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[DCF for Component Cities &

2018 Performance Municipalities]

LGU Name: (_________________________________) Profile Year: 2018

Region: (_________________________________)
Population Data to be used: Estimated target population developed by Epidemiology
Bureau for the CY 2018-2022 as per DM No. 2018-0333

The LGU Health Scorecard is an annual survey being conducted by the Department of Health to monitor the progress of health
reform implementation and to assess the performance of health systems at the local level.

 Please fill-up the form by putting the required data for numerator, denominator and computed value.
 Refer to the given formula per indicator to derive the computed value.
 Encircle “Not Applicable” if the indicator is not applicable to the LGU; or “No Data” if applicable but data is not available.
 Fill-up the remarks portion of each indicator for extremely high or low values and include the corresponding explanation.
 Signing of the attached Certification Page is a MUST to establish accountability in the provision and review of LGU data
reflected in this manual DCF.
I. Efficient Health Sector Spending
A. Increase LGU Investment for Health

1) Percentage of Municipal/Component City Budget Allocated to Health

A. Total municipal/component city budget

allocated for health, nutrition &
environment→ x 100 =
B. Total municipal/component city budget→ % Data

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Municipal/Component City budget – refers to Personnel Services, Maintenance & Other Operating Expense (MOOE), and
Capital Outlay
 Local Health Accounts can be used as reference for the health related activities/components that should be included
 Source of Data: LGU Budget Office

Benchmark: o Green: 15% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 11.29% o Yellow:11.29 - 14.99%
 2018 National Target: 15% o Red: 11.28% and below



2) Percentage of MOOE Allocated to Health

A. Total MOOE* in municipal/component

city budget allocated to health, nutrition
& environment → x 100 = No
B. Total municipal/component city budget % Data
allocated to health, nutrition &

 Formula: A/B x 100
 *MOOE for health from the regular funds (IRA + locally-generated sources)
 Local Health Accounts can be used as reference for the health related activities/components that should be included

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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

 Source of Data: LGU Budget Office

Benchmark: o Green: 45% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 33.94% o Yellow:33.94 - 44.99%
 2018 National Target: 45% o Red: 33.93% and below



3) Percentage of Municipal/Component City Health Expenditures

A. Total Municipal/Component City

Expenditures on health, nutrition &
environment→ x 100 = No
B. Total Municipal/Component City Budget % Data
allocated to health, nutrition &

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Expenditure on health refers to the budget that has been disbursed
 Local Health Accounts can be used as reference for the health related activities/components that should be included
 Source of Data: Status of Appropriation, Allocation & Obligation Balances (SAAOB); Reports of Cheque Issued (RCI)

Benchmark: o Green: 100%

 2012 National Baseline: 85.12% o Yellow: 85.12 - 99.99%
 2018 National Target: 100% o Red: 85.11% and below



II. Governance for Health – Internal Management Support

A. Adequate Human Resources for Health

4) RHU/Health Center Physician to Population Ratio

1 RHU/Health Center No RHU/

A. Total population → No
= Physician Health
B. Number of RHU/Health : ____________ Population Data Center
Center Physician → Physician

 Formula: A/B
 Source of Data: LGU Records

Benchmark: o Green: 20,000 and below

 2012 National Baseline: 1 RHU/Health Center Physician: 35,497 population o Yellow: 20,001 -35,497
 2018 National Target: 1 RHU/Health Center Physician: 20,000 population o Red: 35,498 and above



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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

5) RHU/Health Center Midwife to Population Ratio

1 RHU/Health Center No No RHU/

A. Total population → Midwife Health
B. Number of RHU/Health = Data
: ____________ Population Center
Center Midwife→ Midwife

 Formula: A/B
 Source of Data: LGU Records

Benchmark: o Green: 5,000 and below

 2012 National Baseline: 1 RHU/Health Center Midwife: 6,591 population o Yellow: 5,001 - 6,591
 2018 National Target: 1 RHU/Health Center Midwife: 5,000 population o Red: 6,592 and above



