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12, DECEMBER 2016

Deep Transfer Metric Learning

Junlin Hu, Jiwen Lu, Senior Member, IEEE, Yap-Peng Tan, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Jie Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— Conventional metric learning methods usually a distance metric directly from a set of training examples can
assume that the training and test samples are captured in similar usually achieve proposing performance than hand-crafted dis-
scenarios so that their distributions are assumed to be the same. tance metrics [1]–[3]. In recent years, a variety of metric learn-
This assumption does not hold in many real visual recognition
applications, especially when samples are captured across differ- ing algorithms have been proposed in the literature [2]–[6],
ent data sets. In this paper, we propose a new deep transfer metric and some of them have successfully applied in visual analysis
learning (DTML) method to learn a set of hierarchical nonlinear applications such as face recognition [4], [7]–[10], image
transformations for cross-domain visual recognition by transfer- classification [2], [3], [11], and visual tracking [12].
ring discriminative knowledge from the labeled source domain Existing metric learning methods can be mainly classified
to the unlabeled target domain. Specifically, our DTML learns
a deep metric network by maximizing the inter-class variations into two categories: unsupervised and supervised. For the
and minimizing the intra-class variations, and minimizing the first category, a low-dimensional subspace or manifold is
distribution divergence between the source domain and the target learned to preserve the geometrical information of the samples.
domain at the top layer of the network. To better exploit the For the second category, a discriminative distance metric is
discriminative information from the source domain, we further learned to maximize the separability of samples from different
develop a deeply supervised transfer metric learning (DSTML)
method by including an additional objective on DTML, where classes. Since the label information of training samples is used,
the output of both the hidden layers and the top layer are supervised metric learning methods are more suitable for the
optimized jointly. To preserve the local manifold of input data recognition task.
points in the metric space, we present two new methods, DTML While many supervised metric learning algorithms have
with autoencoder regularization and DSTML with autoencoder been presented in recent years, there are still two shortcomings
regularization. Experimental results on face verification, person
re-identification, and handwritten digit recognition validate the of these methods: 1) most of them usually seek a single
effectiveness of the proposed methods. linear distance to transform sample into a linear feature space,
so that the nonlinear relationship of samples cannot be well
Index Terms— Deep metric learning, deep transfer met-
ric learning, transfer learning, face verification, person re- exploited. Even if the kernel trick [13] can be employed
identification. to address the nonlinearity issue, these methods still suffer
from the scalability problem because they cannot obtain the
I. I NTRODUCTION explicit nonlinear mapping functions; 2) most of them assume
that the training and test samples are captured in similar

H OW to design a good similarity function plays an

important role in many computer vision and pattern
recognition tasks. Generally, the optimal similarity function for
scenarios so that their distributions are assumed to be the same.
This assumption doesn’t hold in many real visual recognition
applications, especially when samples are captured across
a given vision problem is task-specific because the underlying different datasets.
data distributions for different tasks are usually different. To this end, in this work, we propose a new deep trans-
Recent advances in machine learning have shown that learning fer metric learning (DTML) method for cross-domain visual
Manuscript received May 10, 2016; revised September 8, 2016; accepted recognition. Figure 1 illustrates the basic idea of the proposed
September 16, 2016. Date of publication September 22, 2016; date of current method. Our method learns a set of hierarchical nonlinear
version October 5, 2016. This work was supported in part by the National Key transformations by transferring discriminative knowledge from
Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2016YFB1001001,
in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the labeled source domain to the unlabeled target domain,
Grant 61225008, Grant 61672306, Grant 61572271, Grant 61527808, under which the inter-class variations are maximized and
Grant 61373074, and Grant 61373090, in part by the National 1000 Young the intra-class variations are minimized, and the distribution
Talents Plan Program, in part by the National Basic Research Program of
China under Grant 2014CB349304, in part by the Ministry of Education of divergence between the source domain and the target domain
China under Grant 20120002110033, and in part by the Tsinghua University at the top layer of the network is minimized, simultane-
Initiative Scientific Research Program. The associate editor coordinating ously. To better exploit the discriminative information from
the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was
Prof. Chang-Su Kim. (Corresponding author: Jiwen Lu.) the source domain, we further develop a deeply supervised
J. Hu and Y.-P. Tan are with the School of Electrical and Electronic transfer metric learning (DSTML) method by including an
Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: additional objective on DTML where the output of both;
J. Lu and J. Zhou are with the Department of Automation, Tsinghua the hidden layers and the top layer are optimized jointly.
University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail:; Furthermore, to capture the local manifold structure of input data points as well as easily recover resulting data points
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at in the metric space to their original forms, we employ the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2016.2612827 autoencoder as a complementary regularizer to regularize
1057-7149 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
HU et al.: DTML 5577

hierarchical feature representations directly from raw data.

