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Metal Science and Heat Treatment Vol. 50, Nos.

3 – 4, 2008

UDC 620.192.7



A. I. Gnevko1

Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 4, pp. 3 – 18, April, 2008.

The main kinds of fracture mechanisms of metals under the action of tensile loads are considered with allow-
ance for the state of the surface and special features of the structure. The determining role of the joint action of
stress concentration and generation of hypersonic waves at frequencies resonant for the metal atoms is de-
scribed. It is shown that the analogy between the behavior of metals and of physical vacuum can be used for
explaining the essence of gravitation and other natural phenomena.

INTRODUCTION metal structures. It is natural that other processes such as cor-

rosion, creep, loss of stability due to compression, biological
Despite the numerous studies that have deep historical damage, aging, etc. contribute to the failure too. However,
roots and great achievements [1 – 4 and other works] the na- their manifestations either end upon crack propagation or
ture of fracture of metallic materials remains enigmatic in take more time than the development of cracks and are there-
many respects. Suffice it to recall that the secret of damask fore less dangerous.
remains unraveled until today. Understanding of the nature Knowledge of the nature of fracture of metals can be ap-
(mechanism) of fracture is significant for two main reasons, plied to a considerable measure to other groups of structural
namely, the engineering necessity for improving the quality materials, for example, to those with ionic or covalent atomic
of metal structures (operating capacity, endurance, storage- bonding. The differences are connected with the fact that the
ability) and scientific aims for fuller understanding of the resonance frequencies of the natural vibrations of atoms are
connection between fracture and other phenomena (general dependent on the type of bonding. For this reason the quanti-
laws of nature). tative characteristics of the intensity of elastic waves and of
The relevance of the engineering aspect follows, in par- stress concentration required for the occurrence of fracture
ticular, from the widely discussed cases of accidents and ca- processes differ. At the same time, an attempt to generalize
tastrophes that continue to emerge despite the considerable some of the mentioned notions of fracture in metals to a
investment and time spent on ensuring safe operation of wider circle of kinds of matter can bring much more signifi-
metal structures; we can mention the destruction of the cant and unexpected scientific results. This can be based on
“Thresher” and “Komsomolets” submarines, the catastro- the fact that all natural phenomena are interrelated and match
phes of the “Challenger” and “Columbia” spacecrafts, and each other. Synergetics is a science that deals with this
the crushes of components of metal structures of the “Ostan- matching today [4]. However, we know that scientists of the
kino” TV tower and of the skating center in Krylatskoe in past often knew of the existence of “invisible common ties”
Moscow as examples. As a rule, instantaneous failure is in nature. For example, the prominent Russian metal scientist
caused by tensile or bending loads and other operational, D. K. Chernov, often referred to as “the father of metallo-
constructional, and production process factors that cause la- graphy,” has devoted much attention to general problems of
tent propagation of cracks. Today, crack propagation is the the universe. In his last unfinished work “Aphorisms from
least studied process that limits the possibilities of the use of the Field of Metallurgy” he wrote: “In order to be understood
high-strength metallic materials and the service lives of appropriately hardening of steel requires delineation of the
general concepts of the forces acting in nature and of the
Peter the Great Military Missile Academy, Moscow, Russia. forms of their manifestation in this or that kind of transfor-

0026-0673/08/0304-0149 © 2008 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
150 A. I. Gnevko

mation of the world energy.” Attempts at deeper penetration

into the laws of nature have special significance for Russia.
In order to maintain the status of a country with developed
science and engineering we should use principally new sci-
entific directions and technologies because we have persis-
tently lagged behind in many traditional ones. Where should
we search for them? Primarily among the known and repeat- à b c
edly occurring phenomena, the nature of which has not yet
been explained by science. Here we can mention gravitation, Fig. 1. Main kinds of tensile fracture of round test pieces: a) brittle
dark matter, corpuscular-and-wave dualism of microparti- cleavage fracture; b ) ductile shear fracture; c) mixed cleavage and
shear fracture.
cles, high-temperature superconductivity, and other topics.
An attempt to apply a model of fracture of metals to simulat-
ing gravitation and some other phenomena of still disguised
nature seems to be a promising one in this respect. of cracking from a single standpoint. In this respect the syn-
ergy approach deserves special attention as the one reflecting
the latest achievements of science.
This approach treats a strained solid body as an open
nonequilibrium (active) system and the process of plastic
straining and cracking as a dissipative process of decrease in
From the standpoint of the micromechanism of the oc-
the margin of the elastic energy in the body with time [4 – 6].
currence of fracture in time the model of thermal fluctuations
The available experimental data and theoretical models
and its later dilatational version [1, 2] has been widely recog-
[7 – 11] allow us to assume that fracture of metallic materials
nized and systematically developed. In this model the time
under the action of tensile stresses can be classified into three
before failure of test pieces is described by the expression
main kinds [12] in accordance with the macroscopic features,
i.e. (I ) brittle cleavage fracture virtually without plastic
t = t0 exp [(U0 – gs)/kT ], (1) straining, (II ) plastic shear fracture, and (III ) fracture that
develops with zones of cleavage and shear (Fig. 1). The mi-
where t0 is a preexponential factor, s is the rupture stress, croscopic features of fracture are much more diverse and are
U0 is the activation energy, g is the activation volume of the related to numerous features of rearrangement of atoms upon
fracture, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the tempera- crack propagation in materials with various compositions
ture. The validity of this equation (under specific conditions) and structures under various conditions (cleavage, shear, fa-
has been confirmed by numerous experimental works per- tigue, hydrogen embrittlement, corrosion cracking, adsorp-
formed for smooth test pieces. However, the results of tests tion decrease in the strength, delayed fracture in vacuum,
of test pieces bearing macroscopic cracks (according to the etc.). Fracture has been shown to be affected by the kind of
GOST 9.903–81 standard) show that the t – s dependence is bonding of the atoms in the crystal lattice, displacement and
frequently more intricate. For example, in the case of liquid multiplication of vacancies, dislocations and other defects of
metal embrittlement (the Rebinder effect) growth in the tem- structure, and stress and strain concentration. The roles of the
perature is accompanied by transformation of cracking into accommodation microscopic rotations of atomic groups [13],
plastic straining of the test piece, and the time before failure of the properties of the surface layer [14], of the kind of the
increases instead of being decreased [3]. The techniques for stress-strain state [7], and of the composition of the ambient
determining the values of t0 , U0 , and g and their variation [15 – 17] have been established. At the same time, some
upon changes in the temperature and other factors have not questions have not been answered exhaustively. For exam-
been worked out well enough for solving many practical ple, why does the liquid metal embrittlement occur selec-
problems. tively? Why does the yield point exist? Why do cracks de-
The example presented shows that the model of thermal velop in a jump manner?
fluctuations does not reflect fracture manifestations fully Analysis of the entirety of the observed effects allows us
enough. It is necessary not only to take into account the tem- to suggest the following model of the mechanism of fracture
perature vibrations of microparticles inside a body but also of metals under the action of tensile stresses, which seems to
the special features of vibrations of atoms at the surface and be a fuller reflection of the variety of manifestations of this
in the region of structural defects and to allow for the effect process.
of the differences in the vibrations on the changes in the mi- 1. The common main cause of all the three (Fig. 1) mac-
cro- and macromechanisms of fracture of metallic materials. roscopic variants of fracture is successive breakage of bonds
The main criteria to be met by a new model of fracture is and creation of other bonds accompanied by displacement of
the highest correspondence to experimental data and obser- atoms into mew relatively stable positions in which the en-
vations, the possibility of unambiguous explanation of the ergy of the elastic deformations of the body is decreased. The
micromechanism of all or of a major part of practical cases activation energy required for the displacement is supplied
Nature of Fracture of Metals and Its Analogs in the Behavior of Other Kinds of Matter 151

