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What are the new technological skills you learned this semester and how will you use them in
your future classroom?
First, this semester we learned a lot of different things in class. Starting that the

beginning, as a class we learned how to understand the TPACK model which was focused on the

replacement and augmentation of technology in the classroom. This was very interesting and

heavy in knowledge where I learned how I can introduce and change the way I saw technology

growing in the classrooms. Any grade level should benefit from an augmentation of technology

to open their brain to many ways of learning and remembering great content and knowledge.

Secondly, skill-wise, I am much more comfortable using technology of any types in my future

classroom. With all the resources learned in this class for example: Audacity, Gimp, Adobe

Spark, Weebly… etc. It will be much easier for me to use those and attach content into those

resources and share them with my future classes to make the classes interesting both visually and

with the content being taught. Lastly, with the Pecha Kucha presentation, where all the students

shared resources that could be used in class it was possible for me to take good notes about some

that were interested and that I could introduce later. For example: LoiLonotes, google notes,

drive and share. In other words, all the class content learned from the teacher and my other

classmates will improve my skill and confidence navigating through technology and other

software that could make me a better educational professional.

2.What could be the possible challenges you may face in terms of integrating these learned tools
in your future classroom?
First, technology is something that is growing very fast. Now, the young student

sometimes knows more than older adults about new technologies and software available these

days. I think the main challenge for me for my future classes is going to be to stay on my toes

and learn about all these new technologies that are shared and given to the young students. As a
professional teacher I will need to know how to differentiate fake news and understand the

technology available to students so that I can understand it to prevent the student to have a better

understanding, knowledge, than I do regarding the technology. Also, another challenge will be to

continue to learn about the technology that I can use in the classroom. It is challenging to keep

up with the advancement of life and technology, I will need to be aware of the changes and new

availabilities. Lastly, I will be challenged in a way that I will need to incorporate technology in

the physical education classes where it is not the easiest of the class. People have the idea that

physical education should be removing all technology and make the kids move, the challenge is

to bring technology along with the movements of the children.

3.How does Neil Selwyn’s video relate to your learning experiences of EDEC 262?
First, Neil Selwyn make an interesting point by interacting with the audience by asking

three simple questions: why are we all here? We can ask the same question to ourselves in class

EDEC 262: why are we all here what do we want to change in school regards to technology and

learning? How can we make it better? With the sets of skills, we all acquired, we are now well

prepared to make a difference in the student’s life by creating an opportunity for them to work

and benefit from the technology. The second question was what problems do we inevitably face?

How can we class EDEC 262 use the thing that we know to face the challenges that may come

up in the technology in the classrooms? Lastly, are there ways we can move forward? How can

we use the skills that we acquired during the semester to make an easier technological integration

in the classroom? How can we bring technology to another level in schools and make sure it is

well taught and well learned? During the semester in EDEC 262 without noticing it our

experience and skill acquisition gave us the tools to answer those important questions about

technology and the educational program.

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