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Méxican Travel Unit

5 Day Unit Plan for 7th -8th grade Beginning Spanish Class
by Elizabeth Bohannon
* this lesson is intended for the end of the year, since many concepts and vocab will have already been learned by students

Content Standards
 World Language Learning Indicator NL.IC.3
I can answer a few simple questions.
o I can respond to some yes/no questions.
o I can answer some either/or questions.
o I respond to some who, what, when, where questions.

 World Language Learning Indicator NM.IL.3

I can recognize and sometimes understand words and phrases that I have learned for specific purposes.
 World Language Learning Indicator NL.PS 1
I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using single words or
memorized phrases.
o I can recite words and phrases that I have learned.
 World Language Learning Indicator NL.PW
I can copy some familiar words or phrases

 Theatre Standard 7–8. T.P.3:

Observe, listen, and respond in character to other actors throughout a scripted or improvised scene.

 Theatre Standard 7–8. T.P.4:

Communicate meaning using the body through space, shape, energy, and gesture.

Essential Questions
 What do I need to know when traveling to another country?
 How can I formulate new phrases using new words and words I previously learned?
 How can I use my body to help me communicate?
 How can I use my body and language skills to advertise a vacation?

Enduring Understandings
 Students will understand that body language is a beneficial tool to learning a new language.
 Students will understand how to communicate key Spanish phrases and words when traveling to a Spanish
speaking country.

Key Knowledge
 Students will know words and phrases related to traveling. Each day will focus on a travel vocab. Key Knowledge
vocab will be listed on day 2.
 Students will know that a tableau is a frozen image created by your body.
Performance Tasks
 Students will work in groups to use their bodies to give meaning to knew vocabulary words in order to fulfill
Theatre Standard 7–8. T.P.4. (Formative assessment)
 Students will participate in a simulated vacation to Mexico where they will act as in role as tourists and must
answer simple questions about their vacation to fulfill World Language Learning Indicator
NL.IC.3. (Formative assessment)
 Students will Create Brochures writing Spanish Phrases in order to fulfill World Language Learning Indicator
NL.PW. (Summative assessment see rubric attachment on Day 4)
 Students will create a commercial for the travel agency using the vocab and theatre skills learned in order to
fulfill Theatre Standard 7-8 Perform 3 & 4 and World Language Learning Indicator NL.IC.3, NM.IL.3, and
NL.PS 1. (Summative assessment sees rubric attachment on Day 5)

Other Assessments
 Students will complete and turn in the “Airport Activity” worksheet in order to fulfill World Language Learning
Indicator NM.IL.3.
 Students will complete and turn in “Hotel Activity” worksheet in order to fulfill World Language Learning
Indicator NL.PS 1.
Day 1- ¿Dónde viajaremos?
Emphasis on:
 Setting up the unit.
 Activities to do in Mexico, and their Spanish translations.

Teacher Materials
 Video (or Letter) From a travel agency telling students they won a trip to Mexico.
 Map of Mexico.

Student Materials
 Spanish/ English Dictionaries or translating device.
 Cell phones/ computers/ tablets to access internet.

