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Lauren Chadwick

Teacher Tube
Teaching Major: Special Education

Video 1
Lauren Chadwick

Competency Met


I will use this video to help my students visualize numbers outside of their numerical form. I will write a
number on the white board ranging from 1 to 20. I will then tell my student to count out the amount of
stacking cubes from a pile that corresponds to the number on the board. After the student counts out
the number of blocks, I will have him/her connect them as they count each block out loud. After
counting the student will disassemble the tower and we will start over with another number.
Lauren Chadwick

Video 2
Lauren Chadwick

Competency Met


I will use this video in my class and the techniques described in it to plan activities that promote
language. One of the major concepts that promotes language in children with disabilities is repetition. In
preschool, a great learning tool is story time. An example of a book that I will use is If You Give a Mouse
a Cookie. This book has a lot of repetition. An important aspect of repetition is also in the routine of the
day. We will always have story time and I will encourage the kids to read along with me. After that we
will do an arts and crafts activity that pertains to the book. After that activity is complete, we will sing a
song about the book. We will follow this routine for every new book that we read in order to create an
environment that best facilitates language.

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