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ONLINE APPLICATION ● Close relative who works at USC?

– yes/no
● Desired Annual compensation range – list to
choose from, ex. $30,000-60,000; $60,000-990,000 and
● Attach resume/cover letter
so on
(this option will automatically fill in your application.
● What interests you about working at USC
You will have an opportunity to attach resume/CV
again, later** if you wish for it not to autofill)
and this position? – write in
● Do you meet the minimum education
requirement for this position? – yes/no
● Name
● Do you meet the minimum experience
● Address – street, city, state, zip
requirement form this position? – yes/no
● Email address
● Do you have the required
● Phone number
licenses/certifications for this position? – yes/no
● How you heard about us? – list of options
● Do you meet the preferred qualifications for
this position? – yes/no
● Work experience – Job title, company, location,
date from/to, currently working there?, role VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURES
description Personal information data
● Education – School/university, degree, field of ● Gender – female/male/non-binary
study, overall result/GPA, year from/to ● Hispanic or Latino – yes/no
● Skills – you can type in as many as are applicable ● Ethnicity – check boxes
● Languages – select language and level of ● Veteran status – yes/no
proficiency for read, spoken and written ● Terms and conditions – accept
● **Attach Resume – if haven’t done so already
● Add relevant websites – URL of any professional SELF IDENTIFY
websites you are a part of (ex. a conservation group ● Language – English/Spanish
that you helped start and have created website ● Disability form – yes/no/do not wish to answer
for/are featured in)
● Add social networks – only if professional /
presentable; (LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, Facebook)
** After filling out the application, a recruiter
will get in contact with you to follow up with
● Age over 18? – yes/no
you regarding the status of your application.
● Able to furnish proof of unlimited U.S. work
** It is possible they ask you to come in for an
authorization – yes/no
interview or to further discuss your application.
● Current or former relationship with USC? –
** May also ask for additional information.
list will appear (ex. current staff/student etc.)
● If former USC employee, 7-digit employee ID
and 10-digit USC ID – only if known
● Received layoff notification from USC within
past 12 months? – yes/no

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