by elastic waves that propagate in the metal and match the cause diffusion dissolution of pores and “healing” of cracks,
natural (resonance) frequencies of the vibrations of the at- because it gives rise to a compressive stress s
oms. The activation energy of the atoms located at free sur-
faces and at structural defects is the lowest. Upon the attain- s » 2G/rfs , (2)
ment of resonance the amplitude of vibrations of atoms in
specific regions of the loaded body increases, and the proba- where rfs is the radius of the free surface.
bility that they would overcome the potential barriers hinder- The required level of hydrostatic stresses can be ensured
ing their displacement into new positions favorable from the only by stress concentration arising when all the accommo-
standpoint of energy grows. The displacement of the atoms dation rotations in the body, which cause considerable plastic
causes a respective displacement of defects. The locations of straining, are suppressed [13]. An example is the plane-strain
the defects and the shape of the body change. The differences stress state arising at the tip of a crack in the case of consi-
in the macroscopic kinds of fracture are determined by the derable yield strength of the material and large sizes of the
fractured body [7].
kind of the prevalent type of displacement of atoms (mass
3. Sufficient conditions for fracture of a metal arise
displacement of individual particles or of steady formations
when the intensity I of the elastic hypersonic waves that are
of particles). The bonds between atoms in the region of struc-
selectively absorbed by atoms in the zone of fractured re-
tural defects are often excited (extended) and less rigid. For
gions of the body exceeds some threshold level Icr .
this reason the natural frequencies of their fluctuations are
The existence of a threshold level of intensity of
lower than the mean frequencies of thermal fluctuations in a hypersound follows from the collective nature of displace-
perfect crystal lattice. The frequency range in the case of ex- ment of atoms in plastic straining and crack propagation.
tended metallic bonds is 108 – 1012 Hz, i.e., it belongs to the Large groups of atoms should be involved into the displace-
hypersonic domain. The lower the number of atoms required ment virtually simultaneously, for example, in order to form
for displacement of a defect the higher the frequency of the a pore, a slip line, a twin, or a new crack surface [9].
natural vibrations (this frequency is higher for point defects The intensity I of hypersound depends substantially on
and lower for linear defects). The assumption about the lead- the conditions of generation (amplification), scattering, re-
ing role of hypersonic vibrations agrees with some observa- flection, and absorption. For example, for a plane wave in a
tions and effects. For example, seed cracks in alkali-halide solid we have
crystals form under the action of longitudinal vibrations with
a frequency of 1010 Hz [2]; in liquids the mean frequency of I = I0 exp [2(a – d)r ], (3)
displacement of ordered groups of atoms also belongs to the
hypersonic range [18]. where a and s are the coefficients of amplification and of
The hypersonic vibrations that determine the main mani- absorption of the sound and r is the distance in the direction
festations of fracture are characterized by the fact that the hy- of propagation of the running wave. For a spherical wave and
personic phonons transfer a higher energy than sonic ones other kinds of waves the expressions describing the variation
(E = hn, where h is the Planck constant and n is the fre- of the intensity can be different [20].
quency). At the same time, the free path of hypersonic phon- The absorption of hypersound is determined by the spe-
ons is shorter than that of sonic ones but longer than that of cial features of the crystal lattice of the metal, by the amount
and distribution of structural defects, and by the transforma-
thermal ones (up to several tens of mm [19]). This means that
tion into heat upon interaction with thermal phonons. In con-
hypersound can penetrate from the surface into the depth of a
trast to ideal harmonic vibrations the factor of nonlinearity
material to tens of thousands of interatomic distances virtu-
causes energy transfer between different modes. The reso-
ally instantaneously (at a speed comparable to the speed of
nance nature of the absorption of hypersound agrees well, for
sonic waves). At the same time, hypersound is absorbed in-
example, with the discovered peaks of internal friction in
tensely as compared to waves with sonic frequencies (espe- metals [21, 22] and with the fact that liquid metal embrittle-
cially in metals) and transforms into heat. The absorption ment occurs only in specific pairs of metals [3, 7].
limits the depth of penetration of hypersound and the zone of Generation of elastic hypersonic waves can be caused by
its direct action around the source and complicates its direct external and internal factors. Hypersound can be generated
detection, artificial excitation, and study of the related effects. by breakages of interatomic bonds, thermal vibrations of
2. The necessary conditions for fracture of a solid body atoms, vibrations due to changes in external loads (for exam-
are the specific level of uniform (hydrostatic) tensile stresses ple, due to impacts of hard microparticles) and residual
and the margin of the energy of elastic straining of the metal stresses, free vibrations of microparticles of the ambient (in-
that ensures propagation of the process of degradation of cluding liquid and gaseous one), and elastic waves artifi-
structure to considerable distances. For a body to be broken cially excited in the ambient, phase transformations, directed
into parts the value of the hydrostatic tensile stresses should motion of electrons, and electromagnetic waves. However,
allow it to overcome the forces of surface tension of the the decisive condition for considerable plastic straining and
metal. Otherwise, the action of the surface tension G will rapid avalanche cracking in brittle fracture is high enough
152 A. I. Gnevko