Recent advances have shown that deep learning have been
successfully applied to many visual tasks such as image classi-
fication [15], object detection [16], action recognition [17], and
face recognition [18], [19]. Many deep learning models have
been proposed in recent years, and representative methods
include convolutional neural networks (CNN) [15], [20], deep
stacked auto-encoder [17], deep belief networks [21], and
deeply-supervised nets [22]. However, most of them aim
to learn feature representations via deep model rather than
similarity measure. Recently, deep learning has also been
used in metric learning, and several metric learning meth-
ods have been proposed [4], [12], [23]–[25]. For example,
Fig. 1. The basic idea of the DTML method. For each sample in the training
sets from the source domain and the target domain, we pass it to the developed Cai et al. [23] introduced a nonlinear metric learning method
deep neural network. We enforce two constraints on the outputs of all training using the stacked independent subspace analysis. Hu et al. [4]
samples at the top of the network: 1) the inter-class variations are maximized proposed a discriminative deep metric learning method which
and the intra-class variations are minimized, and 2) the distribution divergence
between the source domain and the target domain at the top layer of the employs a conventional neural network by enforcing a large
network is minimized. margin criterion at the top layer of the network. While these
methods have achieved reasonably good performance, they
assume that the training and test samples are captured in the
our DTML and DSTML methods and further introduce two same environments, which is not always satisfied in many real
new methods, deep transfer metric learning with autoencoder applications. In this work, we presented a deep transfer metric
regularization (DTML-AE) and deeply supervised transfer learning approach by learning a deep metric network and
metric learning with autoencoder regularization (DSTML-AE), considering the distribution difference between source domain
respectively. Experimental results on three cross-domain visual and target domain in a unified framework.
recognition tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
methods. B. Transfer Learning
This paper is an extension of our conference paper [14]. The Transfer learning aims to address the problem when the
new contributions of this paper are summarized as follows: distribution of the training data from the source domain
• We have proposed two new methods, DTML with autoen- is different from that of the target domain. Over the past
coder regularization (DTML-AE) and DSTML with decades, a variety of transfer learning algorithms [26]–[29]
autoencoder regularization (DSTML-AE), to preserve the have been proposed and they can be mainly categorized into
local manifold structure of input data points in the learned two classes: instance-based [30] and feature-based [31]. For
metric space. The DTML-AE and DSTML-AE adopt the the first class, different weights are learned to rank the training
autoencoder as a complementary regularizer to regularize samples in the source domain for better learning in the target
the DTML and DSTML methods. domain. For the second class, a common feature space is
• We have conducted more experiments and analysis on
usually learned which can transfer the information learned
three cross-domain visual recognition tasks to show the from the source domain to the target domain. In recent years,
effectiveness of the proposed methods. Specifically, we several transfer learning techniques have been presented and
include the experiments of the DTML and DSTML representative methods include domain transfer support vector
methods for cross-domain handwritten digit recognition machine [32], [33], transfer dimensionality reduction [34],
on two datasets; we include the experimental results of the transfer subspace learning [35]–[37], and transfer metric learn-
DTML-AE and DSTML-AE on three cross-domain visual ing [38]–[43]. Concerning the existing transfer metric learning
recognition tasks; we include more comparisons with methods, Zha et al. [38] proposed to learn the distance metric
existing state-of-the-art methods; and we also present the by minimizing the divergence between the source metrics and
parameter sensitivity analysis of our several methods. the target metric. Zhang and Yeung [39], [40] introduced
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. a method called transfer metric learning (TML) to learn
Section II briefly introduces the related work. Section III the distance metric and the task covariances between the
details the proposed DTML and DSTML methods. source domain and the target domain. Luo et al. [42] pro-
Section IV presents our DTML-AE and DSTML-AE posed a decomposition-based transfer distance metric learn-
methods. Section V reports the experimental results and ing (DTDML) method to seek a sparse combination of the base
analysis, and Section VI concludes this paper. source metrics to approximate the target metric. In [43], the
high-level semantics was used in the transfer metric learning
framework. While some proposing results can be obtained by
A. Deep Learning these transfer learning methods, most of them only consider
In recent years, deep learning has attracted much attention in minimizing the distribution difference between the source
computer vision and machine learning due to its superb perfor- domain and the target domain by using linear mappings or
mance in various tasks. Generally, deep learning aims to learn the kernel trick, which are not effective enough to transfer

Fig. 2. The network architecture of the autoencoder used in our methods. The x is an data point in the input space, h(M) is the resulting representation of
x = h(2M) is the reconstruction of the point x in the output space.
the x in the metric space, and the 

(m) (m−1) (m)

the knowledge if the distribution difference is large and the where W(m) ∈ R p × p and b(m) ∈ R p are the weight
transfer functions are usually not explicitly obtained. In this matrix and bias of the parameters in this layer; and ϕ is a non-
work, we borrow the idea of deep learning and propose a deep linear activation function which operates component-wisely,
transfer metric learning method by learning a discriminative such as widely used tanh or sigmoid functions. The nonlinear
distance network with some information transferred from the mapping f (m) : Rd → R p is a function parameterized by
source domain. {W(i) }m (i) m
i=1 and {b }i=1 . For the first layer, we assume h
(0) = x
and p = d.
In this section, we first introduce the notation used in this For each pair of samples xi and x j , they can be finally
work. Then, we present the deep metric learning framework, represented as f (m) (xi ) and f (m) (x j ) at the mth layer of our
the proposed deep transfer metric learning method and deeply designed network, and their distance metric can be measured
supervised transfer metric learning method. by computing the squared Euclidean distance between the
representations f (m) (xi ) and f (m) (x j ) at the mth layer:
A. Notation  2
Let Xs = {(xsi , ysi )|i = 1, 2, . . . , Ns } be the training set d 2f (m) (xi , x j ) =  f (m) (xi ) − f (m) (x j ) . (2)
in the source domain, which contains Ns examples, where
xsi ∈ Rd is a d-dimensional feature vector, ysi ∈ Following the graph embedding framework, we enforce the
{1, 2, . . . , Cs } is the label of xsi , and Cs is the number of marginal fisher analysis criterion [44] on the output of all the
classes. Similarly, we denote Xt = {xt i |i = 1, 2, . . . , Nt } training samples at the top layer and formulate a strongly-
be the training samples in the target domain, where Nt is supervised deep metric learning method as:
the number of samples. Let X = {(xi , yi )|i = 1, 2, . . . , N}
be the labeled training set. In our experiments, the labeled min J = Sc(M) − α Sb(M)
training set X is only sampled from the source domain Xs f (M)
(i.e., X = Xs ). Note that the labels ysi of training samples in   (m) 2  (m) 2 
source domain are used to compute the intra-class compactness +γ W  + b  , (3)
F 2
and the interclass separability. m=1

