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A. Definition
Inversion Sentences adalah kalimat yang predikatnya mendahului Subyek. Predikat dapat
dibentuk dari kata bantu (modals) atau kata kerja biasa. Ada aturan dan pola yang harus
diperhatikan dalam materi ini. Berikut adalah beberapa kondisi dimana inverse berlaku.
1. Pertanyaan
Inversi berlaku untuk pertanyaan langsung. Predikat dalam kasus ini adalah kata bantu.
Ex : - What are you looking for?
- When did the party start?

2. Setelah ungkapan negative yang terletak di awal kalimat

Seperti : hardly, not only, never, scarcely, nor, seldom, etc
Ex :
- Not only does markus become the best student in his school, but he also receives a
- Hardly could she explain the case to his own lawyer.

3. Setelah neither, nor, dan so

Ex : - I don’t like swimming, nor does Andi.
- She prefers tea to coffee, so do I .

4. Setelah keterangan tempat

Untuk kasus ini, predikat tidak harus kata bantu. Bila dalam kalimat tidak ada kata bantu,
kata kerja biasa yang diletakkan di depan subyek.
Ex : - The boy reads a book in library. (not inverted)
 In library reads the boy a book. (inverted)
- The Borobudur temple lies in the jungle of Magelang highland. (not inverted)
 In the jungle of Magelang highland lies The Borobudur temple. (inverted)

5. Setelah ungkapan yang diawali dengan kata “only” (menunjukkan waktu)

Ex : - Only recently has blackberry become popular all over the country.
- Only then did she understand what I mean.

6. Bentuk Conditional
Ex : - If he had understood the problem, he wouldn’t have comitted. (not inverted)
- Had he understood the problem, he wouldn’t have comitted. (inverted)

1. Not only ……. The best student in Indonesia, but he also receives a scholarship for his college.
A. Sam becomes
B. Did Sam become
C. Does Sam become (present, inverted)
D. Sam becoming
E. Had Sam became

2. No sooner ….. than he will pay his taxi cost.

A. He will arrive
B. He arrives
C. Will arrive he
D. Does he arrives
E. Will he arrive (inverted)

3. Not until a monkey is several years old ……... to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
A. Does it begin (inverted)
B. It begins
C. And begins
D. Beginning
E. Do it begins

4. Only with hard work …….. your dream to be admitted to the prestigious university.
A. You can reach
B. Can reach
C. You reaching
D. Can you reach (inverted)
E. Can reach you

5. Not once …….. a question from the lecturer, she was going to be angry.
A. Did I miss (inverted past tense)
B. Am I missed
C. Will I be missed
D. I am missed
E. Do I miss

6. On the floor … where he kept a bicycle and three pair of skis.

A. Are the kitchen and the dining room are
B. Were the kitchen and the dining room (inverted)
C. the kitchen and the dining room were
D. the kitchen and the dining room are
E. Were the kitchen and the dining room to keep

7. He is not going to the school today and neither I am.
A. He
B. Going
C. The schoool
D. Today
E. I am (should be inverted)

8. Only rarely … the world series two years in a row.

A. Wins the same major league baseball team
B. Does the same major league baseball wins team
C. The same major league baseball team wins
D. Be the same major league baseball winning team
E. Does the same major league baseball win team (imverted)

9. Not only ……… from health problem but he also is in serious legal trouble.
A. Jim does suffer
B. Jim is suffered
C. Jim suffers
D. Is Jim suffer
E. Does Jim suffer (inverted)

10. Surrounded by step mountain cliffs and sandy beaches the lake Toba lies which covers 1,145 sq
kilometers and features Samosir island in its center.
A. Surrounded
B. Mountain cliffs
C. The lake Toba lies (should be inverted)
D. Kilometers
E. Features

1. Not only… .a good thing,; he did the right thing.
A. Sam did
B. Sam do
C. Did sam do
D. Will sam do

2. When … the conference?

A. the Director attended
B. did the Director attend
C. the Director will attend
D. the Director’s attendance

3. I didn’t hear … because there was too much noise where I was sitting.
A. what said
B. what he said
C. what did he say
D. what was he saying

4. How many cards …. in the box ?

A. there are
B. are there
C. there have
D. have there

5. What ….to you ?

A. happen
B. happening
C. to happen
D. happened

6. How many people … the ESQ training ?

A. is attending
B. attended
C. did attend
D. do they attend

7. Rarely ________ to the movie because he prefers to watch films on his VCR.
A. going
B. does John go
C. John does go
D. John goes

8. ________ did Arthur realize that there was danger.

