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Answer Key

Class: 11 Worksheet Number:11/Chem/05/AK
Subject: Chemistry Chapter 05: States of matter

Section A
Each question carries 1 mark :
1. What property of moleucule is indicated by van der waal’s constant”a”?
‘a’ is the measure of magnitude of inter-molecular attractive forces within the gas.
2. What is an isotherm?
Each curve on the pressure vs volume graph corresponds to a different constant temperature and is
known as an isotherm
3. What is R in ideal gas equation?
‘R’ is the proportionality constant known as gas constant.
4. What is the difference between intermolecular forces and intra-molecular forces?
Inter molecular forces: It is present between two different molecules of a gas.
Example: hydrogen bond in water
Intra molecular forces: It is present between particles of a single molecule of a gas.
Example:Hydrogen bond in ortho nitro phenol.
5. State the condition under which a real gas shows ideal behavior.
Low pressure and high temperature are the factors under which real gases shows ideal behaviours.
6. What is the significant of van de waal’s parameter?
(a) Measure of magnitude of inter molecular attractive forces within the gas.
(b) Measure of effective size of a gas molecule.
7. What do you understand by isobar in a graph?
Each line of the volume v/s temperature at constant Pressure is called an isobar.
Each question carries 2 marks :
8. Write the van der waal’s equation for n moles of real gas.
{ P + an2/ V2} (V-nb) = nRT
Where ‘a’ is measure of magnitude of inter molecular attractive forces within the gas.
Where ‘b’is measure of effective size of a gas molecule.
9. Give two practical applications of Boyle’s law.
(i) At higher altitude as the atmospheric pressure decreases air is less dense as a result less Oxygen is
available for breathing. They feel heavy. This is called altitude sickness. Therefore mountaineers
have to carry a oxygen cylinder.
(ii) At high altitude atmospheric pressure decrease, and there is also an increase in volume, which the
balloon burst.
10. What do you understand by STP and SATP?
In this definition STP denotes the same temperature of 00C (273.15 K), but a slightly higher pressure
of 1 atm (101.325 kPa). One mole of any gas of a combination of gases occupies 22.413996 L of
volume at STP.
Standard ambient temperature and pressure (SATP), conditions are also used in some scientific
works. SATP conditions means 298.15 K and 1 bar (i.e., exactly 105 Pa). At SATP (1 bar and 298.15
K), the molar volume of an ideal gas is 24.789 L /mol.
11. Give the difference between total kinetic energy and translation kinetic energy. For what type of
molecules the two are equal?
Total Kinetic energy = Translational Kinetic energy + Rotational K.E. + Vibrational K.E
Translational Kinectic energy = energy possessed by a body while moving a straight line
12. Which two postulates of kinetic molecular theory are only approximations when applied to real

Answer Key
(i)Compressibility of a gas
(ii) no force of attraction between the particles of gas at room temperature.
13. State Charles’ law. Name the temperature at which the volume of a gas becomes equal to zero.
Charles’ law states that pressure remaining constant the volume of a fixed amount of real gas is
directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.
14. Deduce ideal gas equation.
Boyle’s law Vα 1 /P
Charles law V α T
Avogadro’s law V α n
PV α nT
PV = RnT (R = Univeral gas constant)
PV = nRT
15. What is the compressibility factor? What is its value for an ideal gas?
The extent to which a real gas deviates from ideal behaviour is called compressibility factor.(Z)
Its value for ideal gas is one. It is given by the formula Z = PVreal /nRT
Each question carries 3 marks :
16. Explain why real gases deviate from ideal gas behaviour.
Real gases show deviation from ideal behavior because molecules interact with each other. At higher
pressures, gas molecules are very close to each other. The molecules do not strike the container walls
with full impact because they are dragged by other molecules due to molecular attractive forces. This
affects the pressure exerted by the molecules on the wall. Thus the pressure exerted by the gas is
lower than that exerted by an ideal gas.
Volume occupied by molecules is not negligible as compared to the total volume occupied as the
molecules are very close to each other at high pressure.
17. Define Dalton’s law of partial pressure. How is the pressure of dry gas determined by using this way?
Dalton’s law of partial pressure states that the total pressure exerted by the mixture of n reactive
gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of individual gases.
P Total = PA + PB + PC + …Pn
P dry gas = P total - Aqueous tension.
18. What type of curves are obtained when at constant temperature, we plot -
(i) P Vs V (ii) P Vs 1/V (iii) PV Vs P

