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The Power of Poppets

Alexis Morrigan
Copyright © 2013 by Alexis Morrigan
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law.
First Printing, 2013
Introduction to Poppets
What’s a Poppet?
What are Your Intentions?
Choosing Your Color
Choosing Cloth
Shaping Your Poppet
Selecting Ingredients
Decorating Your Poppet
Energizing Your Poppet
Working with Your Poppet

Poppet Instructions
Romance Attraction
Sexual Passion
Physical Healing
Emotional Healing
Break Bad Habit
Stop Gossip
Banish Nightmares
Safe Travel
What’s a Poppet?

A poppet is like a voodoo doll. It can be any size, color, shape, and made from pretty much any material. Most poppets are made
of cloth, but other common materials are paper, sticks, clay, wax, and straw. This book focuses on poppets made of cloth, two
identical shapes being sewn together and stuffed with magical ingredients which work with your intent. Very little skill is
required to make a poppet, and you don’t have to be a practicing Witch or Wiccan to use poppet magic to your benefit. A poppet
can be as simple or as complex as you like, it is your intention and mindset which provide it the power to work on your behalf.

Poppets can be used for anything you would like, and are especially good for relationship spells and healing spells. A poppet
represents a person, so it follows that if you create a poppet and name it for a person, anything you do to the poppet you are doing
to them. Always be respectful of anything you create.

This book will give you an overview on how to make cloth poppets specifically, though you may use this information to make
any type of poppet you wish. First, the basics of poppet making are covered, and then specific instructions for creating several
different types of poppets are given. After reviewing the poppet making instructions, you should be in a position to manifest
anything you desire using the information you have learned, and shaping it to fit your needs exactly.
What are Your Intentions?

Before you can choose any specifics for your poppet, you must know what your goals are. So set your goal firmly in your mind
before proceeding with your poppet. If it helps, you may write down your exact intentions for the poppet and what you are trying
to accomplish.

Choosing Your Color

The main color of your poppet should exactly match your intention. For example, if you wanted to heal someone, you might
select a blue or white cloth. For a love spell you might choose red or pink cloth, and for a banishing spell you might choose

Choosing Cloth

After selecting a color for your poppet you want to decide on the cloth. Do you want a rough cloth or smooth? Should your cloth
be plain, or have a pattern? For a money drawing poppet, you might choose a green cloth patterned with small pots of gold. For
a career boosting poppet, you might choose material similar to what your work clothes would be made from. Let your intent help
you discover the right type of cloth.

Shaping Your Poppet

Your poppet can be shaped however you like. Most will prefer a humanoid type shape like a gingerbread man, for working with
people, and a basic animal shape for working with animals. These patterns are very simple to draw out on cloth and cut around,
and you should make the outline yourself. The more “you” in the poppet, the stronger it will be, so resist the temptation to find a
template online.

You don’t have to use a human or animal shape if you don’t want to or lack confidence in your abilities. A poppet can be shaped
as a plain circle, square, or triangle. Any shape you want will work just fine, remember your intentions and mind are what is
manifesting the power. Not the shape, though it can help.

Selecting Ingredients

You will want to obtain something from the person you will be representing, what is called a magical link or taglock. A magical
link is what links the poppet to the person it represents. This could be hair, fingernails, bodily fluids, or a picture. If you can’t
obtain any of these items, anything the person has touched will also work. Failing that, write their name on a piece of paper and
stuff it inside the poppet. Your magical link should match your intentions.

The other ingredients you choose for the poppet should always relate closely to your intent. You can add anything, and common
ingredients are herbs and gemstones. Start with what you already have on hand and see what corresponds with your intent. You
can also add power with the number of ingredients you choose to add. Seven is a very powerful number.

These ingredients will be stuffed inside your poppet along with your magical link. You may choose to only stuff your poppet
with these items, or you may finish stuffing it so that it is full with some type of filler. While many people will choose any old
item as filler, like pantyhose or fabric scraps from the discount bin, doing that can interfere with your intent. The best thing to do
is to use clean and sterile cotton if you choose to use filler.

Decorating Your Poppet

To decorate your poppet, take care to make it look as much like the person it represents as possible. Depending on how complex
you want to go, you may choose to add hair (yarn), facial features, and clothing. If your poppet is going to manifest something
for you, add that item to their hand. The more detail you are able to add when decorating, the more likely you are to be focused
on your intentions and goals, thus the more likely you are to succeed.