A. Upon entering the store
B. When he entered the store
C. After he had entered the store
D. Only after entering the store

9. When _______ the conference?

A. the doctor attended
B. did the doctor attend
C. the doctor will attend
D. the doctor’s attendance

10. Not until the mid-nineteenth century ________ achieve recognition.
A. had El Greco's work
B. did El Greco's work
C. El Greco's work
D. El Greco's work did

11. Hardly ever ... the same word twice alike.

A. the little boy spelled money.
B. did spelt the little boy
C. did the little boy spell
D. spelled the Iittie boy

12. When does a neutron from one atom collides with the nucleus of another atom, a chain reaction
can occur.

13. No one seems to know when will the bus arrive at the bus stop.


Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kita mengenal adanya jenis kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Lebih spesifik
lagi, kalimat aktif dapat dikelompokkan menjadi kalimat aktif transitif dan kalimat aktif intransitif.
Cobalah bandingkan beberapa klausa berikut ini.
1. The shelf holds.
2. The child broke.
Kedua klausa di atas memenuhi syarat suatu kalimat, yaitu memiliki subjek dan predikat (verb).
Namun demikian, klausa tersebut tidak dapat disebut sebagai suatu kalimat yang utuh, sebab
predikat (verb) yang digunakan merupakan kata kerja transitif. Jika diartikan ke dalam bahasa
Indonesia menjadi (1) Rak itu menyangga, (2) Anak itu merusak. Kalimat tersebut belum utuh karena
tidak memiliki objek. Bandingkan dengan kalimat ini.
1. The shelf hold three books.
2. The child broke the plate.
Kalimat tersebut lebih enak dibaca karena merupakan suatu kalimat yang utuh. Namun demikian,
bagaimana dengan kalimat berikut ini?
1. The children sing.
2. The students are dancing together.
Kedua kalimat tersebut juga tidak memiliki objek. Meski demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa kalimat
tersebut merupakan kalimat yang utuh. Berikut penjelasan lengkapnya.

Transitive verbs are action verbs that require a direct object. The verb’s action is transferred
directly to the object, which can be a noun, pronoun, or a clause. Transitive sentence can be
written in a passive form since it has a direct object which can be placed as the subject in the
passive form. Find the direct object by asking :

Subject + Verb + Object (What/Whom?)

e.g. The teacher gave detention to Melfinda.

The teacher gave What? Detention. “detention” is the direct object (what). The teacher gave
detention to whom? Melfinda (indirect object). In passive form, we can say “Melfinda was
given a detention by her teacher”.
But, sometimes, transitive verb may take an indirect object. Indirect object is something or
someone to whom or for whom the action is carried out.
He bought her a gift = He bought a gift for her.
She is reading grandma the news = She is reading the news to grandma.

Intransitive verbs do not require a direct object. Besides, the intransitive sentence can not be
written in a passive form since it doesn’t have an object/direct object. The pattern can be seen
Subject + Verb
Subject + Verb + Complement
e.g. My father goes to work every morning.
My father goes what or whom? There is no answer. That doesn’t make sense, so there is no
direct object which means the sentence is intransitive sentence. In this sentence, the natural
question is “My father goes where?”, and the answer is a prepositional phrases “to work”.
Since the sentence doesn’t have a direct object, it cannot be changed into a passive form.


Many verbs can be either transitive or intransitive, depending on the context of the sentence
itself. Look at the examples bellow!
1. After we eat at the restaurant, we can go for a walk. (intransitive)
After we eat our dessert at the restaurant, we can for a walk. (transitive)
2. My mother’s car runs on diesel gasoline. (intransitive)
My mother has been running a restaurant since she was still at high school. (transitive)
3. I am reading. (intransitive)
I am reading an article in Cosmo magazine about fashion nowadays. (transitive)


These are some verbs that are always intransitive
Abound Faint Pray
Ache Fall Rain
Arrive Gallop Remain
Bloom Go Rise
Come Hesitate Sit
Cough Laugh Sleep
Cry Lie Sneeze
Dance Linger Talk
Die Occur Thrive
Exist Pause Yawn
These are verbs which can be transitive or intransitive
Adapt Continue Grow Marry See
Answer Dance Hang Meet Sell
Ask Drop Help Move Sing
Begin Eat Hold Obey Touch
Borrow End Hurry Open Turn
Break Enter Hurt Pull Wash
Burn Fail Jump Read Watch
Choose Fill Know Ring Win
Climb Fly Leave Run Write

Sometimes there are some verbs which have the same meaning but different forms when they
are used in transitive or intransitive sentence. These are the common verbs which are often
transitive intransitive
V1 V2 V3 V1 V2 V3
raise raised raised rise rose risen
lay laid laid lie lay Lain
tell told told say said said
1. Heavy rain raises the water level of the reservoir every spring. (transitive)
2. The water level rises when it rains every spring. (intransitive)