Answer Key

19. Differentiate between a real gas and an ideal gas.

Section B
Each question carries 1 mark :
20. Which type of intermolecular forces exist among the following molecules?
(a) H2O molecules. (b) H2S molecules. (c) Cl2 and CCl4 molecules (d) He atoms and HCl
(a) H2O molecules - Hydrogen bonding, (b) H2S molecules - Dipole – Dipole(c) Cl2 and CCl4 molecules -
Dispersion / London forces (d) He atoms and HCl molecules - Dipole – Induced dipole forces
21. Give reasons for the following :
(a)The size of weather balloon keep on becoming larger as it rises to high altitude.
(b)CO2 is heavier than O2 and N2 gases present in the air but it does not form the lower layer of the
(c)F2 is a gas at room temperature while I2 is a solid.
a) The size of weather balloon keep on becoming larger as it rises to high altitude.
As we go to higher altitude, the atmosphere pressure decreases. Thus the pressure out the balloon
decreases. To regain equilibrium with the external pressure, the gas inside expand to decrease its pressure,
Hence the size of the balloon increases.
b) CO2 is heavier than O2 and N2 gases present in the air but it does not form the lower layer
of the atmosphere.
Gases possess the property of diffusion which is independent of the force gravitation. Due to diffusion,
the gases mix into each other and remain almost uniformly distributed in the atmosphere.
c) F2 is a gas at room temperature while I2 is a solid.
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Size of I is more than the size of F. Van der waals forces are directly proportional to atomic size, thus
I2 is as sold whereas F2 is gas at room temperature.
22. If the no.of moles of the gas are doubled by keeping the temperature and pressure constant, What will
happen to the volume?
If the number of moles of a gas is doubled, by keeping the temperature and pressure constant, volume
will also be doubled.
23. How is the compressibility factor expressed in terms of molar volume of the real gas and that of the
ideal gas?
Z = V real /V ideal
24. Calculate the volume occupied by 7gmof nitrogen at 270C and 750.9 mm Hg pressure.
Given : M= 7g ; T = 27o + 273 = 300 K , P = 750
28g of N2 = 22.4 l
7g of N2 = 22.4 x 7 = 5.6 l
Formula: P1 V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
760 x 5.6/273 = 750.9 x V2 /300
V2 = 6.228 L
25. What type of graph will you get when PV is plotted against P at constant temperature?

The graph is not a straight line.

26. Calculate the volume occupied by 8.8 g of CO2 at 31.1°C and 1 bar pressure.
R = 0.083 bar L K–1 mol–1.

Each question carries 2 marks :

27. At a certain temperature the volume of gas sample is 120ml at one atmospheric pressure. Keeping the
temperature same the pressure is raised to 5 atm. Calculate the final volume of the gas.
V1 = 120 ml; P1 = 1atm , T1 = T2
V2 = ? P2 = 5 atm
P1V1 = P2V2 [ . . . T1 = T2]
V2 = 1x 120/5 = 24 ml
28. A gas cylinder containing cooling gas with stand a pressure of 14.9atm. The pressure gauge cylinder
indicates 12atm at 270C.Due to sudden fire in the building the temperature start rising. At what
temperature the cylinder will explode.

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29. At what temperature will a given volume of a gas at 00C becomes double.(Assuming pressure is

30. Explain why -2730C is the lowest possible temperature using Charles’law.

31. Calculate the temperature at which 28 g of nitrogen will occupy a volume of 10.0 litres at 2.46 atm.

32. Comment on the statement that all gases behave ideally at low pressure and high temperature.
Real gas behave like ideal gases when temperature and pressure are such that intermolecular forces
are negligible (when P=0) and the V0 of the molecules can be neglected in comparison to the large
volume occupied by the gas. i.e higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the gas molecules.
33. 1 mole of SO2 gas occupied a volume of 350ml at 270C and 50atm pressure. Calculate the
compressibility factor of the gas .Write the type of deviation shown by the gas from ideal behavior.

34. Give reason -Tyres of automobiles inflated to lesser pressure, in summer than in winter?
In summer, when the temperature is high gases expand thereby exerting pressure on the walls of tyres On
the other hand, in winter, the air is cool and dense. As a result, the atmospheric pressure exerted on the
outer walls of a tyre is higher.Hence the tyres of automobiles are inflated by lesser pressure in summer
than in winter.
35. What will be the pressure exerted by a mixture of 3.2 g of methane and 4.4 g of carbon dioxide
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contained in a 9 dm flask at 27 °C ?

36. 2.9 g of a gas at 95 °C occupied the same volume as 0.184 g of dihydrogen at 17 °C,
at the same pressure. What is the molar mass of the gas?

