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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611

Comparison Analysis of Brand Equity In Gojek and

Grab online transportation Bandung 2018
Nadya Egileona Wibowo1
1,2 Telkom University, School of Communication and Business,
Jalan terusan Buah Batu, Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to explain the comparison of brand equity of Gojek and Grab online transportation in Bandung in 2018. there
are dimensions of brand equity, namely Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, and Brand Loyalty. This study is a
quantitative study , with survey methods, with the characteristics of comparative research. Based on the results of the study it can be
concluded that Gojek is superior to the Brand Awareness and Brand Association dimension, while Grab is superior to the
Brand Loyalty and Perceived quality dimensions

Keywords: Brand Equity,Brand Awareness,Brand Loyalty,Perceived Quality,Brand Association

1. Introduction Figure 1

Many types of transportation to support these

activities, and one of the popular transportation chosen by
consumers is one of them is "ojek". The current condition of
society wants to be facilitated by means of transportation,
especially for ordering. Wherever, whenever in real time,
people want to be facilitated to mobilize anywhere. Based on
the results of the pre-questionnaire carried out by the
researchers showing good results of Brand Awareness, where
consumers already know the brand from grab, the logo from 2015 2016 2017
grab, and once using online grab transportation services. This
is supported by the results of short interviews where
consumers have known the grab brand well.
This is supported by the results of short interviews
where consumers have known the grab brand well. For brand Description: Number of Go-jek and Grab Users in Indonesia
associations from grabs, the results have been quite good, 2016
because consumers already have the reason why they chose he figure shows that in 2016 go-jek still
grab as their online transportation option, however, the outperformed Grab and Uber. With the intense competition
characteristic of the grab brand has not been higher than the between Go-jek and Grab making naming a brand very
motorcycle taxi, which only gets 70% and according to important because it would create added value to a product or
consumers the price offered grab is appropriate. However, service. According to Keller (2014) in Astikariandini (2013)
the service quality of the grab gets a higher yield from gojek. brand equity with a good reputation in the eyes of consumers
Grab's online transportation brand is considered to help daily has high equity because brands hold a good role in the
consumer activities. Grab consumers are also loyal to the company, especially because brands are able to attract
Gojek brand because they are willing to continue to use consumers to consume a product. Darwing and Wijoyo
Grab's online transportation services and want to recommend (2015) in his research found that brand equity is the main
the Grab brand to their closest relatives. identity of a product or service that is distinguished from
From in 2017 the eCommerceIQ similar products or services offered by competitors From the
research institute conducted a survey of people in major previous research, there was an inconsistency in the study of
cities of Indonesia, to find out which application-based the influence of work environment on performance, that is
transportation is a favorite. The research team conducted an way we need use an intervening variables. March 2018 Uber
online survey of 515 people, consisting of 46 percent men was officially acquired by Grab, from the results of the pre-
and the remaining women. From the results, 56% of people questionnaire conducted it was obtained that the results of the
chose Go-jek 33% for grabs and the rest for Uber. Although good brand equity between gojek and grab. However, it is
the grab results are still far below the go-jek, the expansion not yet known which company is superior to its brand equity,
that has been carried out by grab is greater than that of go- whether it is grab or go where both of these companies are
jek, which is equal to 100 cities in Indonesia while the go-jek equally large and both provide online transportation services.
is only 50 cities in Indonesia and followed by uber which is (Martono, 2014: 62), in this study emotional intelligence is
34 cities. use as an intervening variable.
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
Based on the background research that has been brand personality can help to distinguish brands
described previously, the formulation of the problem in this from other brands, build emotional aspects, and
study is as follows: increase the personal meaning of a brand.
1. How do consumers respond to Brand Equity 3) Association Organization
(BrandAwareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, employee expertise, the superiority of the internal