Number 1 to 4, determine whether it is transitive or intransitive sentence!
1. He borrowed heavily from the bank. (intransitive)
2. His back garden abounds with the weeds. (intransitive, it doesn’t have an object but
prepositional phrase)
3. Their house was sold cheap to a friend. (intransitive)
4. She left the house early. (transitive, it has an object “the house”)
5. The cost of living has ____ over 8 percent in the past year.
A. Raises
B. Raised
C. Rose
D. Risen
E. Rised
*it is an intransitive sentence with present perfect tense.

6. The postman ____ the mail on the table yesterday.

A. Lay
B. Lain
C. Laid
D. Lied
E. Lie
*it is a transitive sentence with past tense.

7. When you cry, you can ___ on my shoulder.

A. Lay
B. Lain
C. Laid
D. Lied
E. Lie
*it is an intransitive sentence.

Number 8 to 10, determine if it is true or false.
8. The event was happened at six o’clock. (False. “happen” doesn’t have the passive form.
It should be just “happened”)

9. My mother baked me a delicious cake for my birthday party. (True. It is a transitive form)

10. She was fallen from the roof when she was repairing it. (False. “fall” doesn’t have the transitive
form. It should be “fell”)

1. You will see on the map that the Public Auditorium (lies/lays) north of the lake
2. My cat love to (sit/set) in the sun
3. The delivery boy (lay/laid) the groceries on the table.
4. After the heavy rain, the water in the lake (raised/rose) another two feet
5. The paper hangers decided to (raise/rise) the picture a few more inches.
6. He was exhausted so he decided to (lie/lay) down for a little while
7. The soldier (rose/raised) the flag when he heard the bugle blow.
8. In chemistry class, we heard that hot air (rises/raises)
9. They tried to (set/sit) the explosives carefully on the floor.

Directions: Circle the appropriate pronoun and its function: Subject, Indirect Object, Direct Object, or
Object of a Preposition
10. It cost Sam and (I, me) fifty dollars to make that international call. S, IO, DO, OP
11. She usually gets better grades than (I, me). S, IO, DO, OP
12. (Me and my sister, my sister and I) love old movies. S, IO, DO, OP
13. We finally decided to give the houseplant to (they, them). S, IO, DO, OP
14. I hope that Sandra and (I, me) will be invited too. S, IO, DO, OP
15. Dante and (I, me) want to leave earlier than (they, them). S, IO, DO, OP
16. Let me know when you and (he, him) have reached a decision. S, IO, DO, OP
17. The police officer (who, whom) we asked for directions gave us a warning. S, IO, DO, OP
18. Between you and (I, me), he needs a bath. S, IO, DO, OP
19. Do you think that Emile and (I, me) should move out soon? S, IO, DO, OP
20. The dean invited my wife and (I, me) to a reception. S, IO, DO, OP
21. I don’t know (who, whom) is stronger, Superman or Wonder Woman. S, IO, DO, OP
22. During the concert the time went very fast for (she, her) and (I, me). S, IO, DO, OP
23. (Who, whom) did you say wrote THE CANTERBURY TALES? S, IO, DO, OP
24. Is it all right for Sarah or (I, me) to call after midnight? S, IO, DO, OP


Secara umum, redundancy boleh diartikan kelebihan, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia kita kenal
dengan istilah pleonasme. Redundancy tidak tepat digunakan dalam written english yang bersifat
formal atau baku. Jadi, harus dilakukan penyesuaian terhadap kalimat-kalimat yang memiliki
kelebihan kata yang tidak diperlukan, atau jika dihilangkan tidak akan mengubah arti dari kalimat

A. Unnecesary Word
In formal written english, a sentence must be the simplest one. When you find a sentence with
too much modification, you have to simplify the sentence.
1. Basic sentence
S + V + Complement
e.g. Vitamin C it prevents colds sickness.
The correct one : Vitamin C prevents colds.

2. It clause
Anticipatory it clause + S + V + C
e.g. It is believed that vitamin C that prevents colds.
The correct one is : it is believed that vitamin C prevents colds.
it clause S V C

3. That clause
Nominal that clause + V + C
e.g. That it is vitamin C prevents colds is well-known
the correct one is : That vitamin C prevents colds is well-known.
That clause V C

4. Other examples
a. Incorrect : Mr. Bramandika knows a great deal in terms of condition of the situation.
Correct : Mr. Bramandika knows a great deal about the situation.
b. Incorrect : Andita had always behaved in a responsible manner.
Correct : Andita had always behaved responsibly.
c. Incorrect : Dimas plans to go on picnic with the his friends next weekend.
Correct : Dimas plans to go on picnic with his friends next weekend.

