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Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A

shadow price approach
María Molinos-Senante a,b,c,⇑, Catalina Guzmán a,c
Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile
Facultad de Arquitectura e Instituto de Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, El Comendador 1916, Santiago, Chile
Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable CONICYT/FONDAP/15110020, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile

h i g h l i g h t s

 The shadow price of CO2 for drinking water treatment plants is estimated.
 The average shadow price of CO2 is 5.7% of the price of the drinking water.
 Factors affecting shadow price of CO2 are examined.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The water industry is currently facing the challenge to reduce its carbon footprint. Although the majority
Received 29 July 2016 of previous studies have focused on wastewater treatment energy issues, a non-negligible quantity of
Received in revised form 13 September energy is consumed in drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs). To develop environmental policies
aimed to reduce CO2 emissions, it is essential to estimate the shadow price of CO2 because this can pro-
Accepted 24 September 2016
Available online xxxx
vide information about the marginal abatement cost of CO2. This paper computes the shadow price of CO2
for a sample of Chilean DWTPs using directional distance function estimation. The potential reduction of
CO2 emissions for each DWTP is also calculated. Finally, applying a non-parametric hypothesis test, fac-
Drinking water treatment
tors that affect CO2 shadow prices are investigated. The results indicated that the Chilean DWTPs evalu-
Shadow price ated have notable room to reduce CO2 emissions. Moreover, the average shadow price of CO2 for DWTPs
Directional distance function is 5.7% of the drinking water price. The methodology and results of this study are of great interest for
Greenhouse gas emissions water companies and policy makers to introduce incentives for promoting the transition towards an
Marginal abatement cost urban water cycle with a low carbon footprint.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction grow and environmental requirements become more stringent,

demand for electricity by drinking water and wastewater treat-
Water and energy resources are intrinsically linked through a ment facilities is expected to grow substantially [5].
co-dependent and complex relation that is often referred to as The urban water cycle involves several activities that might be
the water-energy nexus [1]. Water is used for many processes in split into two main services, namely, drinking water supply and
electricity generation, and energy is required in the urban water wastewater treatment collection and treatment. A literature
sector [2]. In developed countries, the water sector is one major review has demonstrated that most of the previous studies on
contributor to municipal energy use; water and wastewater treat- the topics of energy use, energy efficiency and development of
ment and transport are responsible for up to 44% of a city’s energy low carbon technologies have focused mainly on wastewater treat-
cost [3]. This use of energy by water utilities contributes signifi- ment, while energy issues related to drinking water have been
cantly to an increased carbon footprint with an estimated 45 mil- much less investigated [6]. Nevertheless, some papers have
lion tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs) annually emitted into the assessed the environmental life cycle of the urban water cycle
atmosphere in the United States [4]. Moreover, as populations involving both water supply and wastewater treatment services.
A review conducted by Loubet et al. [7] demonstrated that the elec-
tricity consumed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is lar-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile.
ger than that consumed in drinking water treatment plants
E-mail address: (M. Molinos-Senante). (DWTPs); however, the electricity consumed in DWTPs is not neg-
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),
2 M. Molinos-Senante, C. Guzmán / Applied Energy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