and Brand Loyalty) Gojek online transportation in Bandung research and development section, the results of
in 2018?? technological innovation and industry leadership,
2. How do consumers respond to Grab's Brand Equity Equity and the association of corporate social
(Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, responsibility, with regard to increasing social
and Brand Loyalty) in Bandung in 2018? responsibility, being friendly and involved with the
3. How is the difference between the results of Brand Equity environment so that a good corporate image arises.
Equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived
Quality, and Brand Loyalty) between online transportation c. Perceived Quality
Gojek and Grab in Bandung in 2018? According to Aaker in (Tjiptono, 2014: 97), perceived
quality is a consumer's assessment of the superiority or
2. Theoretical Framework superiority of a product as a whole
1) Performance: the main performance of a product
2.1 Brand Equity or service
Definition according to Kotler & Keller (2016: 243) 2) Features: additional elements of a product or
the notion of brand equity is the added value given to service that are complementary
products and services. According to Peter (2013: 85) 3) Conformity with specifications: involves
Brand names are one of the most important elements in specifications that have been determined by the
the package, serving as a unique identification. manufacturer of the product or service such as total
a. Brand Awareness characteristics that can meet the needs and desires of
According to Aaker (2013: 97) brand awareness is the user
the ability of consumers to recognize or remember 4) Resilience: reflects the economic value of the
that a brand is a member of a particular product product or service
category. According to Kotler & Keller (2016: 587), 5) Service: reflects service on a product or service
"Fostering the consumer ability to recognize or 6) Results: appearance of a product or service that
recall the brand in sufficient detail to make a d. Brand Loyalty
purchase". 1) Actual behavior
1) Unware Of Brand Measuring behavior, the direct way to measure
is the lowest level in brand awareness pyramids, loyalty, especially habitual behavior, is to consider
where consumers are not aware of a brand. At actual purchasing patterns, such as repurchase
this stage customers feel doubtful or unsure rates, percentage of purchases (percent of
whether they are familiar with the brand purchase), number of brands purchased (number
mentioned or not. This level must be avoided of brands purchased).
by the company. 2) Switching costs
2) Brand Recognition Analyzing switching costs can provide insight into
a minimum level of brand awareness, where the the extent to which switching costs provide the
introduction of a brand appears again after the basis for brand loyalty.
recall is done through aided recall. At this 3) Satisfaction
stage, the customer is able to identify the brand Measurement of satisfaction and customer
mentioned. dissatisfaction of a brand is an important indicator
3) Brand Recall of brand loyalty.
is the recall of unaided recall. At this stage, the 4) Liking
customer is able to remember the brand without A general feeling of liking can be measured in
being given a stimulus. several ways, such as liking, respect, friendship,
4) Top Of Mind and trust.
is a brand that was first mentioned by 5) Commitment
consumers or that first appeared in the minds of A strong brand, with very high equity, will have
consumers Relationship. a large number of committed consumers. One
b. Brand Association indicator is how many consumers communicate
According to Aaker in Tjiptono (2015: 97) Brand the product.
association is everything that is related to memory of
a brand.
1)Perceived Value
Can be measured by considering whether a brand
proves that its value matches the money spent by
consumers, and whether there is a reason for
choosing the brand compared to other brands.
2) Brand Personality
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
2.2. Research Framework Of the four online brand equity transportation sub-
customer trust then creates a relationship between the variables, (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived
brand and the customer in such a way that it can reduce the Quality and Brand Loyalty) that get the lowest percentage is
risk of purchasing and encourage the creation of brand the Brand Association sub-variable. The Brand Association
preferences, brand loyalty, and willingness to consider new can be low due to the lack of a poor impression of the grab
products offered by the company with the same brand name brand, where the motorbike brand is known as a
in the future. transportation provider that appears earlier than the grab
Figure 2 brand. in addition, the initial emergence of the grab was not
an ojek online transportation provider, but rather focused on
