereas the military appeared to
be physically conditioned and better able to lead healthier lifestyles.


We as a population get involved in exercises that will promote a healthier lifestyle such as
those that improve cardiovascular fitness, and that , businesses may want to set up
programmes to encourage employees to participate in the exercises needed to keep them
healthy, both in mind and body.

1.1 Background

This study seeks to compare the attitudes of exercise and fitness of military
and non military personnel and their respective attitudes to different types
of exercise and fitness

1.2 Purpose
The primary endpoint of the study is to survey military and non-military
personnel with respect to their attitude and interest in exercise and physical

1.3 Research Questions

(i) What types of exercises do military and non-military personnel
participate in?
(ii) What differences exist between military and non-military personnel
in their attitudes to exercise and physical fitness?

1.4 Definitions
(i) Military
For the purpose of this study, the term ‘military’ refers to all persons
in Trinidad and Tobago attached to the Defence Force, Fire Service,
Police Service, Coast Guard.

(ii) Non Military

For the purpose of this study, the term ‘non-military’ refers to person
or persons following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is
not an active member Defence Force, Fire Service, Police Service,
Coast Guard.
1.5 Limitations
The main constraint of this survey was designing of the questionnaire to
facilitate both military and non military personnel in a non biased way and
the collection in a timely manner so as to facilitate the completion of this

(i) How data was collected
The research instrument used in this study “structured questionnaire”.
Structured questionnaire are those questionnaire in which there are
predetermined question relating to the aspect for which the researcher
collects data. The questions are presented with exactly the same wording and
in the same order to all the respondents.

(ii) How sample was selected

Data were collected from subjects who were chosen from members of the
military and civilian population using a questionnaire completed by fifty (50)
civilian personnel of all ages, and fifty (50) military personnel from the Fire
Service, Police Service and Coast Guard/Army.

(iii) Data Analysis Techniques used

The analysis of the data was done using tables and the calculation of mean,
median and mode, frequency, variance and standard deviation.


(i) What types of exercises do military and non-military personnel
participate in?

Military physical training is distinctly different from civilian training because
the exercises are designed to be applied towards real-life military situations.
Training might be done in settings that will depict real life conditions, with
great emphasis being placed on strength training such as, triceps extension,
bicep curl, abdominal curl and abdominal crunch. The military’s attitude to
physical fitness has changed since studies have shown that it has a direct
impact on their readiness, for battle if they are army, fighting fires or
maintaining law and order.

The main component of fitness tests as well as real-world physical exertion is

strength training and stamina training for eg long distance walking and
running. Strength training is incorporated with weights or circuit training
which helps military members increase their overall muscle endurance and
cardio fitness. Army fitness workouts are much different than the workouts
of the average gym person or non military person, since regular training is
geared toward upper body, abdominal and cardiovascular fitness. Not only
are physically fit military personnel essential to the stability of a country they
are also more likely to have enjoyable, productive lives.

Physical activity for non military may include structured activities such as
walking, jogging, strength training, or sports and whatever daily activities
that fits our schedule for example, weight loss or moderate-intensity aerobic
activity per week.

One typical physical activity goals is participating in aerobic activities. Which

includes any activity that makes you breathe hard and increases your heart
rate for a sustained period of time. And can include cycling, running and
swimming and brisk walking

The range of fitness exercise equipment available these days is mind-

boggling. You can invest in a home gym, space and budget permitting. The
exercise treadmill continues to remain the all-time favourite with exercise
enthusiasts. The exercise bike is a stationary exercise machine that can
provide you with the workout you desire. The rowing machine, elliptical
trainer, exercise ball and stepper are other important constituents of any
gym. Abdominal exercise equipment is widely available these days – online
stores, catalogs and used equipment stores. Dumbbells and free weights are
simple exercises that can help further your fitness goals.

(ii) What are the attitudes to exercise and physical fitness of military and
non-military personnel.

Military fitness workouts have been developed in which the average person may
not be able to cope, eg bench press, weight lifting and doing squats and other
forms of strength training. The main focus o f military fitness workouts are to
prepare the officers to be physically ready for any situation. The “big three” the
army focuses on are push-ups, sit-ups and cardiovascular fitness. There are other
exercises that are done on a weekly basis in most units.

Non military physical fitness is closely associated with quality of life. Physical
fitness is associated with well as well-being, body composition reduction of
excess body fat.
While the common goal for both participants is to get fit, build strength and stay
in shape, although the methods of achieving these goals vary dramatically, the
main difference between military and non military is that the military needs to be
fit and ready at all time
Attitudes to Exercise and Fitness
Based on the range of mean,9.15 (TABLE 1.B refers), where 1 – 3 indicates a scale of NOT
IMPORTANT, 4 – 7 indicates SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT and 8- 10, extremely important,
exercises are perceived as extremely important. When compared to non military, the
standard deviation (s.d.) showed a greater variation in Body fat weight loss with s.d of 2.0
and Improve performance for a specific sport or activity with s.d of 1.5. This attitude
showed that hat there was a consensus among the majority of military personnel as to the
extreme importance in the attitudes to exercise.

Based on the range of mean5.35, (TABLE 1.C refers), where 1 – 3 indicates a scale of NOT
IMPORTANT, 4 – 7 indicates SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT and 8- 10, extremely important,
exercises are not perceived as important, when compared to the military, with a lower
mean boundary falling between NOT IMPORTANT and SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT. The s.d
shows relatively more variation ranging from 1.6 to 3.5

Reasons why exercise is considered extremely important because it is a core aspect of

military life, whereas, for the non military it is not core for job descriptions.


