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Internal Capsule: Projection fibers

For descriptive purposes, the internal capsule is arbitrarily divided into five parts: anterior limb,
located between the putamen and the head of the caudate nucleus; genu, approximating to its
vertex; posterior limb, located between the putamen and the thalamus; retrolenticular or
retrolentiform portion, located posterior to the putamen; and sublenticular (or sublentiform)
portion, located inferior to the putamen

The anterior limb of the internal capsule contains frontopontine fibres, which arise from the
cortex in the frontal lobe.

The genu of the internal capsule is usually regarded as containing corticobulbar fibres.

Anterior fibres of the superior thalamic radiation, between the thalamus and cortex, also extend
into the genu. The posterior limb of the internal capsule includes the corticospinal or pyramidal
The fibres concerned with the upper limb are anterior, and the more posterior regions contain
fibres representing the trunk and lower limbs.

The corticospinal tract fibres that arise within the precentral gyrus
are disposed as a fan throughout the corona radiata and converge towards the internal capsule
genu and posterior limb

Most of the posterior limb also contains fibres of the superior thalamic radiation (the
somaesthetic radiation) ascending to the postcentral gyrus.

The retrolenticular part of the internal capsule contains parietopontine, occipitopontine and
occipitotectal fibres. It also includes the posterior thalamic radiation and the optic radiation.

The sublenticular part of the internal capsule contains temporopontine and some parietopontine
fibres, the auditory radiation from the medial geniculate body

Hypothalamus: Nuclei

In the medial zone, the following hypothalamic nuclei can be recognized, from anterior to
posterior: (1) part of the preoptic nucleus; (2) the anterior nucleus, which merges with the
preoptic nucleus; (3) part of the suprachiasmatic nucleus; (4) the paraventricular nucleus; (5)
the dorsomedial nucleus; (6) the ventromedial nucleus; (7) the infundibular (arcuate) nucleus;
and (8) the posterior nucleus.
In the lateral zone, the following hypothalamic nuclei can be recognized, from anterior to
posterior: (1) part of the preoptic nucleus, (2) part of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, (3) the
supraoptic nucleus, (4) the lateral nucleus, (5) the tuberomammillary nucleus, and (6) the lateral
tuberal nuclei.


The crus cerebri contains important descending

tracts and is separated from the tegmentum by the substantia nigra. The corticospinal and
corticonuclear fibers occupy the middle two thirds of the crus. The frontopontine fibers occupy
the medial part of the crus, and the temporopontine fibers occupy the lateral part of the crus.

Body changes in girls at puberty due in part to estrogens

enlargement of breasts, uterus, vagina due to estrogens - feminizing hormones and absence of
testicular androgens
narrow shoulder, broad hips, diverging arms, female distribution of fat, high-pitched voice, less
body hair, more scalp hair
growth of pubic and axillary hair due to adrenal cortex and ovarian (less) androgens

A Return to Purity in Creed : Iljam al-'Awamm 'an 'Ilm Al-Kalam

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