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7  Dry-Steam Power Plants 141

Fig. 7.11 Temperature-entropy diagram for a dry-steam plant with saturated steam at the turbine inlet.

less power output than the ideal, isentropic process 12s. Heat is rejected to the
surroundings in the condenser via the cooling water in process 23. Although the anal-
ysis of the operation is the same as for the single-flash plant, we repeat the equations
here for ease of reference.

7.4.1 Turbine expansion process

The work produced by the turbine per unit mass of steam flowing through it is given by
wt 5 h1 2 h2 ð7:3Þ
assuming an adiabatic turbine and neglecting the changes in kinetic and potential
energy of the fluid entering and leaving the turbine. The maximum possible work would
be generated if the turbine operated adiabatically and reversibly, i.e., at constant entropy
or isentropically.
The isentropic turbine efficiency, ηt, is the ratio of the actual work to the isentropic
work, namely,
h1 2 h2
ηt 5 ð7:4Þ
h1 2 h2s
The power developed by the turbine is given by
_ t5m
W _ s wt 5 m
_ s ðh1 2 h2 Þ 5 m
_ s ηt ðh1 2 h2s Þ ð7:5Þ
The gross electrical power will be equal to the turbine power times the generator
W _t
_ e 5 ηg W ð7:6Þ
The net power is this amount reduced by all parasitic loads including condensate
pumping power, cooling tower fan power, and station lighting.

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