Based on the data (Table 1.A) there were a number of observations drawn.

In today’s every changing society who are become quite health conscious, exercise plays an
important role in maintaining good health. We all have our fitness goals – strength training,
weight reduction or body contouring etc. There were some exercises dominated by the
military participants, more so than the non military participants. Strength training showed
an extremely high percentage frequency with 34% of the participants, while only 6% was
recorded for the same activity with the non military participants. Stronger preference for
swimming was also noted with the military with 12%, while non military recorded on 4%.

The non military participants’ dominance for traditional aerobics was noticeably higher
with 22% as opposed to the military participants with 2%. Another significant difference
was the non military participant’s preference for both stationary biking and biking with
percentages of 16% respectively as opposed to the military participants of 4%.

Similar patterns however were noticeable with certain activities, with both military and
non military participants showing identical percentages for activities like cycling, 8% and
stair climbing 4% , yoga/ pilates 2%, and most noticeable with 0% for elliptical striding.


Types Military Non -Military

Frequency % Frequency Frequency % Frequency
Walking 7 14% 10 20%
Cycling 4 8% 4 8%
Stationary Biking 2 4% 8 16%
Stair Climbing 2 4% 2 4%
Jogging 7 14% 8 16%
Traditional Aerobics 1 2% 11 22%
Elliptical Striding 0 0% 0 0%
Swimming 6 12% 2 4%
Strength Training 17 34% 3 6%
Racquet Sports 1 2% 0 0%
Yoga/ Pilates 1 2% 1 2%
Other Aerobic 2 4% 1 2%
Walking 7 14% 10 20%
Cycling 4 8% 4 8%
Biking 2 4% 8 16%
Stair Climbing 2 4% 2 4%
Jogging 7 14% 16%

Based on the collection and summarisation of data, the results indicated non military
personnel’s preference for a wider variety of fitness activities, primarily for general health
and well being for example, walking jogging, aerobics. The military on the other hand,
showed a difference in the level of challenge in physical exercise, geared towards increased
strength training and body fat loss. Both sets of participants felt that reshaping and toning
the body were equally important, with the military’s focus on strength training while non
military focused on general fitness with aerobics.

Exercise is important to us as a society as a whole, and if we are to ensure that we maintain

good health and reduce the number of lifestyle diseases, we need to have a more positive
attitude to exercise as is already the case with military. This needs to be addressed by the
non military personnel whose attitude was somewhat important.

There is a renewed nationwide interest in fitness has been accompanied by many research
studies on the effects of regular participation in sound physical fitness programs. The
overwhelming conclusion is that such programs enhance a person’s quality of life, improve
productivity, and bring about positive physical and mental changes.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Improve cardiovascular fitness 4 2 9.3 .92 .96
Body-fat weight loss 2 1 1 8.4 4.0 2.0
Reshape or tone my body 1 3 9.5 1.0 1.0
Improve performance for a specific sport or activity 1 2 1 1 8.2 2.2 1.5
Improve moods and ability to cope with stress 1 2 9.7 0.3 0.6
Improve flexibility 2 2 2 9.0 0.8 0.9
Increase strength 2 2 9.0 2.0 1.4
Increase energy level 2 2 9.5 0.3 0.6
Feel better 1 1 9.5 0.5 0.7
Enjoyment 1 4 1 9.0 0.3 0.6
Other 1 1 9.5 0.5 0.7
100.6 10.96

X – rating (1-10) f – (no of persons)

Grouped Sample (calculated to 1 decimal. place)
= = ∑x Variance(VAR) = = ∑(x- ) Standard Deviation (sd) =√ ∑(x- )
n n-1 n-1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Improve cardiovascular fitness 2 2 3.5 3.0 1.7

Body-fat weight loss 2 2 2 6.0 3.2 1.8

Reshape or tone my body 1 2 1 4.6 4.9 2.2
Improve performance for a specific sport or activity 1 3 3 1 4.5 5.4 2.3
Improve moods and ability to cope with stress 1 2 3 3.7 2.7 1.6
Improve flexibility 2 1 3.0 3 1.7
Increase strength 1 1 6.5 12.5 3.5
Increase energy level 1 1 1 6.0 7 2.6
Feel better 2 2 4.5 0.25 0.5
Enjoyment 3 4 0.5 0.7
Other 3 1 2 4.6 0.92 0.96
58.9 19.56

X – rating (1-10) f – (no of persons)

Grouped Sample (calculated to 1 decimal. place)
= = ∑x Variance(VAR) = = ∑(x- ) Standard Deviation (sd) =√ ∑(x- )
n n-1 n-1
Appendix a

Comparison of participants attitudes to exercise


4 Walking 7 10
Cycling 4 4
Stationary Biking 2 8
2 Stair Climbing 2 2 SUMMARY comparision of participants attitudes
to exercise MILITARY
Jogging 7 8
Traditional SUMMARY comparision of participants attitudes
Aerobics 1 11 to exercise NON MILITARY
Elliptical Striding 0 0
Swimming 6 2
Strength Training 17 3
Racquet Sports 1 0
Yoga/ Pilates 1 1
Appendix b


Comparison of Military and Military to Different types of exercise







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