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AIS Project 1
Bear Belly Bikinis (BBB)

Prepared for
Professor: Brian Chernaik
Prepared by
Naila Kiran
Ledia Aesar
Ayesha Ejaz

Mississauga, Ontario

Febraury17, 2016
Purchases & Payments Business Processes

Table of Contents

Introduction/Business Description .................................................................................................. 3

Business Cycle Description ............................................................................................................ 3
Specific Transaction Model ............................................................................................................ 3
BPMN Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 4
UML Class Model........................................................................................................................... 5
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Purchases & Payments Business Processes

Introduction/Business Description

Baer Belly Bikinis Inc. (BBB) is a small business located in Santa Monica, California. It sells

swimwear and related products to speciality stores throughout the United States. Her business

has grown rapidly, and now BBB has a large following of the customers. Currently BBB products

are carried in more than 1000 specialty swimwear boutiques and online retailers.

Due to lack of information system and accounting knowledge Paige Baer is concerned about

her business progress. She is looking forward to an assessment of her requirements and

recommendations that would position BBB for substantial future growth.

Business Cycle Description

BBB works closely with local fabric vendors to determine the color themes for each season’s

products. When BBB has received enough order from retail customers then she orders the

required quantities of fabric and related materials from the fabric vendors. BBB pays each fabric

vendor at the end of the month for all purchases during the month. BBB also purchases

miscellaneous services and supplies and pays for them at the end of the month.

Specific Transaction Model

As Information Technology and Accounting analysts appointed by BBB we are working on

“Purchase Business Cycle”. In our project we have provided a BDMN diagram which shows the

purchase cycle of the business. A UML class model which shows relationships between REA

classes (resources, events and activities), type images and many-to-many relationships.We

have also created a database in MS Access which shows a relationship between various tables.

And in the end, we have provided BBB’s total purchases in the second quarter, accounts

payable balance for each fabric as of April 15 and total quantity on hand in yards for each fabric

color code.
Purchases & Payments Business Processes

BPMN Diagram


Check Makes
Place Receive
Require- Payment
Order Order

We have created BPMN diagram to show the purchase cycle of BBB from fabric vendors and

miscellaneous vendors. Based on the requirements from retail customers, BBB then orders the

required quantities of fabric and related materials from the fabric vendors. BBB pays each fabric

vendor and the miscellaneous vendor at the end of the month for all purchases made during the


We have started the process with a circle which describes the start of the purchasing

process, rounded triangle has been used for flow of the activities. Used for sequence

flow and shows branches and merges.

Purchases & Payments Business Processes

UML Class Model

1…1 0…*


1…* 0...* Fabric 0…* 1...1 Production 1…1

Purchases Supervisor


Bank 1...1 0…* Cash 1…1 Fabric

Account Disbursements Vendors

0…* 1…1

Vendors 0…*

Type Images
Resources, Events & Activities (REA)
Relation b/w REA
Relation b/w Type Images, Events and Activities
Relation b/w Events & Activities
Purchases & Payments Business Processes

We have created a UML class model showing Resources, Events, Activities and Type Images.

Activities represents products (fabric) and bank account. Events represent purchases and cash

disbursements. Finally, activities represent production supervisor, employees and vendors.

There are multiplicities between the relationships. There is only one many-to many relationship

i.e. between products and purchases.

The production supervisor may order one product from one vendor or makes 0…* purchases

from same or other vendors. In the same way the warehouse employee may receive one

product from one vendor or 0…* products from multiple vendors. As the payment is made at the

end of the month the production supervisor will make payment to the fabric vendors and

miscellaneous vendors from the bank account. Hence creating 1…1 or 0…*multiplicities.


Implementing Accounting Information System, and maintaining proper databases for purchases

and payments business process will help Paige, the owner of the BBB to be more efficient that

will help increase profits by buying fabric, making payments and fulfilling customers’ needs on

Purchases & Payments Business Processes

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