ligible. Thus, according to the 10 studies reviewed by Loubet et al. not useful to develop energy and environmental policies to regu-
[7], DWTPs consumed an average of 0.26 kWh/m3 with a maxi- late drinking water supply service. This study introduces a pioneer-
mum value of 0.64 kWh/m3 reported by Lemos et al. [8]. These fig- ing and novel approach in the framework of drinking water supply
ures show that energy issues in DWTPs deserve to be investigated. service to link energy and water policies. Moreover, this study
Recent studies have evidenced that the nexus between energy identifies factors affecting the shadow price of CO2 emissions from
and water provides cross-cutting opportunities to mitigate urban DWTPs. This issue is relevant for many low and middle income
energy and water demand pressure [9,10]. Moreover, synergistic countries where the access to drinking water supply is not univer-
approaches are critical for helping decision makers better under- sal. Unicef and WHO [20] reported that in 2015, 663 million people
stand the interrelationships between energy and water [11]. From still lack improved drinking water services. Hence, in order to meet
a policy perspective, some governments have already realized the the Sustainable Millennium Development Goals, new DWTPs
important role that the urban water industry might play in the should be constructed. In this context, this paper contributes to
reduction of GHG emissions. For example, in Quebec and British support the decision making for implementing new and sustain-
Columbia, the water industry is already subject to a carbon tax able DWTPs.
[12]. The United Kingdom (UK) Environmental Agency, in its report From a policy perspective, the results of this study are expected
‘‘Evidence. A low carbon water industry in 2050” (UKEA, 2009), sta- to be pertinent to water managers and policy makers because the
ted that the price of carbon needs to be internalized in every aspect estimation of the shadow price of CO2 and reduction potential is
of the water industry’s activities. In this context, the estimation of fundamental to support environmental policy issues. In this con-
the shadow price of CO2 plays an essential role given that it reflects text, it should be noted that the water industry is regulated in
the opportunity costs for pollution abatement, which can be used many countries, and therefore, policy makers (i.e., water regula-
for measuring the difficulty level of reducing CO2 emissions [13]. tors) have the capacity to introduce efficient incentives to reduce
Based on the pioneering methodological approach developed by the carbon footprint of the water industry. Given that the shadow
Färe et al. [14], several applications have been carried out to esti- prices can be interpreted as the marginal abatement costs [21],
mate the shadow price of a variety of pollutants such as NOx, these costs can be used to fix carbon tax rates and to ascertain
SO2, CO2, BOD, SS, N and P that result from several industries. A an initial market price to reduce GHG emissions in the water
summary of the existing studies on this topic is provided by Zhou industry. Hence, economic incentives for reducing CO2 emissions
et al. [15]. The water industry has not ignored this area of research. in the water industry, such as carbon tax or trading system, can
Thus, since the pioneering paper by Hernández-Sancho et al. [16], be implemented by water regulators.
several empirical applications have been developed to estimate the
shadow price of pollutants removed from wastewater [17,18]. In 2. Methodology
the framework of CO2 emissions, Molinos-Senante et al. [12] com-
puted the shadow price of CO2 for a sample of 25 Spanish WWTPs. 2.1. Directional output distance function
However, as was reported previously, within the urban water
cycle, the electricity consumption and therefore CO2 emissions of A literature review conducted by Zhou et al. [15] indicated that
DWTPs are not negligible. the shadow price of undesirable or bad outputs can be estimated
Against this background, the objectives of this paper are three- using two alternative distance functions, namely, radial output/
fold. The first one is to estimate the shadow price of CO2 associated input distance functions [14] and directional output distance func-
with electricity consumption in DWTPs. To do so, the methodolog- tions [19]. While both approaches have been widely applied, the
ical approach proposed by Färe et al. [19] based on the directional directional distance function provides a more useful and flexible
output distance function was applied. The second objective is to approach to assess the environmental performance of productive
calculate potential reduction of CO2 emissions. This information processes [22]. Hence, in this study, shadow prices of CO2 were
is essential for identify best managerial practices and for improve estimated using the directional distance function.
the environmental sustainability of DWTPs. The third objective of First, the directional distance function is introduced; then, the
this paper is to explore factors that might affect CO2 shadow prices. function is used to derive shadow prices. Suppose that a produc-
This issue is fundamental for planning new DWTPs or updating the
tion process employs a vector of inputs x ¼ ðx1 ; . . . ; xN Þ 2 RNþ to pro-
existing ones. The empirical application focused on a sample of 36
Chilean DWTPs. Chile presents an interesting case within the con- duce a vector of desirable outputs denoted by y ¼ ðy1 ; . . . ; yM Þ 2 RM

text of this research since it is a middle income country which has and a vector of undesirable outputs denoted by b ¼ ðb1 ; . . . ; bJ Þ
achieved almost universal access to urban water services. Given 2 RJþ . Eq. (1) describes the production technology [23]:
that Latin America could be described as being situated at a med-
PðxÞ ¼ fðy; bÞ : x can produceðy; bÞg ð1Þ
ium level in terms of coverage and quality of water services,
including environmental issues, water authorities in other low In addition to the standard assumptions of convex, compact,
and middle income countries can learn some lessons from the Chi- and freely disposal inputs, the following assumptions should be
lean case. imposed on the output set. First, it is assumed that the undesirable
This paper contributes to the current strand of literatures by outputs are produced jointly with the desirable outputs. Second,
estimating, for the first time, the shadow prices of CO2 emissions desirable and undesirable outputs are assumed to be weakly dis-
associated with energy consumption in DWTPs. In the framework posable. Third, it is assumed that desirable outputs by themselves
of the urban water industry, the water-energy nexus should be are freely disposable [24].
addressed from a multidisciplinary point of view. However, to Taking into account the above assumptions, the directional out-
the best of our knowledge, only Molinos-Senante et al. [12] com- put distance function is formally defined as [19]
puted the shadow price of CO2 emissions from WWTPs. It should !  
be noted that urban water cycle involves two services namely, Do ðx; y; b; g y ; g b Þ ¼ max b : ðy þ bg y ; b  bg b Þ 2 PðxÞ ð2Þ
drinking water supply and wastewater treatment. Actually, in
many countries both services are provided by different types of where g ¼ ðg y ; g b Þ 2 RM J
þ XRþ is a directional vector that specifies the
water companies namely, water only companies and water and direction of the output vector. The directional distance function
sewerage companies. Hence, the shadow prices of CO2 estimated describes the simultaneous maximum expansion of desirable out-
by Molinos-Senante et al. [12], who focused on wastewater, are puts and contraction of undesirable outputs that is feasible for

Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),
M. Molinos-Senante, C. Guzmán / Applied Energy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

any given production technology. Given the production technology Given the market price of the mth desirable output denoted by
PðxÞ and g ¼ ðg y ; g b Þ > 0, the directional output distance function pm , the shadow price of the jth undesirable output is
expands the desirable output y and contracts the undesirable out- 0 ! , !
put b along the g direction until it reaches the production frontier. @Do ðx; y; b; gÞ @Do ðx; y; b; gÞA
Moreover, the directional output distance function describes qj ¼ pm  @ ð10Þ
@bj @ym
inefficiency. b ¼ 0 means that the producer is located on the fron-
tier and is therefore efficient. By contrast, b > 0 means that the
producer is inefficient. 2.3. Empirical specifications
According to Färe et al. [25], the directional output distance
function has the following properties: (i) Do is concave and non- There are two methodological approaches to estimate the direc-
! tional distance function, namely, non-parametric and parametric
negative for feasible output vectors; (ii) Do is monotonic and freely methods. However, in the framework of shadow price estimation,
disposable in desirable outputs and inputs; (iii) Do is weakly dis- the main drawback of non-parametric methods is that the distance
! function is not differentiable, and therefore, it is not well-suited to
posable in undesirable outputs and; (iv) Do satisfies the translation
derive shadow prices [25]. By contrast, parametric estimation pre-
assumes a specific functional form for the directional distance
! !
function, and then unknown parameters are estimated using linear
Do ðx; y þ ag y ; b  ag b ; gÞ ¼ Do ðx; y; b; gÞ  a ð3Þ
programming [26]. As was illustrated by Zhou et al. [15], to ease
where a is a scalar. This property indicates that if an undesirable the theoretical restrictions imposed on the estimation, the para-
output is contracted by ag b and a desirable output is expanded by metric approach is the most widely used in empirical applications
ag y , the resulting value of the directional distance function will be to estimate the shadow price of undesirable outputs. Following
more efficient by the amount a [25]. previous studies, the directional distance function was estimated
2.2. Shadow price of undesirable output The quadratic form was used to parameterize the directional
output because it satisfies the translation property and is twice dif-
To derive the shadow price of an undesirable output, the duality ferentiable [27,21]. Following Färe et al. [19], the directional vector
relationship between the directional output distance function and g ¼ ð1; 1Þ was chosen, where the first M components are equal to
the revenue function is employed. According to Färe et al. [19], the one and the next J components are also equal to one to make the
revenue function is defined as parameterization parsimonious.
Assuming that there are k ¼ 1; . . . ; K producers (DWTPs in this
Rðx; p; qÞ ¼ maxfpy  qb : ðy; bÞ 2 PðxÞg ð4Þ
y;b case study), n ¼ 1; . . . ; N inputs, m ¼ 1; . . . ; M desirable outputs
and j ¼ 1; . . . ; J undesirable outputs, then the quadratic
where p ¼ ðp1 ; . . . ; pM Þ 2 RM
þ represents desirable output prices and directional-distance function for the k-th producer is as follows:
q ¼ ðq1 ; . . . ; qJ Þ 2 RJþ represents undesirable output prices. The rev-
enue function describes the largest feasible revenue obtainable rep- Do ¼ ðxk ; yk ; bk ; 1; 1Þ
resented as the sum of the positive revenue generated by desirable
1X N X N
outputs and negative revenue produced by undesirable outputs. ¼ a0 þ an xnk þ bm ymk þ cj bjk þ ann0 xnk xn0 k
Given a feasible directional vector g ¼ ðg y ; g b Þ, the revenue function n¼1 m¼1 j¼1
2 n¼1 n0 ¼1
(Eq. (4)) can be written as 1X M X

! ! þ bmm0 ymk ym0 k þ cjj0 bjk bj0 k þ dnm xnk ymk

2 m¼1m0 ¼1 2 j¼1 0
Rðx; p; qÞ P ðpy  qbÞ þ p  Do ðx; y; b; gÞ  g y þ q  Do ðx; y; b; gÞ  g b j ¼1 n¼1 m¼1