6) RHU/Health Center Nurse to Population Ratio

1 RHU/Health Center No No RHU/

A. Total population → Health
= Nurse: ____________ Data
B. Number of RHU/Health Center
Population Nurse
Center Nurse→

 Formula: A/B
 Source of Data: LGU Records

Benchmark: o Green: 20,000 and below

 2012 National Baseline: 1 RHU/Health Center Nurse: 22,947 population o Yellow: 20,001 - 22,947
 2018 National Target: 1 RHU/Health Center Nurse: 20,000 population o Red: 22,948 and above



B. Health Emergency Management

7) Operational Disaster Risk Reduction and Management for Health Plan (DRRM-H Plan)

Does the Municipal/Component City DRRM-H Plan meet all the 6 criteria of an operational DRRM-H Plan?


If NO, specify the criteria that were met ____________________________________________________


 An LGU must meet ALL the 6 criteria of an operational DRRM-H Plan: (1) Plan is available and signed; (2) Plan is
complete; (3) Plan is revised/updated; (4) Plan is tested; (5) Plan is integrated into the Local Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Plan (LDRRMP); and (6) Plan is funded.
 Source of Data: LGU Records

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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

o Green: ALL 6 Criteria are met
 2012 National Baseline: N.A.
o Red: 5 criteria and below are met
 2018 National Target: ALL 6 Criteria are met



C. Support to Health Human Resource

8) Provision of full hazard pay, subsistence & laundry allowances to health workers under the Magna
Carta for Public Health Workers

Does the LGU provide FULL hazard pay, subsistence & laundry allowances to its health workers under
the Magna Carta for Public Health Workers?


If NO, specify the Magna Carta benefits provided ________________________________________

 An LGU must have provided all 3 incentives (hazard pay, subsistence & laundry allowances) in FULL in order to answer
YES otherwise the indicator is not met
 Source of Data: LGU Records

Benchmark: o Green: ALL 3 incentives are

 2012 National Baseline: N.A. provided in FULL
 2018 National Target: FULL Provision of ALL 3 incentives o Red: Partial Provision of incentives



D. Client Satisfaction Survey

9) Percentage of LGU-managed health facilities in the municipality/component city with client satisfaction
survey or feedback mechanism installed

A. Number of LGU-managed health facilities

in the city with client satisfaction survey or
feedback mechanism installed→ x 100 =
% No
B. Total Number of LGU-managed health Data
facilities in the municipality/component

 Formula: A/B x 100
 LGU managed health facilities include BHS, RHU/health center and hospitals
 Source of Data: LGU Records

Benchmark: o Green: 100% of LGU-managed health facilities have

client satisfaction survey or feedback mechanism
 2012 National Baseline: N.A.
 2018 National Target: 100% of LGU-managed o Red: 99% & below of LGU-managed health facilities
health facilities have client satisfaction survey or have client satisfaction survey or feedback
feedback mechanism installed mechanism installed

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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]



E. Voluntary Blood Program

10) Blood Donation Rate

A. Number of blood units collected in the

municipality/component city → x 100 =
% No
B. Total Number of population in the Data
municipality/component city →

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Blood unit refers to 450 ml of blood bag extracted from the blood donor
 Only community-based voluntary non-remunerated blood donations initiated or assisted by the LGU shall be considered.
Voluntary non-remunerated blood donormeans giving of blood freely and voluntarily without receiving money or any form
of payment. Assistance by the LGU must include provision of funds, logistics, facilities, human resource, or technical
 Source of Data: LGU Records

o Green: 0.01 and above
 2014 National Baseline: N.A.
o Yellow: 0.005 – 0.009
 2018 National Target: blood units collected should at least be 1% of o Red: 0.0049 and below
the total population



III. Scaling-Up Public Health Interventions

A. Disease Free Zone Initiatives

11) Percentage Coverage of Target Population in Endemic Area(s) with Mass Treatment for Filariasis

A. No. of persons given mass drug Not

administration → x 100 =
% No (Non-
B. Total population (2 years old & Data endemic)
above) in *endemic area →

