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Dr. Vadivu G Sindhu Chandra Sekharan

SRM University SRM University


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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Volume 118 No. 22 2018, 683-690
ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue



Sindhu C, 2G. Vadivu, 3Anirudh Singh, 4Rahil Patel
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, 2Dept of Information Technology
SRM Institute of Science and Technology

Abstract: Product reviews are an important source of influencing potential buyers. Companies then in order
reference for individuals in making any decisions as to write spam reviews hire spammers who will write
consumers of products and services. However, because fake reviews and thus this is called opinion spamming.
of competition companies and their hired groups It has become more and more common for one to read
manipulate the system by posting fake reviews for online reviews before he/she make purchase decisions.
promoting their own products or maligning their This gives high incentives for opinion spammers to
competitor’s products. In the recent times, opinion write fake reviews to promote or to demote some target
spam detection has attracted significant attention from products or business. There are an estimated 33% fake
both the commercial groups and academic circles. reviews in consumer review sites according to a study
However, solving the problem remains to be a by Mr. Bing Liu, an expert on the subject of Opinion
challenge because of the lack of labelled resources of Mining and Fake reviews detection.
previously identified spam reviews which can be used In recent trends of Online spamming of products,
for supervised learning and evaluation. Recent works the system to detect spams in review hosting sites is
by scholars have made many attempts to address this becoming more vital so that customers are not wrongly
problem from the angles of reviewer and review. influenced. Therefore various scholars have proposed
However, there has been little discussion about the and implemented various systems to tackle this
product related review features as well as the problem. Since when the spammers write the fake
distinctive differences between positive and deceptive reviews, they tend to describe a product using some
opinion spams. The intention of this paper is to discuss special feature words and sentimental words. It is
the various approaches which have been used, to solve helpful for the fake review detection model to capture
this problem and perform a comprehensive analysis on these product related review features.
the subject in such a way that leads to proper
understanding of the subject with a deeper insight into 2. Related Work
the methods involved. The survey goes through
analysing approaches like time series patterns, Several works by research scholars has been done in
statistical learning models and user behaviours the past few years to implements learning algorithms
implemented by scholars. and implement different ways to detect and segregate
fake opinions and reviews. Opinion mining has proved
1. Introduction to be a subject which can be analysed through many
viewpoints. Table1shown below discusses and
Opinion mining which also sometimes known as compares some key points between recent work [1]
sentiment analysis is used for building a system to discusses about detection of fake opinions using a
understand and classify different reviews and learning model called Collective positive learning
understand the sentiment of the public, usually model. [2] explores the issue of fake reviews in review
pertaining to a product. Opinion mining usually sequence. The paper analyzes characteristics likes
involves machine learning to mine or extract the review contents, reviewer behaviours. Six features
opinion from text. based on the characteristics are selected to be used for
To consult a review and making the decision measuring the integrity of the reviews. [3] looks at the
based on the contents of the review is a very common topic of detection of fake reviews with emphasis on
thing. People like to read reviews and comments from social media and how groups of spammers interact with
other people who have bought the product previously to each other on a review hosting platform. [4] uses
get a clearer idea about the product and buy a worthy extensive and comprehensive factors of both of higher
product that matches their needs. Therefore companies order time dependent recurrences and lower order
which sell products and services try to exploit this features from a group of product hosting websites. It
feature to sell more of their products by wrongly analyses time dependent series to detect small impulses

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

or changes based on which mining of context patterns prediction of the users’ reviews and classifying it as
across groups of websites that can elaborate on fake or authentic. Key personality traits are analysed of
different scenarios. After this, scrutiny on spams, fake reviewers and analysis of their social media. [6]
textual and behavioural features are increased. [5] introduces and proposes using active learning approach
discusses about understanding the personality for over conventional machine learning ones.

Table 1. Comparative analysis of some key approaches/methods

Title Dataset Used Algorithm/Methods Used Metrics used

Multi-typed Heterogeneous Review - Fake: +ve score,

DianPing(Real World
Collective Classification, TruthFul: -ve score
[1] reviews of 500 restaurants
Collective Positive Unlabelled User - Spammer: +ve score,
in China( Shanghai))
learning, IP address analysis Non-spammer: -ve score
Supervised-based, threshold- Review frequency, Repeatability
Bing Liu review dataset
[2] based solution, Six temporal Measure, Similarity with reviews on
crawled from Amazon
features other products
Microscopic Level: Time-span spam
Temporal sentimental pattern study
[3] Yelp and foursquare
recognition Macroscopic Level: Cross-site time
series anomaly patterns
K-cores analysis, Social network K-core values, Connectivity of
analysis spammers
Review deviation, Burst
Reviews extracted from the Precision, Recall, Accuracy, F-
[5] Detection, Review Content
Musical Section of Amazon Measure
Semi-supervised with active Precision, Recall, Accuracy, F-
[6] dataset
learning. Measure

