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Well, as I mentioned in one of my blog post about universe’s actions for me and how it helped

me, I took a step back and thought about how do I get the importance of subconscious mind to
my friends, my loved ones etc. so that they achieve whatever they desire for, whatever makes
them happy and needed to live a life with less problems and abundance of wealth and

For starters, some people would argue with me, that, there is nothing like what you are talking
about. They would say, It’s just hard work, luck, success falling in your lap, coincidence etc. �
For them, I would request to continue reading as I will have some real life instances, some real
life experiences where, I would ask you to reason as to how it happened and why? And I would
mention my logical reason which would convince you of what I am talking about. Fair enough?

Let’s get started…

For over years, with my parents introducing me to JeevanVidhya Mission when I was around 8–9
years old, I have been spiritually guided by the recitation of the universal prayer. Benefits have
been amazing when I accepted the philosophy of JeevanVidya and sincerely practised it with my
day-to-day activities. The philosophy of JeevanVidhya Mission is also based on the root from this

But, it was not very straight forward for me to accept. As others, I did not trust nor did I believe
in what JeevanVidhya said. So, what made me believe? what made me accept?. Well, to answer
this we need another blog post wherein I will talk about how it all started, my experiences
during that time and eventually how did I accept what JeevanVidya taught me and have been
following till now, which I will write shortly as and when I have time �. You, readers of all, thank
you for motivating me to keep writing. For now, let’s stick to the summary of the book by Dr.
Joseph Murphy.

So, the book, Power of your Subconscious Mind tries to answer contrasting questions like:

Why is someone very rich and on the other we have not doing-so-well people?

Why is someone really happy and why is someone, only filled with grief and sorrows?
Why prayers of some people are answered and why some are left unattended?

… and many more like this which we all have in our life.

I started reading this book somewhere around in April-May this year. Took a month to
completely understand what it has to say and I found the techniques, the teachings very similar
to what JeevanVidhya has been teaching. The only catch is JeevanVidhya made it very easy and
simple to understand what the book teaches. Since, not all are privileged to read and write
English or their mother tongue, but everyone can listen what Sadguru says, JeevanVidhya is the
best solution to answer the questions where science fails and the super powers of your
subconscious mind kicks in.

I will talk about the summary of all chapters, to not make this blog very very long and talk a bit of
Chapter 8 of the book, in brief. Hence, this will be a long one but not a boring one�.


The one thing that you get everywhere in the book, is about your thinking, about your thoughts.
The things that you keep in your mind, constantly thinking about. It says, the thinking that you
keep with yourself, defines you and attracts the same type of people, same type of blessings
towards you. As JeevanVidhya says, You are the Architect of your Destiny, directs the same path,
you watch what you think of, you will be blessed the same way. Subconscious mind doesn’t
differentiate between good and bad thoughts, it just executes what you give it via your thoughts
and habitual thinking. For example, if you want to be rich, build your subconscious in the same

Excerpt from the book :

You will not become a millionaire, by saying, “I am a millionaire, I am a millionaire”. You will grow
into wealth conscious by building into your mentality the idea of wealth and abundance.

So as stated above, some people would go like, results are not given by the techniques stated in
the book, but to answer why? read chapter 8 from the book or continue below for summary of
chapter 8.

One thing, that someone new to the paradigm of subconscious mind, doesn’t have is patience. I
have seen my friends, whom I talked about this, stop believing as they don’t get results. We
need to keep in mind that you have to be consistent to focus on what you want, your goal, the
end result in your mind. And have patience for it to happen.