Energizing Your Poppet

While constructing your poppet, while even thinking about constructing your poppet, you must constantly keep your mind
focused on your goal. Each piece of the poppet and the completed poppet must be infused with your purpose in order to function
properly for you. If you find yourself unable to hold the proper mindset, move on and do something else, only coming back to
poppet work when your mind can sufficiently focus.

When outlining, cutting, sewing, and stuffing your poppet, constantly speak to it and tell it what its
purpose is. Once complete, give it a name and a simple instruction. For example, “your name is Jane, and you will return safely
home.” In this way the poppet is imbued with your intentions. Your mindset and your willpower are the key, if you do not put
forth enough effort to fill the poppet with your intention, you can’t expect it to work, so put forth real effort.

Working with Your Poppet

Your poppet should be positioned according to your intent. Did you make a poppet for studying harder? Have your poppet
placed reading a book. Are you looking for love? Let your poppet look out a window. You can position your poppet in any way
you would like, as long as it is a representation of your goals.


When you are finished with your poppet, proper disposal is very important so that you don’t cause harm to the person it
represents. The first step is to un-name your poppet. Tell it “you are NOT (Name)” at least once. The second step is to un-make
the poppet. Start on the outside by removing any object it holds, and then removing any clothes it wears or facial features it has.
Remove all stitching and lay out the stuffing and ingredients flat. The last step is to dispose of these parts. This can be done by
burying the parts, or discarding them in moving water. None of the ingredients may be reused.
Romance Attraction

Pink cloth
White thread
3 sprigs of Lavender
3 Jasmine petals
3 Carnation petals
Magical link
Perfume or cologne
Pink candle

Timing: New Moon, Friday, if you can wait until they coincide even better.

For the cloth, you want to consider the shade of pink. Pink always represents love and romance but a lighter shade would be
solidly romance, and a darker shade would be romance with some spicy sexuality. Whichever shade of pink you pick, sew with
white thread to represent balance and enlightenment.

For the magical link, a woman may consider using a drop of menstrual blood. A man may consider using a drop of semen. For
the perfume or cologne, use the one that you wear most often.

Other items you may want to include: a small piece of red or pink wax molded into a heart, a piece of white lace to represent
weddings, or a pearl to represent fancy dinners and fine jewelry.

Here you have a choice. Either write all of the qualities you have which would attract a romantic partner on a small piece of
paper, roll it up, and stuff it inside, or you may choose to write these qualities on the back of the doll after decorating it. The
important thing is you get the qualities attached in some way.

After personalizing, take the poppet to your altar and light the pink candle. Spray the poppet once with perfume and say its
name. Speak all of the wonderful qualities you, and now the poppet, have to offer a romantic partner, and once finished say: this
harms none.

Let the poppet and candle rest on the altar for about an hour, then snuff your candle. Repeat these last steps for the next 3 days.
After snuffing out the candle on the third day, the poppet should be placed in your home, in a window facing out the front. The
object here is the poppet is ready and waiting for a romantic partner, and has eyes wide open, waiting to see someone.

On each Full Moon afterwards, if a romantic partner has not been found, repeat the process by taking the poppet back to the altar
for 3 days to be sprayed with perfume, and refresh it by speaking about your wonderful qualities.
Sexual Passion

Red cloth
White or pink thread
7 Cardamom seeds
7 Peppercorns
Small chunk of Ginger root
Magical link

Timing: New Moon, Friday, if you can wait until they coincide even better.

For the cloth, choose something you consider sexy, like lace or silk. Choose white thread for balance or bright pink thread for
enhanced passion.

For the magical link, a woman may consider using a drop of menstrual blood. A man may consider using a drop of semen. Other
strong sexual attraction links could include pubic hair or a piece of lingerie.

Other items you may want to include: stick figures drawn on small pieces of paper to represent sexual positions you prefer, or a
small baby figurine if you wish to become pregnant or wish to impregnate your partner.

After personalizing the poppet, it should be placed in your bed in your preferred sexual position. For example, do you like your
head to be at the front or foot of the bed? Should the poppet be placed on its back, or stomach?

When you prepare for bed, secret fantasies can be spoken to the poppet. Should there be a partner invited to the bed, the poppet
should be hidden safely underneath it.

Green or gold cloth

Green or gold thread
7 Bay leaves
Magical link

Timing: Full Moon, Wednesday, if you can wait until they coincide even better.

