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Mariyah Brown

Professor Graue

English 1201

24 March 2019

Domestic Violence

“It hurts the most when the person that made you feel so special yesterday, makes you

feel so unwanted today”(Unknown). Domestic violence involves abusive behavior in a

relationship, which one partner gains control of their partner. Originally society thought the only

victims of domestic violence were women, but that quickly changed when women took over men

and started abusing them. Female partners were no longer the only victims of domestic violence.

Male partners now were victims of domestic violence, as well as kids. The question is how does

domestic violence affect the partners in the relationship as well as the children, if there are any?

Domestic violence causes physical, mental, and emotional abuse to the partners and children in

domestic violence relationships.

To begin, even though, male partners, female partners, and children can all be victims of

domestic violence. Female partners are more likely to be the victims in domestic violence

situation. Women in domestic violence relationships are killed, end up homeless, and/or lost their

job because of domestic abuse from their partner. According to Chemaly, “Number of people per

minute who experience intimate partner violence in the U.S.: 24”(Chemaly). Every minute 24

women are involved in a domestic violence relationship. Out of the 24 every minute, sixty-three

percent of them end up homeless because they run away from the relationship, but have nowhere

to go, but the streets. Ninety-two percent of those women have kids that are also affected by the

domestic violence relationship. The ninety-two percent of women with kids end up homeless as
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well because they have nowhere to go. Two in three women end up dead by their partner due to

abuse. It is hard for women to get out of domestic violence relationships and when they get out

of the relationship, most of them end up homeless. Other women are found dead by their partner

or some women kill themselves because they see no other way out of the relationship.

In addition, most of female homicides are from the partner killing them. In domestic

violence relationships, female’s homes are the most dangerous place for them. According to data

from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, at least 50,000 women were killed by their

partners, which is where 58 percent of female homicides are from. Women struggle the most out

of male, female, or children victims because they are the most likely group to get shot and killed

by their partners. Females most likely get killed from domestic violence relationships because of

stereotypes from society and gender-bias. Their partners do not believe that they can carry on

their normal life or they do not want them to speak out about the situations. In society, women

seem like an easier target than males because society thinks women are not powerful nor do they

think that women have the ability to speak up when something is wrong.

Moreover, if women escape from the domestic violence relationship, they have to deal

with mental and physical problems. According to Jo Richardson, “Physical injury, mental health

problems, and complications of pregnancy are some of the health consequences that result from

violence inflicted on women by their male partners or former partners” (Richardson). The

women in the relationship will deal with physical injury, mental problems, and sometimes

pregnancy complications. Women are being beaten pretty bad during domestic violence

relationships, which will result in bad injuries physically. When women go through the abuse the

mental stabilitiness gets shaken up and so after they are all the way out of the abusive
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relationship they have mental problems that they cannot control. If the woman was beaten with

serious injuries, then she will have trouble with making and giving birth to kids.

This picture shows some health issues that women go through during and after being

abused by their partner. Women have a hard time of coping when they get abused because they

feel that they have no support from their partner anymore, so they have to find other ways to

cope from the abuse. Some women want to kill themselves because they do not want to go

through PTSD or the trauma they were put through. Some women become paranoid of the

situation and do not want to leave their home after the abuse. Many women cannot have kids

after or cannot do much physical activity.

Many women dealing with domestic violence have been caged not just physically, but

mentally as well. It causes women to close up and women do not tend to want to open up to
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anybody about the situation or the trauma they went through. According to Alanna Vagianos,

many women have been caged due to domestic violence. Women that been through domestic

violence have been through physical, mental, and emotional abuse. Women been through

traumatizing events dealing with abuse.

Furthermore, children are traumatized when they experience their parent get abuse by

their other parent. Children start to observe the tension around the house and see how affected

the mother is. U.S. government statistics stated that ninety-five percent of domestic violence

cases are involved with men as the abusers to the women. Children in a household with domestic

violence often experience it. 3-4 million children between 3 and 17 years old have been exposed

or will be exposed to their parent getting abused by another parent. The child starts to see the

physical and sexual abuse of their parents. Children would hear threats and fighting noises,

experience torture from the father to the mother, and seeing the mother in fear. Children who

deal with this now have a fear marriage or just people around them. They keep up a guard to

make them feel safe and protected from their community. Children who experience abuse in the

household tend to feel isolated and unprotected wherever they go.