generation of elastic waves inside the body. Breakage and chy of spatial scales and lower-scale processes at lower
formation of bonds between atoms, which accompanies their levels. The role of short displacements that usually take more
accelerated displacement in the metal, is responsible for ab- time and occur at a lower speed is reduced to preparation of
sorption and generation of hypersonic waves. The waves are local margins of elastic energy and microfragmentation of
excited due to the part of the stored elastic energy of the the structure for subsequent high-speed jumps at a high level.
body, which is freed in atomic displacements and in the cor- During fracture the low level of the hierarchy is occupied by
responding displacements of defects; the energy is dissi- processes of displacement of point defects and the high level
pated. The higher the tensile stresses and the stored energy is occupied by processes of macroplastic straining and
the more intense is the generation. This may be the cause of growth of pores and cracks.
acoustic radiation with power These concepts agree with the fractal nature of fracture
and of the structure of fracture surfaces [5], with the jump-
Ni = B (Diks )2, (4) like nature of plastic strain, with the effects of Haazen –
Kelly, and of Portevin – Le Chatelier, with the electron plas-
tic effect, etc. They match the wave nature of plastic yielding
where B is a constant that depends on the density and on the [7], the special features of acoustic emission [26], the kinet-
elastic properties of the material, and Diks is the second time ics of crack formation, and the high correlation of the motion
derivative of the tensor of the dislocation moment [23], in the of near cracks [2].
case of unsteady motion of a dislocation loop. Another We will use the model for explaining the nature of three
example is the growth in the mobility of dislocations in crys- main manifestations of fracture (Fig. 1).
talline silicon upon deformation of metallic ring plates on its I. Brittle cleavage fracture yields a smooth cleavage
surface [24]. It is interesting that the rate of motion of dislo- surface in ruptures (see Fig. 2a ) commonly connected with
cations in a solid body and the energy irradiated by them are the high hardness (low plasticity) of the material in which the
related through dependences similar to those of special rela- crack propagates. The speed of propagation of cracks in such
tivity [25]. cases is almost always high and attains one-third of the speed
Thus, when the margin of elastic energy in the body is of sound. In hard materials the stress concentration is high
high enough, a moving defect generates more quanta of sonic (for example, in glass and in steel at a temperature below that
energy than absorbs. The elastic waves are intensified and of cold brittleness). The mean level of tensile stresses outside
the frequency corresponds to the natural frequencies of the the concentration zone is insufficient for occurrence of
vibrations of moving microparticles. In this case an active microplastic shear straining (mass displacement of disloca-
(moving) defect excites atoms at neighboring defects, and tions to considerable distances under the action of micro-
the process of displacement of defects acquires an avalanche scopic accommodation rotations [13]). For this reason the
form (which does not require growth in the stresses). The dominant mechanism of cleavage fracture is the one requir-
yield point is attained. Multiplication of hypersonic phonons ing shorter displacements of defects, lower energy, and lower
exceeds their absorption. This process resembles the process stresses in macroscopic volumes of the body but higher hy-
of intensification of electromagnetic waves in lasers. The dif- drostatic tensile stresses in the vicinity of the tip of the crack
ferences are connected with the fact that defects multiply in and higher stress concentrations. This mechanism is initiated
the course of displacement of dislocations, and more and by resonance of defects (primarily vacancies) in a thin sur-
more energy of elastic waves is required for plastic straining face layer adjoining the tip of the crack. The motion of dislo-
to be continued. Therefore, when the yield point in a metallic cations to considerable distances is hindered due to their
material is attained, when the process of displacements of de- large number and interlacing or due to insufficient generation
fects becomes avalanche-like and then stops due to the multi- of hypersound of thermal origin. The zone of the material
plication of defects, the second “triggering” of an avalanche that undergoes plastic straining is very small. The hydrostatic
requires a higher margin of elastic energy and, accordingly, a stresses should exceed the stresses caused by surface tension
higher stress. The critical intensity of hypersonic vibrations on the round surface of the tip of the crack for it to be
drops upon growth in the temperature. For this reason, plas- “healed” by diffusion or for microplastic yielding [27]. Such
tic straining of a metal during melting does not require any “healing” can easily be observed, for example, upon lower-
external load or additional hypersonic waves; the internal ing of tensile forces in transparent gypsum crystals. It has
sources of hypersound of a thermal nature are high enough. been shown that “healing” of discontinuities in a material oc-
The assumption on the possibility of resonance amplifi- curs in two manners, namely, relatively rapidly (by plastic
cation of hypersonic waves in straining of metallic materials yielding at the free surfaces) and slowly (by diffusion) [27].
is a distinctive feature of the suggested model of fracture. Cleavage primarily occurs through the first, relatively rapid,
4. Plastic straining and propagation of cracks in mechanism that resembles microplastic “healing” but is di-
metals occur in a discontinuous jump-like manner due to the rected at growth of the free surface under the action of the
resonance nature of the absorption and amplification of concentration of tensile stresses instead of decreasing it un-
hypersound [26]. The jumps are a consequence of alternation der the action of the surface tension or external compressive
of avalanche fracture processes at higher levels of the hierar- forces.
Nature of Fracture of Metals and Its Analogs in the Behavior of Other Kinds of Matter 153

à b c

d e f

Fig. 2. Fracture surfaces of materials after fracture of various kinds (´ 1000): a) brittle fracture of bronze (quasi-cleavage); b ) duc-
tile cleavage fracture of steel; c) shear fracture of steel; d ) delayed fracture of steel; e) fatigue fracture of steel; f ) delayed fracture of
steel under the action of hydrogen.

The margin of elastic energy required for avalanche mul- crack, which promotes its rapid propagation to a consider-
tiplication and primary displacement of defects in cleavage able distance at a sufficient margin of elastic energy.
fracture is concentrated in a thin near-surface layer of the The adequacy of the explanation suggested is confirmed
metal. It is known that the mobility dislocations in the latter by a number of known manifestations of cleavage fracture. If
is elevated due to the closeness to the free surface [14]. The the stress concentration or the level of hypersound at the tip
level of hypersonic vibrations near this surface is relatively of a crack changes, the fracture rate changes too. For exam-
high because a part of the interatomic bonds is absent, and ple, growth in the intensity of hypersound upon penetration
the frequency of their natural vibrations is lower than the fre- of mercury to the tip of a crack in zinc at normal temperature
quencies of thermal vibrations. causes its fast fracture. In the absence of liquid mercury zinc
When the near-surface layer is fractured (more exactly, it remains ductile enough and does not undergo brittle fracture.
spreads like a liquid), the stress concentration in the next It is know that microparticles of a liquid vibrate at hyper-
layer increases (at an invariable load on the body due to sonic frequencies [18]. For this reason a part of the vibrations
is transferred in the surface layer in an athermal manner to
crack propagation) in accordance with the known law of the
zinc. A kind of equilibrium with the ambient medium is es-
linear mechanics of fracture
tablished not only at the thermal frequencies by also at the
hypersonic ones. At the free surface the zinc becomes some-
KI = Csl 1/2, (5) what more ductile and the liquid mercury becomes some-
what “harder.” In addition, the diffusion and the formation of
where KI is the stress intensity factor in cleavage, C is a fac- a limited solid solution of mercury in zinc are accompanied
tor determined by the shape and location of the crack, s is by growth in the volume of the metal, and local additional
the mean level of stresses directed perpendicularly to the sur- tensile stresses appear. Consequently, cracks can grow
face of the crack, and l is the effective length of the crack. slowly even without application of external loads [3]. At the
The additionally arising long stress waves promote the frac- same time, if we cool the metal until mercury freezes, frac-
ture. The process resembles successive and virtually instan- ture will acquire a ductile nature again, because in this case
taneous local surface melting of the material at the tip of the the level of the hypersound is reduced. If we heat the zinc
154 A. I. Gnevko