For the cloth and thread, you can choose to make both the same so you have a green poppet sewn with matching green thread, or
a gold poppet sewn with a gold colored thread. You could also choose to alternate, one cloth color and the opposite in thread.
You want to consider a strong, thick fabric. Patterns are acceptable. Four leaf clover or acorn patterns would be appropriate

For the magical link you could use a piece of gold jewelry or a loose pearl, with black pearls being known to draw and protect
wealth, or your business card.

Other items you may want to include: an acorn, especially if you have an acorn tree in your yard, a clump of dirt from your
business, or the first dollar you ever earned. You could create small round coins of paper and color them gold, or small replica
dollar bills colored green. Be sure and write denominations on the tiny bills. You can always include actual coins, and if you
choose to do this clean the coin well so it is nice and shiny. Old silver coins are very good for wealth attraction.

To decorate the poppet, consider adding an expensive outfit, fine jewels, or attaching money to the hands.

After personalizing the poppet, it can be kept in multiple places. Near where you keep your purse or wallet when not in use, on a
desk or workspace, or on an altar. The poppet can also have a personal space built for it, like a treasure chest overflowing with
coins, as if literally sitting on a pile of money. If the poppet is placed on such a treasure chest, use real coins and surround
everything with 3 small mirrors to reflect and multiply the wealth.

The poppet should be spoken to every Wednesday. A phrase or chant should be used, such as: I draw silver, I draw gold, I have
more than my hands can hold, or one can be written new, as long as it repeated each time the poppet is spoken with.
Physical Healing

Blue or white cloth

Blue or white thread or a color that represents you
Sprig of Camphor
Sprig of Sandalwood
Bay leaf
Oak leaf
Cinnamon stick
Garlic clove
Magical link
White candle
Eucalyptus oil

Timing: During illness.

For the cloth, to heal a person it is best to use a piece of cloth belonging to them. So do the best you can to find a clothing item or
towel that can be used for this purpose.

For the magical link, hair, blood, spit, or fingernails will work great. If possible, this is the type of poppet which can greatly
benefit from a medicine braid. A medicine braid is obtained when a piece of the petitioner’s hair is braided, a fairly decent length
like 3 inches. The braid should be banded at the top and the bottom, and then cut off to be attached to the poppet. While most
people do not want to sacrifice that much hair, there are times when such a sacrifice may be worthwhile.

To decorate the poppet, replicate the wounds or illness as best as you can. For wounds or surgery, draw them in the correct
places. Unseen illness may be harder, and those can be written on the back of the poppet or symbols may be used to represent

After decorating, the poppet should be taken to your altar and the white candle anointed in oil and lit. Say a prayer or blessing
here, and include specifically the illness and how it will be cured or recovered from. If you will be doing something to help
yourself recover such as exercising, eating better, or staying calm instead of getting stressed, promises and commitments to do
these things should be made here. When you have finished praying, anoint the poppet with a drop of oil while saying: let the
healing begin!

The poppet should sleep in your bed for 3 nights. After 3 nights, the poppet should be taken apart so that the healing may begin.
Emotional Healing

Pastels, pink for females and blue for males

Clear quartz
Small pieces of paper
Magical link
Pen or market capable of writing on the cloth you have chosen

Timing: Waning Moon, Sunday, if you can wait until they coincide even better.

For the cloth, pick a fabric that is soft and comforting.

For the magical link, hair, blood, spit, or fingernails will work great. Using the small pieces of paper, choose one emotion for
each, which you would like to have in yourself, and write it down. For example, you make choose things like: happiness,
satisfaction, being easy going, or laughing more. Think carefully and only choose those things you are sure you want. Roll up
each paper and place it inside the poppet.

To decorate the poppet, place comforting things that apply to you on and around it. Maybe give it a tiny bouquet of flowers if
you like to receive them, a tiny piece of candy if you reward yourself with treats, or a blanket and book if you like to read in
peace and comfort. Whatever indicates your poppet is comfortable and relaxed.

After decorating, think carefully of each emotional issue you are currently dealing with. If it’s just one thing, that’s okay too.
Turn the poppet over and write the issue in one word on the back. Pray for help, take some deep cleansing breaths, and then draw
a line through that issue, cancelling it out.

The poppet should be kept in a safe place. If you are feeling needy, hold the poppet and talk to it. Its job is to absorb and hold
your emotional baggage so you can get on with life, so use it well. Tell your problems to the poppet and release them.

This poppet can be kept until it begins to fall apart. At that point, it has absorbed all the emotions it can handle. It should be
taken all the way apart and buried. A new poppet may be made in its place if you feel it necessary.
Break Bad Habit

Tan or brown cloth

Matching thread
Several bay leaves
Several cloves
Garlic clove
Magical link
Brown rope or cord
White 7 knob candle
Sandalwood incense

Timing: Begin on a Tuesday.

