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1. what is syrinx?
Ans: the organ pf voice box in birds is called syrinx. It is situated at the lower end of
trachea near the origin of two bronchi.

2. Differ b/w Proterostome and Deutrostome?

Proterostome Deuterostome
 Cleavage of zygote is spiral and  Cleavage is radial and
determinate. indeterminate.
 During development process the  During embryonic development
mouth in these animals arises mouth is formed at some
from blastopore or from interior distance anterior to the
margin. blastopore and blastopore
formed from anus.
 Mesoderm is derived from cells  Mesoderm is derived from walls
on lip of blastopore. of developing gut.
Example: This series Example: This series includes
Proterostomia includes animals animals to phyla echinodermate,
belonging to phyla Nematoda hemichordate and chordate.
and Annelida and arthopoda.

3. Name some egg lying animals?

4. What is mantle?
Ans: The body of Molluscs is covered by a glandular epithelial envelope called
mantle, which secretes calcareous shell. The shell is protective, however it is
handicap to locomotion, and therefore some of the more active molluscs show a
reduction or loss of shell.
They are also called egg lying mammals. They have
characteristics of both reptiles and mammals. They have webbed feet, lay eggs, and
have colca and mammary glands.
Example: Spiny ant eater and Duck bill platypus.
6. Define nymph and metamorphosis?
ANS: METAMORPHOSIS: life history of insects is characterized by metamorphosis.
The word metamorphosis is from two word i.e. Meta and Morph mean change and
form. The metamorphosis is an abrupt change of form and structure during the life
cycle. There are three morphologically distinct stages in life cycle, the egg finally
develops into larva which is converted into motionless pupa that finally develops
into an adult.

Nymph: In some primitive insects the metamorphosis is incomplete. The larva

resembles adult in many ways and called nymph or is star which lives in the same
habitat as adult.
7. How sponges reproduce asexually?
ANS: Sponges reproduce by budding. The bud may be internal or external; the
internal buds are called gemmules. Both type of buds develops into new sponges.
8. what is placenta?
ANS: it acts as a link b/w developing fetus and mother during development of fetus.
It brings nutrients and oxygen to developing baby and takes away wastes. It found in
placenta animals.
9. What is polymorphism?
ANS: The occurrence of more than one structurally and functionally different form
within the same animal is called polymorphism. This phenomenon is characteristic of
cnidarians e.g. obelia.
10. Define coelom?
ANS: the body cavity which is lined internally by visceral layer and externally by
parietal layer of mesoderm is called true body cavity or coelom.
Animals possessing true body cavity called coelom.
Examples are animals of phylum Annelida, Mollusca, arthropod, chordate etc.
11.What are nematocyst?
ANS: the stinging cells present on the body of cnidarians are called nematocyst. They
develop from special cells called cnidocytes.
Nematocyst are used for stinging and paralyzing the prey so as to capture and engulf
Example: They are found in hydra.
12.Differ b/w parazoa and eumatazoa?
parazoa eutmatazoa
 Animals of those group lack  Animals of this group have group
organs. have organ and organ system.
 They have indeterminate body.  They have symmetrical body.
 e.g. phylum porifera.  e.g. all other 29 phyla.

13.Differ b/w diplo and triploblastic animals?

 THE animals in which whole body
develops from two embryonic
layers are called diploblastic
 Animals

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