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Group 1


1. Fani Nanda Irana

2. Fitrilia Nurjanah

3. Melinda Herliani

4. Rai Nurani

5. Sriyuni

6. Susi Agustini


1. Is the nurse obliged to record every activity carried out?

2. Why nurse always smile?

3. The thing negative and positive what you have heard about the nursing?

4. What is the salary of the nurse?

5. What skills should a nurse have?

6. Why is the nurse often called the doctor's assistant?

7. Why nurse are always friendly and humble?

8. Which country is the best nursing in the world?



2. In our opinion the reason why nurses should keep smiling is a must. Because if the nurse is upset this
causes discomfort to the patient. Of course these patients don't want to be treated by us, and they will
definitely call it a "bitch nurse"


5. In our opinion the skills that a nurse must have include:

- Responsibility

Having a sense of responsibility is something that must be owned by every nurse who wants to apply
nursing management knowledge in the room where he works. Nurses involved in the implementation of
nursing management must have responsibility for their respective roles, both as head of space, primary
nurse, and associate nurse. Each role has a different task, so that every nurse who holds the role must be
responsible for carrying out his role as best as possible so that nursing management in the room can
work effectively.

- Having effective communication skills

In the implementation of nursing management, effective communication skills are also needed. Effective
communication needs to be done when communicating the patient's progress when weighing in,
communicating a delegation to team members, as well as communication with other medical personnel
such as doctors, nutritionists, or physiotherapists during the nursing round. Effective communication can
reduce the risk of ineffectiveness of team performance that can interfere with the implementation of
nursing management.

- Having bargaining and negotiation skills

In addition to having the ability to communicate effectively, other capabilities that must be owned by
nurses if they want to carry out successful nursing management in the room are the ability to bargain
and negotiate. This bargaining and negotiation ability is important in applying for permission to
implement indoor nursing management, as well as in nursing rounds involving various professions and

- Able to work in teams

The core of the successful implementation of nursing management is the ability of the nursing team in
the room to work as well as possible in managing patients and the room. Being able to work in a team is
a mandatory ability that must be owned by every nurse involved in the implementation of nursing
management. In a team or work group there is certainly group dynamics. This is what requires the
adaptation and adjustment of each team member to be able to prioritize mutual interests above
personal interests. If teamwork is able to work in harmony and in line, the goals to be achieved are also
easier to achieve.

- Fair

Nurses in performing nursing care must act fairly on their patients. Does not distinguish one patient from
another, does not distinguish between the poor and the rich.


8. According to our lecturer Mr. Hikmat Pramajati, S. Kep., Ners., MAN and from several sources of books
that we have read, the country with the best nurse profession in the world is the Philippines. Almost all
of the world's hospitals, Filipino nurses are needed, especially in European countries. Because of his
English language skills and skills, the nursing school in the Philippines can excel in passing his nurse.

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