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Soal Pilihan Ganda Tentang Adverb

1. I found his home very _______.

A. easily C. difficultly
B. frequently

2. Rohan behaves very _____ with his elders.

A. goodly C. badly
B. easily

3. My father will be ______ of town this weekend.

A. inside C. outside
B. out

4. Rohan plays football _________.

A. aggressively C. sympathetically
B. hardly

5. He doesn’t care for anything and _______ looks happy every time.
A. since C. ago
B. hence

6. They called the police ________ after the accident.

A. immediately C. slowly
B. peacefully

7. Kiran is a ______ paid employee of this company

A. lowly C. highly
B. hardly

8. I was stuck in a jam for _______ two hours.

A. nearly C. simply
B. correctly

9. How _______do you go there?

A. never C. seldom
B. often

10. Thomas was ______ happy when he got his first job.
A. extremely C. fully
B. halfly
11. ________ I met my childhood friend Meeta.
A. Yesterday C. Tomorrow
B. This Sunday

12. You need to run ______to win this race.

A. slow C. steadily
B. fast

13. I won’t say it _______.

A. progressively C. repeatedly
B. necessarily

14. Speak _______, I cannot hear you.

A. loudly C. slowly
B. hardly

15. You should _______ smoke as it is dangerous for your health.

A. always C. usually
B. never

16. We searched ________ but were unable to find her lost jewellery.
A. nowhere C. anywhere
B. everywhere

17. I hope to see you _______!

A. soon C. never
B. random

18. Deepak never dresses ______ for work

A. formally C. coolly
B. dirtily

19. The manger looked at me with an ______ expression when I reached late!
A. sad C. regret
B. angry

kunci jawaban

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. B

Soal Adverbs of Manner

A. Complete these sentences with suitable adverbs of manner provided

excitedly slowly cruelly carefully brightly heavily sweetly quickly happily greedily

1. The snail crawled…..along the path

2.The sun shone…..through the window
3.The children in the choir sang…..
4.The twins played…in the park.
5.James ran…..and won the race.
6.The giant…..ate up all the cows in the field.
7.The rain fell…..and we all got very wet.
8.You must play…..or someone will get hurt.
9. The witch…..turned Adam into a toad.
10.The dog…..after the ball.


1. Slowly

b. Rewrite the following sentences in your book and underline the adverbs of

1.The students sang joyfully in the concert.

2. The farmer vigorously milked his cow.
3. James quickly understand the lesson.
4.Sarah jumped happily in the garden.
5.My father slept peacefully in the sun.
6. Gina’s hat was beautifully made.
7. The radio rang loudly.
8. I reluctantly walked to see the new manager.
9. The baby carelessly dropped its dummy.
10.My brother hung the phone angrily.


1.The students sang joyfully in the concert.

2. The farmer vigorously milked his cow.
3. James quickly understand the lesson.
4.Sarah jumped happily in the garden.
5.My father slept peacefully in the sun.
6. Gina’s hat was beautifully made.
7. The radio rang loudly.
8. I reluctantly walked to see the new manager.
9. The baby carelessly dropped its dummy.
10.My brother hung the phone angrily.

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