B. Repetition of words with the same meaning
In all patterns, avoid using words with the same meaning consecutively in a sentence
Incorrect : The new innovations at the World’s Fair were fascinating.
Correct : The innovations at the World’s Fair were fascinating.

Incorrect : The money that I have is sufficient enough for my needs.

Correct : The money that I have is sufficient for my needs.

Incorrect : Heru asked the speaker to repeat again because he had not heard him the first time.
Correct : Heru asked the speaker to repeat because he had not heard him the first time.
Incorrect : The class advanced forward rapidly.
Correct : The class advanced rapidly.

Incorrect : Ilham returned back to her hometown after she had finished her degree.
Correct : Ilham returned to her hometown after she had finished her degree.

C. Repetition of noun by pronoun

In all patterns, avoid using a noun and the pronoun that refers to it consecutively in a sentence
Examples :
Incorrect : My father he said to watch and listen the news on the television to learn english
Correct : My father said to watch and listen the news on the television to learn english more.

Incorrect : Hospitalization it covers room, meals, nursing, and additional hospital expenses, such
as medicine, lab tests, etc.
Correct : Hospitalization covers room, meals, nursing, and additional hospital expenses, such as
medicine, lab tests, etc.

Incorrect : Lala wants to visit Washington D. C. with her Lala’s husband.

Correct : Lala wants to visit Washington D. C. with her husband.

Incorrect : My sister she found a store that it imported food from our country.
Correct : My sister found a store that imported food from our country.

Determine wich of these sentences are correct, and which are incorrect. Give the sign!
1. The longest mountain range, the Mid Atlantic Range, is not hardly visible because most of it lies
under the oceans.
Answer : True

2. It is the first digit that appears on any zip code that it refers to one of ten geographical areas in
the United States.
Answer : It is a ineffective sentence. It includes anticipatory it clause in the sentence. You
should move the word “it” after the second “that” because the subject is clear, “the first
digit”. It can be better if the first “that” which means a conjunction in adjective clause is
replaced withactive participle. So, the sentence will be like this : “it is the first digit appearing
on any zip code that refers to one of ten geographical areas in the United States”.

3. That comet’s tails are caused by solar wind generally accepted.

Answer : it is not a complete sentence. It is just a clause which includes nominal that clause.
The first clause “that comet’s tails are caused by solar wind” stands as a Subject. While
“generally accepted” must be a passive voice. It means there should be “to be” form before
the participle “generally accepted”. Therefore, the sentence will be like this : “That comet’s
tails are caused by solar wind is generally accepted”.

4. It has been said that no two snowflakes are identical, but scientists are now questioning that
Answer : True

5. One hundred thousands earthquakes are felt every year, one hundreds of which it cause severe
serious damage.
Answer : It’s not a good sentence. To show a quantity of something which is followed by the
thing itself, we don’t have to add letter “s” after the amount of it. The letter “s” should just be
replaced after the thing itself. Besides, there are two subject appears in the second clause.
“one hundred of which” shows the subject of the clause, so we don’t need to put “it” after the
phrase. Therefore, the sentence will be better like this : “One hundred thousand earthquakes
are felt every year, one hundred of which cause severe serious damage”.

6. Irving Berlin, America’s most prolific songwriter, he never learned to read or write music.
Answer : it’s not a good sentence. There are double subject there. Irving Berlin is the subject,
he is also subject. It will be better if the sentence is like this : “Irving Berlin, America’s most
prolific songwriter, never learned to read or write music”.

7. That the earth and the moon formed simultaneously at the same time is a theory that accounts
for the heat of the early atmosphere surrounding the earth.
Answer : True

8. Limestone formations growing downward from the roofs of caves that they are stalactites.
Answer : the sentence includes active participle in it. So it doesn’t need words “that they”,
because the noun clause “limestone formations growing downward from the roofs of caves”
has shown us the subject of the sentence. So that, it will be better if the sentence is replaced :
“Limestone formations growing downward from the roofs of caves are stalactites”.

9. The most famous name in the world it is Mohammad.
Answer : there are two subject in one sentence. It is ineffective. The sentence will be better
like this : “the most famous name in the world is Mohammad”.

10. One of the magnificent Seven Wonders of Ancient World was the enormous large statue known
as the Colossus of Rhodes it was.
Answer : there is a subject after an object of the complete sentence, and after the subject
there lies a verb in “to be” form. It is too much. We should replace the sentence into this :
“One of the magnificent Seven Wonders of Ancient World was the enormous large statue
known as the Colossus of Rhodes”.

