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Auto-evaluate vibration severity using excel

As reminder :

For motor & pump (centrifugal) – Machine is considered in Alarm condition if vibration exceed
4mm/s rms.

Excel Rule “=if(COLUMN NUMBER>4,”ALARM”,”OK”)

For gearbox – Machine is considered in Alarm condition if vibration exceed 5.5 mm/s rms.

Excel Rule “=if(COLUMN NUMBER>5.5,”ALARM”,”OK”)

For Engine – Machine is considered in Alarm condition if vibration exceed 6 mm/s rms.

Excel Rule “=if(COLUMN NUMBER>6,”ALARM”,”OK”)

For turbine generator – Machine is considered in Alarm condition if vibration exceed 50 um pk-pk.

Excel Rule “=if(COLUMN NUMBER>50,”ALARM”,”OK”)

Alarm is evaluated as EPL3 if vibration double EPL3 value thence vibration is evaluated as EPL2 and
EPL1 is double EPL2 value or have any unsafe condition which require immediate rectification (Not
applicable for microns or shaft vibration)

NR – means not running & applicable for standby machine or not running due to process limitation.

NA – means not available & applicable for machine which is classified as under maintenance or
downtime due to unplanned shutdown.

You may apply the rule to the most left column of your spreadsheet.

For the first step : You may filter the mm/s rms readings & paste the rule as below

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