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Act 3 Scene “Expert” Group Presentations  

Scene #: __________ 
Group Members: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 
  4- Excellent   3- Good   2- Fair  1- Needs 

Delivery  Holds attention of entire  Consistent use of direct  Displays minimal eye  Holds no eye contact 
audience with the use of  eye contact with  contact with audience,  with audience, as entire 
direct eye contact, seldom  audience, but still  while reading mostly  report is read from notes
looking at notes  returns to notes   from the notes   
Speaks with fluctuation in  Speaks with satisfactory  Speaks in uneven  Speaks in low volume 
volume and inflection to  variation of volume and  volume with little or no  and/ or monotonous 
maintain audience interest  inflection   inflection  tone, which causes 
and emphasize key points     audience to disengage  

Content, Relevance &  Demonstrates full knowledge  Is at ease with expected  Is uncomfortable with  Does not have grasp of 
Organization  by answering all class  answers to all questions,  information and is able  information and cannot 
questions with explanations  without elaboration   to answer only  answer questions about 
and elaboration  rudimentary questions  subject 
Has somewhat clear 
Provides clear purpose and  purpose and subject; an  Attempts to define  Does not clearly define 
subject; pertinent example,  example, facts, and/or  purpose and subject;  subject and purpose; 
facts, and/or statistics;  statistics that support  provides weak  provides no support of 
supports conclusions/ideas  the subject; includes  example, facts, and/ or  subject; gives insufficient 
with evidence   some data or evidence  statistics, which do not  support for ideas or 
that supports  adequately support the  conclusions  
conclusions   subject; includes very 
thin data or evidence    
Enthusiasm/Audience  Demonstrates strong  Shows some enthusiastic  Shows little or mixed  Shows no interest in 
Awareness   enthusiasm about topic  feelings about topic  feelings about the topic  topic presented
during entire presentation  being presented   
Raises audience   
Significantly increases  understanding and  Fails to increase audience 
audience understanding and  awareness of most  Raises audience  understanding of 
knowledge of topic; convinces  points   understanding and  knowledge of topic  
an audience to recognize the  knowledge of some 
validity and importance of    points  
the subject 

➔ Two Slides: __________/2 

➔ AT LEAST 5 Bullet Points of Summary: _____________/5 

➔ Relevant Connection to your scene: ______________/2 

➔ All group members present: ______________/4 

Total: ___________________/25 

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