1. Tim and Paul decided to return again for a second time to the old ancient house.
A. again
B. ancient or old
C. decided
D. for a second time

2. It is usually his custom to visit the houses of the affluent rich.

A. Custom
B. Usually
C. affluent or rich
D. Visit

3. The group wanted to climb up to the very summit at the top of the mountain.
A. climb
B. up
C. at the top of the mountain
D. Very

4. Thanks to their joint collaboration the archeologists found the handwritten manuscript in the
destroyed ruins of the monastery.
A. Archaeologists
B. Joint
C. Handwritten
D. Destroyed

5. Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf has pledged to return back to Pakistan despite threats to
his life from the Taliban.

6. The blue vase was completely and totally unique.


7. The amount of money available was not sufficient enough.

8. The missile attack was an unexpected surprise.


9. The wall was marred by a small, tiny speck of paint.


10. Last Thursday, The Chief of Police deviated from his regular, usual routine.


Kemampuan menyelesaikan soal bacaan tidak hanya dalam bentuk paragraf, tetapi bisa juga
dalam bentuk percakapan panjang atau dialog. Namun demikian, soal-soal USM STAN bagian bacaan
biasanya berbentuk passage atau paragraf, bukan dialog panjang. Bisa jadi diminta melengkapii
paragraf yang rumpang atau kurang lengkap kalimatnya, bisa juga mengidentifikasi isi dari paragraf
tersebut, atau mencari sinonim, antonim, maupun arti dari suatu kata yang terdapat dalam paragraf
yang bersangkutan.

Beberapa jenis teks atau bacaan yang biasa muncul dan ciri-cirinya antara lain sebagai
1. Narrative : bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca, menggunakan past tense, berupa kisah atau
2. Descriptive : bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang bersifat khusus, menggunakan
present tense;
3. Explanation : bertujuan untuk menjelaskan suatu hal tentang fenomena alam, sosial, atau
teknologi, dalam bentuk proses, menggunakan simple present tense.
4. Discussion : untuk menyajikan beberapa perspektif atau pandangan berbeda atau bertentangan
antara satu orang atau kelompok dengan orang atau kelompok lainnya tentang suatu hal,
menunjukkan opini berbeda yang mendukung masalah atau justru menolak masalah yang
5. Review : untuk memberikan rangkuman, deskripsi, analisis, respon, dan kritik terhadap suatu
hasil karya, biasanya banyak menggunakan ekspresi yang bersifat metafora.

Paragraf yang disajikan dalam soal USM STAN biasanya bukan berbentuk cerita dongeng
atau narrative, melainkan berbentuk berita, argumentasi, atau hasil penelitian, yang umumnya
disajikan menggunakan kata-kata yang jarang kita dengar atau baca, atau menggunakan banyak
istilah-istilah yang berkaitan dengan topik bahasan. Oleh sebab itu, sangat penting bagi kita untuk
dapat mengetahui strategi yang bisa digunakan dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal semacam ini. Berikut
adalah beberapa strategi untuk memahami suatu bacaan.

1. Activating background knowledge to make connections between new and known information
Dasar pengetahuan yang kita miliki sangat berperan dalam menentukan sejauh mana kita bisa
memahami suatu bacaan yang disajikan. Sebagai contoh, seorang dokter akan lebih mudah
memahami bacaan yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan dibanding bacaan yang berhubungan
dengan perekonomian. Namun demikian, menurut Colleen Buddy ada beberapa tipe dalam
membuat hubungan antara bacaan dengan pengetahuan yang dimiliki.
a. Text-to-Self (T-S) yang berarti menghubungkan bacaan dengan pengetahuan pembaca
berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi pembaca yang bersangkutan, seperti pendidikan yang
pernah ditempuh.
b. Text-to-Text (T-T) yang berarti menghubungkan bacaan dengan bacaan lain yang pernah
dibaca oleh pembaca yang bersangkutan.

c. Text-to-World (T-W) yang berarti menghubungkan bacaan dengan apa yang sedang terjadi di
dunia dalam kehidupan nyata.
Ketiga hal tersebut di atas dapat membantu pembaca untuk lebih mudah dalam memahami

2. Questioning the text

Membuat pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan bacaan yang sedang dibaca
merupakan suatu cara lain untuk dapat lebih memahami bacaan. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan
tersebut tentunya yang mencakup 5W+1H (what, who, where, when, why, how). Namun
demikian, biasanya justru inilah yang dibuat sebagai masalah yang harus dipecahkan pembaca
yang sedang mengikuti USM STAN.