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Endemic Area* is a city with a prevalence of 1% or higher
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 85% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 71.72% o Yellow: 71.72 – 84.99%
 2018 National Target: 85% o Red: 71.71% and below



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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

12) Annual Parasite Incidence for Malaria

A. No. of Malaria cases in the Not

population→ x 1,000 =
% No (Non-
B. Total population in *endemic Data endemic)
area →

 Formula: A/B x 1,000
 Endemic area may be a barangay, municipality or component city. Thus, the population of the implicated barangay,
municipality or component city should be used as denominator.
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 0.69 and below

 2012 National Baseline: 0.69 o Yellow: 0.7 –0.8
 2018 National Target: <0.8 o Red: 0.81 and above



C. Intensified Disease Prevention and Control

13) TB Case Detection Rate (All Forms of TB*)

A. Number of all forms of TB cases identified

→ % No
x 100 =
B. Estimated number of all forms of TB cases Data
for the year* →

 Formula: A/B x 100
 *All Forms of TB refer to new smear positive, new smear negative, relapse, and extra pulmonary TB
 To compute for “Estimated number of all forms of TB cases for the year”: Total population x 0.00554
 Source of Data: Quarterly Reports; NTP Registry

Benchmark: o Green: 90% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 82.78% o Yellow: 82.78 –89.99%
 2018 National Target: 90% o Red: 82.77% and below



14) TB Treatment Success Rate

A. Number of cured and completed treatment

among registered all forms of TB cases → x 100 =
% No
B. Total number of registered all forms of TB Data
cases in the same period →

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Source of Data: Quarterly Reports; NTP Registry

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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

Benchmark: o Green: 90% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 82.53% o Yellow: 82.53 –89.99%
 2018 National Target: 90% o Red: 82.52% and below



C. Child Health

15) Percentage of Fully Immunized Child

A. No. of infants given BCG, OPV3,

DPT3/Penta 3, Hep B3 and Measles
vaccine before 12 months of age → x 100 =
% No
B. Total population x 2.7% → Data

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 95% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 76.91% o Yellow: 76.91 –94.99%
 2018 National Target: 95% o Red: 76.9% and below



16) Percentage of Infants (0 – 6 months old) Exclusively Breastfed

A. No. of infants (0 – 6 months old) exclusively

breastfed → % No
x 100 =
B. Total population x 2.7%→ Data

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 70% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 61.81% o Yellow: 61.81 –69.99%
 2018 National Target: 70% o Red: 61.8% and below



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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

D. Maternal Health

17) Percentage of Facility-based Deliveries*

Number of mothers giving birth at:

A1. RHU/Health Centers & public lying-in clinics →

A2. Private lying-in clinics → A2.

A3. Municipal/ Component City hospitals (Level I, II, III) → A3.

A4. Private hospitals (Level I, II, III) → A4.

B1. Home B1.

B2. Other places* B2.

Compute for the Percentage of Facility-Based Deliveries:

A. Total number of facility-based deliveries*

(A1 + A2 + A3 + A4) → x 100 =
% No
B. Total number of maternal deliveries (A1 + Data
A2 + A3 + A4 + B1 + B2) →

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Must be in a health facility with birthing capacity*
 “Other places” is defined as non-health facility places like vehicles (tricycle, taxi, etc.) and outside of the dwelling place
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 90% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 73.87% o Yellow: 73.87 –89.99%
 2018 National Target: 90% o Red: 73.86% and below



18) Percentage of Deliveries Attended by Skilled Health Professionals*

A. Total number of deliveries attended by

skilled health professionals → % No
x 100 =
B. Total number of maternal deliveries in the Data
LGU (same as denominator of facility-based

 Formula: A/B x 100
 *Skilled health professionals are medical doctors, nurses and midwives

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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 90% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 83.15% o Yellow: 83.15 –89.99%
 2018 National Target: 90% o Red: 83.14% and below



