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IPM2018 Batch

Cover Page (Content):

1. Project report in the course “PHILOSOPHY II” (Times New Roman, Normal,
Font 18, Centrered [Ctrl + E])
2. Title of your project report (Times New Roman, Font 14, Bold, Centrered [Ctrl
+ E])
3. Integrated Programme in Management (Times New Roman, Font 16, Normal,
Centrered [Ctrl + E])
4. Indian Institute of Management Indore (Times New Roman, Font 16, Normal,
Centrered [Ctrl + E])
5. Institute Logo
6. Group No. x (Times New Roman, Font 12, Normal, Centrered [Ctrl + E])
7. Names of the Group Members (in an ascending order) (Times New Roman,
Font 12, Normal, Centrered [Ctrl + E]) and their enrolment number

Title Page (Content) [5 Marks]:

Title: Title of your project report (Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold, Centrered
[Ctrl + E])
Length: around 250 words (Times New Roman, Normal, Font 12)
Content: Issue Identified, Objective, Analysis (identification of sound
ethical perspectives for the use), Findings, Recommendation [5 Marks]

Body of project report (Content)

 In the first part, you need to give sufficient background and set up of your
field of research (as discussed in Session 1) and the issue (happened within
the identified organization or courses of action deliberated by the persons
within an organization) in small paragraphs, without any picture and table [15
 In the second part, you need to provide an analysis of the issue/action(s) in
the light of three sound ethical perspectives [30 Marks]
 In the third part, you need to show the findings of your project report [10
 In the fourth part, you need to clearly recommend ethical courses of action,
based on your analysis and findings [10 Marks]

 Following Project Report Guidelines [5 Marks]

 Innovative Project Report [5 Marks]

Body of project report (Format)

 There must be a flow in your writing across the project report
 Font type and size: Times New Roman, Normal, Font 12
 Justify (Ctrl + J) your paragraphs
 Use margins of 2.5 cm (1 inch)
 Small paragraphs must be there
 Space between sentences must be 1.5
 No empty space must be there in any page

Body of project report (Citation)

 If you want to put the authors quote as it is (“ ”) (Samuel 2019, p.16)
 If you want to put the authors quote in your own words (Samuel 2019, p.16)
Page 1 of 2
 If you have referred an internet source, put that in footnote by using (Alt +
Ctrl + D)
 Pages are to be numbered continuously in the fashion: Page 1 of 10 and to be
given in bottom of page, right side
 Body of project report must not contain any photo, map, exhibit, or table
 Photos, map, exhibit, or table can be provided after the reference section

Project report Length:

 Minimum limit is 8 pages excluding cover page and title page
 Minimum limit is 8 pages excluding photo, map, exhibit, reference section,
and table

 Times New Roman, Normal, Font 12
 All the sources that you have used in the body of the Project report must be
in alphabetical order and must be given in the format: Samuel, G. (2019).
Title of the Author’s article. Publisher, Place of publication.
 All references to websites must note when the website was accessed and must
be given in the format: Samuel, G. (2019). Title of Author’s article. Copy and
paste web link (accessed on February 19, 2019)


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