ð5Þ X
þ gnj xnk bjk þ lmj ymk bjk ð11Þ
The left side of Eq. (5) determines the maximal feasible revenue, n¼1 j¼1 m¼1 j¼1
while the right side equals observer revenue plus the revenue
gained by technical efficiency improvement. By rearranging Eq. To calculate the parameters a, b, c, d, g and l of the quadratic
(5), the following is obtained: function, the following linear program was solved (Eq. (12)), where
! Rðx; p; qÞ  ðpy  qbÞ the objective was to minimize the sum of deviations of the
Do ðx; y; b; gÞ 6 ð6Þ directional-distance function value from the frontier of the produc-
pg y þ qg b
tion technology:
The directional distance function in terms of maximal revenue
function is related, as shown in Eq. (7): X
K !
Minimise ½ Do ðxk ; yk ; bk ; 1; 1Þ  0
! Rðx; p; qÞ  ðpy  qbÞ k¼1
Do ðx; y; b; gÞ 6 minp;q ð7Þ
pg y þ qg b
Assuming that directional distance function and the revenue
function are both differentiable, the first-order condition with
ðiÞ Do ðxk ; yk ; bk ; 1; 1Þ P 0; k ¼ 1; . . . ; K
respect to desirable and undesirable outputs is shown in Eqs. (8)
and (9): !
@ Do ðxk ; yk ; bk ; 1; 1Þ
! p ðiiÞ P 0; j ¼ 1; . . . ; J; k ¼ 1; . . . ; K
ry Do ðx; y; b; gÞ ¼ ð8Þ @bj
pg y  qg b
! q @ Do ðxk ; yk ; bk ; 1; 1Þ
rb Do ðx; y; b; gÞ ¼ ð9Þ ðiiiÞ 6 0; m ¼ 1; . . . ; M; k ¼ 1; . . . ; K
pg y  qg b @ym

Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),
4 M. Molinos-Senante, C. Guzmán / Applied Energy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

@ Do ðx; yk ; bk ; 1; 1Þ among the groups of DWTPs. The facilities were grouped based on
ðivÞ P 0; n ¼ 1; . . . ; N the different factors investigated, i.e., on factors that might affect
CO2eq shadow prices. Intuitively, the Mann-Whitney test is similar
to the traditional one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). However,
ðvÞ bm  cj ¼ 1; bmm0  lmj ¼ 0; m ¼ 1; . . . ; M it does not assume a normal distribution, unlike ANOVA. Therefore,
m¼1 j¼1 m0 ¼1 j¼1 for our case study, the Mann-Whitney test was more suitable. If the
p-value of the non-parametric test is smaller than 0.05, the null
M hypothesis can be rejected, which means that the shadow price
cjj0  lmj ¼ 0; j ¼ 1; . . . ; J of CO2eq for the groups of DWTPs is significantly different with
j0 ¼1 m¼1 the usual level of confidence of 95%.