Different scholars implement and follow different product/service written in the intention of promoting
approaches to the subject of detection of fake opinion the product or individual.
spams and thus achieve different milestones. 3. External Link Spamming: The addition of
external or outside links in a webpage to promoting
Various types of spam some other product is a major source of spam in recent
In raw terms spam means any type of message or 4. Citations Spams - It involves the process of
communication originating from either a person or an using or making citations in the improper or
organisation which is unsolicited or undesired. It illegitimate manner is termed a as a citation spam.
mainly contains unwanted advertisements or even These spams generally originate in the fields of
potentially harmful contents such as virus or malware. academic papers by scholars and scientists.
A new form of spam is fake review spams 5. Product Review Spams- Generally companies
Some common types of spams are: - or individuals hire spammers to create accounts on sites
1. Email Spams - It is a type of spam where which sell the employees’ products or their
advertisements, virus and unsolicited messages are competitors’ products to promote or wrongly influence
passed through the medium of email. Most spams send people who are potential buyers of a certain product
unsolicited commercial products advertisements but and are wrongly misdirected about the products
some particularly harmful are which contain disguised because of the spammers who post such spam reviews.
links that appear genuine or normal but contain
malware or links to phishing websites. 3. Generalised Workflow Process
2. Advertising articles- Articles that contain
advertisements or solicitations for a particular This paper mainly focuses on the topic of product
reviews and discusses the various methods and

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

approaches by different scholars to solve the particular properly. Therefore, during the data collection process
problem in the field of workflow is discussed below analysis about the origin of the data and then steps to
along with Fig 1which is a generalized workflow of the obtain are planned out and then implemented.
complete spam detection system.
B. Data Pre-processing
A. Data Collection
The second step in the process of spam detection. It
It is the first step in the system to train and create a involves converting or transforming the data into an
classifier which can predict and evaluate outcomes. It is understandable format. Meaning data is converted in
a very important step since the type of integrity of data such a form that is easily understandable, complete,
is very important for the system to learn and work error-free and consistent.

Figure 1. Generalised Workflow for a Detection System

It involves various stages: - Various approaches algorithms have been devised to

1. Data cleaning - The data is cleaned using approach the problem. Algorithms used in recent years
techniques like for filling in missing values, smoothing have been discussed below:-
the points of high-variability and then making it
consistent a) Time Series patterns
2. Data Integration - Data is converted into a
single type and the incompatibilities are removed A common approach to the subject matter is to
3. Data Reduction - In this step the aim is to understand and analyse the patterns of the
reduce the number of representations in the dataset product/services reviews from the time it was launched
or released until its decline. Analysing these temporal
C. Data Transformation patterns can be compared against natural consumer and
product cycles to determine and detect anomalies i.e.
It is the method of converting the dataset into a format deviation from the natural or expected results based on
that is understood or required by the classifier system to past experiences or predictions. The reasons for these
learn and train. It contains various algorithms to anomalies can be referenced back to positive opinion
transform the data into various desired forms. Involves spams if the anomaly is in the positive direction or
two processes. negative on vice versa.
• First being the data mapping, it means [2] explores the fields of temporal patterns like
understanding and planning the path of creation of the the frequency of a product. It hypotheses that if the
data into the final form. product or service is commented on repeatedly, more
• Second being the actual generation of the code to than the usual in a short burst time, it has a chance of
transform the data in an executable system. being attacked and could be as a key point in detection
Two common tasks in Data Transformation are:- of fake spams. [5] similarly emphasises upon burst
• Label Encoding - It involves encoding the integer detection which is again the analysis of whether there
features into labelled digits has been an unwarranted influx of reviews in a short
• Vectorization - It is a form of linear amount of time which was not caused by any kind of
transformation that converts a matrix into a column or promotion of the product etc. Reviews occurring
one dimensional array during such periods are more likely to be fake. [4] uses
different cross sites to detect anomalous patterns in
D. Model/Classifier System cross-site product reviews as well as time spans in a
single website review hosting site. On the higher level,
it uses the techniques of using cross-site irregularity

