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Research Methodology

Research Design
The design of this study would be deductive as the main purpose of this research is to test
the hypotheses which were developed and to get the conclusion. Moreover, the application
of deductive approach will assist to understand and explain the relationship between
celebrity endorsement and the buying behavior of consumers. Therefore, quantitative
approach is being used as it will help in collecting large amount of data to answer the
research questions.
The use of quantitative method is also justified here because when the area of research
topic is considered to be large and there arises a need to deduce casual relations between
variables, quantitative method is used.
Research Approach
After designing the hypothesis, research approach could be determined next. In this study,
to gain basic understanding, literatures and previous researches provide insights and idea
about the construction of the questionnaire. Especially questions related to celebrity
endorsement and source credibility would be designed based on the theories and conceptual
Research Structure
Statement of the problem

➢ How consumers respond to those products which are backed by celebrities?

➢ Does celebrity endorsement encourage consumers to take some kind of action?

➢ Are celebrity endorsed products sold more than those products which are not
endorsed by celebrity?
Research Purpose
It is important to link research aims and objectives with the research philosophy and
research design as it may help the researcher to find out answers to the research questions.
Therefore, identification of research purpose is based on the success and direction of the
research design.

Research Objective
The objectives of this research study are to get information about

➢ The impact celebrities have on the consumers buying intention in regards of

➢ The impact that celebrity endorsement creates on its consumers in terms of product fit
match between the product and the celebrity

➢ In regards of the attractiveness of celebrities, how much are consumers convinced.

➢ To see how does celebrities transfer meaning to the products endorsed by them and to
what extent does it shape their buying intention

➢ To judge the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in female segment in the field of


Conceptual Framework:


Celebrity Purchase Intention
match up

Meaning Transferred


Independent Variables

Celebrity Endorsement
Determinant if Independent Dependent Variables

Consumer Purchase
 Creditability Intention
 Attractiveness
 Product/Celebrity
 Meaning Transferred
Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research
Qualitative and quantitative are the two main approaches to conduct a research. The former
involves collecting data that is mainly in the form of words, and the latter involves data
which is either in the form or can be expressed in numbers. However this simplified
distinction may lead to confusion because both of these methods may be used by both
Positivist and Interpretivist epistemologies and can be supported by both nominalist and
realist ontologies. In fact, many researchers have supported the idea of using multi-method
approach in marketing research strategy as the combination of these two methods may lead
to some interesting and exciting conclusions in a research study.

Following are the hypothesis for my research:
H1: Celebrity endorsed advertisement is considered to be effective in terms of buying
intention in the field cosmetic industry, when the celebrity used is credible.
H2: Celebrities who are attractive, positively create an impact on consumer’s buying
H3: The celebrity/product match-up positively influence consumers to purchase the
celebrity endorsed product.
H4: Celebrity endorsed products transfer meanings which positively affects consumers
buying intention

Research tools and technique

Population and target population
The total population of Bangalore is 1.23 crore. The people above the age of 18 is
approximately 75 lakhs. My target population would be all people aged from 18 to 45 in
the demography of Bangalore. I will draw a representation sample of the people residing
in Bangalore to Lower-middle, Middle and Upper-middle classes.
Sample size
The sample of my research would be approximately 75 respondents.
Determining an appropriate research population and proper sampling procedure is an
important aspect for a researcher in order to answer research questions. Sampling is a
calculated choice of number of the people, representing a given population. Since, it is
impossible for the author to survey the whole population due to time, money and access
constraints it becomes important for the author to determine sampling size and sampling
frame, in order to gather findings from the representative set of population.

Sampling Technique:
Convenience sampling
The sampling technique used for this study is convenience sampling. It involves selecting
haphazardly those cases that are easiest to obtain for your sample.
Under convenience sampling respondents are selected on the basis of proximity, ease of
access and willingness to participate. It enables the researcher to gather information from
the targeted group of people easy and quickly.

Data Collection
Primary data is known as original data that is collected from the main source. Sources to
collect primary data include observation, survey, questionnaire and personal interviews.
On the other hand, Secondary data involves collecting and analyzing data which is already
been collected by past researchers for some other purposes. It can be in the either form,
raw data and published summaries.
Secondary data includes textbooks, surveys, reports, newspapers, magazines, articles,
video recordings etc. The extent of secondary data available provides the base for a strong
literature review and secondary research analysis. The availability of the secondary data
enhances the existing knowledge of the researcher and offers guidance for primary data
collection. The appreciating and commendable work by many researchers on celebrity
endorsements has helped me to analyze and build on the secondary data available and also
work on the further research that adds value to my research topic. The author has various
sources for collecting secondary data such as journals, text books, internet and electronic
Primary data:
Primary data will be gathered through the distribution of questionnaire to the respondents
and their answers will be recorded, which will be the primary data.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data would be collected through information given in reports, newspaper,
magazines, articles and textbooks.
Software Used: Excel and spreadsheets.
According to Churchill, sampling procedure can be divided into two parts namely
probability and non-probability sampling. Saunders defined probability sampling as chance
of each case being selected from the population is known and equal.
Probability is based on statistical study. Whereas, non-probability sampling is a case where
sample has not been selected using the random selection method. It implies that some units
are more likely to be selected than others in a given population (Bryman and Bell, 2003).
Secondly, non-probability sampling is associated with recognizing and questioning the
respondents on the basis of their background and past experience.

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