B. Deep Metric Learning where α (α > 0) is a free parameter which balances the
Unlike most previous metric learning methods which usu- importance between intra-class compactness and interclass
ally seek a single linear distance to transform sample into separability; Z F denotes the Frobenius norm of the matrix
a linear feature space, we construct a feed-forward neural Z; γ (γ > 0) is a tunable positive regularization parameter;
(m) (m)
network to compute the representations of a sample x by Sc and Sb define the intra-class compactness and the
passing it to multiple layers of nonlinear transformations (see interclass separability, which are defined as follows:
[14, Fig. 2]). The key advantage of using such a network to
map x is the nonlinear mapping function can be explicitly
Sc(m) = Pi j d 2f (m) (xi , x j ), (4)
obtained. Assume there are M + 1 layers in the designed net- Nk1
i=1 j =1
work and p(m) units in the mth layer, where m = 1, 2, . . . , M.
The output of x at the mth layer is computed as:
  Sb(m) = Q i j d 2f (m) (xi , x j ), (5)
f (m) (x) = h(m) = ϕ W(m) h(m−1) + b(m) , (1) Nk2
i=1 j =1
HU et al.: DTML 5579

where Pi j = 1 if x j is one of k1 -intraclass nearest neighbors where the updating equations are computed as follows:
of xi , and 0 otherwise; and Q i j = 1 if x j is one of k2 -interclass    
nearest neighbors of xi , and 0 otherwise. L(M)
ij = hi
− h (M)
j  ϕ  (M)
z i ,
(M) (M) (M) (M)
L j i = h j − hi  ϕ z j ,
C. Deep Transfer Metric Learning    
ij = W
(m+1) T (m+1)
Li j  ϕ  z(m)
i ,
Given target domain data Xt and source domain data Xs ,    
(m) T (m+1) (m)
their probability distributions are usually different in the L j i = W(m+1) L j i  ϕ z j ,
original feature space when they are captured from dif-
ferent datasets. To reduce the distribution difference, it is (M) (M) (M) (M)
Lt i = ht j − hs j  ϕ  zt i ,
desirable to make the probability distribution of the source Nt Ns
j =1 j =1
domain and that of the target domain be as close as pos-
sible in the transformed space. To achieve this, we apply  1  Ns
si = hs(M)
j − h (M)
tj  ϕ  (M)
z si ,
the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) criterion [34] to Ns Nt
j =1 j =1
measure their distribution difference at the mth layer, which is    
L(m) = W(m+1) L(m+1)  ϕ  z(m)
defined as: ti ti ti ,
 1 Nt
Ns 2 (m) T (m+1) (m)
(m)   Lsi = W(m+1) Lsi  ϕ  zsi ,
Dt s (Xt , Xs ) =  f (m) (xt i ) − f (m) (xsi ) .
Nt Ns 2
i=1 i=1 where m = 1, 2, . . . , M − 1. Here the operation 
(6) (m)
denotes the element-wise multiplication, and zi is given as
(m) (m) (m−1) (m)
By combining (3) and (6), we formulate DTML as the zi = W hi +b .
following optimization problem: Then, W(m) and b(m) can be updated by using the gradient
descent algorithm as follows until convergence:
min J = Sc(M) − α Sb(M) + β Dt(M)
s (Xt , Xs ) ∂J
f (M) W(m) = W(m) − λ , (10)
M  ∂W(m)
  (m) 2  (m) 2  ∂J
+γ W  + b  , (7) b(m) = b(m) − λ , (11)
F 2
m=1 ∂b(m)
where λ is the learning rate.
where β (β ≥ 0) is a regularization parameter.
Algorithm 1 summarizes the detailed optimization proce-
To solve the optimization problem in (7), we employ the
dure of the proposed DTML method.
stochastic sub-gradient descent method to obtain the parame-
ters W(m) and b(m) . The gradients of the objective function
J in (7) with respect to the parameters W(m) and b(m) are D. Deeply Supervised Transfer Metric Learning
computed as follows: The objective function of DTML defined in (7) only con-
siders the supervised information of training samples at the
2    (m) (m−1) T 
∂J (m) (m−1) T top layer of the network, which ignore the discriminative
= Pi j L h + L h
∂W(m) Nk1 ij i ji j
information of the output at the hidden layers. To address
i=1 j =1
this, we further propose a deeply supervised transfer metric
N N   learning (DSTML) method to better exploit discriminative
(m) (m−1) T (m) (m−1) T
− Q i j Li j hi + Lji h j information from the output of all layers. We formulate the
i=1 j =1 following optimization problem:
(m) (m−1) T (m) (m−1) T
+2β Lt i ht i + Lsi hsi min J = J (M) + ω(m) h J (m) − τ (m) , (12)
Nt Ns f (M)
i=1 i=1 m=1

+2γ W(m) , (8) where

(m) (m)
J (m) = Sc(m) − α Sb + β Dt s (Xt , Xs )
2    (m) 
∂J (m)  2  2 
= Pi j L + L +γ W(m)  F + b(m) 2 , (13)
∂b(m) Nk1 i j j i
i=1 j =1
is the objective function of DTML applied at the mth layer.
N N   Here J (M) is the loss of the top layer and J (m) is the loss of
(m) (m)
− Q i j Li j + L j i
Nk2 the mth hidden layer, m = 1, 2, . . . , M − 1. The hinge loss
i=1 j =1
function h(x) = max(x, 0) is used to measure the loss; τ (m)
 1   is a positive threshold, which controls the loss J (m) to show it
Nt Ns
+2β Lt i + L(m)
si + 2γ b(m) , plays the role in the learning procedure; and ω(m) balances the
Nt Ns importance of the loss obtained at the top layer and the mth
i=1 i=1
(9) hidden layer. The second term in (12) will disappear during