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

occurrences and it clarifies the grouping of semantically stemming are performed to reduce the size of the
dense expressions for the determination of various types dataset and make analysis more accurate. This is
of cross-domain misleading activities. Such insights can followed by active learning in which the algorithm
be used to concisely explain the raw data from multiple queries the user or supervisor for labelling new data
sources about the same product or service. Time series points.
patterns can be further be used effectively when the Feature weighting is performed using a TF-IDF
reviews are segmented into time series patterns and then vectorizer which stands for “Term frequency-inverse
analysing only the suspicious time intervals. Which is document frequency” which determines the contextual
done by [9] effectively in conjunction with making importance of a word. IDF is the frequency of a term in
comprehensive use of metadata in the datasets every document. In recent years the area of semi-
available. After pinpointing all the suspicious time supervised learning has really picked up due to its
intervals the model then uses lots of sentimental ability to classify and predict unknown labels and
analysis features like context similarity, reviewer's targets. One such popular method is PU learning
activeness and author's rating behaviour. method which uses the concept of semi-supervised
learning to classify sentiment analysis. [11] uses the
b) Learning- based approach concept of PU (Positive unlabeled) method to
implement a spam detection system. It takes into
Previously for many years, traditional techniques account parameters and features like Sentiment
tackling NLP problems were trying to solve the polarity, Parts of speech tags, linguistic inquiry, word
problem using SVM and regression techniques which is count and bigram frequency. In positive unlabeled
fed on highly dimensional and sparsely gathered learning the positively labelled set is again marked a
features. Supervised machine learning creates a neutral and then trained and tested again to segregate
‘tagged’ group of documents for any feature discovered more reviews which would have been missed in the
in the speech. These data models are then used to make previous iterations. This is a common problem in
the statistical model “learn”, which then is applied to previous research works because a lot of spam reviews
new lexiques. If you want a better or larger dataset to go undetected and pass through into the authentic label.
get improved results you can retrain the model as it The studies performed in [13] elaborates more on the
“learns” more about the documents it analyzes. aspect of agreement and individual-related data in
The approach is also known as retraining helping consumers segregate suspicious spam reviews.
technique that can add features when some particular According to a study, a dataset of 4826 declined and
models are used and then features like ‘ratings’ or 4881 accepted online posts were investigated to
‘likes’ are added to the algorithm during processing. understand and determine the distinctions between the
There are many different types of models used in confessions of author information ranging from name,
the subject matter of opinion spam analysis. [2] uses a gender as well as ultimate ratings in terms of stars. The
type of supervised learning models in which certain key outcome features the importance of consensus of the
points are used to train the model upon the given user/author in correlation to the final overall rating of
dataset. It trains on features and parameters like review prior comments or uploads. The result corroborates the
frequency and user behaviour as well similarity of outcomes of the first investigation from viewpoint of
reviews. Previously used techniques depend on the internet user. Therefore in conclusion the value of
detecting and predicting the comments or reviews the information in the authors’ information in detecting
which are further divided into three groups depending spam posts is recognised.
upon the required targets of spam posts, the individual
posting the spammer and groups if possible. c) Spammers behaviours
The important thought is being able to segregate
the spams from the reviews with the help of temporal The key critical hypothesis that spammers don’t work
patterns with a primary dependence on spam contents alone rather groups of spammers hire by a company to
and the spammer with the second being a supervised influence in fake opinion spamming. Therefore a
solution. [6] uses a form of semi-supervised learning further discussion is required to understand how some
method with active learning. Existing approaches based scholars have used these properties of a spammer to
on supervised or semi-supervised learning do not make analyse and detect fake reviews. [3] elaborates upon
use of active learning and classifiers such as the the topic how the review hosting site (
perceptron classifier in order to assist in detecting fake is used to learn and predict fake reviews based on the
reviews. social network influence. The detection is based upon
The approach taken in this paper deals with active the fact and research findings of the fact that spammer
learning and then putting the data through classifiers groups are more connected and active than non-
such as linear SVM, stochastic gradient descent and the spammers in the case of review authors and groups. It
perceptron algorithm. Initially, generic pre-processing also correlates the higher connectivity in spammers is
steps such as POS tagging, stop-word removal and concluded by the larger percentage of review authors

