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Background Of The Study
Communication is the most necessary of all in human life interaction. Language is considered to
be a system of communication in expressing ideas, emotions and desire. Moreover, language is
also used for communication and we need it for daily activity because in every interaction we
need a language.
Language is the most significant possession of a human being in communication to convey their
ideas, information, feeling and so on. Language has many various functions in interaction, such as
sending message or information from one person to another, or from speaker to listener.
In order to communicate with other people around, it must master the international language,
especially English. In Indonesia, English is regarded as the first foreign language that is learned
from elementary school to university. To master English, student needs English vocabulary to
support them to produce and use meaningful sentence. For that reason, the student has to have
a lot of English vocabulary so that they are able to communication in spoken English and written
Vocabulary is a basic component in learning English because when student learns English, they
must know vocabulary first. Vocabulary is needed to improve four language skills that include
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The student who are less in vocabulary will be difficult in
understanding the text, unable to speak English, and difficult to write their own idea. Here.
Vocabulary is so important because it will carry the students in learning process.
Vocabulary is one the important things in learning English because vocabulary supports the four
language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. As a foreign language, English should
be taught interactively and exciting. In order, the writer interested to do the research in
vocabulary learning by using a jumbled word and matching game. The aim of this research is to
find out the comparison between student' competence in vocabulary learning by using jumble
word and matching game.
By choosing the two methods above, the researcher wants to compare the methods. The
researcher will make research under the little " A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN JUMBLED
which method is more significant for students to improve vocabulary.
Problem Statement
Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher formulates the problems as
follows: "what is the significant difference between comparing jumbled word and matching game
to improve student vocabulary ?"
Objective Of Research
In accordance with the problem formulated, the objective of this research is to find out the
significant differences between jumbled word and matching game in improving vocabulary.

Significant Of Study
The result of this research is hoped to be useful for :
For the student, the student is able to increase their vocabulary skill and by applying jumbled
word and matching game in learning vocabulary, hopes it can improve the student's interest in
English is more fun and enjoyable.
For the teacher, the teacher can motivate students to encourage their vocabulary through
jumbled word and matching game, and teaching vocabulary by using a jumbled word and
matching game technique is fun and enjoyable, so it is able to improve students interest.
Scope And Limitation
The research focuses on the comparative between jumbled word and matching game to
improving student's vocabulary in the eight class of MTSN 1 Tolitoli.
Definition Of Key Terms
Improve, the process of making something better than before.
Vocabulary, the collection of all words that constitute a language under discussion or a particular
Comparative, connected with studying things to find out their similarities and differences.
Jumbled word, a series of words from a randomized sentence.
Matching game, teaching techniques by finding a partner.

