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5 of the following key terms will be on your midterm.

You will be expected to define each one in the

context of this course (in one long paragraph). In your answers you are required to include/identify
one author and one example of the key term

● “The Method Madness” by Michael Chekhov
● Definition: “1) An orderly procedure or process; hence a set form of procedure , as in
investigation or instruction. 2) Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification;
more generally, orderliness and regularity or habitual practice of them in action”
● “ Everyone, whether conscious of it or not, has an uses some kind of method … in the pursuit of
his work or professional practice”.
● “What is Performance Studies Anyway”
● “Here, possibly for the first time together, were anthropologists, a Freudian psychoanalyst, a
semiotician specializing in play and circus, a dance scholar, a poet, a scholar of oral cultures and
shamanism, and leading experimental theatre artists.
Performance studies as transhistorical
● ​“transhistorical” means ​ the quality of holding throughout human history, not merely within the
frame of reference of a particular form of society at a particular stage of historical development.
● The Florentine Codex, Bernardino de Sahagun and native artists
Between Subject/Object
● “About the Magic of the Object” by Lygia Clark
● Original dichotomy establishes the subject/observer and the object/observed
● The ready made takes the observed object and allows it to give commentary as a subject observer
● “Today there is no longer need of [a separation of subject and object], as poetry makes itself in
the act of making”
"The Resistance of the Object"
● “Art Writing, Performativity” - a dialogue between Gavni Butt
● “Is it really feeling or is it really parody”
Creative living
● “Characteristics of Negro Expression” by Zora Neale Hurston
● “Love making and fighting in all their branches are high arts”
● “Little plays by strolling players are acted out daily”
Transitional object
● “The Baby as a Person” by D.W. Winnicott
● “We have watched the baby develop an interest in something and make it a part of himself”
● “The World in Small Doses” by D.W. Winnicott
● “We enter into the imaginative world of the child when we play the child’s games and take part in
other ways in the child’s imaginative experience”
● “They must be allowed to have delusions”
Performative Writing
● Preface to The Book of American Negro Poetry

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