dnm  gnj ¼ 0; n ¼ 1; . . . ; N 3. Data and variables
m¼1 j¼1
This section provides the definitions of inputs, desirable and
0 0 0 undesirable outputs and the DWTPs used in this study. Analo-
ðviÞann0 ¼ an0 n n – n ; bmm0 ¼ bm0 m m – m ; cjj0 ¼ cj0 j j – j ð12Þ
gously to WWTPs, which have been widely studied, DWTPs can
The restriction (i) imposes feasibility, which means that each be considered as carrying out a productive process in which a
producer is located either on or below the boundary. Restrictions desirable output (drinking water with a certain quality) is obtained
(ii) and (iii) impose the monotonicity requirement in undesirable from inputs (operational and maintenance costs), and GHGs are
and desirable outputs. Positive monotonicity constraints were also also emitted. Accordingly, in this study, the input considered is
imposed on the inputs for the mean level of input usage (iv). This the operational and maintenance cost of each DWTP expressed in
means that at the mean level of inputs, an increase in input usage CLP1 per year. Ideally, it would be desirable to have this cost disag-
holding desirable and undesirable outputs constant causes the gregated in several cost items, such as staff costs, material costs and
directional output distance function to increase [19]. The restric- waste management costs. Unfortunately, this information was not
tions in (v) are due to the translation property. The restrictions available. Nevertheless, given that the aim of this paper is to esti-
in (vi) ensure symmetry conditions. mate the shadow prices of CO2 and not an efficiency score for each
It should be noted that to compute the shadow price of CO2eq variable, it is not relevant to have all cost items as total operational
data were normalized by dividing the input and outputs by their and maintenance costs.
average values, as suggested by Färe et al. [19]. Hence, the conver- Regarding the selection of the desirable output, intuitively, it
gence problem was overcome. should be the volume of drinking water generated in the DWTPs.
However, the operational and maintenance costs and the emission
2.4. Potential reduction of CO2 emissions of GHGs from the DWTPs depend on the drinking water quality. In
this context, previous studies [29,30] defined a quality-adjusted
The estimation of the directional distance function enables variable as the desirable output. The construction of this quality-
measuring the feasible reduction potentials of CO2eq emissions adjusted output is defined as follows. The Chilean water industry
[13]: regulator, the ‘‘Superintendencia de Servicios Sanitarios (SISS)”,
defines and measures an indicator of drinking water quality based
Dbi ¼ bi  ðbi  bi g b Þ ð13Þ
on a series of parameters regulated by the Chilean norm NCh 409
where bi is the quantity of CO2eq emissions by the DWTP i, bi is the for drinking water. This norm is based on the guidelines for drink-
estimated technical inefficiency score of the DWTP i and g b is the ing water quality published periodically by the World Health Orga-
directional vector for the undesirable output. Dbi describes the nization. Moreover, it takes into account the special conditions of
maximum attainable amount of CO2eq emissions for the DWTP i the raw water in some Chilean regions [31]. Considering the degree
when production is fully efficient. of compliance of the Chilean norm for drinking water, the SISS
Given that the volume of drinking water produced by the develops a synthetic indicator of drinking water quality, which
DWTPs evaluated is relatively heterogeneous (Table 1), the scale integrates the following parameters: bacteriology, turbidity, free
of CO2eq emissions is also considerably heterogeneous. This makes residual chlorine and critical and non-critical parameters. Critical
it difficult to compare each DWTP’s relative ability to reduce CO2eq and non-critical parameters depend on the source of raw water
emissions based on its desirable output. To overcome such a diffi- and are not the same for all DWTPs. The synthetic indicator esti-
culty, the scale of potential CO2eq emissions should be divided by mated by the SISS ranges between 0% and 100%. A value of 100%
the real observed emissions for each DWTP. This gives the percent- indicates that the drinking water fulfils the drinking water quality
age of potential CO2eq savings for each DWTP that can be used to norm for all parameters.
compare across DWTPS. In this study, the desirable quality-adjusted desirable output
ðQADOÞ for each DWTP is defined using Eq. (13), where V is the vol-
ume of drinking water produced (m3/year) adjusted by the syn-
2.5. Factors affecting the shadow price of CO2 emissions
thetic indicator of drinking water quality ðSIDWQ Þ.
According to previous studies, there are two main methodolog- QADO ¼ V  SIDWQ ð14Þ
ical approaches to determine factors that affect shadow prices,
namely, regression analysis [28] and hypothesis testing [12]. In The undesirable output considered is the indirect emission of
our case study, most of the potential factors investigated are qual- GHG expressed in kg of CO2 equivalents (CO2eq) per year. GHG
itative; therefore, it is not feasible to introduce all of them as emissions are categorized as direct and indirect GHG emissions.
dummy variables. Hence, the hypothesis test approach was applied Direct emissions are the emissions released to the atmosphere as
to identify factors that affect the shadow price of CO2eq. In doing so, a direct result of an activity or a series of activities at a facility level.
non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis test for Indirect GHG emissions are the ones released to the atmosphere
three groups of more) were performed to test the following null
hypothesis: there are no differences in the shadow prices of CO2eq 1
On 1st June, US$1 was CLP689.81 and €1 was CLP768.25.

Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),
M. Molinos-Senante, C. Guzmán / Applied Energy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Table 1
Descriptive statistics of DWTPs assessed.

Input Desirable Output Undesirable Output

Energy consumption Volume of water SIDWQ Operational and maintenance costs Volume of water ⁄ SIDWQ GHG emissions
(kWh/m3) (103 m3/year) (%) (103 CLP/year) (103 m3/year) (kgCO2eq/year)
Average 0.1767 17,883 98.42 179,166 17,600 109,004
Std. Dev. 0.2137 62,199 2.85 296,324 1775 165,263
Minimum 0.0048 31 88.54 15 27 2986
Maximum 0.7178 359,455 100.00 1,333,152 359,455 806,782

