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Psychological has to do with psychology, the study of the human mind and behavior.

psychologist was called to the witness stand to explain the psychological reasons why and how
the defendant might have acted in such an unpredictable manner."
Psychology is a vast field of study with a lot of branches and specialties, but you’d be hard-
pressed to find two branches of psychology more different than applied psychology and
experimental psychology. And yet, strangely, they depend upon each other, so they’re
complementary opposites rather than antagonists.

Experimental psychology contains very little applied psychology, because most experimental
psychologists spend virtually all their time conducting research experiments rather than applying
research to real-life situations.

Reward is something given in exchange for good behavior or good work. Organizations use is a
variety of rewards to attract and retain people and to motivate them to achieve their personal and
organizational goals.” Rewarding employees is therefore crucial for the organization’s success.
Incentives are external stimuli which can be used as stimulants to productivity

Reward management deals with the strategies, policies and processes required to ensure that the
people’s value and contributions they make to achieving organizational, developmental and team
goals is recognized and rewarded.” It can therefore be seen that rewards play an important role in
motivating employees and driving them to perform at their best and also to retain top performers.
Organizations provide rewards to their personnel in order to try to motivate their performance
and encourage their loyalty and retention.

System is a set of detailed methods, procedures and routines created to carry out a specific
activity, perform a duty, or solve a problem. Or is an organized, purposeful structure that consists
of interrelated and interdependent elements (components, entities, factors, members, parts etc.).
These elements continually influence one another (directly or indirectly) to maintain their
activity and the existence of the system, in order to achieve the goal of the system.

Rewards system is a planned and structured approach to reward one or more persons who act in a
desirable way. Or rewards system in an organization is the compensation and benefits programs
it offers to employees.

The followings are the objectives of the reward system in an organization

Workplace reward systems are incentive programs that encourage employee engagement and
productivity by offering bonuses, increased pay, additional time off or other awards for a job well done.
Reward systems recognize staff members who excel in areas such as customer service, loyalty and sales
ability. Organizations implement workplace reward systems to retain employees, increase morale and
improve overall service and productivity within the company.

Increase Productivity

Employers who recognize and reward workers for their efforts give them an incentive to perform
better and be more productive. Reward programs that are quota-based not only encourage
healthy competition within the workplace but also stimulate workers to meet personal and
organizational goals that drive production.

Improve Attendance

Workplace reward systems come in a variety of forms. Although many programs are
performance-based, some reward for work ethic, tenure and/or attendance. Unscheduled
absences cost organizations money. Absenteeism affects customer service because workers are
not available to assist clients. Attendance-based reward systems offer employees incentive to
adhere to their schedule and maintain perfect attendance, which, in turn, supports an
organization's bottom line.

Improve Morale

Low employee morale leads to poor job performance, burnout and increased absenteeism. Poor
attendance and insubordination can stem from workers not feeling good about their jobs.
Organizations often create workplace reward systems to encourage a positive work environment
and to improve employee morale. Reward programs motivate employees to meet goals while
reducing job burnout.

Improve Retention

Reward programs increase employee engagement and improve attitudes toward companies,
inspiring workers to do their jobs well and stay longer. Employees who feel valued and
successful are more likely to pursue advancement opportunities within their current companies.
Thus, incentive-based goals are a win-win for employees and companies. Employees reach
personal goals while helping companies reach theirs.

Improve on Skills and Knowledge:

The reward system can encourages employees continuously improve their skill sets. The firm can
pay employees based on their skill levels. Staffs will be motivated to attend extra courses and
improve their skill sets in order to receive more benefit.
For example, the firm can reward staff with outstanding explanation and presentation skills.
Staffs will take more initiatives to improve their presentation skill and attend related courses.