For the cloth, to break a bad habit it is best to use a piece of cloth which belongs to the petitioner. So do the best you can to
obtain a clothing item or a towel that can be used for this purpose.

For the magical link, hair, blood, spit, or fingernails will work great. If possible, this is the type of poppet which can greatly
benefit from an item relating directly to the bad habit. For example, someone who wants to stop smoking could use the butt of a
cigarette they smoked themselves, in addition to another magical link.

To decorate the poppet, you may add something relating to the habit to be broke as long as it is temporary. You can use pins to
temporarily attach a cigarette to a smoker’s mouth, a bottle to a drinker’s hand, some playing cards to a gambler’s hand, or a cell
phone to the hand of someone addicted to texting.

After decorating, take the poppet and cord to your altar and light the sandalwood incense and candle. Consecrate the poppet in
the smoke of the incense. Bind the poppet with the cord to enclose its arms and legs and as you do so say: this is me, and the
habit I would break. As pass the days, so the binds of this habit fall away.

Place the bound poppet on your altar and meditate over breaking the habit for the time it takes the first knob of the candle to
burn. You can concentrate on why you want to break the habit, the particular ways you are harmed by the habit, and what you
will do instead of the habit.

The next Tuesday, light the incense, the candle, and meditate again while the second knob burns. You may hold the poppet in
your hands while you do this. If you have already stopped your habit, you are doing this to reinforce yourself. If you are still
having trouble breaking the habit, pray and ask for help before concentrating on why you are breaking the habit, why it harms
you, and what you will do instead.

Continue to do this each Tuesday for the next 5 weeks so that you have burned through all 7 knobs of the candle. On the last
Tuesday, when the last knob burns, begin to unwind the cord which has bound the poppet. While you do so, say: the habit is
broken, its bonds have released, I am free.

Cloth in a color that represents you

Matching thread
Choose at least 3: peppercorns, clove, sprig of cypress, sprig of juniper, sprig of myrrh
Clear quartz
Magical link
Black candle
Handful of salt
Piece of black silk

Timing: Full Moon.

For the cloth, for protection poppets it is best to use a piece of cloth which belongs to the petitioner. So do the best you can to
obtain a clothing item or a towel that can be used for this purpose, in a color that represents you.

For the magical link, hair, blood, spit, or fingernails will work great. If possible, this is the type of poppet which can greatly
benefit from a medicine braid. A medicine braid is obtained when a piece of the petitioner’s hair is braided, a fairly decent length
like 3 inches. The braid should be banded at the top and the bottom, and then cut off to be attached to the poppet. While most
people do not want to sacrifice that much hair, there are times when such a sacrifice may be worthwhile.

After decorating, take the poppet to your altar and light the black candle. Consecrate the poppet in the smoke of the candle and
the salt. Then say: Let this poppet be me. Any harm which comes my way shall be fooled and instead stop here. All negativity or
anything which would cause harm becomes trapped inside. So mote it be.

Wrap the poppet loosely in black silk, and keep it in a safe place in your home. As an alternative to wrapping in silk, you can
choose to have the poppet guard a particular doorway or watch out a window to catch anything harmful.

As the poppet begins to wear out, sever your connection to it, undo it, and burn the remnants. Once this is done a new protection
poppet can be created.

You can use these same steps to create a poppet to protect an animal, especially an animal which lives part of its life outside. Cut
your cloth into the shape of the animal’s body or face, and use a naturally shed whisker or fur, feather that molted, or anything
coming off of your animal naturally.

Bright orange cloth

Orange thread
Magical link
Orange Candle

Timing: Waxing Moon, Sunday, if you can wait until they coincide even better.

For the cloth, the brightest orange you can find will help provide the greatest boost in creativity.

For the magical link, hair, blood, spit, or fingernails will work great. When choosing between these, try and pick the one that
corresponds most with your talent. A writer or artist would choose fingernails because they produce with their hands. A vocalist
or actress might choose spit, because they produce with their voice.

When decorating, be sure and represent your talent. If you are a painter, give your poppet a palette, if you are a chef, hand your
poppet a cooking instrument.

After decorating, take the poppet to your altar and light the orange candle. Say: You are named for and you are to be me. You
are full of inspiration, ideas live in your head. You stay safe, you stay calm, creativity comes naturally. Spend at least half an
hour mediating while the candle burns. Hold your poppet as you do so and think specifically about your talent and your past
achievements relating to it.