Framing / Hook
1. Once students are at their desks, start the video from the travel agency (agencia de viajes) that informs the
students that they have won a free 3-day vacation to Mexico.
a. In the video it indicates that the students need to choose between 4 destinations in Mexico.
i. Mexico City
ii. Guadalajara
iii. Cancún
iv. Huatulco
NOTE: All students must go to the same location.
2. Once the video is over show the students where each destination is on a map of Mexico. Explain to the students
that they will be researching each location in groups. Then they will present their research to the class and the
class will vote on where they want to go.
a. Their research should include
i. At least 2 pictures of the location
ii. Things to do
iii. Foods to eat
iv. Brief Historical information of the city
v. Any other unique facts about that location
b. Throughout their research they need to have a list of 6-10 new Spanish words or phrases of things
relating to the city they are researching.
i. Ex. In Mexico City there are pyramids. Pyramid = Pirámide
3. Divide the students into 4 groups. Each group is assigned one of the destinations listed in the video and they
have 25 minutes to research everything about their destination.
a. Students may use their phones, laptops, tablets or classroom computers and books to do their research.
4. Once the 25 minuets are finished, or students have finished their research, explain to the students that they are
to present their research as if they are doing a 3-5 minuet sales pitch to the rest of the class.
a. Ask the class to all stand as if they were sales men/ women.
i. How do they stand? How are their facial expressions?
1. Explain that sales men/women stand confidently with a welcoming, happy facial
2. Recognize the students who are standing as a sales person.
3. Provide constructive feedback to those who need help.
a. Remind students that sales men/ women don’t slouch with their arms folded
and their head down
b. Tell the students that they have some time to practice their sales pitch in their groups, everyone in the
group must share information about why we should select that destination and at least one new Spanish
word and it’s translation in English.
i. Go around to each group and observe their collaboration.
1. Be sure that each student is participating.
2. Be sure that they are accurately using their body and expressions to be a sales person.
ii. Have the students practice their sales pitch 1-3 times if time permits.
5. Have each group perform their sales pitch to the class and write the key reasons to travel there on the board.
a. Have the students who are watching write down the new Spanish words each person shares on the
vocab page of their notebooks.
b. Repeat for each group.
6. Review the key reasons to visit each destination with the class. Have all the students put their heads down and
vote for their favorite destination by raising their hands. The destination with the most votes will be the vacation
they take as a class in two days.
NOTE: If there is a tie write each destination on a piece of paper and draw it from a hat/
bowl/ bag.
7. Review the key things that tourists can do at the selected destination, using the information shared by the group
that presented on that destination.
8. Review the new Spanish words learned throughout the presentations.
9. Ask the students what they are most excited for about their vacation to the selected destination?
a. Why are they excited?
b. What are they most nervous about?
c. What words and phrases do they need to know to help them on their trip?
10. Explain to the students that next time we will were learn and focus on these key words and phrases needed for
11. Congratulate them on their free vacation and on their sales pitches.

 None
Day 2 - Vocabulario
Emphasis on:
 Learning Travel Vocab
 Theatre Standard 7–8. T.P.4:
Communicate meaning using the body through space, shape, energy, and gesture.

Teacher Materials
 Copies of the Travel Vocab for each student (see attachments)
 A boarding pass for each student to their destination

Student Materials
 Class Binder
 Pencil & Paper
 Coloring pencils

Key Knowledge Vocab

 words on listed on the Travel Vocab sheet. (see attachments for day 2)

Framing / Hook
1. Welcome students back with fun Latino based music playing.
2. Remind students that they decided to go to ____ (selected location from day 1)
a. Hand each student their boarding pass to their flight to their destination.
3. Explain to the students that their flight leaves next class period and that they have a lot of travel words they
need to learn so that they won’t be lost during their vacation.
4. Explain to the students that today we are going to use our bodies to help bring the vocabulary to life.
a. Explain that when traveling to another country that speaks a different language it can be like a game of
charades. You need to use your body to help you communicate.
i. Ask the students the following questions:
1. How can you use your body to communicate?
2. What features of your body help communicate the most?
i. Answers should include: facial expression, posture, and the positions of
hands, the shape their body makes, and the energy they have.
1. If they have difficulties coming up with these answers share how
each one can help with communicating.
ii. Have the students use their body in a tableau (frozen image) to show that they are:
1. lost
2. hungry
3. excited
4. Confident
5. Tired
6. Scared
7. Nervous
8. Eating
9. Sleeping
a. Acknowledge good examples or provide additional help on how to show these
emotions if the students are struggling.
5. Give each student a copy of the Travel Vocab.
a. Read through the list word by word having the students repeat each word after you.
i. Have students act out the words listed in “Cosas que Hacer” section of the list.
ii. Have the students move the different directions under the directions section.
6. Explain to the students that with the new vocabulary, they will be using their body to bring the words to life.
a. Divide the students into 2 groups:
i. Hotel
ii. Airport (for a large class this group can have more students, because there are more vocab
words in this section.
b. Explain that each person in each group is to choose 1 word listed under that section (hotel or airport), or
a word that could be used in their section, in their vocab list.
NOTE: There cannot be two people with the same word in the same group.
c. Explain that each group will create a group scene of a hotel or airport using their bodies. Each student
will use their body to represent the word they selected, while repeating the word they selected.
i. Each person may move in this scene to give their word more meaning through their body.
However, these movements should be short and repeated.
ii. Students may say their words in certain ways to help their word have more meaning in their
1. If a student wants to add the “ing” to their word they many if the add the proper ending
learned in the previous unit. (-ando/ -iendo)
iii. Each group must work together to create this scene.
iv. Tell students that there is no right or wrong way to portray their words. This is a time for them to
be creative.
d. Share this example: If the location were a beach: Jimmy selected the word water, while Julie selected the
word “beach towel”. Jimmy moves back and forth towards Julie moving his arms like water, while
repeating “water,” while Julie lays on the ground with her limbs close together and says, “beach towel.”
i. They work together to create an image of a beach, but each person uses their body differently.
e. Give each group time to collaborate and rehearse their scenes.
i. Be sure they rehearse with and without repeating the words.
7. Have each group share their group scene with the other group without repeating the words. Then have the
group add the vocal repetition of their individual words.
a. If time permits have the students switch groups and select new words and repeat the process.

