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UNIT 0 & 1 “Scientific method” “Human beings and heath”:

1) Describe the steps of the scientific method. // Relate these processes in a scheme.

2) Indicate the name of the following organelles. What is the function of each number:

3) Name the specific animal tissue that fits each of the following descriptions:
a. It is responsible for most voluntary movement.
b. It transmits nerve impulses.
c. It lines internal organs and cavities.
d. It form the hard outer layer of bones.
e. It surrounds organs.
f. Tendons and ligaments are examples of this.
g. It stores lipids for protection and energy reserves.
h. This tissue has a hard and solid extracellular matrix.
i. It is a special tissue tissue with a liquid extracellular matrix.
j. It is responsible for the involuntary movement of hollow organs.
k. It secretes substances.
l. It has a solid, elastic extracellular matrix.

4) What is the main risk of organ transplant? How can this risk be minimised?

5) Indicate the function and one key organs of the following organ systems:

• Circulatory system:_______________________________________________________

• Female and male reproductive systems:______________________________________

• Digestive system:________________________________________________________

• Respiratory system:_______________________________________________________

• Excretory system:________________________________________________________

• Nervous system:_________________________________________________________

• Endocrine system:________________________________________________________

• Locomotor (musculoskeletal) system:________________________________________

6) What are the factors that affects and determine our health? Include 2 examples of
each category.

7) A) Describe the differences in cause and transmission between infectious and non-
infectious illness.

b) Explain the differences between the two parts of transferring pathogens. Does
transmission have to be from human to human?

8) A) In your own words, explain the function of immune response.

b) Describe the differences between lymphocyte B and lymphocyte T-cells. Are

memory cells formed from B or T-cells?

9) Explain 3 habits should be adopted to reduce the risk of infection.

10) A) What are the consequences of the overuse of antibiotics?

b) What is vaccination? How does it work? Give an example of an illness that can be
prevented by vaccination.
1) Label the parts of the digestive system:

Which organ is responsible of:

a) the formation of chyme?
b) the formation of chyle?
c) swallowing?
d) forming a food bolus?
e) the absorption of nutrients?
f) the digestion of proteins?
g) insalivation?

2) Which are the 3 stages that divide the nutrition process? Indicate the system

3) Write 5 tips to keep our digestive system healthy. Explain why.

4) A) What function do the intestinal villi have?

B) What is the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion?

5) What is the difference between ingestion, digestion and egestion?

6) Explain 3 diseases that affect the digestive system.

7) Which are the accessory glands? What is their function (in general)?

8) Write a summary of the main processes that take place in the digestion
9) A) What substance is secreted by the large intestine? Why?

B) Match the terms from the two columns

2 __
3 __

10) What is the difference between ingestion, digestion and egestion?

11) Indicate the digestive juices that act in:

- the mouth
- the stomach
- the small intestine

What function does each fluid have?

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