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Literature Review and Problem


<Project Title>

Project Code:

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<Project code> Literature Review and Problem Elaboration <Version x>

Document Information
Category Information

Customer FAST-NU
Project <Project Title>
Document Literature Review and Problem Elaboration
Document Version 1.0
Identifier PGBH01-2003-RS
Status Draft
Author(s) <Names of all the authors of this document>
Approver(s) PM
Issue Date Sept. 15, 2003
Document Location
1. Advisor
Distribution 2. PM
3. Project Office

Definition of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations

This section should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to interpret the terms
used in the document properly.

Term Description
ASP Active Server Pages
RS Requirements Specifications

Sept. 15, 2003 Page 2 of 4

<Project code> Literature Review and Problem Elaboration <Version x>

Table Of Contents

1. Abstract.................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Background and Justification....................................................................................................4
3. Problem Statement...................................................................................................................4
4. Literature Review...................................................................................................................... 4
5. Appendices............................................................................................................................... 4
6. References............................................................................................................................... 4
7. Bibliography.............................................................................................................................. 4

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<Project code> Literature Review and Problem Elaboration <Version x>

1. Abstract
Give an overview of the problem area and a brief background. Describe the objective of your proposed research and
list down the steps that you will take to achieve those objectives. Also give the expected academic/industrial benefits
that your work will provide (Significance of your research work)

2. Background and Justification

Give a detailed background in reference to the problem under study. Explain what has already been done in this area
and how you would like to enhance/continue the work (give justification)

3. Problem Statement
This section describes in detail the exact problem under study. Also include the difficulties and issues that might arise
during the course of the research (Add sub headings as required).

4. Literature Review
This section provides an in depth review and discussion of relevant literature. Provide a clear understanding of the
problem in your research area and convince the reader of the authenticity of your work. Also explain in detail the
methodology that you will adopt to achieve your research objectives (Add sub headings as required).

5. Appendices
Include supporting details that would be too distracting to include in the main body of the document.

6. References
The section should contain references of books, journals, magazines and websites consulted for the proposed research.
You may also provide the names of the people and their contact information that you have consulted.

7. Bibliography
Bibliography must contain books, book chapters, published articles, white papers, and internet links, etc. of material

Sept. 15, 2003 Page 4 of 4

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