The poppet should be kept in your workspace, in a comfortable position, surrounding by tools of your trade. The poppet can be
kept indefinitely.

Gold or orange cloth

Orange thread
Ginger root
High John the Conqueror Root
Cinnamon stick
Magical link
Bowl of salt
White candle
Piece of paper

Timing: Waxing Moon, Friday, if you can wait until they coincide even better.

For the cloth a golden color is best if you are able to find it, otherwise use orange. If you can find a pattern relating to whatever
you want to succeed in that will work as well.

For the magical link you will do best to choose blood, sweat, or tears, as this is from you and also represents a working effort on
your part. To be successful you must put forth effort and your magical link can demonstrate that.

When decorating, you can enhance your natural attributes. If you have a good heart, make sure it shows. If you are ‘the brains’
behind projects you work on with others, show off that brain. If you are the charmer, show off that charming look and
corresponding outfit. Just make sure that the quality you choose to emphasize is actually one you possess.

After decorating, take the poppet to your altar and consecrate it using smoke from the white candle and salt. Explain in detail
what your goals are and how you are going to reach them, with exact steps. Then write them out nicely on the paper, fold it in
thirds, and keep it under the poppet.

Your list may be revisited and revised every Friday.

Stop Gossip

Black cloth
Black thread
Red thread
White yarn or cord
Small box with mirrors inside it or substitute aluminum foil

Timing: Waning Moon, Tuesday, if you can wait until they coincide even better.

For the cloth, don’t go with a fancy and expensive one. This poppet is to represent your enemy, use cheap felt or some other
rough cloth.

For the magical link, if you are able to get something personal from the gossiper, you are golden. This can be anything; even a
piece of paper they touched will work if you can’t manage to get strands of hair or a fingernail.

If you can’t get anything from them at all, go all out in dressing the poppet as this person. Replicate an outfit in the appropriate
colors, replicate their hairstyle with yarn or thread, do everything you can to make the poppet accurately represent them. Cut a
slash for their mouth and stuff it with black peppercorns.

After decorating, take the poppet to your altar. If you don’t feel comfortable with poppet being in your magical space, finish this
on your back porch. Sew the mouth shut with red thread and make your stitches look like big X’s. You should say “(Name),
your mouth is bound” the entire time you are sewing.

Place the poppet face down in the mirrored box, or aluminum foil, and leave it on your back porch until well after the gossip has
Banish Nightmares

White cloth
White thread
Yellow or golden pipe cleaner or thin strand of wire

Timing: Full moon

For the cloth, a white shimmering type is best. This poppet is to be angel who will catch nightmares so use a cloth that you feel
would represent an angel.

Instead of a magical link, you will be fashioning a halo for your angel. Use a yellow or white pipe cleaner to do this, or a thin
strand of wire. If you wish, you may cover a wire with some ribbon or thread to make it more pleasing to the eye.

To decorate, be creative. Does your angel have really big eyes? Are they green, blue or brown? Would your angel benefit from
a set of wings? This is your protector, so take care and decorate it appropriately.

After decorating, take the poppet to your altar and consecrate in salt. Choose a meaningful name for your angel of protection.
The angel should be kept in a very comfortable sleeping position near your bed. It is best if the angel can lie above your bed, on
a small shelf. If this is not possible, near the bed is fine. Do not pin, hang, or tack your angel to the wall. It is supposed to
protect you by catching any nightmare coming your way during sleep, which cannot be done while pinned to the wall.

This poppet should be kept indefinitely. If it does need to be replaced, bury the original in your front yard.
Safe Travel

Blue cloth
Blue or white thread
Gold cord or yarn
Small piece of paper
White candle

Timing: Full moon before travel begins

For the cloth, choose whatever shade of blue represents protection in your eyes.

For the magical link, hair or fingernails will work fine.

On the paper, write the traveler’s name on one side, and the words “travel and safety” on the other. This should be rolled into a
scroll and stuffed in the poppet with the lavender and sage.

For decorating, in addition to replicating the look and clothing of the person traveling, you may also consider adding a small
suitcase to their hand.

After decorating, take the poppet to your altar and consecrate it in smoke from the white candle. Wrap the gold cord of
protection around its waist while whispering the word “safe” repeatedly. The poppet should be kept by another person who is not
traveling, and kept safe, while the traveler it represents is away. When the traveler returns, the poppet should be given back to
them so they can bury it in their front yard.

A safe travel poppet can be created as many times as you like, but the same one shouldn’t be used for multiple trips.

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