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The first chapter of Sons and Lovers introduces the Morel family and describes the story's
setting, a neighborhood called "The Bottoms," where the miners live.

Sons and Lovers is set in the town of Bestwood, in Derbyshire County, England, in the late
1800s. This is mining country, and dwellings are built "on the hillside of Bestwood" and in the
valley, known as the Bottoms. As its name implies, the miners' homes in the Bottoms are "quite
unsavory" and "on the downward path."

2. Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence is set in England, the main settings are the Morel's house,
Willey Farm, and the factory where Paul works.

Lawrence actually sets most of this book either in the Morel household or the beautiful English

3. Personification involves giving inanimate items human feeling or attributes. Prospero often uses
personification, for example: 'Fortune' (Act 2, Scene 1), Destiny, Time, Mercy, and Patience and
the capitalisation of these words suggests their importance and makes them appear human.
4. This saying is adapted from a line in the play The Tempest , by William Shakespeare: “Misery
acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.” It is spoken by a man who has been shipwrecked
and finds himself seeking shelter beside a sleeping monster.
5. Who made the handkerchief that Othello inherited from his mother?
A sibyl, or female prophet
6. What first attracted Desdemona to Othello?
The stories he told about his past
7. What rank does Iago begrudgingly hold? Ensign
8. From whom did Desdemona first hear the “song of 'Willow'”?
Her mother's maid, Barbary
9. Lady Bracknell asks about Cecily’s background, asking first, rather acidly, whether she is
“connected with any of the larger railway stations in London.”
10. THE SPHINX was a female monster with the body of a lion, the head and breast of a woman,
eagle's wings and, according to some, a serpent's tail. She was sent by the gods to plague the
town of Thebes as punishment for some ancient crime, preying on its youths and devouring all
who failed to solve her riddle.

The Roman name of Sphinx is "Sfinge"

11. Madame Ranevsky's Monologue: “My love is like a stone tied round my neck; it's dragging me
down to the bottom; but I love my stone. I can't live without it.” (The Cherry Orchard by Anton
12. Yepikhodov – a clerk. The Gayev's estate clerk is another source of comedy. He is unfortunate
and clumsy in the extreme, earning him the insulting nickname "Twenty-Two Calamities" (the
nickname varies between translations) mostly invoked by Yasha.

(The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov)



The poet and historian differ in this: one communicates events that have actually happened and
the other relays those kind of events that might happen. Because of this, poetry is more
philosophical and serious than history.” Yes, Aristotle was engaged in one of the earliest
disciplinary pissing contests.

14. What does Russell says about liberalism

i. Do not feel absolutely certain of anything.

ii. Do not think it worth while to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to
come to light.
iii. Never try to discourage thinking for you are sure to succeed.
iv. 'Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.'
v. Do not use power to suppress opinions you think harmful, for if you do the opinions will
suppress you.

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