8. After each group has gone have the students return to their desks and start a discussion of how their bodies
helped them communicate their scene. Use the following questions:
a. How did the group effectively use their body to communicate their specific words?
b. How did working as a group help them communicate the scene?
c. Did the entire scene make sense before they repeated the words?
d. How did the use of the words help their scene make sense?
9. For the remainder of the time left in class, and for homework, have the students write under their “frases”
section in their binder, at least 10 different phrases using the new vocabulary learned today. These phrases
should combine other words and phrases already learned with their proper conjugations. These phrases should
consist of these verbs learned throughout the year:
a. ¿Dónde está…?
b. Necesitar
c. Tener
d. Querer
e. Estar
f. Ir
g. Any other phrase that the student comes up with.
i. Be sure to walk around the room to help the students who may have questions of how to form a
certain phrase.
10. Before students leave class give them the Apple Vacations Phrases work sheet as a reverence for their trip, most
of the words they should know by now and remind them they are going on their trip next class, so be sure to
memorize their words and phrases
a. Be sure to remind them to bring their boarding passes!

 List of Spanish Vocab.
 The worksheet of Apple Vacations Spanish Phrases. Credit: Found on Pinterest.
Travel Vocab
Cosas que hacer (things to do)
 Nadar…………To swim Hotel
 Bailar …………To Dance  Cama……Bed
 Comer…………To Eat  Toalla……Towles
 Volar……………To fly  Jabon…….Soap
 Manejar……….To Drive  Almohada…. Pillow
 Comprar……….To buy  Ducha…………Shower
o Ir de compras…. Go shopping  Cuarto/habitación…
 Escalar una montaña….to climb a mountain  Plancha………..Iron
 Hacer un recorrido…… take a tour  Adaptador…… Adaptor
 Andar en bicicleta……..go biking  Toalla Facial…..Washcloths
 Monchilero……………….backpacking  Light bulb……..Foco
 Subir pirámides……….. climb pyramids  Papel del baño…toilet paper
 Llave…….key
 A la derecho….. to the Straight Aeropuerto (airport)
 A la esquierda… the left  Salidas…….. Departures
 A la derecha……to the right  Llegadas…… Arrivals
 El vuelo………Flight
Ubicaciones (locations)  La puerta…...Gate (door)
 El Aeropuerto…….…the Airport  El destino…...Destination
 El hotel……………..…..the Hotel  Vuelo internacional….International flights
 El restaurante…......…the Restaurant  Vuelo nacional…. Domestic flight
 La tienda…………………the Store  Escala………….layover
 Estación de bus...…….Bus station  El pasaporte………passport
 Estación de tren…..…Train station  La tarjeta de embarque…. Boarding pass
 La Playa…………………...the Beach  La primera clase……..first class
 La Pirámide………………the Pyramid  La clase ejecutiva…….buisness class
 El correo……………….…the Post office  La clase turista……….economy class
 Entrada…………………...Entrance  El/la piloto……………..pilot
 Salida………………………Exit  La/el sobrecargo……flight attendent
 Mercado………….……..Market o O el auxiliar de vuelo
 Baño de caballeros/dama  El despegue….take off* only for Avion
o Men/women’s bathroom  El aterrizaje……………landing
 La Ciudad………………....City  Turbulencia…..turbulence
 La alberca………………….Pool  La aduana……customs
 Banco…………………..….Bank  Cinturón de seguridad… belt

