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Physik A Atoms and Nuclei 296, 371-376 (1980) Atoms

for Physik A
and Nuclei
9 by Springer-Verlag 1980

Cascade Model of Inelastic Interactions of ~-Particles with Nuclei

V.S. Barashencov and J.J. Musulmanbecov
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, USSR

F.G. Gereghi
Kishinev State University, Kishinev, USSR

Received February 26, 1980

High energy e-particle interactions with nuclei are considered as interference of cascades
initiated by mesons, nucleons and fragments of e-particle, which are produced in collisions
of e-particle with nucleons of the target nucleus. Nuclear depletion has been taken
into account during the interaction process. Emulsion and streamer chamber data of
e-particle interactions with light (Li, C, N, O, A1) and heavy (Cu, Ag, Br, Pb) nuclei
at the energy 3.64 GeV per nucleon have been analyzed. At the range of atomic numbers
A > 100 the discrepancy between theoretical calculations and experimental data becomes

Excluding the case of deuteron-nucleus reactions one leon, for which cosmic and accelerator data were
can consider e-nucleus interactions as the simplest known.* Calculations in the framework of the ap-
chance to test various models of nucleus-nucleus in- proximation used in [14] for higher energies are mere-
teractions. Rather plentiful experimental data of e- ly tentative and they give a considerable quantative
particle interactions at the energies of about few GeV discrepancy with the experiments.
per nucleon and a wide range of target nuclei promote The causes for this are the following: because of p o o r
this [1-10]. The interest to e-nucleus interactions is information about e-nucleon interactions some chan-
stimulated by the problems of radiation protection nels of e - N reaction accompanied by pion produc-
from cosmic rays and of influence of this radiation tion were not taken into account; channels of e-parti-
on biological objects.* cle fragmentation in deuterons were neglected; the
In Refs. [11-13] it has been shown that the amplitude exitation energy of residual nucleus was negative
of elastic e-nucleus collision can be considered as sometimes because of insufficiently precise cinemati-
a superposition of amplitudes for e-particle interact- cal approximations in the channels of t and 3He-
ing as a whole with separate nucleons inside of the fragments production.
target nucleus. This approach simplifies the calcula- Our purpose is to expand the model of [14] to the
tions and is in good agreement with experiments. For energy region T~ ~ f e w GeV per nucleon and to ana-
the case of inelastic e-Nucleus interactions this ap- lize the validity of the intranuclear cascade mecha-
proach has been considered in [14] in which there nism for e-nucleus interactions in this energy do-
has been obtained better agreement with experiments main.**
than in cases of using more crude models [t5, 16] The target nucleus is considered as a Fermi-gas of
where the initital helium ion has been considered as nucleons with density p (r) which is described for light
a set of four uncorrelated nucleons and the changing nuclei by the distribution of harmonic oscillator mo-
of nuclear density during the cascade process has not del and by Woods-Saxon distribution for nuclei heav-
been taken into account (the last effect is especially
important). However the consideration in [14] was * T~ is the energy of e-particle in the lab. system
** The investigation of pion and nucleon - nucleus interactions
limited by the energies T ~ 5 0 - - 2 0 0 MeV per nuc- results to necessity of further development of the model at the
energies T>20-30 GeV, at which one must consider time coordi-
* We are obliged to Dr. A.I. Vikhrov, Dr. Ju.G. Grigorov, nate during the cascade process more precisely and must take
Dr. V.D. Dudkin for discussing of this question into account the contributior~ of multiparticle interactions [17, 18]

372 V.S. Barashencov et al. : Cascade Model of Inelastic Interactions

I00 0~151

b 50

20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --::..:. . . . . . |
. ~176176

I d "~ ~ h i I I n i i I n n L I I
0.2 115 1 2 5 l0
TN [.OeV.1 5 **
Fig. 1. The inclusive cross sections for a - N reaction in s.m. system
of a-particle. Curves a, b, c, d, f correspond to channels
a+p(n)--+a+..., 3He(t)+ .... t(~He)+ .... d + .... 4 N + . . . respec- ~

9 i 9 9 I ~ ~
ier than carbon with the parameters obtained in the
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
electron scattering experiments. For every e-nucleus
P [c-eV/c]
collision the coordinates of all intranuclear nucleons
Fig. 2. The momentum distribution of nucleons inside of c~-particle.
are calculated by Monte-Carlo method and are stored The histogram represents the calculated results, the points are the
in the computer storage [19]. experimental ones from [5]
Initial e-particle can collide elastically or inelastically
with one of intranuclear nucleons inside of a cylinder
lated this way the momentum distribution of e-parti-
with an axis in the direction of e-particle motion cle nucleons is shown in Fig. 2. The angular distribu-
and with radius
tion of these nucleons is isotropic.
reff = r 0 +/'1 -k;~ Characteristics of secondaries produced in N - N - c o l -
lisions inside of moving e-particle are calculated with
here ro = 1.3.10- 13 cm - effective radius of the strong
taking into account charge, energy, and momentum
interaction, r 1 - parameter registering the radius of
conservation the same way, as for cascade particle
e-particle, Z-its de Brogle wave length.
interactions inside of the target nucleus (see, in detail
In order to determine elastic and inelastic e - N inter-
[20]). Momentum and angular characteristics of spec-
action cross sections o-~jand r we use the approxima-
tator fragments and nucleons are determined taking
tion curves of [20]; the probabilities of fragmenta-
tion channels e + N ~ e + .... 3 H e + . . . , t + .... d + . . . , into account conservation laws for e +N-system. One
p + . . . are determined by using experimental data of can have an idea about relative probabilities of chan-
[5, 21, 22] (see Fig. 1). nels of reaction e + N and the degree of fit of
As well as in the previous paper [14] we assume that our results to the experiment from Table 1, where,
inelastic e - N interactions carried out by means of as an example, the data for e-particle of energy
once-through N - N - c o l l i s i o n inside of e-particle. In T~ = 1.4 GeV per nucleon are shown.
Interactions of d, t, SHe-fragments are calculated in
every such collision one must take into account both
Fermi momentum for nucleon of the target nucleus analogy with e-nucleons interactions. Parameter r 1
P r and e-particle nucleon momentum P~. The module in the experiment for the radius of cylinder Feff is
of PT is calculated according to Fermi distribution determined by experimental radii of these nuclei. We
with limited momentum suppose that every inelastic collisions of these nuclei
with intranuclear nucleons lead to their break-up.
P ( r ) = c .p (r) ~/3 Other details of calculations (in particular, simulation
where r - coordinate of a nucleon, c - normalization of intranuclear ~ - N and N - N interactions) are the
coefficient [23]. Module P, is calculated according same, as those in papers [19, 20].
to distribution In order to compare the results of calculations we
W ( P ) ~,, p2 exp ( - p 2 / p g )
used the experimental data at the highest energy of
e-particle (T~ =3.64 GeV per nucleon) received up to
where P o = 1 4 0 MeV/c the parameter determined now. These data were obtained on the streamer
from the best fit to the experimental data [5].* Calcu- chamber set-up [7-9] and by using nuclear emulsion
technique [1~] with selection of information for light
* In [5] there was measured the momentum spectrum of 3He
in the reaction a + p ~ 3He + p +n. In Born approximation (specta-
(C, N, O) and heavy (Ag, Br) target nuclei.
tor model) this spectrum is the same as the momentum distribution Theoretical results were obtained using the same se-
of nucleons inside of a-particle (in its c.m.s) lection criteria as for the experiments.

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