Many researchers findings are stated concisely below :
The first one had been done by faizah sabardani entitled " Improving Students Vocabulary By
Using Jumbled Words At The Fifth Grade Students Of SD N 03 Mojo Andong Boyolali In
2011/2012 Academic Year ". The writer uses classroom action research (CAR). In analyzing the
data, the writer uses qualitative analysis from observation, test, interview, and document analysis.
The result of the research shows that jumbled words can improve student vocabulary it can be
seen from increasing mean score of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is 59.1 and post-test is
86.5, the improvement got by the students is 27.4. Thus, it can be said that teaching English
vocabulary using jumbled words technique is successful in improving the student's vocabulary in
SDN 03 Mojo, Andong, Boyolali.
The second by Rini Putri Malinda entitled " Improving Students Ability In Recount Text Writing
Through Jumbled Sentences At The First Grade Of SMA Kartikatama Metro In 2016/2017 ". This
research was quantitative research. The subjects of this research were 25 students in the first
grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro. The writing test was administrated as the instrument of the
research. Then the data were analyzed by using t-test with the significant level of p<0.05 through
SPSS version 17.0. The result showed that there was a statistically significant increase in students
writing ability. This suggests that teaching writing using jumbled sentences facilitates the
students to develop their ideas easily.
The third is the comparison between using jumbled pictures stories and jumbled paragraphs by
Marni entitled " The Comparison Between Using Jumbled Picture Stories And Jumbled
Paragraphs In Teaching Reading Comprehension At The First Grade Of SMA 1 Sinjai Tengah in
2016/2017 " In this research, the population was students in the first grade. The number of the
population was 182 students. In taking the sample, class X1 and X6 was chosen by using a
random sampling technique. There were 20 students in class X1 and 20 students in class X6. The
quasi-experimental method was applied in this research with two group pre-test and post-test
design. Class X1 was chosen as an experimental 2 class that taught by using jumbled picture
stories and class X6 was chosen as an experimental 2 class that taught by using jumbled
paragraphs. The instrument used to collect data was reading test of 10 questions of multiple
choices. The result of the research showed that the first-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sinjai
Tengah with using jumbled picture stories had a " fair " score on pre-test with the mean score
73.5. After giving treatment the students got improvement, they were got " good " score with the
mean score 86, so the different means had 12.5 scores and which using jumbled paragraphs had
" very poor " score on pre-test with the mean score 56.5. After giving treatment the students got
improvement, they were got " fair " score with the mean score 70.5, so the different means had
13.5 scores. It means that there was a significant improvement but using jumbled paragraphs is
more effective to improve students achievement in teaching reading comprehension. The result
of the data showed that there is significantly difference between using jumbled picture stories
and jumbled paragraphs teaching reading comprehension. It was proved by the result of the
statistical analysis of the level significance P = 0.05 with a degree of freedom (df) = 38 indicated
that the t-test values of the students reading (13.14) was higher than a t-table value (2.021).
Based on the result analysis, the researcher then concludes that there is a significant difference
between using jumbled pictures stories and jumbled paragraphs in teaching reading
comprehension especially in reading a narrative text. The different is using jumbled paragraphs is
more effective because it can be used to test the student's ability in organizing the jumbled
paragraphs into a logical organization of idea. This ability facilitates their reading comprehension,
where the student focus to read the test and found the main idea of the text.
Then, research study by matching game was done by primita amijayanti entitled " the
effectiveness of using matching game toward students grammar achievement of the eighth
grade at MTS manba'ul'ulum buntaran rejotangan tulungagung in 2015/2016 " The research
design in this research was pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test from
quantitative approach, the population of this research was all the eighth grade at MTS Manba'ul
‘Ulum Buntaran Rejotangan Tulungagung was taken as the sample consists of 25 students into
one class. The research instrument was a test, the data analysis was using t-test. The result
showed that the students mean pre-test score was 41.12, and the means post-test score was 71.
After analyzed by using paired sample t-test, it showed that T-count was 9.16, whereas T-table
with significant level 5% and df =24 was 2.064. so T-count was greater than T-table. This means
that Hₐ which states that there is a significant effect in using matching game to teach grammar
for eighth grade at MTS Manba'ul ‘Ulum Buntaran Rejotangan was accepted whereas, Hₒ which
states there is no significant effect in using matching game to teach grammar for eighth grade at
MTS Manba'ul ‘Ulum Buntaran Rejotangan was rejected. Based on the result of this study, a
matching game can be used as an alternative strategy to teach grammar especially in simple past
tense for students at MTS level.
Next, the study was conducted by paramita entitled " The use of matching game to improve
students understanding on the irregular verb of the simple past tense of the eighth-grade
students of MTS AL Ittihad semowo, Babeland in the academic year of 2016/2017" The method of
this research was classroom action research. It was conducted in two cycles. The method of data
collection is test, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the results of the t-
test of cycle 2 was 8.4. before the effect has not seen by the writer in cycle 1, the result of the t-
test of cycle 1 was 7.1. the passing grade was 70 and the target of the passing grade was 85%.
The outcome of the post-test of cycle 2 was 87.5% of the students. The students passed the
passing grade. The target of cycle 2 was achieved, so the writer stopped the research. The results
of the research showed that matching game successfully improvement the students
understanding irregular verb of simple past tense.
The last by Ratna zawil entitled " using make a match technique to teach vocabulary of eighth
grade students at junior high school (SMP) Negeri 18 banda Aceh in 2015/2016 " The population
and sample for the study was two classes of year eight students at junior high school (SMP)
Negeri 18 banda Aceh, which had 58 students, 29 in each class. The data for this research was
collected from a pre-test and a post-test that were analyzed using SPSS 15.0. The mean of the
post-test of the experimental group (EG) Was 49 which was significantly higher than that of the
control group (CG) At 42. The mean from the pre-test of the EG was 39 the same as that from the
CG which was also 39. The result of the t-test concluded that the students taught using the make
a matching technique got better scores in vocabulary than those in the CG. However, the results
from the tests of the parts of vocabulary were not conclusive. As a follow up from the research, it
is suggested that English teachers should try using the make a match techniques for teaching
reading as an alternative to be applied in teaching reading in English.


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