2    (m) 
Algorithm 1 DTML ∂ J (
) (m)
= Pi j L + L
∂b(m) Nk1 ij ji
i=1 j =1

N N  
(m) (m)
− Q i j Li j + L j i
i=1 j =1
1 Nt
(m) (m)
+2β Lt i + Lsi
Nt Ns
i=1 i=1
+2γ δ(
− m)b , (19)
where the delta function δ(x) = 0 holds except δ(x) = 1
at point x = 0, and the updating equations for all layers
1 ≤ m ≤
− 1 are computed as follows:
) (
) (
) (
Li j = hi − h j  ϕ  zi ,
) (
j i = h j − hi
 ϕ  z(
j ,
(m) T (m+1) (m)
Li j = W(m+1) Li j  ϕ  zi ,
L(m) L(m+1)  ϕ  z(m)
(m+1) T
ji = W ji j ,
ti = ht(
j − h (
sj  ϕ  (
zt i ,
Nt Ns
j =1 j =1
) (
) (
) (
Lsi = hs j − ht j  ϕ  zsi ,
Ns Nt
j =1 j =1
the learning procedure if the overall loss of the mth hidden    
(m) (m+1) T (m+1) (m)
layer is below the threshold τ (m) . Lt i = W Lt i  ϕ  zt i ,
L(m) = W(m+1) L(m+1)  (m)
The gradient of the objective function J in (12) with respect T
 ϕ z .
to the parameters W(m) and b(m) at the top layer are computed si si si

as follows: We iteratively update {W(m) }m=1

M and {b(m) }m=1
M using the
∂J ∂ J (M) gradient descent method until the DSTML reaches a certain
= , (14)
∂W(M) ∂W(M) terminating condition.
∂J ∂ J (M)
= , (15)
For other layers m = 1, 2, . . . , M − 1, they are computed AUTOENCODER R EGULARIZATION
as follows: Recent advances in the representation learning and deep

M−1 learning have shown that the autoencoder and its variants
∂J ∂ J (M)   ∂ J (
= + ω(
) h  J (
) −τ (
) , (16) enjoy some good properties in preserving locality of data and
∂W(m) ∂W(m) ∂W(m) recovering original data points from their resulting represen-

∂J ∂ J (M) 
  ∂ J (
) tations [45]. Inspired by this, in the learned metric space, to
= + ω(
) h  J (
) −τ (
) , (17) capture the local manifold structure of input data points as
∂b(m) ∂b(m) ∂b(m)

=m well as easily recover resulting data points in the metric space
where h  (x) is the derivative of h(x), and we set h  (x) = 0 to their original forms, we adopt the autoencoder as a com-
for the non-differentiability point x = 0. plementary regularizer to the DTML and DSTML methods
For 1 ≤ m ≤
≤ M, we have and further introduce two new methods: deep transfer metric
learning with autoencoder regularization (DTML-AE) and
2    (m) (m−1) T 
∂ J (
) (m) (m−1) T deeply supervised transfer metric learning with autoencoder
= Pi j L h + L h
∂W(m) Nk1 i j i j i j
regularization (DSTML-AE), respectively. Figure 2 shows the
i=1 j =1
basic framework of the autoencoder used in our DTML-AE
N N  
(m−1) T (m−1) T
− Q i j L(m)
i j hi + L(m)
ji h j
and DSTML-AE methods, which mainly consists of two parts,
Nk2 encoder and decoder.
i=1 j =1
(m−1) T (m) (m−1) T
+2β L(m)
ti hti + Lsi hsi
A. DTML With Autoencoder Regularization
Nt Ns (0)
i=1 i=1 Given a data point x ∈ R p in the input space,
+2γ δ(
− m) W , (18) the autoencoder first encodes it through the encoding part
HU et al.: DTML 5581

(i.e., first M layers) to obtain the resulting representation where u(M − m) is the unit step function of the variable
h(M) in the metric space, and then decodes h(M) through the m, i.e., it holds that u(M − m) = 1 for 1 ≤ m ≤ M, and
decoding part (i.e., last M layers) to obtain the reconstruction u(M − m) = 0 for M < m ≤ 2M. The ∂ JDTML /∂W(m)
x = h(2M) of the x in the output space, i.e.,
 and ∂ JDTML /∂b(m) can be calculated by Eq. (8) and Eq. (9),
(M) m = 1, 2, . . . , M. Moreover, the ∂ JAE /∂W(m) and ∂ JAE /∂b(m)
h(M) = f (M) (x) ∈ R p , (20) for m = 1, 2, . . . , 2M are given as follows:
(2M) (2M) p (2M)

x=h = f (x) ∈ R , (21)
2θt  2θs 
Nt Ns
∂ JAE (m) (m−1) T (m) (m−1) T
(0) (2M) = L h + LAE,si hsi
in which the nonlinear mapping : f (2M)
→ Rp
is Rp ∂W (m) Nt AE,t i t i
(m) (m) × p (m−1) 2M i=1 i=1
a function parameterized by {W ∈ R p }m=1 and
(m) +2γ u(m − M − 1) W(m) , (26)
{b(m) ∈ R p }2M m=1 , and we have constraints p (m) = p (2M−m) ,
2θt  2θs 
Nt Ns
m = 1, 2, . . . , 2M. These constraints are used to make ∂ JAE (m) (m)
= LAE,t i + LAE,si
sure that encoder and decoder networks are mirror symmetry ∂b(m) Nt Ns
i=1 i=1
for simplicity. In autoencoder term, we just minimize the (m)
+2γ u(m − M − 1) b , (27)
reconstruction error between output layer (m = 2M) and
(m) (m)
input layer (m = 0). By minimizing the reconstruction error in which the LAE,t i and LAE,si are computed by
 f (2M) (x) − x22 of each data point of the training set, we can    
(2M) (2M)
obtain the parameters of this autoencoder. LAE,t i = f (2M) (xt i ) − xt i  ϕ  zt i ,
Then we exploit the autoencoder as a complementary reg-    
ularizer to the DTML and formulate the proposed DTML-AE L(2M)
AE,si = f (2M) (xsi ) − xsi  ϕ  z(2M)
si ,
method as following optimization problem: (m) T (m+1) (m)
LAE,t i = W(m+1) LAE,t i  ϕ  zt i ,
min J = Sc(M) − α Sb(M) + β Dt(M)
s (Xt , Xs ) (m) T (m+1) (m)
f (M) , f (2M) LAE,si = W(m+1) LAE,si  ϕ  zsi ,
  (m) 2  (m) 2  (m)
for layer m = 1, 2, . . . , 2M − 1; and zt i is given as
+γ W  + b 
z(m) (m) h(m−1) + b(m) .
F 2
m=1 ti = W ti
After having obtained the {W(m) }2M m=1 and {b
(m) }2M , the
 (2M) 2 m=1
+  f (xt i ) − xt i 2 distance of a pair of data points xi and x j is measured in the
Nt deep metric space by
 (2M) 2  
+ f (xsi ) − xsi 2 d 2f (M) (xi , x j ) =  f (M) (xi ) − f (M) (x j ) . (28)
i=1 And this distance is used for verification and recognition.
= JDTML + JAE , (22)
where JDTML is the objective function of the DTML in (7), and B. DSTML With Autoencoder Regularization
JAE is the autoencoder regularization of the source domain and Following the similar idea as in DTML-AE, the objective
target domain data, i.e., function of the DSTML-AE method can be formulated as:

 (2M) 2 min J = JDSTML + JAE , (29)
JAE = f (xt i ) − xt i 2 f (M) , f (2M)
Nt where JDSTML is the objective function of the DSTML in (12);
and JAE is the autoencoder regularization given by Eq. (23).
 (2M) 2
+  f (xsi ) − xsi 2 The gradient of the objective function J of the DSTML-AE
Ns with respect to W(m) and b(m) are calculated by:
  (m) 2  (m) 2  ∂J ∂ JDSTML ∂ JAE
+γ W  + b  , (23) = u(M − m) + , (30)
F 2 ∂W (m) ∂W (m) ∂W(m)
m=M+1 ∂J ∂ JDSTML ∂ JAE
= u(M − m) + , (31)
in which θt and θs are two positive regularization parameters ∂b(m) ∂b (m) ∂b(m)
to balance the importance of the autoencoder regularization to for the m = 1, 2, . . . , 2M, in which ∂ JDSTML /∂W(m) ,
the whole objective function. ∂ JDSTML /∂b(m) , ∂ JAE /∂W(m) , and ∂ JAE /∂b(m) are given by
Next the gradient descent based method is applied to (14) – (17), (26), and (27).
update the parameters {W(m) }2M m=1 and {b
(m) }2M . The partial
derivative of the objective function J in (22) with regard to V. E XPERIMENTS
W(m) and b(m) , m = 1, 2, . . . , 2M, are presented as:
In this section, we evaluate the DTML, DSTML, DTML-AE
∂J ∂ JDTML ∂ JAE and DSTML-AE methods on three visual recognition tasks:
= u(M − m) + , (24)
∂W(m) ∂W(m) ∂W(m) face verification, person re-identification, and cross-domain
∂J ∂ JDTML ∂ JAE handwritten digit recognition. The followings describe the
= u(M − m) + , (25)
∂b(m) ∂b(m) ∂b(m) detailed settings and experimental results.

A. Face Verification TABLE I

Face verification aims to decide whether a given pair of face M EAN V ERIFICATION R ATE W ITH S TANDARD E RROR (%) OF D IFFERENT
images are from the same person or not. In this section, we
conducted cross-dataset unconstrained face verification where
face images were captured in wild conditions so that signifi-
cant variations such as varying expression, pose, lighting, and
background are included in the captured images.
1) Datasets and Experimental Settings: We used the
Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) [46] and the Wide and Deep
Reference (WDRef) [47] datasets for cross-dataset face verifi-
cation. LFW is a challenging dataset which was developed for TABLE II
studying the problem of unconstrained face verification. There M EAN V ERIFICATION R ATE W ITH S TANDARD E RROR (%) OF
are 13233 face images of 5749 persons in the LFW dataset, D IFFERENT M ETRIC L EARNING M ETHODS W ITH OR
which were collected from the internet and 1680 people have THE LFW D ATASET
two or more images. This dataset was divided into 10 non-
overlapping folds and the 10-fold cross validation evaluation
was used to test the performance of different face verification
methods. For each fold, there are 300 matched (positive) pairs
and 300 mismatched (negative) image pairs, respectively.
The WDRef [47] dataset contains 99773 face images of
2995 people, and 2065 subjects have at least 15 images.
Since face image captured in WDRef are also from the
internet, face images from these two datasets are generally
similar. There is no overlapped subject between the LFW
and WDRef datasets. In our experiments, we applied a subset
which is randomly sampled from WDRef which consists of
15000 images (1500 subjects and each subject has 10 images)
to learn the discriminative metric network.
In our settings, we selected the LFW dataset as the target output layer) and the linear activation function ϕ(x) = x was
domain data and the WDRef dataset as the source domain used. Table I shows the average verification rate with stan-
data. For each face image in these two datasets, we used the dard error of the DTML, DSTML, DTML-AE, DSTML-AE
conventional local binary patterns (LBP) feature provided by and STML. We can observe that DTML and its variants
the authors [47] to represent each face image. Specifically, achieve better performance than STML. The reason is that
we first extracted LBP descriptors at five facial landmarks DTML learns several hierarchical nonlinear transformations
with various scales, and then concatenated them to form while STML learns only one linear transformation, so that
a 5900-dimensional feature vector. To further remove the the nonlinearity can be better exploited for face verification.
redundancy, each feature vector is reduced to 500 dimension Moreover, DSTML improves DTML by 1.7% in terms of the
by principal component analysis (PCA) where the projection is mean verification rate. This is because DSTML utilizes the
learnt on the source domain data. For our proposed DTML and label information from training sampled in the source domain
DSTML methods, we designed a deep network with three lay- at both the hidden layers and the top layer while DTML
ers (M = 2), and neural nodes from bottom to top layer are set only exploit such information at the top layer, such that more
as: 500 → 400 → 300. For the DTML-AE and DSTML-AE, discriminative information is exploited in DSTML. We also
we used an autoencoder of size 500 → 400 → 300 → notice that the DTML-AE and DSTML-AE outperform the
400 → 500. The tanh function was used as the nonlinear DTML and DSTML by 1.5% and 0.9%, respectively. The
activation function in these methods, and the parameters reason is that DTML-AE and DSTML-AE can preserve
α, β, γ , ω(1), τ (1), k1 , k2 , θt and θs were empirically set the local manifold of data points in the learned metric space
as α = 0.1, β = 10, γ = 0.1, ω(1) = 1, τ (1) = 0, to help improve verification accuracy. Table I also lists the
k1 = 5, k2 = 10, θt = 1 and θs = 1, respectively. The comparison of our methods and two existing transfer metric
initialized value of the learning rate λ was set as 0.2, and learning methods. The proposed deep transfer metric learning
then it gradually reduced by multiplying a factor 0.95 in each methods consistently perform better than these two transfer
iteration. We initialized W(m) as a matrix with ones on the metric learning methods at a large gain.
main diagonal and zeros elsewhere, and set the bias b(m) as 0 To show the efficacy of knowledge transfer in our methods,
for all m = 1, 2, . . . , M. we also compared STML, DTML, DSTML, DTML-AE and
2) Results and Analysis: We first compared our DTML DSTML-AE with their corresponding metric learning meth-
with the shallow transfer metric learning (STML) method ods without knowledge transfer. To this end, we removed
to show the advantage of the deep network. The STML is the MMD regularization term in STML, DTML, DSTML,
a special case of our DTML approach where the designed DTML-AE and DSTML-AE, which means the value of the
neural network only has two layers (i.e., input layer and parameter β is set as 0 in these methods. Table II shows
HU et al.: DTML 5583


