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1.1 Background

Communication is a means to the establishment of a relationship

between a person with others, with the communication then it came to pass social
relationships, between each other need each other, or the occurrence of reciprocal
interactions. The activity of communication in human life include a very broad
spectrum. Communication becomes a vehicle that is importantin in conveying
thought, feelings, ideas and problems of life faced by one person to another. In the
perspective of communication management is an integral part of the management
tools in achieving the goal. In other words, communication become a key
determinant of the effectiveness of the management.

1.2 Formulation of Problem

1. What is communication?
2. What is the communication process?
3. What is direction of communication?
4. What is interpersonal communication?
5. What is grapeveni?
6. What is computer-aided communication?
7. What is knowledge management?
8. What is barriers to effective communication?

1.3 Objective

1. Identify main of communication

2. Describe the communication process and distinguish between formal and
informal communication
3. Identify main direction of communication
4. Identify main interpersonal communication
5. Identify main grapeveni
6. Analyze computer-aided communication
7. Analyze knowledge management
8. Identify common barriers to effective communicatio



2.1 Communication

Can be defined as the process by which information is exchanged and

understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence

Communication Functions

1. Control member behavior – job description, standards, procedures

2. Foster motivation for what is to be done – by clarifying objectives.
3. Provide a release for emotional expression.
4. Provide information needed to make decisions-judge alternative; identify

2.2 The Communication Process

The medium selected by the sender through which the message travels to the

Types of Channels
a. Formal Channels
Are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related
to the professional activities of members. follow chain of authority
b. Informal Channels

Used to transmit personal or social messages in the organization. These
informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual

Elements of the Communication Process

1. The sender
2. Encoding
3. The message
4. The channel
5. Decoding
6. The receiver
7. Noise
8. Feeback

Communication Process

The steps between a source and a receiver that result in the transference and
understanding of meaning.There should be a message.

2.3 Direction of Communication

1. Downward Communication
 Informs rules and policies to employees
 Can be oral, face to face, written
 Must explain why decision was made
- Normally one-way; two third of employees believe their
opinion never seeked
2. Upward Communication
 Flows at higher level
 Keeps informed about employees, co-workers, jobs, department
and organization
 Might be increasingly difficult
 For effectiveness try to reduce distractions
 Meeting in conference office instead of boss’s office
 Communicate in headlines not paragraphs
 Support headlines with actionable items – what should be done;
what agenda?
3. Lateral Communication
 Among same group members at same level – counterparts such as
clerical workers or managers
 Why it is needed?
 Vertical communication can impede quick decision making
 Can sometimes be dysfunctional and sanctioned by managers when
it is felt that decisions have been taken by breaching organizational
policies etc

2.4 Interpersonal Communication

1. Oral Communication
- Advantages: Speed and feedback.
- Disadvantage: Distortion of the message when passed through a
number of people. The game “telephone”.

2. Written Communication
- Advantages: Tangible, well thought, logical, clear and verifiable.
- Can not be distorted
- People more carefully follow written message
- Disadvantages: Time consuming, interpretation by receiver not
certain and lacks quick feedback as in oral message.

3. Nonverbal Communication
- In a verbal message, a non verbal message is also communicated –
a glance, a frown, a smile and general body movements, facial
expressions, body movement.
- Advantages: Supports other communications and provides
observable expression of emotions and feelings.
- Disadvantage: Misperception of body language or gestures can
influence receiver’s interpretation of message.
- Sometimes message in verbal and non verbal communication can
be conflicting such as “ we can meet now but looking at your clock
again and again”

Three Common Formal Small-Group Networks



Criteria Chain Wheel All Channel

Speed Moderate Fast Fast

Accuracy High High Moderate

Emergence of a leader Moderate High None

Member satisfaction Moderate Low High

2.5 Grapevine
Grapevine Characteristics

– Informal, not controlled by management.

– Perceived by most employees as being more believable and reliable

than formal communications.

– Largely used to serve the self-interests of those who use it.

– 75% employees listen about news first through rumors on


– About an executive resign 81% knew but 11% shared with others

– Can be positive for organization; managers know what is important

for employees

2.6 Computer-Aided Communication

1. E-mail

– Advantages: quickly written, sent, and stored; low cost for


– Disadvantages: 50% chances of information being misinterpreted.

– Caution: communicating negative messages

– information overload, 58% spend 2-4hours

– lack of emotional content - emoticons, cold and impersonal. In

response to aggressive mails stay calm

– Privacy concerns-from corporate to personal

2. Instant messaging – via desktops/laptops

– Advantage: “real time” e-mail transmitted straight to the receiver’s


– Disadvantage: can be intrusive and distracting.

3. Text messaging – via cell phones

a. Prefderable for one-two line message

b. Can be distracting – 86% of meetings emplloyees check TM

c. Informality of TM should not spill over to emails

Computer-Aided Communication (cont’d)

1. Social networking: face book, my space, professional: LinkedIn

2. Intranet
A private organization-wide information network.
3. Extranet
An information network connecting employees with external suppliers,
customers, and strategic partners.
Web blogs: sites about companies where employees and customers
post comments

Some companies have policies as to content of logs, some don’t

have – can be harmful. 39% people post negative comments


An extension of an intranet or extranet that permits face-to-face

virtual meetings via video links

2.7 Knowledge Management
A process of organizing and distributing an organization’s collective
wisdom so the right information gets to the right people at the right time

Why KM is important:

1. Intellectual assets are as important as physical assets.

2. When individuals leave, their knowledge and experience goes with
3. A KM system reduces redundancy and makes the organization more

2.8 Barriers to Effective Communication

1. Filtering
A sender’s manipulation of information so that it will be seen more
favorably by the receiver.
2. Selective Perception
People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests,
background, experience, and attitudes.
3. Information Overload
A condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual’s
processing capacity

Barriers to Effective Communication (cont’d)

1. Emotions
How a receiver feels at the time a message is received will influence
how the message is interpreted
2. Language
Words have different meanings to different people.



Communications is the process by which a person seeks to give a meaning or

message to others thought the symbolic message and it is important in an
organization. With communication a management can interact with fellow
management can interact with fellow management or with fellow subordinates. In
the group or organization that is always there form of leadership is an important
issue for the survival of the group, which consists of the leader and subordinates
or employees. In between the two sides there must be two-way communication it
is necessary for cooperation in expected to achieve the ideals, the ideals of good
personal, or group, to achieve the goals of an organization of such communication
of superiors with subordinates.


Robbin, Stephen P, Mary Coulter. 2012. Management.11th ed


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