crystals, the stress concentration at the tip of the crack will atoms are involved into the motion virtually simultaneously.
drop due to the decrease in the resistance of the metal to Due to the anisotropy of elastic properties in crystalline bo-
macroplastic shear strain. In the depth of the metal the dies the energy of hypersonic phonons is distributed non-
macroplastic strain will cause relaxation of hydrostatic uniformly. Hypersound propagates primarily over directions
stresses and the rapid brittle fracture will even be delayed with the highest concentration of atoms. Dislocations move
[3, 7]. over the same directions. Slip surfaces form, but dislocations
Some other phenomena also agree with the concept of multiply simultaneously, which hinders slip in a single con-
the leading role of the concentration of tensile stresses and stant direction and requires high stresses. As the stresses in-
hypersonic vibrations in brittle fracture. For example, for the crease, atoms from other directions, which are less favorable
highly ductile aluminum and copper, liquid metals (tin, lead, crystallographically, are involved into the motion. A kind of
bismuth), which are characterized by low strength of bond- “rolls,” i.e., microscopic regions that turn with respect to the
ing with the atoms of the hard metal (limited wettability), do slip surfaces, forms between the latter and the motion
not cause substantial embrittlement (growth of cracks). The of these surfaces becomes macroscopic. Shear propagates
hypersound excited due to breakage and formation of weak through the whole of the body and travels to the free surface
bonds at the interface of the liquid and solid phases only ele- in the form of bands or steps [7].
vates the rate of the dissolution of the hard metal over grain Adequacy of these concepts is confirmed by the results
boundaries [28] but is not capable of lowering the surface en- of numerous studies [7 – 10, etc.]. For example, measure-
ergy so as to cause yielding of the material on the free sur- ments of microhardness have shown that fast loading causes
face and fast growth of pores. There are other examples of its decrease. On the other hand, according to macroscopic
the effect of hypersound on the speed of motion of studies growth in the loading rate is commonly accompanied
microdefects in the depth of metal. Nitriding of steel in a by increase in the hardness. Decrease in the microhardness of
“fluidized bed” that consists of mobile balls of a hard sub- the microlayer adjoining the surface of a metal is a result of
stance occurs at an elevated rate. In this case periodic com- the elevated intensity of hypersound in this layer due to rapid
straining. The higher the temperature, the time of the appli-
pressive stresses and friction act on the metal/ambient inter-
cation of the load, and the mobility of dislocations and the
face and excite hypersound additional with respect to the
smaller the sizes of the body, which the hypersound has to
general surface background, which ensures diffusion pro-
pass, the higher the probability of shear fracture. The higher
cesses. It is interesting that the rate of the nitriding increases
the strength of the interatomic bonding, the resistance to the
only in a thin surface layer penetrable for the hypersound.
motion of dislocations, and the sizes of the body, which hin-
The resistance to plastic shear strain can also change due
der the propagation of hypersound and simultaneous accom-
to dynamic loading, because considerable collective dis-
modation rotation of the “rolls,” the lower the possibility of
placements of atoms take a relatively longer time. In the case
through slip and of fracture by pure shear. In the latter case
of dynamic loading macroplastic straining has simply no other mechanisms of fracture are involved into the process.
time to occur and cannot ensure stress relaxation. The stress The physicochemical reactions on the surface of the metal
concentration increases and a plastic material can fracture in can also give rise to hypersound. For example, the rate of tor-
a brittle manner. For example, bitumen, which is plastic sional straining of round test pieces from titanium at a con-
at normal temperatures, fractures in a brittle manner upon stant load in vacuum increases when oxygen is introduced
impact. into the ambient medium. We also know of an electron-plas-
II. Plastic shear fracture (Fig. 1) occurs in virtually the tic effect (easing of plastic straining) due to intensification of
entire volume of a fractured body and requires a great margin hypersound by free electrons moving in a metal through
of elastic energy. Shear can occur slowly, when primarily which electric current is passed.
point defects displace upon the attainment of hypersonic re- III. In the mixed type of fracture (Fig. 1) regions of the
sonance, for example, in a material with amorphous struc- action of the mechanisms of displacement of atoms by shear
ture. The material flows slowly like a viscous liquid. The and by cleavage prevail depending on the conditions. Such
stress concentration is insufficient for formation and devel- fracture always ends with crack propagation. Results of stud-
opment of micropores with little diameter. In fact, a single ies of fracture surfaces show that fracture processes caused
“large pore” is formed by the external surface of the de- by crack propagation can be classified into several typical
formed body and the surrounding space. kinds. In addition to cleavage (Fig. 2a ) we observe relatively
On the other hand, shear may develop relatively fast in a ductile fracture that yields microscopic dimples when the
body with crystalline structure. In this case dislocations are process occurs without macroplastic straining (Fig. 2b ), duc-
dominant moving defects after hypersonic resonance is at- tile shear fracture (Fig. 2c ), delayed fracture under static
tained. The natural frequencies of dislocations are lower than loading (delayed crack propagation without the action of cor-
the natural frequencies of vacancies, and therefore hyper- rosion-active media, stress corrosion or corrosion cracking
sound with a longer wavelength propagates to a relatively (Fig. 2d and f ), and fatigue fracture (Fig. 2e ).
long distance. If the stresses are high enough for hypersound Ductile cleavage fracture (Fig. 2b ) is observed when
to be amplified by displacing dislocations, large groups of transverse straining is limited (plane-strain stress state). In
Nature of Fracture of Metals and Its Analogs in the Behavior of Other Kinds of Matter 155

