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1. Summarize how plants are adapted to living successfully on land.

Cuticles prevents water loss, they reproduce by spores and or seeds which allows for
widespread dispersal, vascular tissue transports water and substances throughout the plant and
provides structural support.

2. Describe two basic differences between non vascular plants and vascular plants.

Vascular plants have tubelike structures that carry water, nutrients, and other substances
throughout the plant. Nonvascular plants do not have tubelike structures and use other ways to
move water and substances.

3. How have seeds and flowers made plants more successful on land?

Seeds protect the embryo, allowing them to survive on land without drying out. They also have
nutrients inside them to help the embryo grow. Flowers attract animal pollinators, which transfer
pollen directly from one flower to another. This makes fertilization much more efficient

4. What is the basic structure of the body of a vascular plant sporophyte

Vascular plants dominated by sporophyte stage (diploid generation)

5. Why do you think vascular plants are more successful as land plants than are nonvascular

They have more efficient system of gathering water and minerals and are more diverse.


1. List three key features of each of the four major groups of plants.

Nonvascular plants (mosses) lack a vascular system, roots and true leaves; have a larger
gametophyte generation; and produce spores. Seedless vascular plants (ferns) have a vascular
system, roots and leaves; release spores; and have a larger sporophyte generation.
Gymnosperms (evergreens) have a vascular system, roots and leaves; produce seeds and have a
large sporophyte. Angiosperms have a vascular system, roots, leaves, and flowers; produce fruits
and seeds; and have a large sporophyte.

2. Classify each of the following plants into one of the phyla of living plants: pine trees,
carnations, sphagnum moss, and wood fern.

Pine trees- gymnosperm, Carnations- angiosperm, Sphagnum moss- moss

3. How are spores and pollen grains adapted for their functions?

They have both adapted to be carried by animals and attract animals, spores have grown larger
which makes it easier for them to be carried by wind. If there are large numbers of pollen grains
and spores, then that promotes new growth of plants and cross pollination.

4. Why are angiosperms the most successful group of plants?

The seeds are protected, and reproduce yearly and are diverse.


1. Name the three most important cereal grains

Wheat, corn, rice

2. Describe several ways that wood is used

Wood can be used to make furniture, buildings, boats, cabinets. Instruments, money, and can
also be used for heat and cooking

3. List five medicines that are derived from plants, and state how each is used

Caffeine- used as a stimulant, Salic- aspirin, relieves pain, Codeine- relieves pain, Cortisone-
relieves symptoms of allergies, Ephedrine- used as decongestant

4. Name three types of plants that provide fiber used in clothing

Cotton and flax

5. How is research on crops that can be used to make products we now make from petroleum

It can help us come up with new, innovative ways to use petroleum and make newer products.

6. Justify the viewpoint that wood is the most important nonfood plant product.

Wood is the most important plant product because we use wood in everyday life. Whether its to
build a house, use for heat, build boats, make furniture.

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