Transporte (transportation) Cosas (things)

 Autobus…Bus  La monchila…..back pack
 Tren……….Train  La maelta………suitcase
 Avion……..airplane  La cartera……..purse
 Taxi………  El equipaje de mano……carry on
 Combi…….a shuttle/ van  Cambio de divisas……Currency Exchange
 Carro……
Day 3- ¡Viajar!
 Emphasis on: World Language Learning Indicator NL.IC.3
I can answer a few simple questions.
o I can respond to some yes/no questions.
o I can answer some either/or questions.
o I respond to some who, what, when, where questions.

 World Language Learning Indicator NM.IL.3

I can recognize and sometimes understand words and phrases that I have learned for specific purposes.

 World Language Learning Indicator NL.PS 1

I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using single words or memorized
o I can recite words and phrases that I have learned.
 Theatre Standard 7–8. T.P.3:
Observe, listen, and respond in character to other actors throughout a scripted or improvised scene

SET UP: This day requires assistance of other Spanish teachers and could be done with their students. All students will
meet in an unused classroom. The airport will take place in a classroom and the destination will be in the gym with
various booths led by different teachers.
Teacher Materials
 Student Itinerary (see attachments)
 Señora Bohannon- Air Port
o Decorations for airport
o A table to simulate the security check for back pack
o Have desks arranged as if on an airplane
o Airport Activity Sheet (see attachments)
 Señor Green- Hotel
o Decorations to look like a hotel
o A table for a check in desk
o A mock hotel room with numbers tags on each item, at least one vital item must be missing, such as
toilet paper.
o Hotel Activity Sheet (see attachments)
 Señor Rojas- Tour Bus
o Chairs situated as if on a bus
o A video in Spanish that shows all the key sights of the location that students choose on day 1.
o Mexican Candies to reward trivia answers
 Señorita Jones- Dance
o Decorations for the location of the dance
o Traditional music
o Authentic dance clothes
 Señora López- Restaurant
o Decorations for an authentic restaurant
o Authentic food from the location selected on day 1.
 Any other booths that you may want to include, depending on the location that the student selected
Student Materials
 Flight Boarding Pass