this case shear deformations do not occur in macrovolumes Ductile shear fracture of metals is observed when a crack
of the metal. The required concentration of hydrostatic propagates in a plane parallel to the direction of application
stresses is attained at some distance from the tip of the crack of external loads under the action of tensile stresses. Prelimi-
(Fig. 3). Inconsiderable microplastic straining occurs in close nary shear arises and is accompanied by mechanical harden-
vicinity, where we observe microscopic yielding and de- ing. This ensures the required concentration of tensile
crease in the stress level (relaxation). Note that the plane of stresses as a result of local microplastic straining of the
crack propagation in cleavage is perpendicular to the direc- metal. The level of hypersound increases additionally due to
tion of the action of tensile loads. Maximum hydrostatic friction of the opposite surfaces of the crack against each
stresses act in this very plane. Maximum tensile stresses arise other, which promotes the fracture process. Micropores on
in another plane located at an acute angle to the direction of the fracture surface have an elongated shape in one direction
the loads. However, these unidirectional stresses do not en- and are smoothed (Fig. 2c ).
sure overcoming of the forces of surface tension in all direc- Delayed fracture under static loading (Fig. 2d ) consists
tions and do not lead to mass formation of pores. Ductile in slow propagation of cracks as a result of the joint action of
cleavage fracture consists in successive occurrence of stages virtually constant tensile stresses and external media. When a
of nucleation of micropores at some distance from the tips of large-size construction is fractured, the necessary conditions
cracks, their growth under the action of increasing tensile with respect to the loads should be obeyed over the whole of
loads, and merging with the cracks [12]. The role of the ten- the path of crack propagation. The role of the ambient me-
sile stresses consists in ensuring a margin of elastic energy dium is reduced to additional generation of hypersound or its
required for microplastic straining of the metal and creation absorption on the free external surfaces of the body.
of conditions for enough generation of hypersound by struc- If the ambient is represented by vacuum, delayed frac-
tural microdefects and for stress concentration required for ture occurs without the action of corrosion-active processes.
overcoming the surface tension. The pores merge with the The external sources of hypersound in this case are the natu-
crack upon the attainment of microplastic instability. The in- ral vibrations of atoms on the interface of the solid body and
stability arises when the multiplication of dislocations and
the vacuum. The internal sources are thermal vibrations of
vacancies, which elevates the shear resistance (a higher in-
atoms in the metal and moving defects that amplify the
tensity of hypersound is required and hence higher stresses
hypersound by participating in the dissipation of elastic
for continuation of the process of slip), stops to compensate
the reduction of the cross section of the bridges between
When the thickness of a metal construction is small, the
pores. An analog of merging of microscopic pores at the
intensity of the hypersound penetrating from the surface is
macrolevel is fracture of a smooth metallic test piece due to
high enough and the rate of the delayed fracture is describ-
stretching with formation of a “neck.” Merging is observed if
able by the model of thermal fluctuations [1].
the condition of compensation of the reduction of the cross
When a metal structure has a relatively large thickness,
section of the metal by growth in its yield strength stopps to
the occurrence of delayed fracture requires stress concentra-
be observed, i.e.,
tion and high enough intensity of hypersound for a crack to
sdB + Bds > 0, (6) grow. The concentration is largely determined by the
microstructure of the metal. The necessary conditions occur
where s are the tensile stresses in the interpore bridge, ds is in structures with alternating layers of relatively ductile and
the stress increment that accompanies the strain hardening of hard material. Such structures can form in the course of pro-
the metal, and B and dB are the cross-sectional area of a duction operations or as a result of nonuniform cold plastic
bridge and its increment (reduction) respectively. deformation (brass, austenitic steel) or at a high operating
Ductile fracture accompanied by formation of micro- temperature (the near-boundary zones of grains during heat-
scopic dimples due to the preceding macroplastic shear ing soften more rapidly than the internal parts of crystals). A
straining of the metal at an angle to the tensile loads (mixed plane-strain state arises upon stretching at the tip of a crack
fracture, Fig. 1c ) is observed when a planar stressed state in the ductile component of the microstructure, which is
arises at the tip of a crack. Shear and relaxation of tensile “compressed” by grains of harder components; this state is
stresses occur in the zones of the metal adjoining the free favorable for overcoming the forces of surface tension. Then
surface. The stress concentration required for overcoming the hypersound penetrating from the surface and appearing
the forces of surface tension is not attained. This causes me- inside the metal as a result of thermal fluctuation and dis-
chanical hardening of the metal. Its resistance to shear at the placement of defects under stresses ensures conditions for
slip surfaces increases, and the enhanced concentration of growth of micropores (Fig. 3). A plastic layer should sur-
stresses ensures growth of micropores. The micropores have round grains of a hard component for the crack to develop
a somewhat “elongated” shape because the plane of the without obstacle. If the metal consists of homogeneous
cracks goes over the slip surfaces at an angle to the direction grains and is ductile enough, plastic straining dulls the tip of
of the tensile loads. The fracture surfaces exhibit “shear the crack with time. The stress concentration decreases and
lips.” delayed fracture virtually does not occur.
156 A. I. Gnevko

5 X

Fig. 3. Distribution of stresses and growth of micropores in delayed Fig. 5. Microstructure of the bronze of the czar-bell (a crack propa-
fracture: 1 ) tensile loads; 2 ) curve of tensile stresses acting along gating over a brittle eutectoid can be observed).
axis Y; 3 ) hard component of the structure; 4 ) soft component (a
layer enclosing grains of the hard phase); 5 ) a crack; 6 ) growing
micropores. grains. When the stresses become high enough for intensifi-
cation of hypersound in the motion of defects in the
eutectoid, the bronze undergoes brittle cleavage fracture. The
The adequacy of the mentioned effect of the features of crack propagates fast over the hard eutectoid that bears an
microstructure of metals on the susceptibility to delayed elevated content of tin. For this reason the brittle fracture sur-
fracture is confirmed by practical operation of various struc- face has a white color. At the same time, if the bronze is
tures. For example, the czar-bell has more than ten large heated to a high enough temperature, the eutectoid becomes
cracks (Fig. 4a ). Long-term observations (measurement of softer than the grains of the a-phase and the tensile stresses
the sizes) have shown that cracks do not grow noticeably, acting in the bronze can again promote crack propagation
though the metal has experienced loads (including a tensile over the boundaries of the eutectoid and of the a-phase, but
one) of its own weight (about 200 tons) for over two hundred now the process is slower. The fracture surface is chiefly co-
years. The microstructure of the bronze of the bell (Fig. 5) lored yellow as copper. It seems that delayed fracture has
contains large relatively soft grains of an a-phase (a solid so- been responsible for the formation of cracks in the czar-bell
lution of tin in copper) surrounded by a continuous hard during fire; this is confirmed by the appearance of the sur-
layer of an eutectoid (a mixture of fine grains of the solid so- face of the cracks and by the results of physical simulation. A
lution and intermetallic compounds of tin and copper). A model of the bell from a special alloy broke during heating,
metal with such structure is not susceptible to delayed frac- yielding a chip and some cracks similar to those in the proto-
ture. The rigid net of the eutectoid hinders the slow flow of type bell (Fig. 4b ).

Fig. 4. The czar-bell (a) and a model of the czar-

bell broken under the action of its own weight
à when heated (b ).
Nature of Fracture of Metals and Its Analogs in the Behavior of Other Kinds of Matter 157

Fig. 6. Cast-iron column monument to Dmitry Donskoy

on Kulikovo Field (a) and a crack in its fragment (indi-
à cated by the arrow) (b ).