3. Drawing inferences
Setelah selesai membaca, ada baiknya pembaca membuat suatu simpulan atau rangkuman
mengenai apa yang dibaca. Hal ini dapat membantu pembaca untuk lebih memahami bacaan
yang dihadapi. Namun demikian, terkadang ini pun menjadi masalah yang justru harus
dipecahkan oleh peserta USM ketika mengerjakan soal.

4. Determining importance
Beberapa bacaan lebih mudah dipahami jika berbentuk kisah atau cerita yang memiliki urutan
waktu/kejadian (sequence of time). Namun, bacaan nonfiksi akan lebih sulit dipahami karena
mengandung kata-kata yang merupakan istilah dalam suatu bidang ilmu. Dengan demikian,
mencatat atau membuat list hal-hal penting yang ada dalam bacaan atau berkaitan dengan
bacaan juga penting.

5. Creating mental images

Membuat gambaran atau skema bayangan berdasarkan bacaan juga bagus untuk membantu
pembaca memahami bacaan. Hal ini penting untuk melihat benang merah yang menghubungkan
kalimat satu dengan yang lain.

6. Synthesizing information
Setelah semua informasi yang berkaitan dengan bacaan didapat dan berhasil dikumpulkan,
informasi tersebut harus disatukan dan diurutkan sehingga terlihat bentuk cerita dari bacaan
yang sedang dibaca.

Keenam hal tersebut di atas tentu sangatlah penting dan membantu bagi para pembaca pemula
yang sedang belajar, khususnya, bagi para calon peserta USM STAN. Strategi tersebut di atas baik
digunakan ketika berlatih. Namun, akan menjadi kurang efektif apabila digunakan ketika ujian
berlangsung karena hanya akan menghabiskan waktu. Oleh karena itu, latihan membaca sangat
penting agar pembaca menjadi terlatih dan dengan mudah membuat skema hanya dengan
membayangkan. Selain itu, bentuk soal USM STAN juga menuntut peserta untuk memperkaya
perbendaharaan kata bahasa asing, tidak hanya bahasa Inggris, melainkan juga istilah-istilah yang
sering digunakan dalam berbagai bidang ilmu, yang pernah muncul dalam majalah, koran, atau
televisi, atau istilah-istilah yang sedang marak dibicarakan. Jadi, selamat berlatih dan berjuang calon

peserta USM STAN berikutnya, generasi baru calon punggawa keuangan negara! Berikut ini ada
beberapa tips untuk mengerjakan soal bacaan, juga beberapa kata yang bisa dibaca untuk
menambah sedikit perbendaharaan kata teman-teman.
Tips :
1. Rileks, jangan takut menghadapi soal bacaan. Membaca dengan pikiran jernih dapat membantu
kita lebih mudah memahami apa yang sedang kita baca meskipun tidak semua kata yang tertulis
kita ketahui artinya dengan pasti.
2. Lebih baik baca terlebih dahulu soal atau pertanyaan yang diajukan berdasarkan bacaan yang
bersangkutan sehingga kita mengetahui bagian mana yang lebih penting daripada yang lainnya
dalam bacaan tersebut.
3. Beri tanda pada kata-kata yang kita belum mengerti.
4. Beri tanda pada bagian-bagian penting dalam bacaan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan

Vocabulary :
Plank_papan Truce_gencatan senjata
Brook_selokan Henceforth_mulai
Stroll_berjalan pelan sekarang
Knoll_bukit kecil Dwell_tinggal
Jester_pelawak Tidings_berita/news
Portaged_ongkos angkut Indulge_menurut hati
Spine_tulang belakang Consent_setuju
Noble_bangsawan Culprit_penjahat
Fatigue_melelahkan Pal_sahabat
Obstruction_halangan Mold_cetakan
Forebondings_firasat Utilitarian_bermanfaat
In agony_kesakitan Rupture_robekan
Moccasins_sepatu Dentures_buatan
Cloak_mantel Tiptoe_berjingkat
Shepherd_penggembala Treacherous_curang