Framing / Hook
1. Welcome all the students into the unused classroom. Inform them that today is the day that they will be
traveling to the destination selected on day 1.
2. Remind students that they are all playing the role of Tourists, and therefore must act appropriately and react
appropriately in each situation.
3. Pass out their itineraries that explains what they are required to do on this trip. There are 5 stations they must
visit 4. At the end of each station they must receive initials from each teacher on their itinerary.
NOTE: Each station should be about 10 minutes with 2 min for each rotation.)
a. Explain that the teachers will only speak in Spanish today, and they will only understand Spanish, just as
it would be in a Spanish Speaking country.
b. They must speak Spanish as much as possible.
i. If they don’t know how to say something they should use their bodies to help them
communicate their meaning.
ii. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes that is how you learn.
iii. At each booth you will have an opportunity to speak Spanish and share all that you know. Speak
Spanish! The more Spanish you speak the better!
c. They must visit the airport, the hotel, and the tour bus.
i. They must go to the airport first, but they can choose when they want to go to the hotel or tour
d. They are free to choose their last station.
e. Ask the students if they have any questions and answer accordingly.
4. Have the students pull out their boarding pass and head to Señora Bohannon’s classroom.
Airport- Señora Bohannon
5. As students arrive have each student slide their back packs through a mock scanner.
6. Once they have scanned their back-pack hand them the “Airport Activity” sheet students are to complete at this
7. Have them give you their boarding pass and have them board the plane.
NOTE: The plane is the arrangement of chairs and desks inside the classroom.
8. Once they are boarded, proceed to say the routine flight attendant pre-safety commentary in Spanish.
NOTE: many words in this commentary should be listed on the “Airport activity sheet,” be sure
students have recognized this and are marking off words. If you notice they aren’t, try slowing
down your dialogue.
9. Pretend the class is on a flight and make commentary about the progress of the flight. Such as:
a. We are experiencing turbulence.
b. They will pass through customs when they get off the plane.
c. We will be landing soon.
d. We have landed.
e. Any other phrases that students may recognize.
10. Once the flight has finished have the students get off the plane and be sure to initial their itineraries
11. Have the students head to the gym.
12. Once the students are at the gym they are free to select their next 3 rotations.
Hotel- Señor Green
13. Have the students check in at the front desk and give them their “Hotel activity Sheet”
14. Once they have all checked in take them to their room.
15. Give them 3 min. to name all of the items in the room in Spanish, writing them down on their activity sheet.
16. Once the 5 minuets are up have the student with the most completed words to share what each item is.
a. If there is a tie of completions, check to see who has the correct spelling on every word. If there is a tie
there than they both win.
17. Ask the students what item is missing from the hotel room.
a. Have the students practice asking for more toilet paper and any other items that may be missing from
the room.
18. Once time is up, initial each student’s itinerary.
Tour Bus- Señor Rojas
19. Have the students sit on the chairs of the bus.
20. Explain to them, like a tour guide would, of how they are going to have a wonderful adventure exploring the
wonders of their destination.
a. Be sure to inform them that after their tour their will be a pop quiz about their tour.
21. Play an entertaining video about the wonders of the destination selected on day 1.
22. Once the video is finished, ask each student a simple question about the video. Many of these questions should
have yes or no answers.
a. Give students who get the answer right a Mexican candy.
23. Once time is up, initial each student’s itinerary.
Dancing- Señora Jones
24. Have the students gather around and teach them a simple authentic dance.
25. Have them practice the dance group with and without you leading them.
26. When they are done practicing have them perform in small groups to each other.
27. Once time is up, initial each student’s itinerary.
Restaurant-Señora López
28. Have the students select from a small posted menu what authentic food they would like.
29. Have the students talk about where they are from and their family while their food is being prepared.
30. Give students their food and let them enjoy.
31. Once time is up, initial each student’s itinerary.
32. Once the time is up for all stations have students turn in their signed itineraries, and activity sheets to their
teachers and head to their next class.

 Student itinerary
 Airport Activity Sheet
 Hotel Activity Sheet
Name___________________ Teacher_______________ Class_________________

Travel Itinerary
During your vacation you must visit the airport, hotel and tour bus

 Board Airplane @ 6 am at the Bohannonsville Airport

o _____________________

 Check into the hotel @4 pm

o _____________________

 Take the grand tour bus @ 2pm

o ______________________

You may do one of the following

 Go Dancing with La Gran Bailadora @ 8pm

o ______________________

 Eat @ Antojos Mexicanos @ 6pm

o ________________________
Name___________________ Teacher_______________ Class_________________

Airport Activity Sheet

While on your flight to your destination, did you recognize any of these words?
Put a check by every word you recognized

 Salidas  La clase turista

 Llegadas  El/la piloto

 El vuelo  La/el sobrecargo

 La puerta  Maleta

 Tren  Monchilla

 El destino  el auxiliar de vuelo

 Vuelo internacional  El despegue

 Vuelo nacional  El aterrizaje

 Escala  Turbulencia

 El pasaporte  Hola

 Gato  La aduana

 La tarjeta de embarque  Cinturón de seguridad

 La primera clase  Comida

 La clase ejecutiva  Casa

 Baños  Perro
Name___________________ Teacher_______________ Class_________________

Hotel Activity Sheet

Can you name each item in Spanish?