Numerous cracks have formed with time in the cast-iron sound permits the crack to grow by the mechanism of
column monument to Dmitry Donskoy on Kulikovo Field microplastic yielding of the metal at the tip. The crack grows
(Fig. 6). The structure of the gray iron from which the parts like in cleavage but at a lower rate. The growth occurs peri-
of the column have been cast consists of regions of a rela- odically upon the accumulation of a high enough number of
tively fine-grained hard mixture of cementite and ferrite hydrogen ions in the zone of the metal lying near the tip [16].
grains surrounded by relatively soft layers of ferrite with car- Hydrogen promotes the process of microplastic straining.
bon (graphite) inclusions. Such a structure promotes delayed Fracture develops primarily over grain boundaries given that
fracture, which has been confirmed by laboratory tests of the conditions for additional structural concentration of
specimens with a crack under long-term action of loads. stresses observed in delayed fracture of metals in vacuum are
Stress corrosion is caused by the joint action of loads and preserved. The crack moves primarily over the continuous
corrosion-active media. Slowly developing anode dissolution layers of the softer phase. The boundaries of the hard (rigid)
of the metal at the tip of a crack, hydrogen brittleness, and phase reflect the hypersound and make it pass through the
adsorption lowering of strength are distinguished [16, 17]. soft layer many times. Thus, the grains of the hard phase play
In anode dissolution the stress concentration and the in- the role of mirrors for the hypersound like the mirrors in a la-
tensity of hypersound are insufficient for crack growth by the ser for electromagnetic waves.
mechanism of plastic yielding with development of micro- The described mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement
pores. In this case, regions with predominantly extended and the role of microstructural stress concentration agree
bonds fracture at the tip of a crack because individual atoms with the kinetics of crack propagation (Fig. 7). The curve has
pass into the solution of the electrolyte in accordance with a region where the rate of crack growth dl/dt is virtually in-
the anode process of electrochemical corrosion. The rate of dependent of the stress intensity factor KI . When hard grains
propagation of the crack is very low. Crack propagation is alternate with a thin continuous soft layer, the values of KI in
also slow in other cases, when the strength of the interatomic accordance with the linear mechanics of fracture are deter-
bonds between the liquid and the solid phase is weak. For mined by an expression that does not include the crack
example, liquid metal characterized by relatively weak bond- length, i.e.,
ing with solid metal (insufficient wettability) causes only dis-
solution of the latter (primarily along grain boundaries [28]). KI = s (hl /2)1/2, (7)
Hydrogen embrittlement arises due to the capacity of hy-
drogen ions to be displaced in metals relatively easily and to where hl is the thickness of the layer.
accumulate primarily in places with elongated bonds. Hydro- The concept of the decisive role of generation of hyper-
gen ions can also be emitted from a metal into various voids sound by hydrogen ions also agrees with the fact that when
(pores) contained in the metal and form gas molecules. The the temperature decreases sufficiently, the hydrogen embrit-
gas creates additional pressure on the walls of the pores and tlement of steel virtually disappears, though the pressure of
promotes crack growth. Vibrations of hydrogen ions increase gaseous hydrogen changes inconsiderably.
the intensity of hypersound. When the concentration of the An example of manifestation of hydrogen brittleness is
ions becomes high enough, the increased intensity of hyper- the failure of an axle of the metallic structure of the skating
158 A. I. Gnevko


Kcr Kc KI

Fig. 7. Typical dependence of the rate of crack growth dl/dt on the

stress intensity factor KI in corrosion cracking.
Fig. 8. Appearance of the fracture surface of a broken steel axle of
the skating center in Krylatskoe.

center in Krylatskoe (Moscow). The axle 528 mm in diame-

ter failed by the mechanism of cleavage under the action of
tinuous external loads results in a stress concentration
internal tensile stresses though the main operating loads were
shear ones (Fig. 8). External operating tensile loads have not enough for generation of hypersound by the defects and frac-
been observed. When the axle was fabricated (casting of the ture of the mechanically hardened parts of the metal by the
preform from steel 38KhN3MA, forging, quenching, and mixed mechanism in the zone of separation. The burst of the
tempering at 620°C) no special measure was taken for lower- intensity of the hypersound resembles a laser pulse. The
ing and controlling the content of hydrogen. The appearance crack jumps to the part of the metal where the stress concen-
of the fracture surface reflects the initial intercrystalline frac- tration and the margin of the elastic energy are still insuffi-
ture. The source of the fracture was an internal crack that ciently high, and stops. Continuation of cyclic loading en-
propagated slowly from the center to the periphery of the sures preparation for subsequent jumps of the crack. The
axle. The final failure occurred three years after the building fracture surface (Fig. 2e ) exhibits repeated lines typical for
of the center was erected. The failure had an instantaneous fatigue, which lie close together and preserve their geometric
avalanche brittle nature (Fig. 2f ). features [29]. As a rule, harder metals are more susceptible to
The effect of the ambient medium on the process of frac- fatigue fracture. Today the hardness of metals is chiefly
ture of metals is the highest in liquid-metal embrittlement raised by increasing the amount of microdefects and the
(adsorption lowering of strength). Cracks may grow without structural inhomogeneity, which promotes the development
application of external loads in such ductile metals as zinc of fatigue.
and aluminum, for example, under the action of molten mer-
cury or gallium. The mechanism of crack propagation corre-
sponds to cleavage fracture, which has been considered
above. We have grounds to assume that the disasters with the
“Thresher” submarine (USA) and with the “Komsomolets”
submarine (USSR) have been caused by different kinds of
Simulation is aimed at giving a generalized concept of
corrosion cracking.
classical mechanics, relativism, and quantization based on
Fatigue fracture of metals under cyclic loading is also de-
analogies in the behavior of ductile-elastic metal and physi-
termined by the special features of stress concentration and
cal vacuum [37].
generation of hypersound. If the external cyclic loads exceed
Today’s science presumes that physical vacuum is able to
some critical level (as a rule it is lower than the yield
strength), some individual unfavorably oriented or softer transfer interactions and to generate and absorb virtual and
grains (blocks) of the metal can undergo microplastic shear actual microparticles of matter, possesses energy, is polari-
straining. Defects in such grains move partially irreversibly zable, and possess other features of matter (is treated as a
and multiply. As a result, when the external load is decreased material medium) [38].
in a cycle, residual stresses arise in microscopic regions and The analogy between the behaviors of physical vacuum
promote motion of some defects in the opposite direction. and a ductile-elastic body has already been used successfully
When the loading cycle is repeated many times, the strained in some models [39, 40]. In the first turn, it is expedient to
grains are hardened. Zones of hard (mechanically hardened) use the analogy to a solid rather than to a liquid or a gas, be-
and soft metal alternate in the grains. The neighbor regions cause transverse elastic waves arise in addition to longitudi-
of the metal are involved into microplastic straining. Finally, nal waves only in a solid. In contrast to longitudinal waves,
the structural inhomogeneity formed under the action of con- transverse waves are susceptible to different polarization. In
Nature of Fracture of Metals and Its Analogs in the Behavior of Other Kinds of Matter 159