Fig. 3. The ROC curves of several methods on LFW dataset.

the performance comparisons of these methods with and

without knowledge transfer from source domain on the LFW
dataset. We see that methods with knowledge transfer consis-
tently improve those methods without knowledge transfer by
1% ∼ 2.2% in terms of the mean verification accuracy even
though the LFW and WDRef datasets are similar. Figure 3
also shows the ROC curves of several deep metric learning
methods, we can observe that transfer metric learning methods
outperform those methods without knowledge transfer.

B. Person Re-Identification
Person re-identification aims to recognize person across of eight channels in the RGB (R, G, B), YUV (Y, U, V)
multiple cameras without overlapping views. This task is very and HSV (H, S) spaces, and computed uniform LBP with
challenging because images of the same subject collected 8 neighbors and 16 neighbors respectively. Finally, color and
in multiple cameras are usually different due to variations texture histograms from these stripes were concatenated to
of viewpoint, illumination, pose, resolution and occlusion. form a 2580-dimensional feature vector for each image. Then
While many person re-identification methods have been pro- PCA learnt on the source domain data was applied to reduce
posed [48]–[50], there is no much works on cross-dataset the dimension of target feature vector into a low dimensional
person re-identification. In this subsection, we evaluate our subspace. We also adopted the single-Shot experiment set-
deep transfer metric learning methods on cross-dataset person ting [48], [50] to randomly split individuals in each dataset
re-identification where only the label information of the source as training set and testing set, and repeated 10 times. For
domain is used in the model learning. each partition, there were #test subjects in the testing set,
1) Datasets and Experimental Settings: The VIPeR and one image for each person was randomly selected as
dataset [51] consists of 632 intra-personal image pairs cap- the gallery set and the remaining images of this person were
tured outdoor by two different camera views, and most of used as probe images. In DTML and DSTML, we also used
them contain a viewpoint change of about 90 degrees. The a network with three layers (M = 2), and its neural nodes are
i-LIDS dataset [52] contains 476 images of 119 people cap- given as: 200 → 200 → 100 for all datasets. In DTML-AE
tured by five cameras at an airport, and each pedestrian has and DSTML-AE, we employed an autoencoder of size
2 ∼ 8 images. The CAVIAR dataset [53] contains 1220 images 200 → 200 → 100 → 200 → 200 for all datasets. The
of 72 individuals from two different cameras in an indoor parameter k1 and k2 are set as 3 and 10, respectively. Note
shopping mall, with 10 ∼ 20 images per person as well as that if the number of image for a given person is less than 3,
large variations in resolutions. The 3DPeS dataset [54] has all intra-class neighbors were used to compute the intra-class
1011 images of 192 persons collected from 8 different outdoor variations. For other parameters, we used the same settings as
cameras with significant changes of viewpoint, and most of in face verification experiments on the LFW dataset.
individuals appear in three different camera views. 2) Results and Analysis: Tables III – VI show cross-dataset
In our experiments, all images from these datasets were person re-identification performance of our methods on the
scaled to 128 × 48 for feature extraction. For each image, VIPeR, i-LIDS, CAVIAR and 3DPeS datasets, respectively.
we used two kinds of features descriptor: color and texture The L 1 and L 2 are two baseline methods which directly use
histograms. Following the settings in [50], each image was L 1 and L 2 norms to compute distance between a probe image
divided into six non-overlapping horizontal stripes. For each and a gallery image in the target domain. And DDML [4] is
stripe, we extracted 16-bins histograms for each color channel deep metric learning method which learns a distance metric on


TABLE V without knowledge transfer in most of cases, which shows

T OP r R ANKED M ATCHING A CCURACY (%) ON THE CAVIAR that transfer metric learning can help improve the performance
of cross-dataset person re-identification. We also notice that
DSTML-AE obtains the best performance for most cases,
which indicates that exploiting discriminative information
from more hidden layers rather than the single output layer is
more effective to learn good distance metrics, and employing
the autoencoder regularization term can capture the local
manifold of data points in the learned metric space.

