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6  Double-Flash Steam Power Plants 123

The interesting fact is that the solubility in the hot reservoir fluid is controlled by
quartz whereas it is controlled by amorphous silica at the low temperatures typical
of waste brines [5]. Fortunately, the latter form has a much higher solubility than
the former; compare Figs. 6.13 and 6.14 at the same temperature. By the time a
brine has cooled to, say 125 C, it is typically supersaturated with respect to quartz
but undersaturated with respect to amorphous silica. Thus with proper design of
the processes, it is possible to avoid the precipitation of the amorphous silica while
the fluid is traveling through the plant components. It certainly is possible for
precipitation to occur in the injection wells or in the reservoir once the waste
fluid returns to the formation. This would adversely affect the permeability of the
formation and reduce the injectability of the waste fluid. Of course, any reheating
of the waste brine in the formation will reduce the potential for precipitation in the
The solubility of silica is a function not only of the fluid temperature but also its
salinity and pH. The figures shown above are for pure water. Qualitatively, for a given
temperature and pH, the higher the salinity (i.e., higher molality), the lower the
solubility of both quartz and amorphous silica in aqueous solutions. For a given
temperature and salinity, the solubility of amorphous silica is essentially independent
of the pH for low (acidic) values but rises dramatically as pH climbs above neutral, i.e.,
pH . 7. The effect is more pronounced for fluids with high salinity [6].
The kinetics of the precipitation reaction play a critical role in the potential for scal-
ing in geothermal plant components. If precipitation can be slowed it may be possible
to process the fluid and dispose of it before scaling can occur. Alternatively, if the
precipitation can be accelerated, it may be possible to force the fluid to give up its
scale-causing minerals in a rapid and controlled manner before it enters the plant
proper, thereby allowing the purged fluid to be used without fear of further precipita-
tion. Both of these effects have been used at plants near the Salton Sea in the Imperial
Valley of the U.S. where highly mineralized, corrosive brines are present. There
are five parameters that influence the kinetics of the silica precipitation (essentially a
polymerization process) [7]:
1. The initial degree of supersaturation (i.e., actual SiO2 concentration  equilibrium
2. Temperature
3. Salinity or molality of the solution
4. pH of the solution
5. Presence (or absence) of colloidal or particulate siliceous material.
The first and second factors can be controlled by proper selection of separator and
flash conditions for a given geofluid. The third factor is a fluid characteristic that
cannot be controlled. The fourth and fifth factors can be adjusted as the fluid moves
through the plant from the production wells, through pipes and other components,
and eventually into the injection wells. When the brine is acidified, the rate of precipi-
tation is very slow and the fluid can be viewed as temporarily stabilized. As the pH is
raised, the rate increases dramatically, reaching a maximum at near-neutral pH
values, about 6.07.5, and then slowing as pH approaches 9.09.5. In fact, the rates
for pH 5 5.3 and pH 5 9.0 are roughly the same [5].

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