online transportation by car / taxi. Based on the Brand
Awareness sub-variable, the highest percentage is in the
dimensions of the software brand that is equal to 86.6%.
These results show that many respondents did not know of
the existence of an existing online grab transportation brand
from the beginning of 2015
Based on the Brand association sub-variable, the highest
percentage is on the Organiasai Association dimension,
which is equal to 80.6%. Consumers assess Grab's corporate
image is good
3. Results and Discussions
Based on the Perceived Quality sub-variable, the highest
percentage is on the performance dimension of 84.6%.
3.1 Brand Equity Descriptive Analysis of Gojek
Consumers consider that online grab transportation
Of the four online brand equity transportation sub-
performance is good.
variables, (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived
Based on the Brand Loyalty sub-variable, the highest
Quality and Brand Loyalty) that get the lowest percentage are
percentage is in the Satisfaction dimension of 86.8%.
the Brand Loyalty Variables. Consumer loyalty can be low
Consumers are satisfied with the services provided by Grab.
due to lack of service, the existence of alternative choices,
Analysis of brand equity Gojek and brand equity Grab
less competitive prices and increasing consumer expectations
on brand awareness is known to have a significant difference.
for gojek online transportation.
In this study, better is Gojek brand awareness. This can be
Based on the Brand Awareness sub-variable, the highest
seen from the mean brand awareness that is greater than Grab
percentage is on the dimension of perceived value which is
of 30.5> 30.4. This difference can be caused because the
equal to 80.6%. From these results it shows that the existence
Gojek brand has been known for a long time by consumers in
of the Gojek online transportation brand has been realized by
Indonesia so that it becomes the top of mind in the Online
many consumers.
Transportation category. This is in accordance with the
Based on the Brand association sub-variables, the highest
theory that one of the factors that influence brand awareness
percentage is in the service dimension which is equal to
of a product is because the company has been marketing the
86.6%. Consumers assess the value that comes out in
brand for a long time (Humdiana, 2015: 46). In addition, to
accordance with the costs incurred in motorcycle
look for consumer awareness, Gojek relies on current
advertising compared to grab. Analysis of brand equity
Based on the Perceived Quality sub-variable, the highest
Gojek and brand equity grab on brand associations are
percentage is in the service dimension of 86.6%. Gojek
known to have differences. In this study better is the brand
services are considered good because of customer friendly
association Gojek. This can be seen from the mean brand
associations of Gojek which are greater than Grab at 19.4>
Based on the Brand Loyalty sub-variable, the highest
17.35. This difference can occur because the Gojek brand
percentage is on the liking dimension, which is 79.4%.
always consistently fulfills its promise to consumers from
Consumers like the information provided by the motorcycle
time to time, in accordance with the initial mission of the
taxi because it is considered accurate in terms of price and
motorcycle taxi that wants to facilitate the application-based
consumer activities ( This is in accordance with
3.2 Brand Equity Descriptive Analysis of Grab
Of the four sub-variables of brand grab online the opinion of Ries (1999) in Simamora (2016: 58) which
transportation, (brand awareness, brand association, states that brand association interprets the promised value of
perceived quality and brand loyalty) that get the highest a brand which of course must be fulfilled. Brand association
percentage are sub-brands of brand loyalty. Grab Loyalty needs to be built in the long run (takes a long time).
Brand gets the highest score because: Analysis of Gojek brand equity and brand equity on the
1. Satisfaction: because consumers have previous perceived quality is known to have differences. In this study
purchase experience that is as expected the better is the perceived quality Grab. This can be seen
2. Consumer habits: this happens usually the products / from the mean perceived quality Grab which is greater than
services used have been passed down through the Gojek in the amount of 38.84> 37.13. This difference can be
environment or family caused because in the eyes of consumers the quality of online
3. Commitment: this arises because of the trust in the transportation Grab is considered good. This was supported
product / service by an article from the website grab that just launched the
4.. Opportunities in products / services: these factors are #majul campaign more closely with various features
also formed with consumer trust introduced to deliver a comprehensive driving
experience thanks to features that can make travel safer,