Each question carries 3 marks :

37. A balloon is filled with hydrogen at room temperature. It will burst if pressure exceeds 0.2 bar. If at 1
bar pressure the gas occupies 2.27 L volume, upto what volume can the balloon be expanded?
P1 = 1 bar, P2 = 0.2 bar, V1 = 2.27 l, V2 = ?
Boyle’s law P1V1 = P2V2
1 x 2.27 = 0.2 x V2
V2 = 2.27/0.2 = 11.35 lit
38. A sealed tube which can withstand a pressure of 3 atmospheres is filled with air at 270C and 760 mm
pressure. Find the temperature above which it will burst.
P1 = 760 mm = 1 atm , P2 = 3 atm , T1 = 27+273 = 300
T2 = P2 x T1/ P1 = 3 x 300 = 900 K
39. The drain cleaner, Drainex contains small bits of aluminum which react with caustic soda to produce
Answer Key
dihydrogen. What volume of dihydrogen at 20 °C and one bar will be released when 0.15g of
aluminum reacts?

Section C
Each question carries 1 mark :
40. Why
2 vegetables are cooked with difficulty at a hill station?
The atmospheric pressure is less and so the boiling point is lowered.
41. How2 is the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture related to the total pressure of the gaseous mixture?
P1 = X1 P total
42. How3 is the mole fraction of the component gas related to its partial pressure and the total pressure in
its. mixture?
Pi= Xi Ptotal
pi= partial pressure of gas i
Xi = mole fraction of gas i
Ptotal = pressure of mix of gases.
43. Calculate the temperature of 4.0 mol of a gas occupying 5 dm3 at 3.32 bar.
(R = 0.083 bar dm3 K–1 mol–1).

Answer Key

Each question carries 2 marks :

44. On a ship sailing in pacific ocean where temperature is 23.40C,a balloon is filled with 2L air. What
will be the volume of the balloon when ship reaches Indian ocean, where temperature is 26.10C.

45. 103ml
3 of CO2were collected at 270C and 763mm pressure. What will be its volume if the pressure is
1 to721mm at the same temperature?
V1 = 103 ml T = 270C
P1 = 763 mm
P2 = 721 mm
V2 = ?
. . . Acc to Boyle’s law
P1 V1 = P2 V2
763 x 103 = 721 x V2
. . . V2 = 763 x 103 /721
V2 = 37.57ml.
46. At3 00C, the density of a gaseous oxide at 2 bar is same as that of nitrogen at 5 bar. What is the
. mass of the oxide?
d = MP / RT, At the same temperature and for same density,
M1P1 = M2P2 (as R is constant )
M1 x 2 = 28 x 5 M1 = 70 u
3 mL of phosphorus vapour weighs 0.0625g at 5460 C and 0.1 bar pressure. What is the molar
47. 34.05
3 of phosphorous? (Ans: 1251.68gm/mole)

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48. A3cylinder contains nitrogen gas & a small amount of liquid water at a temperature of 250C.(aqueous
5 = 23.8 mm Hg) The total pressure is 600 mm Hg. A piston is pushed into the cylinder until
. volume is halved. What is the final total pressure?

49. The density of a gas is 3.80 g L-1 at S.T.P. Calculate its density at 270C and 700 torr pressure.

50. Pressure of 1 g of an ideal gas A at 27 °C is found to be 2 bar. When 2 g of another ideal gas B is
introduced in the same flask at same temperature the pressure becomes 3 bar. Find a relationship
between their molecular masses.

Answer Key

Each question carries 3 marks :

51. At3 STP, a container has 1 mole of Ar, 2 moles of CO2, 3 moles of O2 and 4 moles of N2. Without
6 the total pressure if one mole of O2 is removed, what will be the partial pressure of O2?

52. Calculate
3 the total pressure in a mixture of 8 g of dioxygen and 4g of dihydrogen confined in a vessel
of71 dm at270 C. [R=0.083 bar dm3K-1 mol-1].

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53. A32 L flask contains 1.6g of methane and 0.5g of hydrogen at 270 C. Calculate the partial pressure of
8 gas in the mixture and the total pressure.

54. A3neon-dioxygen mixture contains 70.6 g dioxygen and 167.5 g neon. If pressure of the mixture of
9 in the cylinder is 25 bar. What is the partial pressure of dioxygen and neon in the mixture?

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55. Pay
4 load is defined as the difference between the mass of displaced air and the mass of the balloon.
0 the pay load when a balloon of radius 10 m, mass 100 kg is filled with helium at 1.66 bar at
(Density of air = 1.2 kg m–3 and R = 0.083 bar dm3 K–1 mol–1).


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