What items are missing in this room?

Please write how to ask for the items.



Day 4- Brochure Creation
Emphasis on Writing:
 World Language Learning Indicator NL.PW
I can copy some familiar words or phrases

Teacher Materials
 Travel Agency Brochure examples
 Magazines from Mexico with fun pictures to cut out
 Coloring supplies
 Glue
Student Materials
 Spanish Binder

Framing / Hook
1. Congratulate the students on their successful vacation.
a. Facilitate a short discussion about their experience using the following questions:
i. What did you like the most?
ii. How was your experience with everything being in Spanish?
1. Did you understand most of it?
2. Were you able speak the words that you knew?
3. How did your body help you communicate when you were struggling?
iii. What part could be better for the next time we do this activity?
2. Thank the students again for their success on their trip and inform them that the Travel Agency needs their help.
3. Share with the students that you received an email from the same travel agency that says that they need help
creating honest brochures about the destination selected on day 1. The current agents at the travel office
haven’t personally been there and their customers want brochures that were created from people who have
vacationed there. So, the agency would like the students to create a brochure for their customers.
4. Ask the students: What is a brochure?
a. Share with them the examples of brochures.
i. Ask the students what stands out to them in each brochure? Why?
ii. Point out that there aren’t paragraphs of information, but short phrases and words that help
viewers understand what they could do.
b. Point out that there are also beautiful pictures that make the vacations seem enticing.
5. Explain to the students that the Travel Agency wants the brochure to include pictures and information about the
trip and 5 Spanish key phrases and words that would help tourists get around. These phrases can be spread
throughout the different sections of the brochure.
a. Tell the students that they can use the phrases they did as homework on day 2 in their brochures.
6. Explain to the students that these brochures will be graded on creativity, organization and 5 grammatically
correct phrases that use the vocab learned throughout the unit.
a. Students may work individually or in pairs.
b. The brochures will be due 5 minutes before class is over.
7. Show the class the various art materials they can use create their brochures.
a. Students should be as creative as possible. They can write/draw about things that they didn’t experience
on day 3, but that are part of the destination selected on day 1.
b. Ask if there are any questions
i. Answer any questions accordingly.
8. Let the class work on their brochures.
a. While they work go around the class and see if anyone needs help.
b. Play quiet Spanish music in the background.

9. In the last 5 minuets of class have the students share their brochures with the class.
a. Ask the students the following questions:
i. Why did they choose the images/ drawings that they did?
ii. Why did they choose the Spanish phrases that they did?
iii. Does this brochure make you want to travel there?
10. Show as many brochures as time permits. Repeating the questions above.
11. Have students turn in their brochures with their names on them.

 Brochure Rubric
Student Name____________________________ Class Period__________________________Date____________

Brochure Rubric

4 32 1
Spanish Student shows no Student has 5 Student has less than Student has less that
grammatical errors Spanish Phrases with 5 phrases, with 5 phrases with major
Phrases and at least 5 minor grammatical minor grammatical grammatical errors.
Spanish phrases. errors. errors.

Organization The Brochure is very The Brochure is The Brochure is not The Brochure is not
organized, and the somewhat organized well organized with organized, and it is
handwriting is with somewhat some illegible difficult to read most
legible. legible handwriting. handwriting. of the handwriting.

Creativity The Brochure is very The brochure is The Brochure is not The Brochure is not
creative displaying somewhat creative very creative creative with poor
effective use of displaying effective displaying somewhat use of images and
images and design. use of images and effective use of designs.
designs. images and designs.
Day 5- Commercial Making
Emphasis on:
 Theatre Standard 7–8. T.P.3:
Observe, listen, and respond in character to other actors throughout a scripted or improvised scene.
 World Language Learning Indicator NL.PS 1
I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using single words or memorized
o I can recite words and phrases that I have learned.