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

in groups which have large k-core values. [5] works human and fake followers. Then, the dataset is used to
more on the topic of spammers’ behaviours by train a set of machine-learning classifiers built over the
analysing several key features related to the users analysed syntax and descriptors. The end outcome is a
behaviours. Some key features discussed in were singular classifier that is robust enough that can avoid
● Review deviation: This calculates how far the over fitting as well as computationally efficient due to
reviews from a particular user deviate from other users the analysis of computationally cheap descriptors. It is
for the same product. Product rating is on a scale from 1 able to predict correctly more than 95% of the accounts
to 5 from the training dataset. After which a hybrid
● Burst detection: This analyses whether there has information based analysis is done to appraise the
been an unwarranted influx of reviews in a short sensitivity of each of the descriptors used by the
amount of time which was not caused by any kind of system model. The results obtained in [10] help carve a
promotion of the product etc. Reviews occurring during path for this experimental technique and further
such periods are more likely to be fake. develop this novel method for detection.
● Review Content Similarity: This analyses the
different reviews written by a particular reviewer and D) IP Address and Source Tracking
checks for similarity between them. If the degree of
similarity is high, the likeliness of fake increases. A more modern and inclusive approach to the
Another key feature in understanding spammer problems would be to include certain parameters when
behaviour is analysing and determining the trust determining genuine and fake reviews which is giving
probability. Which has been discussed in [7] in length. more accurate results. One of them is IP address and
It discusses in details between Sybil accounts and source analysis. It basically means that the source of
genuine user accounts which have been segregated the review or easier to comprehend would be to
based upon some important criteria. Therefore a analyse the IP addresses of the reviews being posted
Scalable system called Vote Trust has been devised to because groups of spammers are more likely to post or
identify and cull the Sybil accounts. It discusses in upload reviews from the same location. While also
detail over the behaviours of Sybil accounts and how there is an increased chance of the same user posting
they react with genuine ones to escape detection. [12] multiple reviews for different product very frequently
discusses various methods and techniques to perform as he would be posting a lot of fake reviews as a
the task of sentiment analysis specifically for spam spammer. Therefore working with datasets like
detection. It delves into content based methods like Amazon, Foursquare and Yelp, [8] discusses these
naive bayes but also discusses a lot about genre possibilities as well as gives some conclusive results
identification and psycholinguistic deception. It also on applying these methods to the subject of sentiment
focuses on text categorization as well. analysis.
i) SPEAR algorithm- Following the highly successive
approach of using Hyperlink Induced Topic Search it e) Lexicographical Analysis
uses the concept to gain a better understanding in the
topic of sentiment analysis. The algorithm basically The analysis of the type of text and its influence on the
works in such a way that it considers only structure of reviewers is also a parameter that is taken into
the review rather than the textual content. [10] presents consideration. [14] analyses the reasons and the
the approach to identify topic specific opinion leader thought process of different organizations when
using modified SPEAR (Spamming Resistant Expertise considering the font to be used for the reviews that are
Analysis. The SPEAR algorithm is based on HITS to be displayed on their websites.
algorithm. SPEAR algorithm finds out expertise and
then does ranking for various topics based on above f) Customer Emotion Analysis
assumptions it also introduces the concept of expert
based on the time factor as its discoverer vs. follower Customer emotion is another parameter that is
assumption. Number of comments and number of likes considered. Initial reviews of a product may be good
is used to determine the leader and followers. but they might go down and eventually go below the
Another case of analysing spammer behaviour is threshold of the baseline that they started at. This
the work [10] did in order to detect fake twitter results in the customers that are buying products during
followers. Spam followers or deceptive are those this process to get bad products or be disappointed with
accounts which are used to increase the number of their product.
followers of a persons’ or a company’s’ twitter account. [15] appraises the trappings of un-genuine social
Deceptive followers are highly pernicious to the social data on the buyer’s choice selection in relation to
platform since they influence people in a wrong crowd based funding. The observed outcomes show
direction or misinformation and impact the society. unusual increases in the quantity of Facebook likes
First some of the most relevant features were reviewed. received on a Kickstarter platform. The outcomes show
Second, a baseline dataset is created from verified that the shelf-life of a Facebook like has a very small

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

positive effect and then a subsequent drop in the so that it can be a feasible system to implement by
number of patrons funding the campaign. hosting sites and companies so that spam reviews are
The online reviews literature has tended to focus completely removed from the system and thus give the
on exploring perspectives such as the recipient’s users, customers security from being wrongly
attitude. Reviews’ message-based factors, reviews’ influenced. Current trends in the amount of research
trustworthiness, and hotel sales. But research fails to published indicate that this is a very critical problem
address the underlying processes of consumer distrust that needs to be solved as soon as possible.
of online hotel reviews. Based on a rich stream of
literature, [16] offers a hierarchical-influence model of References
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point for further work and study. It discusses the [8] Simran Bajaj, Niharika Garg, Sandeep Kumar
various techniques and algorithms used by scholars in Singh, “A Novel User-based Spam Review Detection”
recent years. The survey mainly discusses the creation in Information Technology and Quantitative
of the model/classifier stage. In Future Work there is a Management(ITQM2017), pg 1009-1015
need for a dynamic system that can work on real time
data as well as become more computationally efficient

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

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