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
easier and more profitable, which emphasizes quality and formed instantly and experience while using the brand (brand
service standards. experience) will be the basic thing that encourages
The analysis of Gojek brand equity and Grab brand consumers to repurchase. In this case the grab can make it
equity in brand loyalty is known to have differences. In this happen. Humdiana (2005: 51) in Robertus (2017) mentions a
research, better is Grab brand loyalty. This can be seen from customer base that is satisfied and likes on a particular brand
the mean brand loyalty grab which is greater than gojek at can lead to confidence for customers and prospective
35.89> 33.43. This difference can be caused by the grab customers. Satisfied customer groups will provide an
being able to provide satisfaction to its customers illustration that the brand is a product that is widely accepted,
consistently supported by good service quality. Loyalty is not successful, circulated in the market, and able to provide
formed instantly and experience while using the brand (brand added value to consumers so as to create brand loyalty. This
experience) will be the basic thing that encourages is supported by the theory of Schifmann (2008: 92) in
consumers to repurchase. In this case the grab can make it Robertus (2017) which states that if a company has good
happen. Humdiana (2005: 51) in Robertus (2017) mentions a quality, it will lead to greater opportunities for consumer
customer base that is satisfied and likes on a particular brand loyalty.
can lead to confidence for customers and prospective
customers. Satisfied customer groups will provide an 4. CONCLUSION
illustration that the brand is a product that is widely accepted, Based on the results of research " Comparison Analysis of
successful, circulated in the market, and able to provide Brand Equity In Gojek and Grab online transportation
added value to consumers so as to create brand loyalty. This Bandung 2018" which has been done, the conclusions that
is supported by the theory of Schifmann (2008: 92) in can be drawn as follows:
Robertus (2017) which states that if a company has good 1. Consumer responses about Brand Equity (Brand
quality, it will lead to greater opportunities for consumer Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, and
Brand Loyalty) from Gojek get a score of 76.6%, which
3.3 Analysis ratio of brand equity to Gojek and Grab
uses descriptive analysis is "good" in Brand Awareness, get a value of 77.4%
Broadly speaking, the ratio of brand equity to Gojek which is a good value in Brand Association, get a value
and Grab uses descriptive analysis percentages can be seen in of 75.32% which is a good value in the Perceived
the table below: Quality and a value of 74.2%, which is a good value in
Table 1 Brand Loyalty
KETERANGAN GOJEK GRAB 2. Consumer Responses on Brand Equity (Brand Awareness,
Brand 76,6% 77,2% Brand Association, Perceived Quality, and Brand
Awareness Loyalty) from Grab get a value of 77.2%, which is
Brand 77,4% 66,92% "good" in Brand Awareness, get a value of 66.92%
which is a pretty good value in the Brand Association,
Perceived 75,32% 76,48%
Quality get a value of 76.48% which is a good value in the
Brand Loyalty 74,2% 79,55% Perceived Quality and a value of 79.55%, which is a
good value in Brand Loyalty
3.4 T-Test 3. differences in the results of Brand Equity Equity (Brand
Table 2 Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, and
Perbandingan Brand Equity Gojek dengan Grab Brand Loyalty) between online transportation Gojek gets
berdasarkan T tabel a T count of 3.07394 for Brand Awareness, 2,41740 for
indikator t-test
Brand Association, 1,34835 for Perceived Quality and
Brand Awareness 3,07394
2,56432 for Brand Loyalty. These results are above the
Brand Association 2,41740
Perceived Quality 1,34835 value of T table n = 100 which means that there is a
Brand Loyalty 2,56432 difference between Go Equity Brand and Grab..

Based on the above results, the dimensions of Brand

Equity, namely Brand Awareness, Brand Association,
Perceived Quality, and Brand loyalty get the results above F
table 100 respondents = 1.29016 or F count> F table, then
significant, or there is a difference between Brand Equity
Gojek and Grab .
The analysis of Gojek brand equity and Grab brand
equity in brand loyalty is known to have differences. In this
research, better is Grab brand loyalty. This can be seen from
the mean brand loyalty grab which is greater than gojek at
35.89> 33.43. This difference can be caused by the grab
being able to provide satisfaction to its customers
consistently supported by good service quality. Loyalty is not
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611

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Authors’ Profiles
Nadya Egileona is bachelor student at the Faculty of
Communication and Business, Telkom University.
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