Teacher Materials
 A travel agency 30 second commercial video example
 Video cameras, in case a few students don’t have a cell phone that can film
 Cables to connect a phone to the computer
 A box of fun costumes and prop items

Student Materials
 Cell phones that can film

Framing / Hook
1. Welcome the class with Spanish music playing.
2. Congratulate the students on their successful brochure’s. Tell them that the travel agency was so impressed that
they want them to create a 30 second commercial advertising the vacation destination selected on day 1.
a. Explain to the students that they want an advertisement that looks like the following example.
i. Play the example vacation advertisement.
3. Once the video has ended as the students the following questions:
a. What stood out to them about the advertisement?
b. How did the actors show that this would be a great vacation?
c. What words or phrases made the video enticing?
d. How did the actors relate to each other in the video?
i. Did they seem fake or real?
ii. How can an actor make a scene seem real?
4. Explain to students the importance listening and reacting in character to their fellow actors to create a real
a. Explain that many times actor’s lines can be scripted- written down- or improvised.
i. If an actor is in character- truly pretending to be someone else- they will be able to react as if
they were that other person both scripted or improvised.
5. Explain to the students that in groups of 5, they will be filming 30 second commercials to advertise the vacation
they went on.
a. In these videos students need to portray real characters who react with each other.
b. They are welcome to write down their script or they can improvise.
c. There must be 5 Spanish phrases using the new vocab learned throughout the unit in the video.
i. These phrases can be said by anyone at any time.
ii. However, a student cannot say the same phrase that they wrote in their brochure.
d. One person in each group should film the video, but they still should be part of the creative creation
process of the video.
i. Inform them that if a group doesn’t have a way to film their video they can use one of the
classroom cameras.
6. Show the students the various props and costume pieces they can use for their video.
7. Inform students that their video is due 15 minuets before class is overs so that as a class we can watch each
8. Divide the class into groups of 5 and have them beginning planning and rehearsing their videos.
a. Walk around the room and help any students who may be struggling.
i. Provide positive and constructive feedback to each group
b. As time progresses make sure they are keeping on task in planning, rehearsing and then filming.
9. As each group finishes have them email the video to you.
a. If there are technical problems, connect the phone via chords or Chromecast.
10. Have all the students return their costume pieces and props and return to their seats.
11. Watch each video.
12. After each video has been watched, facilitate a discussion about the videos and the travel unit using the
following questions as a guide.
a. How did the actors react with each other?
i. Were they realistic?
ii. What could have been better
b. Were the Spanish phrases effective in each video?
i. Why or why not?
c. How did their bodies help them portray their characters?
d. How did they use the props?
e. Now that we have finished the travel unit, do you want to travel to that destination?
i. Why or Why not?
f. Did you find the vocab words to be useful on the travel day?
g. What was your favorite part of this unit? And Why?
h. What was your least favorite part of this unit? And why?
13. Have each student write how they collaborated on the video, and their favorite part of the travel unit on a half
sheet of paper and turn it in as they leave.

 Video Rubric
Group Name____________________________ Class Period__________________________Date____________

Travel Agency Commercial Rubric

4 3 2 1
Group shows no Group has 5 new Group has less than Group has less than
grammatical errors, Spanish Phrases new 5 phrases, with 5 new phrases with
Spanish and correct
pronunciation in at
with minor
grammatical errors,
minor grammatical
and pronunciation
major grammatical
Phrases least 5 new Spanish


Group Shows Group Shows Group Shows Group Shows no

Character consistent genuine frequent genuine somewhat genuine genuine characters
characters through characters through characters through through body and
and body and energy.
They consistently act
body and energy.
They frequently act
body and energy.
They somewhat act
energy. They did not
act with each other
Character with each other
through listening
with each other
through listening
with each other
through listening
through listening
and observing.
Relationship and observing. and observing. and observing.

All team members Most of the team Few of the team Only 2 team
Group helped play a part in members worked members worked members worked
the creating, together during the together during the together in the
Collaboration rehearsing and creating, rehearsing creating and creation and
filming of the and filming of the rehearsing and of rehearsing of the
commercial commercial. the commercial. commercial.

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