Both organization and staffs can be benefited from this. The firm can adjust the setup of the
reward system based on the requirement of the organization. For example, effective
communication skill and customer service skill are more important in retail industry. The firm
can provide benefits to staffs that attend relevant courses and have outstanding customer service

6 Key Factors that Influence Employee Culture

1. Communication

I can appreciate brevity, but nobody likes a surprise when it comes to the workplace. Open and honest
communication elicit trust in leadership and in the direction that they are steering the company.

There are plenty of venues for communication, and at Annese, an

Integrated COMMUNICATIONS Systems provider, the word communication means SEVERAL

We have an open policy about communication for staff to share opinions with managers, through
suggestion boxes and provide meetings such as the annual All Employee Conference, weekly staff
meetings, bi-weekly manager meetings, video conference calls, internal newsletters, internal email
announcements, the list goes on for different ways to get the word out! Bottom line, share information!! It
is the key for everyone to be successful.

2. Trust

I believe that 99.99% of the time, we make decisions with the best interest of others (and ourselves) at
heart. We do try to look out for the bigger picture and although we cannot please everyone with every
decision, we do need to trust those that we work with and for to do the right thing.

Trust in your co-workers that you all are working together, in the same direction. Trust in leadership and
the direction they are steering the company, they see the big picture and all the moving parts. Good leaders
do not want to work in a vacuum, so they solicit opinions and options, and once they have gathered them,
they make the best decision for all involved.

3. Teamwork

We all have a to-do list that keeps us busy each day. Some joke and refer to it as job security, others dread
the never ending list, and some just always seem to have their priorities in order... (How do they do it??!!).

Regardless of what your list is made up of, find time to ask those that you support and that support you, as
well as the person that sits by you, how they are doing. Is there anything that you could help out with?
Would it make a difference in their day if you were able to help with a small task so they could address
something else on their plate, or be able to take a longer lunch, or just come up for air.
For those of you who do this, it feels kinda cool to lend a hand every now and then. Doesn’t it?

4. Transparency

I know someone that is affectionately nicknamed, “Fibs," short for fibbing. Not that they outright lie or are
deceitful, but they add on that little extra “umph” to a story, or omit a small piece that has an impact on the
big picture.

That kind of storytelling can be cute coming from my two year old. It can be fun from my Grandpa when
he is embellishing a memory from long ago. However, it is not okay in the workplace, not okay from co-
workers, and not okay from management. We make the best decisions we can with the information we have
– and it is only as good as the data itself.

Footnote: Whenever you are unsure, fact-check. Do not be quick to rattle off an answer when you are not
100% confident in the data; and most of all, be transparent about the decision. Tell someone the real reason
you made a decision or went in a different direction. By offering the “why” and “now what” of the
decision, the likelihood is greater that everyone will understand the reasoning behind it and will be in a
better position to move forward together, on the same page.

5. Recognition

“Thank you” are two very powerful words when combined with sincerity and gratitude. Appreciation for a
job well done publicly or privately is important for individuals to know that they are on the right track, they
did it right, and someone took notice!

Annese provides many avenues for recognition that embody the philosophy of public praise from peer-to-
peer shout outs, personal service awards as employees embrace the Corporate Values, as well as celebrating
anniversary milestones with the company. Each award expressing the company's thanks for work
performed on the job, in the community, and with clients.

6. Playtime

Growing up, my dad would always say, “Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor,” when I would
laugh at his numerous jokes and gags that usually left me as the punchline. I think this is very relevant in
the workplace (...Sense of humor, that is, not me as a punchline!).

We need to have a sense of humor, put a smile on our face, forgive ourselves and colleagues when we
make mistakes, and find humor in small things. There is plenty of time to be serious when we get down to
business, but enjoy who you work for and those you work with, make ‘em smile every now and then.

I have to add my plug in that time to decompress together is always a good thing! Take the Annese All
Employee Conference that is held annually for two days to bring the staff together for company updates,
awards, recognition, and team building! It is a great time to build those personal relationships and
reconnect. This line of thinking holds true for any fun Friday lunch or spontaneous event!

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