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SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ‘Henri Coandă’ Buzău

TEACHER: Muşătoiu Lavinia
LEVEL: Pre-intermediate
LESSON: ‘Junk food’
 Straightforward, Pre-intermediate, Macmillan, 2005
 The overhead projector
 Visuals
 Audio CD
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Board
 Worksheet
VENUE: ProLang lab
CLASS PROFILE: This is a mixed-ability classroom, made up of twenty students. Most of them have been taken from a very low
level and still undergo remedial work to reach the appropriate level, but they show enthusiasm towards improving their overall
command of English and often communicate their own ideas with some grammatical slips. They usually understand instructions in
English, yet sometimes T should revert to their L1 to facilitate understanding. The activities they react positively to are prompted by
pictures or cues and they appreciate a supportive classroom atmosphere.
 to define ‘junk food’ and explain its popularity;
 to brainstorm ideas/opinions about food and diet;
 to build up vocabulary connected with healthy/unhealthy food;
 to skim and scan a reading text;
 to use textual information to express personal view;
 to reflect upon own learning and performance.



5’ Class organization: T greets the SS and sets the right T→SS P: SS might first get
Greetings; checking mood for the lesson through SS→T None nervous and anxious
attendance; preparing spontaneous dialogues that foster a about the lesson.
SS for the lesson positive classroom atmosphere. S: T breaks the ice by
initiating a small talk, or
by using humour.
5’ Activity1: Lead-in T draws SS’ attention on some T→SS P: Students may come
photographs that show overweight SS→T OHP across unknown lexical
children eating in a fast food items in the text.
restaura S: T provides definitions
nt. T asks SS what might have or synonyms for the
caused their obesity. T announces unfamiliar items and, if
the lesson’s title and asks them if necessary, offers the
they know what ‘junk food’ means. translation herself.
To make things clearer, T will use a
definition-text as a starting point.
10’ Activity 2: Vocabulary SS are given a set of pictures T→SS Worksheets P: SS might have a hard
work indicating different categories of SS→SS PPT time trying to find the
food items which they have to rank SS→T English word for the
as ‘healthy’ vs. ‘unhealthy/junk items.
food’, as well as write a name label S: T will prompt and
next to each one of them (e.g. eggs, provide them with the
sausages, peanut butter, pizza, English equivalent.
French fries, hamburgers, ice
cream, chocolate, doughnuts, etc.)

T sets a time limit for SS to
complete the activity in pairs and
then checks their answers.
15’ Activity 3: Reading& T asks SS to compare and contrast T→SS Textbook P: Some SS might have
Speaking two related pictures (one is of Elvis SS→T Worksheets difficulty getting the
Presley as a young man and the Flipchart general picture of the
other is of him in his late years). T text because of
raises expectations about the unfamiliar words..
reading text by asking SS: ‘Who was S: T will walk around to
Elvis Presley?’/ ‘What is he famous make sure that all SS
for?’/ ‘What sort of food do you perform the activity and
think he ate?’, then asks them to helping out when case
skim the text and highlight the most might be.
surprising facts (!) about it which
the T writes on the blackboard.
Then, SS scan the text to mark some
sentences true or false.
Based on Elvis’ life experience, T
will conduct a whole-class
discussion entitled ‘How to lead a
healthy lifestyle’. The ideas SS
suggest will be written on the
flipchart and comments will be
made as a result of SS’ findings.

10’ Activity 4: Writing T gets the SS to write 5 lines in T→SS Worksheets P: Some SS may fail to
order to comment on a quote at SS→T complete the task, as it is
their choice: ‘When it comes to too demanding.
keeping fit there’s no gain without S: T will ask weaker SS
pain’/ ‘Eat breakfast like a king, to provide the Romanian

lunch like a prince, and dinner like translation for the given
a pauper.” quotes.

5’ Feedback session T summarizes the lesson and T→SS Brief oral P: SS may find it
(Assessment&Self- assesses what has been achieved by SS→T questions intimidating to judge
Assessment) asking brief questions about the Worksheet their own language
content, as well as whether the SS production.
found the topic interesting or not S: T will encourage them
what they got out of the lesson, by telling how crucial
whether the language practice was self-assessment is for
useful, whether they enjoyed the future development and
activities, etc. If time allows, T will personal progress.
give SS a worksheet containing
follow- up exercises to consolidate
the vocabulary acquired throughout
the lesson

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