C. Handwritten Digit Recognition

Handwritten digit recognition is a classic example in
machine learning and compute vision. We conduct several
experiments on two well-known handwritten digit datasets for
cross-domain handwritten digit recognition.
1) Datasets and Experimental Settings: The MNIST [20]
handwritten digit dataset totally contains 70000 gray-scale
images, in which the size of each image is 28×28 pixels.
The USPS handwritten digit dataset consists of 9298 images
of size 16×16 pixels. Both MNIST and USPS datasets enjoy
ten semantic classes form digit 0 to digit 9. Figure 4 shows
several images randomly sampled from the MNIST and USPS
datasets, where the images of these two datsets present the
difference in appearance and distribution.
In the experiments, each image of the MNIST dataset was
scaled to 16×16 pixels. And then each image of two datasets
was represented by a 256-dimensional feature vector of raw
the source domain only. From these tables, we can observe that pixels. Following the similar evaluation setting as in [55], we
our DTML, DSTML, DTML-AE and DSTML-AE methods randomly chose 100 labeled images per class from the source
achieve better performance than the metric learning method domain (Note that these 1000 labeled images were also used
HU et al.: DTML 5585


Fig. 4. Handwritten digit images are from MNIST and USPS datasets.

as the gallery set in test.) and 1000 unlabeled images from

the target domain to form the training set. In test, 10 images
per category were sampled from the remaining samples of the
target domain to form the probe set. We repeated this split
5 times and reported the average recognition accuracies for
performance evaluation. Regarding the parameter settings, we
adopted neural nodes of size 256 → 200 → 100 for the
DTML and DSTML methods, and employed the autoencoder
of size 256 → 200 → 100 → 200 → 256 for the DTML-AE
and DSTML-AE methods. For other parameters, we followed
the same settings as in face verification experiments.
2) Results and Analysis: The average recognition accuracy
of our transfer metric learning methods, including STML,
DTML, DSTML, DTML-AE and DSTML-AE on the two
cross-domain settings (i.e., MNIST → USPS, and USPS →
MNIST) are illustrated in Table VII. From these results, we
can notice that all transfer metric learning methods consis- Fig. 5. The mean accuracy of the DTML, DSTML, DTML-AE and DSTML-
tently outperform their partners which only learn the distance AE methods with varying values of β on the LFW dataset.
metrics on the source domain. This further shows effectiveness
of our proposed approaches on exploiting information of fixed α, γ , k2 , τ and ω, and searched β in {0, 0.1, 1, 10, 100}
source domain to help cross-domain recognition. We also and θt (θs = θt ) in {0, 0.1, 1, 10, 100} by cross-validation.
notice that 1) DSTML and DSTML-AE show better accuracies
1) MMD Regularization β: We first investigated the influ-
than DTML and DTML-AE; and 2) DTML-AE and DSTML-
ence of the MMD regularization parameter β to our transfer
AE consistently outperform DTML and DSTML methods. The
metric learning methods. We run DTML, DSTML, DTML-AE
reason is that DSTML and DSTML-AE can make use of the
and DSTML-AE methods with varying values of β. Specifi-
label information on the hidden layers and the output layer to
cally, we individually picked β from {0, 0.1, 1, 10, 100} while
guide parameters learning, and DTML-AE and DSTML-AE
fixing other parameters to their default settings. Figure 5 plots
can preserve the local manifold of data points in the learned
the mean verification accuracy of our four methods under
metric space, respectively. In addition, Table VII lists perfor-
different values of β. From this figure, we can observe that
mance comparison of our methods and several state-of-the-
the larger values of β gradually improve the performance of
art transfer learning methods, including SGF [56], GFK [57],
all methods. The reason is that the large β can reduce the
LSDT [55] and NLSDT [55]. We can find that the DSTML-AE
distribution difference of source domain and target domain.
obtains the best accuracy, and our DTML-AE is comparable
We also notice that our four methods achieve the relatively
to NLSDT [55] on two cross-domain settings.
stable performance when β falls into [1, 100]. Thus, we can
easily choose β ∈ [1, 100], and we set β = 10 in our
D. Parameter Analysis experiments to obtain stable results for other datasets.
In this subsection, we empirically investigate the parameter 2) Autoencoder Regularization θt and θs : We then study
sensitivity analysis of our methods on LFW and WDRef the sensitivity of the autoencoder regularization parameters
datasets. While there are several parameters, three of them θt and θs for the DTML-AE and DSTML-AE methods.
(β, θt and θs ) are the key parameters and others can be We implemented the DTML-AE and DSTML-AE approaches
empirically determined by cross validation. Specifically, we with various values of θt and θs in {0, 0.1, 1, 10, 100} when

