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Introduction to Internet of Things

Prof. SudipMisra

Assignment 12

1. Passive and omnidirectional sensor is

a. Temperature
b. Water-level
c. Soil moisture
d. All of the above
Justification: They are passive as they do not have a power supply of their own and can
only work when an external supply is provided. Additionally, they can sense
equally in all directions and hence are omnidirectional.

2. If all the data points are same, statistical dispersion becomes –

a. 1
b. 10
c. 100
d. None
Justification: see lec-56, slide 15. In this case dispersion is 0.

3. Which of the following can be the reasons for packet drop in IoT network?
a. Dense foliage
b. High temperature
c. Rain
d. All of the above
Justification: All of these (a,b,c) cause some kind of interference with low power radios
such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc., which are used in IoT networks.

4. The characteristics of a sensor node are

a. Energy-efficiency
b. Distributed sensing
c. Low-cost
d. All of the above
Justification: all three options - a,b,c are highly desirable in a sensor node, which would
allow the node to be deployed for long operational hours spread over large areas
in a dense manner.

5. What is the network topology of Ambusens WBAN devices

a. Bus topology
b. Star Topology
c. Mesh Topology
d. None of the above
Justification: see figure in lec 58, slide 16

6. Long term trend tracking and preventive care in IoT healthcare is possible due to
a. ability of smart devices to collect data autonomously
b. ubiquitous connectivity
c. smart algorithms and analytics
d. all of the above
Justification: refer to lec-58, slide 8. Long term tracking is possible only if devices detect
events and collect data smartly, and are always connected so as to provide alerts
in cases of emergencies. Smart algorithms enable detection of events.

7. IoT-based sensing layer devices typically communicate with each other using which of
the following?
a. Short range communication technologies such as Bluetooth and Zigbee
b. Long range communication technologies such as WLAN, WiMAX and LTE
c. Both may be used
d. Devices do not communicate with each other
Justification: refer to lec 58, slide 3. The sensing layer is mainly made up of WSNs,
which typically deal with short-range comm. such as Bluetooth and Zigbee.

8. Activity monitoring in smart homes:

a. Provides better quality of life
b. Provides information accurately in a reliable manner
c. Provides continuous monitoring support.
d. All of these
Justification: All three options a,b,c are true for smart homes.

9. Which of these sensors can be most cheaply used for activity monitoring in wearables?
a. Accelerometer
b. Cameras
d. LED
Justification: cameras and LIDARs are very costly, and cannot be generally used with
wearables. LED is not a sensor. The only plausible option is accelerometers (these are actually
present in fitness tracker arm-bands.)

10. Network-based activity recognition is:

a. Larger and processing intensive
b. Low power consumption
c. Dependent on network connection
d. All of these
Justification: see lec 59, slide 9

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