vacuum, polarization resembling transverse waves in a solid puscular properties of microparticles, and the varieties of
is exhibited by electromagnetic waves. mass, energy, acting forces, momentum, action, temperature,
Physical vacuum in the known solid models consists of entropy, space, and time [37]. Specifically, space is consid-
elastically interacting components but not of particles of ered to be plane (meeting the Euclidean geometry in three di-
matter. The microparticles of matter or antimatter are repre- mensions).
sented by point defects of the structure of vacuum and by The important assumption that longitudinal waves in
their unions similar to vacancies, interstitial atoms, disloca- vacuum initiate motion in microparticles when they pass
tions, and other imperfections in metal. For example, an elec- through matter and are amplified leads to some new conse-
tron is a vacancy of vacuum and a positron antiparticle is an quences. These consequences do not match the concepts of
interstitial atom. “standard” models but only outside the conditions where the
The main item that distinguishes the suggested new models have been checked experimentally (large space and
model of compressed vacuum (MCV) from other models of time ranges, large masses, enhanced accuracy of measure-
the kind is the assumption that physical vacuum is com- ments).
pressed uniformly (from all sides) until the occurrence of The first consequence is the possibility of a large (as
microplastic straining. The margin of the elastic energy of compared to the Newton law) increment of gravitation forces
compression is high enough for a transverse wave in the vac- upon considerable growth in the mass. Moreover, additional
uum to be intensified when passing through matter. Such am- forces appear when the interacting bodies are arranged not
plification of waves corresponds to the beginning of yielding randomly but in a line. The consequence follows from the
in a metal or is similar to amplification of an electromagnetic explanation of the nature of gravitation interaction.
wave in a laser. By analogy with intensification of light in a laser the in-
The concept on compression of vacuum and the repre- tensity (and hence the “pressure” on particles and antiparti-
sentation of matter (but not antimatter) in the form of defects cles) of longitudinal waves that pass through matter should
that lower the “density” of vacuum is confirmed by a number increase upon growth in the path in an active medium (mat-
of circumstances, for example, by the higher speed of light in ter). The difference in the background pressure of longitudi-
vacuum as compared to that in matter. The speed of sound in nal waves and of waves amplified by matter is responsible
extended and compressed metal behaves in a similar way. In for the gravitation attraction of bodies [34]. The waves arriv-
addition, it is known that when a metallic powder is com- ing from a neighboring body are more intense than the waves
pressed, vacancies and pores tend to leave the compressed of the background. Amplifying additionally when passing
zone and enter a zone free of stresses or extended [27]. In the through a body they tend to move the body toward a neigh-
same way matter in the Universe in the form of unions of boring one. The more matter is passed by the longitudinal
galaxies tends to leave the observed part of vacuum with ac- waves the higher the amplification and hence the gravitation
celeration. It seems that outside these limits vacuum is now force. For this reason the features of motion of matter in ga-
extended. The start of the burst-like expansion of the Uni- lactic or larger scales can be caused not by the action of a
verse [41] has been caused by a change of hydrostatic exten- “hidden mass” [38] but rather by deviations from the Newton
sion of the surrounding vacuum for compression, similarly to law in the interaction of a great number of stars and galaxies.
the change in the sign of stresses upon propagation of The relation between the true force of gravitation interaction
large-scale elastic waves in metal. Fgr and the Newton force FN for two interacting masses can
In microplastic straining (motion with respect to va- be approximately written as
cuum) matter partially transforms the energy of vacuum
compression into longitudinal elastic waves that generate Fgr » FN [1 + m0 A (l1 + l2 )/2 +
moving dislocations and vacancies in a solid body. For this
reason a powerful background of longitudinal waves exists m02 A 2 (l12 /6 + l22 /6 + l1 l2 /4) + ...], (8)
in the Universe. Like in a solid, the speed of the longitudinal
waves in vacuum is higher than the speed of transverse where A is the amplification factor of longitudinal waves
waves, i.e., exceeds the speed of light, and therefore every upon passage of one nucleon, kg – 1; l1 and l2 are the mean
microparticle of matter irradiating longitudinal waves and re- numbers of nucleons through which a ray of longitudinal
ceiving their refractions from other particles is displaced waves passes in the first and second bodies with masses
with respect to the vacuum in accordance with the spatial m1 = b1 l1 m0 and m2 = b2 l2 m0 , respectively, when it crosses
distribution of longitudinal waves. Most of the time the parti- both bodies; b1 and b2 are the numbers of nonrepeating rows
cle resides in nodes of standing waves and for a short period of nucleons over which the rays pass both bodies in one di-
resides in zones with maximum amplitude. In this way we rection; and m0 = 1.7 ´ 10 – 27 kg is the rest mass of a nu-
find an explanation for the wave (quantum) properties of par- cleon.
ticles of matter. Accordingly, on the basis of analogies with The first consequence also determines the existence of
the fracture behavior of metals, we can explain the nature of other new effects that have already been discovered. For ex-
the main concepts in classical mechanics, thermodynamics, ample, if a body is surrounded by a ring of uniformly distri-
and relativity. Such explanations suit the nature of the cor- buted matter, it experiences the action of a centripetal gravi-
160 A. I. Gnevko

tation force, which does not match the Newton law but al- the irreversible growth of entropy in closed thermodynamic
lows us to eliminate the known gravitation paradox [39]. One systems. Specifically, the circumstance mentioned removes
more effect: when a star (or another compact mass) bursts the known Gibbs paradox that manifests itself in the case of
and matter is spread in space, the total force of gravitation at- mixing of two volumes of a gas [40].
traction decreases (we observe an apparent decrease in the At the same time, defects in a metal (if the normal condi-
mass, i.e., its defect [38]). Concentration of a mass (reduc- tions in it are disturbed by a shock wave or another devia-
tion of the volume taken by it) is accompanied by growth in tion) cannot move faster than transverse waves (for displace-
the gravitation attraction and we observe formation of white ments of matter in vacuum this is the speed of sound C ).
dwarfs, neutron stars, and (as astrophysicists assume) “black Other relativistic effects can be observed in a solid body too
holes” [39]. However, since the energy of compression of [25]. We will solve the equation using the dependences of
vacuum is limited, the amplification of longitudinal waves special relativity in the first approximation.
can be limited too (similarly to the ultimate strengthening in For the case v ^ C we then obtain [34]
compressed metal), which means that “back holes” most
probably do not exist. In accordance with the MCV their v¢/v » 2I0 yA/Cgr , (10)
place should be occupied by large superdense bright stars
containing enormous amounts of matter. They possess a level whence
of gravitation maximum attainable for the present compres- H gr t
sion of vacuum but insufficient for holding light and infinite v » v0 e , (11)
compression of neutrons.
The second consequence following from the MCV is ac- where Hgr » 2I0 yA/Cgr is a constant that characterizes the
celerated inertial motion of bodies. When a particle of matter acceleration of a body moving by inertia, v0 is the initial
moves relative to a background of longitudinal waves, the value of the speed, and v¢ is the acceleration. The expression
Doppler effect gives rise to an additional force that tends to is similar to the Hubble law and this allows us to assume that
increase the speed of the moving particles. As applied to one the determined regularity is one of the causes of accelerated
nucleon this is described by a differential equation expansion of the Universe.
Growth in the speed of a body moving by inertia is
d ( mv ) 2 yI 0 vmA caused by increase in its energy E with time, i.e.,
= , (9)
dt C gr
E » m0 C 2 + m0 v 20 (1 + 2Hgr t )/2. (12)