from the indirect consumption of an energy commodity [32]. Based demonstrates the low variability of the shadow price of the CO2eq
on IPCC Guidelines [33], direct emissions have not been considered among DWTPs when it is expressed as a percentage of the price of
in this empirical application. Hence, GHG emissions were quanti- the drinking water. The value of 5.71% means that if the water reg-
fied based on the energy consumed by the DWTPs and the Chilean ulator introduces a carbon tax to the water industry and therefore,
national electrical production mixes. In this sense, in Chile, there water companies have to pay for the emission of GHG, they would
are two main national electrical production mixes, namely, SIC have to pay in average the 5.71% of the sales value of one cubic meter
and SING. The SIC is the Central Interconnected System, which of drinking water for each kg of CO2eq emitted in DWTPs.
serves the central part of the country and represents approxi- By considering the price of drinking water, the variability of the
mately 75% of the total installed capacity and 93% of the popula- shadow price of CO2eq increases notably because the minimum
tion. The SING is the Large North Interconnected System and value is 0.025 €/kg, while the maximum value is 0.104 €/kg. The
serves the north of the country (I and II regions); it represents average value for the 36 DWTPs assessed is 0.040 €/kg with a stan-
approximately 23% of the total capacity (Central [34]). Given that dard deviation of 0.020 €/kg. This divergence in the shadow prices
both systems have different energy production mixtures, their is due to the large variability in the water prices for the Chilean
GHG emissions expressed as CO2eq per kWh of produced electricity cities.
is also different. Specifically, for 2014, the average value for the SIC The shadow price of an undesirable output is interpreted as the
was 0.360 tCO2eq/MWh, while it was 0.790 tCO2eq/MWh for the opportunity cost of reducing the desirable output by one unit once
SING [35]. Hence, based on the localization of the DWTPs, the CO2eq inefficiencies in the production have been eliminated [37]. How-
emission associated to the SIC or SING was applied. ever, in the framework of water utilities, the UK Environmental
The sample used in this case study consists of 36 Chilean Agency [38] and Hernández-Sancho et al. [16], among others, con-
DWTPs located across the country. The volume of water treated sidered that if the current pollution levels are optimal, then the
in each of these DWTPs varies between 31,000 m3/year and shadow price of CO2eq is interpreted as the environmental costs
359,500,000 m3/year. All facilities carry out water treatment using of using energy to treat the water. According to this approach,
conventional physical-chemical processes, i.e., none of the DWTPs the shadow price of CO2eq of 0.040 €/kg means that on average,
apply reverse osmosis to treat the water. Nevertheless, the specific each kg of CO2eq emitted as a result of treating raw water involves
unitary processes in all DWTPs are not exactly the same. For exam- an environmental cost of 0.040 € (5.7% of the price of the drinking
ple, only some DWTPs use a coagulation-flocculation process, and water).
only some of the facilities have a catch basin. The UK Environmental Agency [38] estimated the shadow price
The statistical information was supplied for the year 2014 by of GHGs, expressed as CO2eq, associated with the urban water
the SISS through the transparency of information process, which cycle. According to their methodology, the shadow price depends
involves requesting certain information from the SISS, which has on the year that the carbon is emitted. It was reported that for
the legal duty to provide it. Table 1 describes statistics for the vari- 2007, the shadow price of CO2eq was 25.5 £/tCO2eq (0.033 €/
ables used in this empirical application. KgCO2eq), and for 2014, it should be 29.4 £/tCO2eq (0.038 €/
KgCO2eq). In the framework of WWTPs, Molinos-Senante et al.
[12] estimated that the average shadow price of CO2eq for a sample
4. Results and discussion
of 25 Spanish WWTPs was 0.88 €/KgCO2eq. Hence, the results of
this study are consistent (are of the same order of magnitude) with
4.1. Shadow prices of CO2eq emissions
previous research on this topic because the mean value for the 36
DWTPs analysed was computed as 0.040 €/m3.
The parameter estimates for the quadratic form of the direc-
tional distance function (Eq. (11)) were obtained by solving the lin-
ear programming (Eq. (12)) using GAMS (General Algebraic 4.2. Potential reduction of CO2 emissions
Modeling System with CPLEX solver). According Eq. (10), to com-
pute the shadow price of CO2eq for each DWTP, it is required to Fig. 1 shows the potential reduction ratio of CO2eq emissions for
ascribe a reference price for the desirable output, i.e., the drinking the 36 DWTPs evaluated. A large divergence across DWTPs was
water produced by each DWTP. Following Molinos-Senante et al. found. Thus, there are three facilities that are efficient and act as
[36], water-billing data taken from SISS’s webpage was used as a references for the other DWTPs; therefore, they do not have the
reference price of the drinking water, which ranges between potential to reduce CO2eq emissions. By contrast, 15 of the 36
0.44 €/m3 and 1.82 €/m3. Moreover, the shadow price of CO2eq DWTPs (42%) could reduce more than 75% of CO2eq emissions if
can be expressed as a percentage of the price of the drinking water. they produced at this most efficient level.
The shadow price of CO2eq for each of the 36 DWTPs was com-
puted using the previously described methodology. Table 2 shows 4.3. Factors affecting the shadow price of CO2 emissions
that the shadow price of the CO2eq emitted by the DWTPs is rela-
tively constant because the minimum value is 5.54% of the price From a policy and managerial perspectives, identifying the fac-
of the drinking water, while the maximum value is 8.56%. The aver- tors affecting the shadow price of CO2eq emissions is essential for
age value, i.e. the shadow price of CO2eq for the drinking water support decision-making in order to promote the transition
industry, is 5.71%, and the standard deviation is 0.51%. This towards sustainable and low-carbon-footprint drinking water

Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),
6 M. Molinos-Senante, C. Guzmán / Applied Energy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Shadow price of CO2eq expressed in % of the drinking water price and expressed in €/kg.

DWTP Shadow price (%) Shadow price (€/kg) Energy consumption (kWh/m3) Volume of drinking water (m3/year)
1 8.56 0.0379 0.006 359,454,940
2 6.45 0.0285 0.010 124,580,137
3 5.56 0.0246 0.053 1,861,988
4 5.59 0.0248 0.011 8,007,871
5 5.66 0.1029 0.032 7,718,164
6 5.70 0.1037 0.033 10,116,219
7 5.68 0.1032 0.014 14,387,527
8 5.58 0.0312 0.022 4,805,179
9 5.65 0.0316 0.028 11,932,496
10 5.59 0.0313 0.016 6,623,541
11 5.64 0.0316 0.011 14,990,813
12 5.70 0.0319 0.005 28,038,677
13 5.56 0.0312 0.010 3,846,102
14 5.65 0.0438 0.005 19,640,674
15 5.60 0.0483 0.013 9,290,835
16 5.55 0.0478 0.029 662,313
17 5.74 0.0472 0.298 3,541,785
18 5.61 0.0263 0.532 723,461
19 5.54 0.0397 0.044 198,612
20 5.56 0.0398 0.154 757,673
21 5.56 0.0398 0.068 988,509
22 5.55 0.0397 0.068 452,662
23 5.55 0.0397 0.131 261,838
24 5.55 0.0397 0.222 200,998
25 5.56 0.0398 0.156 609,702
26 5.56 0.0398 0.085 988,561
27 5.55 0.0315 0.642 133,702
28 5.63 0.0320 0.653 787,667
29 5.66 0.0322 0.267 2,437,155
30 5.75 0.0327 0.244 4,580,542
31 5.56 0.0316 0.340 358,271
32 5.55 0.0315 0.718 92,782
33 5.55 0.0315 0.415 163,667
34 5.54 0.0284 0.282 30,624
35 5.58 0.0286 0.573 410,717
36 5.54 0.0284 0.171 113,641

Potenal Reducon (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Fig. 1. Potential reduction of CO2eq emissions for each DWTP.

treatment. To investigate the determinants of the CO2eq shadow the facilities were categorized into five groups: (i) less than
prices of DWTPs, potential explanatory variables were selected 500,000 m3/year; (ii) between 500,000 m3/year and 1,000,000 m3/
taking into account the available statistical information and the year; (iii) between 1,000,000 m3/year and 10,000,000 m3/year;
features of the DWTPs [39]. Hence, we explored the possibility that (iv) between 10,000,000 m3/year and 100,000,000 m3/year; and
the shadow prices of CO2eq may be affected by the following fac- (v) more than 100,000,000 m3/year. Fig. 2 shows that as the capac-
tors: (i) size of the DWTP; (ii) year of construction of the DWTP; ity of the DWTPs increases, its shadow price of CO2eq also rises.
(iii) source of raw water; (iv) company managing the DWTP; (v) This means that the opportunity costs of CO2eq emissions are
presence of catch basin; and (vi) use of coagulation-flocculation higher for the largest DWTPs than for the smallest facilities. Thus,
process. the group of DWTPs with the largest size present an average sha-
The size or capacity of the DWTP was expressed as the volume dow price of CO2eq of 7.51%, while for the group of smallest DWTPs
of drinking water produced annually. This variable informs about the average shadow price is 5.55%. Moreover, the Kruskal-Wallis
potential economies of scale in the shadow price of CO2eq. To inves- test led us to confirm that the differences between the DWTP
tigate whether the size of DWTPs affects its CO2eq shadow price, groups are statistically significant (Table 3).

Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),
M. Molinos-Senante, C. Guzmán / Applied Energy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

8.0 6.6

Average shadow price of CO2eq (%)

Average shadow price of CO2eq (%)


6.0 6.2

10*106 <V<=100*106

1*106 <V<=10*106




5*105 <V<=1*106
V<= 5*105

V>100*106 5.8
0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Capacity (m3/year) Year of built Source of water Water companies

Fig. 2. Average shadow price of CO2eq expressed as % of the drinking water price for Fig. 3. Average shadow price of CO2eq expressed as % of the drinking water price for
DWTPs grouped based on the capacity, year built and main source of raw water. DWTPs grouped based on the managing water company.

The next explanatory factor investigated is the year in which 6.1

the DWTP was built as a measure of the age of the facility. It should
be noted that 1990 and 2000 were two significant milestones for 6.0

Average shadow price (%)

the Chilean water industry. On the one hand, in 1990 the Chilean 5.9
Government created the water and sewerage industry regulator

(Chilean Law 18902). Hence, before 1990 the DWTPs in Chile were
operated by public companies without any regulation. On the other 5.7
hand, based on the Strategic Plan developed by the SISS from 1998

to 2000 and Law 19549, the organization of the SISS was modified
to its current state. Moreover, from 1998 to 2000, a significant part
of the capital of the main Chilean water companies was privatized 5.4
[40]. Hence, DWTPs were categorized into three groups: (i) plants

built before 1990; (ii) plants built between 1990 and 2000; and (iii)
plants built after 2000. Fig. 2 and Table 3 show that the age of the 5.2
Catch basin Coagulaon-Flocculaon
DWTPs does not affect the shadow price of CO2eq.
In Chile, DWTPs are supplied by groundwater, surface water, Fig. 4. Average shadow price of CO2eq expressed as % of the drinking water price for
and both simultaneously. Hence, eight of the 36 facilities evaluated DWTPs grouped based on the presence or absence of catch basins and coagulation-
flocculation process.
treat exclusively groundwater, 10 of the 36 facilities use exclu-
sively surface water, while half of the DWTPs assessed use mixed
raw water (groundwater and surface water in different percent-
age). Accordingly, the DWTPs were classified into three groups: while the minimum value corresponding to another water com-
(i) groundwater; (ii) surface water; and (iii) mixed water. Fig. 2 pany is 5.55%. The differences in the average shadow price of CO2eq
illustrates that on average, the shadow price of CO2eq emissions among water companies are statistically significant (Table 3).
from DWTP treatment of surface water is the largest. However, In the framework of WWTPs, Molinos-Senante et al. [12] con-
the p-value of the Kruskal-Wallis test is larger than 0.05, which cluded that the shadow price of CO2eq is affected by the sewage
means that the differences among the three groups are not statis- sludge treatment technology. In other words, the shadow price of
tically significant. In other words, the source of raw water does not CO2eq is influenced by the technology of the facility. In the context
affect the shadow price of CO2eq emissions from the analysed of DWTPs, the quantity of sludge produced might be considered
DWTPs. negligible. However, there are two ‘‘technological” factors that vary
The management of DWTPs is essential for establishing their across the DWTPs and that might affect to the shadow price of
performance. Hence, it was investigated whether the shadow price CO2eq, namely, the presence or absence of one or more catch basins
of CO2eq is affected by the company that manages the DWTP. The in the DWTPs and the existence of a coagulation-flocculation pro-
36 facilities evaluated in this paper are operated by 10 different cess for treating the raw water. Table 3 illustrates that both the
water companies. DWTPs were grouped according to the water presence of catch basin(s) and the coagulation-flocculation process
company that operates them. Hence, 10 groups of DWTPs were significantly affect the shadow price of CO2eq.
composed. Fig. 3 shows the average shadow price of CO2eq for each Fig. 4 shows that the average shadow price of CO2eq is larger for
group of DWTPs. It is illustrated that there is one water company the DWTPs that have catch basins and carry out a coagulation-
for which its average shadow price of CO2eq is notably larger than flocculation process.
for the other water companies. Thus, for this water company, the The assessment carried out in this second-stage analysis allows
average shadow price of CO2eq is 6.54% of the drinking water price, water regulators and company managers to identify the factors

Table 3
p-value of the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis hypothesis tests.

Size Year of built Source of water Company Catch basin Coagulation-flocculation

p-value <0.001 0.249 0.168 0.028 0.040 <0.001

Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),
8 M. Molinos-Senante, C. Guzmán / Applied Energy xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Molinos-Senante M, Guzmán C. Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants: A shadow price
approach. Appl Energy (2016),

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