Berikut ini adalah contoh bentuk soal USM, bisa berupa paragraf rumpang, atau menjawab
pertanyaan berkaitan dengan paragraf.
Niagara Falls, one of ____(1) North American natural wonders, has long been a popular
tourist destination. Tourists today flock to see the two falls that actually constitute Niagara province
of Ontario and the 182-foot-high American Falls on the US side of the river in the state of New York.
Approximately 85 percent of the water that goes over the falls actually goes over Horseshoe Falls,
with the rest going over American Falls.
Most ____(2) come between April and October, and it is quite a popular activity to take a
steamer out onto the river and right up to the base of the falls for a close-up view. It is also ____(3)
to get a spectacular view of the falls from the strategic locations along the Niagara River, such as
Prospect Point or Table Rock, or from one of the four observation towers which have heights up to
500 feet.
Tourists ____(4) Niagara Falls in large numbers since the 1800’s; annual visitation now
averages above 10 million visitors per year. Because of concern that all these tourists would
inadvertently destroy the natural beauty of this scenic wonder, the state of New York in 1885
____(5) Niagara Falls Park in order to protect the land surrounding American Falls. A year later
Canada created Queen Victoria Park on the Canadian side of the Niagara, around Horseshoe Falls.
With the area surrounding the falls under the jurisdiction of government agencies, appropriate steps
could be taken to preserve the pristine beauty of the area.

1. A. most famous D. be able

B. more famous E. possibility
C. the more famous
D. the most famous 4. A. have been visiting
E. the famoustest B. are visiting
C. visits
2. A. of visitor D. visited
B. visitor E. had been visiting
C. visiting
D. visits 5. A. Creating
E. visitors B. were creating
C. created
3. A. Possibly D. has created
B. possible E. has been creating
C. probably

6. What is the major point that the author is making in this passage?
A. Niagara Falls can be viewed from either the American side or the Canadian side
B. A trip to the United States isn’t complete without a visit to Niagara Falls.
C. Niagara Falls has had an interesting history
D. It has been necessary to protect Niagara Falls from the many tourists who go there
E. The people have to know the description of Niagara Falls

7. The word “flock” in the line 2 could best be replaced by ___
A. Come by plane
B. Come in large numbers
C. Comeout of boredom
D. Come without knowing what they will see
E. Come with some knowledge

8. A “steamer” in line 8 is probably ___

A. A bus
B. A car
C. A boat
D. A walkway
E. A park

9. According to the passage, why was Niagara Park created?

A. To encourage tourists to visit Niagara Falls
B. To show off the natural beauty of Niagara Falls
C. To force Canada to open Queen Victoria Park
D. To give amusement to the reader about Niagara Falls
E. To protect the are around Niagara Falls

10. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses ____
A. Additional ways to observe the fall
B. Steps take by government agencies to protect the falls
C. A detailed description of the division of the falls between the United States and Canada
D. Further problems that are destroying the area around the falls
E. The visitors visiting Niagara and Horseshoe Falls

11. The word “pristine” in line 18 is closest in meaning to ___

A. Pure and natural
B. Highly developed
C. Well-regulated
D. Overused
E. Manmade

12. The word “jurisdiction” in line 17 is closest in meaning to ____

A. View
B. Assistance
C. Taxation
D. Control
E. Investigation

13. The passage implies that tourists prefer to ____
A. See the falls from a great distance
B. Take a ride over the falls
C. Visit Niagara Falls during warmer weather
D. Come to Niagara Falls for a winter vacation
E. Swim along the river to Niagara Falls

14. The expression “right up” in the line 8 could best be replaced by ___
A. Turn to the right
B. Follow the correct procedure
C. Travel upstream
D. Come to the right position
E. All the way up

15. According to the passage, which of the following best describes Niagara Falls?
A. The Niagara River has two falls, one in Canada and one in the United States
B. Niagara Falls consists of two rivers, one Canadian and the other American
C. American Falls in consederably higher than Horseshoe Falls
D. Although the Niagara River flows through the United States and Canada, the falls are only in
the United States
E. Niagara Falls is one of Horseshoe River.

The Hollywood sign in the hills line the nonthern border of Los Angeles is a famous land
mark recognized the world over. The white-painted, 50-foot-high, sheet metal letters can be seen
from great distances across the Los Angeles basin.
The sign was not constructed, as one might suppose, by the movie business as a means of
celebrating the importance of Hollywood to this industry; instead, it was first constructed in 1923 as
a means of advertisibg homes for sale in a 500-acre housing sibdivision in apart of Los Angeles called
“Hollywoodland”. Over the years, people began referring to the area by the shortened version
“Hollywood”, and after the sign and its site were donated to the city in 1945, the last four letters
were removed.
The sign suffered from years of disrepair, and in 1973 it needed to compeletely replaced, at
accost of $27,700 per letter. Various celebrities were instrumental in helping to raise needed funds.
Rock star Alice Cooper, for example, bought an “O” in memory of Groucho Marx, and Hugh Hefner of
playboy fame held a benefit party to raise the money for the “Y”. the construction of the new sign
was finally completed in 1978.
1. What the topic of this passage ?
A. A famous sign
B. A famous city
C. World landmarks
D. Hollywood versus Hollywoodland

2. The expression “they world over” in the line 3 could be best replaced by …..
A. In the northern parts of the world
B. On top of the world
C. In the entire world
D. In the skies

3. It can be inferred from the passage that most people think that the Hollywood sign was
constructed by …
A. An advertising company
B. The movie industry
C. A construction company
D. Tha city of angeles

4. The pronoun “it” in line 9 refers to …

A. The sign
B. The movie business
C. The importance of Hollywood
D. This industry

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Hollywood ?