For example, suppose you want a job that you desire to be in, think that you have got the job,
visualise the end results as and when you have time. Visualise the results, while you are in
partial-deep sleep at night (that is the time when you are disconnected from outside world and
connected to your inner infinite power) and early in the morning. Other example, if you are
thinking to be in a relationship, think about the type of girl/boy you want to be your partner.
Visualise and attract the same kind of individuals. But, be patient. Things will take time, but you
should never give up. The results will find their way to you without you needing to do anything
for that. Of course, this doesn’t mean that for interview, you don’t need to prepare, well, you
have to, but whether or not you get easy questions, whether or not that job is beneficial for you
in long run, will be decided before hand by infinite powers of the universe. Even after trying if
you fail, do not worry, there is something greater in store for you. You only need, PATIENCE!

Be Grateful and Giving:

One more important paradigm to attract the power of infinite riches, is to be, grateful for what
you have, clear picture of your goals and desires, channel your thoughts everyday in that
direction and last but not the least, is to help others with what helped you and spread the word.

In the remaining of the book, you will have examples experienced by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Talking
about how scientists use the power of subconscious mind, using subconscious mind to heal your
health, mind, removing fear etc.

Chapter 8 talks:

As I said, we will talk about chapter 8 a bit, so what it tries to answer is Why I don’t results even
if I do what is said? Now, what Dr. Murphy says is very simple. He states that, Do not force your
subconscious mind, if you do — you will fail. The inner power responds to your faith on it and
acceptance of your conscious mind. If you have a slightest of doubt about the things you desire
for, and not trust subconscious mind with it, you are bound to fail. So again, if I may say, Watch
what you think and channel your thoughts towards goodwill and positivity. Of course, there is no
substitute to hard work, but I am sure, many of you may be knowing folks who worked hard, but
they didn’t achieve what they wanted. Why? Well, now you know why �.

The book also says, Use your imagination, not your will power.
Here are few things that may result in failure:

You thinking:

1. Things are getting worse

2. I may never get results.

3. I see no way out.

4. It is hopeless.

In the blog summary:

Here are 3 steps that you can do everyday for successful prayer:

Acknowledge or admit a problem

Turn the problem to subconscious mind which alone knows the most efficient solution or way

Rest with a sense of deep conviction that it is done.

And in few months, years (depending on problem) *DRUM ROLLS* You have the results in your

As promised, coming to folks, who are ready to argue me about the existence of subconscious
mind �:

Here are few of my real life experiences, that I would like to throw to you for reasoning:

A student in my school had a desire to get The Best Student Award, but not aware of the things
that are to be done. He just had a strong desire, from the bottom of his heart, that he wants the
Best Student Award and had expressed it to his class teacher in 8th Class. Also, he was no where
in top 20/50/100 in school rankings till 9th Class but topped (1st) all the exams in 10th Class
except final with difference of 2 marks from the topper, He stood second in the whole school and
also won the best student award. How?
(DISCLAIMER: The student referred here is me �)

I had a desire to be financially independent at age of 21, but no idea how? because I was
rejected from many internships from college, but had a strong desire from first year of
undergrad. I landed an internship at Amazon and then Hotstar. Now you may say my actions
landed you with the gig. But who did put the idea to take steps that I took? Going forward I have
been following the same set of principles for anything I want in my professional life.

One of my friends, wanted his sister to be admitted to the college of her choice, which is a
dream college for the field of study his sister took. The catch here is his sister had less marks
than, required for the cut off. Still my friend had a strong desire to admit his sister to the same
college. And nothing to my surprise, his sister was admitted to the exact same college without
her marks creating a difference. Luck ? You say? I don’t think so. Think again. �

Answer to all of these questions according to the philosophy I studied… is thoughts and desire
played an important role for the results. Belief in powers of subconscious mind and patience for

For the coming weeks, I have committed my self to read a book titled “Think And Grow Rich” by
Napoleon Hill. One Other book titled “Dhando — An Intelligent Investor” are in my pipeline.

Expect a summary as soon as I finish it reading, understand the principles throughly and I get
some time from my schedule to write a post �.

Till then, believe in yourself (read subconscious mind) and do wonders. Critics, comments,
healthy arguments are most welcomed.

Peace ☮

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