19) Contraceptive Prevalence Rate for Modern Family Planning Methods*

A. Number of women of reproductive age

who are using (or whose partner is using)
modern family planning method → x 100 =
% No
B. Number of women of reproductive age Data
(12.325% of total population) →

 Formula: A/B x 100
 Modern Family Planning methods*: pills (combined oral contraceptives and progestin only contraceptives), IUD, male
condoms, injectables, subdermal implants, bilateral tubal ligation, vasectomy and Natural Family Planning Methods
(Cervical Mucus Method (CCM), Basal Body Temperature (BBT), Symptothermal Method (STM), Standard Days Method
(SDM), Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM))
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 65% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 39.31% o Yellow: 39.31 – 64.99%
 2018 National Target: 65% o Red: 39.3% and below




20) Percentage of HIV & AIDS local response core criteria adopted at the LGU

A. Number of HIV & AIDS Local Response

Core Criteria adopted by the LGU for the
specified period → x 100 =
% No
B. 4 HIV & AIDS Local Response Core Criteria Data
Set →

 Formula: A/B x 100
 4 HIV & AIDS core criteria set: (1) LGU multi-sectoral coordinating body on HIV & AIDS with representation of Key
Affected Populations; (2) LGU HIV & AIDS multi-sectoral work plan to include Monitoring &Evaluation; (3) Social Hygiene
Clinic or Facility Providing STI Services; and (4) Local HIV & AIDS related policies
 Source of Data: LGU Records

Benchmark: o Green: 100%

 2012 National Baseline: N.A. o Yellow: 50 – 75%
 2018 National Target: 100% o Red: 25%


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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]


F. Environmental Health

21) Percentage of Households with Access to Safe Water

A. Total number of households with access to

safe water (Level I, II & III) → x 100 =
% No
B. Total number of households → Data

 Formula: A/B x 100
 To get the number of household, use the 2015 Census projected to 2017 then divide it into 5
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 88% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 84.06% o Yellow: 84.06 – 87.99%
 2018 National Target: 88% o Red: 84.05% and below



22) Percentage of Drinking Water Sources Complying with Microbiological Standards

A. Water samples from drinking water source

tested negative for E-Coli (Levels I, II & III)
→ x 100 =
% No
B. All water samples from drinking water Data
sources (Levels I, II & III) →


 Formula: A/B x 100
 National target is to have 100% of all collected samples tested negative for e-coli. Minimum Standard of sample
collection is 20% of all drinking water sources. The LGUs are expected to conduct random testing at least once a year.
 Source of Data: LGU Records

Benchmark: o Green: 100%

 2014 National Baseline: 68.1% o Yellow: 68.1 – 99.99%
 2018 National Target: 100% o Red: 68% and below



23) Percentage of Households with Sanitary Toilet Facilities

A. Total number of households with sanitary

toilet facilities → x 100 =
% No
B. Total number of households → Data

 Formula: A/B x 100

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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

 To get the number of household, use the 2015 Census projected to 2017 then divide it into 5
 Source of Data: FHSIS

Benchmark: o Green: 90% and above

 2012 National Baseline: 80.9% o Yellow: 80.9 – 89.99%
 2018 National Target: 90% o Red: 80.89% and below



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[DCF for Component Cities &
2018 Performance Municipalities]

Certification Page
Part I. On Accomplishing the DCF (for City/Municipal Health Officers & Financial Officers)

LGU Name: _____________________ Date Accomplished: ______________

This is to certify that the data provided in the LGU Health Scorecard Data Capture Form
are final and correct to the best of our knowledge. We understand that the data we provided
in the LGU Health Scorecard Data Capture Form will be the bases in producing the LGU Health
Report Card.


(Note: Affix your signature above printed name. Indicate your office &position opposite your name.)

Name Position

Part II. On Review of DCF (For the PHO and DMO IV of the DOH Regional Office)
This is to certify that the undersigned have reviewed the data provided in this LGU Health
Scorecard Data Capture Form.

Remarks: _________________________________________________________


(Note: Affix your signature above printed name. Indicate your office &position opposite your name.)

Name Office & Position

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