A. It use to be name of an area of Los Angeles
B. It was formerly the name on the sign in the hills
C. There were houses for sale there
D. It was the most expensive area of Los Angeles

6. If something has never happened before, it is …
A. reconvene
B. contradict
C. inscription
D. unprecedented

7. Water that is underground is in a (n) ……... location.

A. convocation
B. subterranean
C. graphology
D. circumescribe

8. To write or place a limit around something is to ………. It.

A. circumscribe
B. convocation
C. revise
D. visualize

9. If you see something tahta is not out of the ordi nary, it is ……..
A. introvert
B. unspectaculer
C. inscription
D. mismatched

10. If you are not careful in making decisions or in expressing opinions, you are ……….
A. extrovert
B. introspective
C. injudicious
D. nprecedented

11. I am tryng to … the place you are describing; I would like to see it in my mind.
A. revise
B. submite
C. reconvene
D. visualize

12. The merger of the two companies was funded by a …….

A. capitalist
B. capitaism
C. capitalize
D. capital

13. The student did not do well in the class because he had a problem with …….
A. absent
B. absently
C. absenteism
D. absentia

One of the most effective justice sector institutions in Indonesia is the Corruption
Eradication Commission (KPK), established in December 2002. The KPK demonstrates what ca be
achieved when the different functions of investigation and prosecution are coordinated. Moreover,
it works with a specialized anti-corruption court, with appeals to anti-corruption chamber in the
Supreme Court. Both the court and the chamber are dominated by a majority of ad hoc judges
whose reputation for honesty is well known.
However, in December 2006, the Constitutional Court struck down the law creating the anti-
corruption court on the grounds that it was not created as part of the Law on the Courts. The
Constitutional Court gave Parliament three years to amend the law and properly constitute the anti-
corruption court under the Law on the Courts, but allowed the anti-corruption courts to continue to
function in the meantime. The Parliament set itself a deadline on March 2009 to pass the new law.
This was then extended to September. Many legislators have been arrested by KPK and convicted in
the anti-corruption court, leading some to question if the Parliament lacks motivation to pass this

The KPK consistently gets convictions in corruption cases, showing what can be done with
clean courts, professional investigation, and effective prosecutors. But this kind of successful
cooperation is certainly an exception. Their consistent convictions raise the bar for the police, the
attorney general’s office and the courts. Indonesia needs coordinated, bold leadership if it is to get
out f the corruption quagmire. Better coordination between police and prosecutors is essential. They
should have both the technology and legal means to obtain wire taps and recordings the way the
KPK does to obtain convictions in corruption cases.
Adapted from
14. The paragraph following the passage likely discusses about ...
A. the legal means needed by the police and prosecutors
B. the use of technology in supporting KPK’s actions
C. the consistency of KPK in eliminating corruption
D. the example of coordination between the police and prosecutors

15. KPK is regarded as one of the most effective justice sector institutions in Indonesia mainly
because ....
A. It allows the anti-corruption courts to continue to function
B. It dominates the courts and the chambers in Supreme Court
C. It together with the legislators amends and constitutes a proper anti corruption law
D. It coordinates the different functions of investigation and prosecution

16. The idiom “raise in the bar” in line 16 has the same meaning with ...
A. set the higher standard
B. add the list duties
C. provide new objectives
D. give more responsibility

17. The word “bold” in line 17 can easily be replaced by ....

A. strong
B. honest
C. brave
D. hard

18. According to the passage, what is NOT the element needed to create a clean government?
A. Bold and honest leadership
B. Reliable and professional ad hoc judges on courts.
C. The Amendment of Constitutional Courts.
D. Coordination between the police and prosecutors

19. The word “this” in line 11 refers to ....

A. the process of constituting the new anti-corruption law
B. the deadline the parliament set to pass the new law
C. the permission to keep on functioning the anti-corruption courts
D. the arresting of some legislators

20. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. The extended time given to pass the anti-corruption law.
B. The deadline to pass the new anti-corruption law.
C. The parliament lacks of motivation in passing the law.
D. The amendment and formation of anti-corruption law.


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