CNN focuses on learning generic feature representation for

cross-domain recognition while our method aims to seek
domain transfer similarity measure for cross-domain visual
recognition. In this work, we present a deep similarity learning
method to better measure the similarity of samples. Hence, our
method is complementary to existing deep learning methods.
3) Hand-Crafted Feature Versus Raw Data: There are three
reasons for us to choose Hand-crafted features such as LBP
and histograms features: 1) These hand-crafted features have
shown reasonably good performance in previous face verifica-
tion and person re-identification applications; 2) We observe
that hand-crafted features with the learned deep metrics can
obtain the favorable performance on several datasets; and
3) Existing deep learning methods usually require a large num-
ber of labeled training data to learn deep model such as CNN
Fig. 6. The mean accuracy of the DTML-AE and DSTML-AE methods with
varying values of θt and θs (θt = θs ) on the LFW dataset. model. Our model can be considered as the fully connected
part of the CNN model and our model doesn’t utilize the
other parameters are fixed. In the experiments, we directly convolutional and pooling layers. With the simplification, our
set θt = θs to reduce the number of parameters in our method doesn’t require many labeled training data because the
methods. Figure 6 shows the mean accuracy of the DTML-AE number of parameters in our model is reduced.
and DSTML-AE methods with varying values of θt and θs 4) Batch Optimization Versus Stochastic Algorithm: There
on the LFW dataset. From this figure, we can see that our are two reasons that our methods employ a batch optimiza-
methods can achieve stable performance when θt and θs are tion method rather than stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
selected from [0.1, 10], and θt , θs = 1 reports the best algorithm: 1) our methods need to compute the intra-class
mean accuracy. Thus, we simply set θt , θs = 1 for other compactness and the interclass separability of source domain;
datasets in our experiments. When θt and θs reach to zero, and 2) a single sample is usually noisy, while batch tend to
the performance reduces dramatically because the autoencoder average a little of the noise out. For the large-scale training
regularization is not performed. When θs and θs −→ ∞, data, we may try to employ minibatch SGD to made small
the autoencoder regularization term of the DTML-AE and enough to be computationally tractable.
DSTML-AE methods is emphasized while labeled information
and MMD regularization term are weakened such that their VI. C ONCLUSION
performance progressively decreases. In this paper, we have proposed a deep transfer metric
learning (DTML) method for cross-dataset visual recognition.
E. Discussion By learning a set of hierarchical nonlinear transformations
which transfer discriminative knowledge from the labeled
1) Motivation of DSTML: Since we aim to learn a deep
source domain to the unlabeled target domain, the proposed
distance metric to measure the similarity of samples, we expect
method can achieve better performance than existing linear
that the similarity obtained in hidden layers is also useful.
metric learning methods. To better exploit the discriminative
We make some constrains on the hidden layers to avoid useless
information from the source domain, we have further devel-
outputs, so that we are able to directly influence the hidden
oped a deeply supervised transfer metric learning (DSTML)
layer update to favor highly discriminative distance metrics.
method by exploiting discriminative information from both the
Another motivation is to reduce the effect of vanishing and
hidden layer and the top output layer to further improve the
exploding gradient problem in training because each hidden
recognition performance. To preserve the local manifold of
layer has a direct supervision from ground truth.
input data points in the metric space, we have also introduced
2) DTML Versus CNN-Based Method: AlexNet [15] shows
two new methods, DTML with autoencoder regularization
that the domain disparity is well removed by using deep
(DTML-AE) and DSTML with autoencoder regularization
feature representation on objects. Generally, the performance
(DSTML-AE). Experimental results are presented to show the
of CNN-based method is better than that of our DTML when
effectiveness of the proposed methods.
the CNN model is trained on the large-scale labeled dataset
(e.g., ImageNet). While CNN-based methods can learn robust
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[56] R. Gopalan, R. Li, and R. Chellappa, “Domain adaptation for object Yap-Peng Tan (M’97–SM’04) received the B.S.
recognition: An unsupervised approach,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. degree from National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Comput. Vis., Nov. 2011, pp. 999–1006. Taiwan, in 1993, and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees
[57] B. Gong, Y. Shi, F. Sha, and K. Grauman, “Geodesic flow kernel for from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, in 1995
unsupervised domain adaptation,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. and 1997, respectively, all in electrical engineering.
Pattern Recognit., Providence, RI, USA, Jun. 2012, pp. 2066–2073. From 1997 to 1999, he was with Intel Corporation,
Chandler, AZ, and the Sharp Laboratories of Amer-
ica, Camas, WA. In 1999, he joined the Nanyang
Technological University of Singapore, where he is
currently an Associate Professor and the Associate
Junlin Hu received the B.Eng. degree from the Chair (Academic) with the School of Electrical and
Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, China, in Electronic Engineering. His current research interests include image and video
2008, and the M.Eng. degree from Beijing Normal processing, content-based multimedia analysis, computer vision, and pattern
University, Beijing, China, in 2012. He is currently recognition. He was the General Co-Chair of the 2015 IEEE Conference on
pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the School of Elec- Visual Communications and Image Processing and the 2010 IEEE Interna-
trical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Techno- tional Conference on Multimedia and Expo. He served as the Chair of the
logical University, Singapore. His research interests Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee of the
include computer vision, pattern recognition, and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, a member of the Multimedia Signal
biometrics. Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and
a Voting Member of the ICME Steering Committee. He is an Editorial
Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, and the EURASIP Journal on
Image and Video Processing, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Signal
Processing Systems.
Jiwen Lu (M’11–SM’15) received the B.Eng.
degree in mechanical engineering and the M.Eng.
degree in electrical engineering from the Xi’an Jie Zhou (M’01–SM’04) received the B.S. and
University of Technology, Xi’an, China, in 2003 M.S. degrees from the Department of Mathematics,
and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Nankai University, Tianjin, China, in 1990 and 1992,
electrical engineering from Nanyang Technological respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute
University, Singapore, in 2012. From 2011 to 2015, of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,
he was a Research Scientist with the Advanced Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Digital Sciences Center, Singapore. He is currently Wuhan, China, in 1995. From 1995 to 1997, he
an Associate Professor with the Department of served as a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Depart-
Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. ment of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
His current research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, China. Since 2003, he has been a Full Professor with
and machine learning. He has authored or co-authored over 130 scientific the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University.
papers in these areas, where 32 were the IEEE Transactions papers. He is the In recent years, he has authored over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals
Workshop Chair/Special Session Chair/Area Chair for over ten international and conferences. Among them, over 40 papers have been published in top
conferences. He was a recipient of the National 1000 Young Talents Plan journals and conferences, such as the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON PATTERN
Program in 2015. He serves as an Associate Editor of the Pattern Recognition A NALYSIS AND M ACHINE I NTELLIGENCE, the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
Letters, the Neurocomputing, and the IEEE A CCESS , a Managing Guest I MAGE P ROCESSING, and CVPR. His current research interests include
Editor of Pattern Recognition and Image and Vision Computing, a Guest computer vision, pattern recognition, and image processing. He received the
Editor of Computer Vision and Image Understanding and Neurocomputing, National Outstanding Youth Foundation of China Award. He is an Associate
and an Elected Member of the Information Forensics and Security Technical Editor of the International Journal of Robotics and Automation and two other
Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. journals.

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