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Part A:

Part B:

Name of UofA class: Mathematics Major Seminar, MATH 4933

Instructor: Dr. Clay

Part C:
Thesis/Dissertation One:
1. Who is author?
Alexia Mintos
2. What is the name of the theses/dissertation?
Analyzing Tasks to Promote Equity in Secondary Mathematics Teacher Education
3. What is the year of the theses/dissertation?
4. What institution did the author go to? (Usually on title page.)
Purdue University
5. What was the purpose of the study? (You can retype it. It’s okay if it is word for word.)
The purpose of this study is to understand characteristics and outcomes of instructional
tasks used to support preservice secondary mathematics teachers (PSMTs) in learning
about equity in secondary mathematics methods courses.
6. What was the conclusion of the study? (Usually on last page. You can type it word for
Looking across five different tasks in different methods courses I recognized that there
are many ways to prepare PSMTs for equity work. It is also worth noting that tasks
which were both simple and complex could offer useful opportunities for PSMTs to
learn about equity and to promote equitable teaching practices.
7. Why would this particular study be important in your field? (We are assuming it is
Since I am studying to become a math teacher in secondary education, this dissertation
has everything to do with my field of study. Learning how to make my classroom
equitable is a must for me so that all students in my classroom actually learn.
8. Pretend that you want to do a similar study to this one. What would you do different?
Why? (This must be a complete paragraph. Five – eight sentences. Extraneous material
will not be counted. Nor, will I could sentences such as “I would do a lot different.”
Your response must be very specific.
If I were to do this study again, I would go beyond the classroom, to the students’
normal environment. I would actually, if possible, go to the students’ houses to
determine the environment they actually live in. I don’t believe that the classroom is the
main area where inequity happens. I just think that when a student arrives in the
classroom, their unequitable position comes out more noticeable. Therefore, I think that
I would take the study beyond the classroom because when you study the house and the
communities in which the students’ live in in order to understand the best ways to
accommodate the students in the classroom once you understand their living

Thesis/Dissertation Two:
1. Who is the professor that you have taken a class with? or a professor that you are
currently taking a class with?
I am currently taking Senior Math Seminar (MATH 4933) with Dr. Clay as my
2. What year did he/she write their dissertation?
3. What is the name of the dissertation?
Motion of Thin Droplets Due to Surfactants and Gravity
4. What institution did the professor go to when he/she published their dissertation?
Northwestern University
5. Skip to the end of the dissertation. What was the conclusion of the study? (You can type
this word for word.)
As the droplet moves down the plane, the fluid tends to move towards the front
of the drop. For sufficiently large Bond numbers, this movement happens quite rapidly.
Fluid vacates the rear of the droplet near the contact line, causing the contact angle at the
rear to decrease. The linear contact angle – slip velocity relationship proved insufficient
to prevent the contact angle from becoming zero in some circumstances. It did not move
the contact line back towards the body of the droplet rapidly enough.

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