Moreover, children who observes domestic violence may be at risk of having mental and

health problems when they are older. According to WomensHealth, “Children in homes where

one parent is abused may feel fearful and anxious. They may always be on guard, wondering

when the next violent event will happen. This can cause them to react in different ways,

depending on their age”(WomensHealth). Younger kids who experiences one of their parents

being abused tends to gain a fear of terror. They begin to feel scared in their own house and want

to stay away from the abuser. Children in middle school who experiences one of their parents

being abused tends to stay away from people at school and outside of school. They do not really
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want to feel bothered and so they end up alone. Also, they get unfocused on what is important

and their self-esteem goes down. Teenagers who experiences abuse in their household tends to

start trouble at school. They seek attention because they feel unwanted at home. The teens start

to get into more fights, using drugs, and do risky behavior. Children who experienced domestic

violence in the house are at risk to be abusers when they are older because that is what they are

used to.

This picture shows some short-term and long-term effects of children experiencing

domestic violence in the household. Children go through a lot when they experience one of their

parents getting abused by their partner. It is harder for children to cope with seeing their parent

getting abused because they feel like they cannot do anything about it. They feel alone and go

through many symptoms from domestic violence. Children do not get much attention, while

there is abuse going on in the household. They have to find other ways to express themselves

from their experiences, if they can find a way.

Usually when society thinks about the topic domestic violence, they automatically think

females are the victims. In some cases males can be the victims of domestic violence and get
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abused by their partners. When men deal with being abused in a relationship they tend to have

low self esteem and low confidence. Society does not believe that women are powerful enough

to abuse a male. They believe males are strong enough to fight back and stand up for themselves.

According to an army ranger, his ex-wife abused him when going through custody battles and

their divorce. He has proof of him getting beaten from his camera and showed the cops. Many

people will not believe that males get abused by their partner because they always seen them as

the abusers instead of the victims. Male victims do not feel welcomed in places where they can

go to be protected from their abusers. The places are mostly set for female victims, instead of

male victims because it is less likely for males to be victims, as said before.

This picture shows that men do not get the support they need, like women do. Men are

the underdogs when it comes to being victims of abuse. People tend to forget about the male

victims in domestic violence because they look at males as the abuser.

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Male victims do not get support from being abused like females. When men are abused

people do not take it seriously or take it lightly. They do not see the female as being much of a

threat to the male. As if the male was the abuser, people would see the male as a threat to the

female. Either way, if the male is the victim or the female, abusing or domestic violence should

not be taken lightly. Just because males seem stronger and more powerful, does not mean they

can protect themselves from abuse from females. Some males do not want to hurt the female and

end up in jail for protecting themselves. Some males do not want to seem like they were the

abuser from protecting themselves because it is easier to put the blame on them, instead of

believing ales of being the victim.

To conclude, domestic violence can cause physical, mental, and emotional abuse for men,

women, and children that experience the situation. Children have a hard time coping with

experiencing their parent going through abuse from their partner, it depends on the age mostly.

Children tend to get in more trouble at school for attention. Some children wants to be lonely and

learn how to deal with the issue by themselves. Women who are victims of abuse have more

physical and mental problems than children. Women go through PTSD and with the PTSD

running through their minds, most women end up committing suicide. They do not want to keep

living through the trauma of their situation. Some women cannot get pregnant and have a child

due to abuse. Some women want to be left alone and get paranoid every step they make. Men do

not really have an affect, but they do not get supported for their trauma. They do not get

supported because of people believing they cannot be abused.

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Works Cited

Chemaly, Soraya. 50 Facts About Domestic Violence. Huffington Post, 6 Dec. 2017,

ml. Accessed 3 March 2019.

Chemaly, Soraya. 50 Facts About Domestic Violence. Huffington Post, 6 Dec. 2017,

ml. Accessed 3 March 2019.

Hansen, Claire. Home is the Most Dangerous Place for a Women. U.S. News, 27 Nov. 2018,

world-home-is-the-most-dangerous-place-for-women. Accessed 3 March 2019.

Richardson, Jo. Identifying domestic violence: cross sectional study in primary care. The BMJ, 2

Feb. 2002, Accessed 3 March 2019.

Kuruku, Edward. “The Impact Of Domestic Violence On Women In The Family”. Gender &
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Behaviour. Dec, 2018,


&db=a9h. Accessed 3 March 2019.



WELL-BEING. Domestic Violence Evidence Project,

heory-of-change/. Accessed 3 March 2019

Vaglanos, Alanna. 30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It’s An Epidemic.

Huffington Post, 6 Dec. 2017,

Accessed 3 March 2019.

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