where Cgr is the phase speed of longitudinal waves in vac- At v ® C and m ® ¥ we have
uum, t is the time, v is the speed of motion of a nucleon with
respect to vacuum, m is the mass of a nucleon with allowance m0 v 02 Hgr t
for its relativistic change during motion, I and I0 are the pres- E » m0 C 2 + . (13)
sures of the amplified and background longitudinal waves on 1- v 2 / C 2
the surface of the nucleon corresponding to a unit spatial an-
gle, and y » p/3 is a dimensionless factor allowing for the At v = C
special features of the spatial distribution of the forces. Ex-
pression (9) is similar to the equation of reactive motion; the E = hn0 + hn0Hgr t, (14)
only difference is that the mass of a particle is not spent and
the acceleration is ensured by intensification of the radiation where h is the Planck constant and n0 is the light frequency.
of longitudinal waves in the direction opposite to that of the Using these dependences and the recent evaluations of
motion of the particle. In a solid body pores also move direc- gravitation, of the power of the solar radiation, of the speed
tionally in the presence of a temperature gradient (which im- of stars in galaxies, and of the energy of space rays, we can
plies nonuniformity of elastic fluctuations) [27]. Thus, mo- compute the values of the constants introduced, i.e.,
tion in compressed vacuum should be accompanied by an in-
considerable apparent violation of the laws of conservation A » 4.0 ´ 1017 kg – 1, I0 » 1.9 ´ 10 – 16 N,
of momentum and energy. However, in this case the increase Hgr » 10 – 15 sec – 1, Cgr » 2.0 ´ 1017 m/sec. (15)
in momentum and energy is a mechanism of dissipation of
the energy of compression of vacuum (the main source of the The order of the obtained value of the speed of longitudi-
world energy is vacuum, which corresponds to modern con- nal (gravitational) waves Cgr agrees satisfactorily with the
cepts of astrophysics [38]). This increase is very low; it has value determined with the help of other approaches
not exceeded the accuracy of measurement of the increments (Cgr > 1017 m/sec [41, 42]).
of energy in a vast majority of experiments, and this has The third consequence following from the MCV is the
masked the effect. Note that the indirect action of these small “faster-than-light (gravitational) interaction” of objects of the
increments has manifested itself repeatedly, for example, in Universe by exchange of longitudinal waves. The faster-
Nature of Fracture of Metals and Its Analogs in the Behavior of Other Kinds of Matter 161

than-light speed of interaction of material objects manifests The evaluation can be performed in a simplified manner us-
itself, for example, in quantum correlation [43] and in the ing results of microscopic diffraction analysis with allow-
Sokolov effect [44]. ance for the effect of the location of the hard and soft compo-
The fourth consequence of the generalizing model is the nents (for example, retained austenite in hardenable steel) on
possibility of controlling the action of forces related with the the fracture behavior. Checking of the crack resistance is
proper (resonance) radiation of longitudinal waves by matter. necessary for determining the remaining life of metal struc-
Under conventional conditions the proper longitudinal radia- tures when their operation is prolonged after the exhaustion
tion has a low intensity and does not perform substantial of the design time. However, the evaluation of crack resis-
work; however, under the conditions of resonance it can ac- tance is not yet used widely enough, especially for unique
celerate or delay the work of other forces (by “accelerating” constructions.
or “delaying” the time, respectively) or cause a change in the In the field of nondestructive methods of evaluation of
values of the forces. Similar phenomena in metals can be the the structural strength the efficiency can be raised by turning
processes of acceleration of displacements of defects under to the method of acoustic emission [32]. This method makes
the action of hydrogen [14] or the Rebinder effect in fracture it possible to detect splashes of intensity of hypersound
[3]. Examples of “acceleration” of time can be the emission (more exactly, of the ultrasonic waves into which it partially
of energy many times higher than the spent one in the burst- transforms) at a distance of over 50 m from the place of per-
ing of thin metallic films [44] or cold thermonuclear fusion manent mounting of a sensor on the inspected metal struc-
[45]. The common cause of all the mentioned phenomena is ture. These splashes accompany plastic straining of the metal
accelerated withdrawal of the elastic energy of vacuum by and propagation of cracks in it, which makes it possible to
matter. detect the threat way before the occurrence of the final fail-
ure. The method of acoustic emission is suitable for continu-
ous monitoring of the strength of a construction during oper-
ation even when the access to the parts is limited and other
methods of nondestructive checking are inapplicable [33].
1. The described concepts on the nature of fracture of
2. The main criterion for determining the scientific sig-
metals differ from the already known ones primarily in the
nificance of any hypothesis is the correspondence between
greater attention paid to the decisive role of resonance phe-
its predictions and newly discovered processes. We have
nomena in the range of hypersonic vibrations. Fracture may grounds to assume that the prediction of manifestations of
be controlled in various processes by intensifying or weaken- cold thermonuclear fusion [45], of anomalous accelerations
ing hypersound. For example, at attempt to straighten a plas- of the “Pioneer” spacecrafts [46], and of some recent disco-
tically deformed wire by stretching the latter requires great veries in astrophysics (accelerated expansion of the Universe
force. At the same time, if a slightly stretched wire is hit [39], dependence of the motion of stars in the nuclei of gal-
against ground (which gives rise to hypersound), the wire axies on the sizes of the galaxies [38], and concentration of
straightens easily. dark matter over the periphery of galaxies detected upon
Direct observation of hypersound in metals is difficult, their collision [47]) has been justified.
but its usually latent effect manifests itself vividly in the ac- It is important that the consequences of the MCV can be
tion of the medium, temperature, dynamic loads, scale factor, checked experimentally without too high expenditure and in
and special features of the production process on the struc- a reasonable time. Consultations with specialists, analysis of
tural strength of materials. For example, the nonuniformity the level of modern engineering, and results of experiments
of the chemical composition and structure, of residual stresses, including my own ones allow us to expect that the validity of
and of the distribution of defects in metal structures is now the amended evaluation of gravitational forces, of higher-
evaluated approximately by indirect methods (for reasons of than-light speeds of data transfer, and of the possibility of
economy or other circumstances). At the same time, these in- control over the processes of emission of energy will be con-
dividual features of a structure can be combined unfavorably firmed or rejected in the near future and other questions will
and lead to unexpected failures, emergencies, and catastro- be answered [34].
phes. Understanding of the nature of fracture allows us to The inferences of the new model agree with the infe-
choose an appropriate way for timely detection and preven- rences of classical and quantum mechanics and of the relati-
tion of fracture. It seems possible to choose an efficient vity theory where they have been checked experimentally.
enough combination of methods of destructive and nonde- Differences can be found only outside the tested frameworks
structive checking that would allow us to solve contradictory (large masses, long times, giant spaces) and the entire experi-
problems simultaneously, i.e., to reduce the time of testing, ence proving the “standard” models confirms the suggested
to raise the reliability of results, and to reliably ensure safe model too.
operation. One more merit of the model is a single approach to the
In the field of destructive methods the efficiency of con- explanation of gravitational, relativistic, and quantum ef-
trol can be increased considerably by evaluating the crack re- fects. For example, the known corpuscular and wave dua-
sistance of metals in brittle and delayed fracture [30, 31]. lism, the decoherence, the uncertainty relations and other
162 A. I. Gnevko

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part of the mass due to explosions of supernova. In the MCV 16. I. I. Vasilenko and R. K. Melekhov, Corrosion Cracking of
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features of gravitation manifest themselves in accordance 17. L. P. Botvina, T. V. Tetyueva, and A. V. Ioffe, “Stage nature of
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