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What is inflammation?

Inflammation is part of the body's immune response.

It can be beneficial when, for example, your knee sustains a blow and tissues need care and
protection. However, sometimes, inflammation can persist longer than necessary, causing more
harm than


Inflammation is caused by a number of physical reactions triggered by the immune system in

response to a physical injury or an infection.

Inflammation does not necessarily mean that there is an infection, but an infection can cause

Three main processes occur before and during acute inflammation:

• The small branches of arteries enlarge when supplying blood to the damaged region,
resulting in increased blood flow.

• Capillaries become easier for fluids and proteins to infiltrate, meaning that they can
move between blood and cells.

• The body releases neutrophils. A neutrophil is a type of white blood cell filled with
tiny sacs that contain enzymes and digest microorganisms.

A person will notice inflammation symptoms after these steps take place.


Symptoms of inflammation vary depending on whether the reaction is acute or chronic.

The effects of acute inflammation can be summed up by the acronym PRISH. They include:

• Pain: The inflamed area is likely to be painful, especially during and after touching.
Chemicals that stimulate nerve endings are released, making the area more sensitive.

• Redness: This occurs because the capillaries in the area are filled with more blood
than usual.

• Immobility: There may be some loss of function in the region of the inflammation.

• Swelling: This is caused by a buildup of fluid.

• Heat: More blood flows to the affected area, and this makes it feel warm to the

These five acute inflammation signs only apply to inflammations of the skin. If inflammation occurs
deep inside the body, such as in an internal organ, only some of the signs may be noticeable.

For example, some internal organs may not have sensory nerve endings nearby, so there will be no
pain, such as in certain types of lung inflammation.
Symptoms of chronic inflammation present in a different way. These can include:

• fatigue

• mouth sores

• chest pain

• abdominal pain

• fever

• rash

• joint pain

Innate immunity

When a person is born, certain defenses in the immune system are naturally present in the body.
This is known as innate immunity.

It is different from adaptive immunity, which we develop after an infection or vaccination when the
body "learns" to fight a specific infectious agent.

Innate immunity is generally nonspecific, while adaptive immunity is specific to a particular

pathogen. Inflammation is one example of an innate immune response.

Wound healing

Our immediate reaction to a swelling is to try and decrease it. However, it is important to remember
that inflammation is an essential part of the healing process.

The first stage of inflammation is often called irritation, which then becomes inflammation.
Inflammation is followed by the discharging of pus. The granulation stage comes next, and new
tissue is formed in the wound.

Without inflammation, infections and wounds would never heal.

Acute inflammation

An acute inflammation is one that starts rapidly and becomes severe in a short space of time. Signs
and symptoms are normally only present for a few days but may persist for a few weeks in some

Examples of diseases, conditions, and situations that can result in acute inflammation include:

• acute bronchitis

• infected ingrown toenail

• a sore throat from a cold or flu

• a scratch or cut on the skin

• high-intensity exercise

• acute appendicitis

• dermatitis

• tonsillitis

• infective meningitis

• sinusitis

• a physical trauma

Chronic inflammation?

This refers to long-term inflammation and can last for several months and even years. It can result

• failure to eliminate whatever was causing an acute inflammation

• an autoimmune disorder that attacks normal healthy tissue, mistaking it for a

pathogen that causes disease

• exposure to a low level of a particular irritant, such as an industrial chemical, over a

long period

Examples of diseases and conditions that include chronic inflammation:

• asthma

• chronic peptic ulcer

• tuberculosis

• rheumatoid arthritis

• periodontitis

• ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

• sinusitis

• active hepatitis

Although damaged tissue cannot heal without inflammation, chronic inflammation can eventually
cause several diseases and conditions including some cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis,
periodontitis, and hay fever.

Inflammation needs to be well managed.

Is inflammation painful?

When people have inflammation, it often hurts.

People will feel pain, stiffness, discomfort, distress, and even agony, depending on the severity of
the inflammation. The type of pain varies. It can be described as constant and steady, throbbing and
pulsating, stabbing, or pinching.

Inflammation primarily causes pain because the swelling pushes against the sensitive nerve endings.
This sends pain signals to the brain.

Other biochemical processes also occur during inflammation. They affect how nerves behave, and
this can enhance pain.

The point of inflammation is

Inflammation is a defense mechanism in the body. The immune system recognizes damaged cells,
irritants, and pathogens, and it begins the healing process.

When something harmful or irritating affects a part of our body, there is a biological response to try
to remove it. The signs and symptoms of inflammation can be uncomfortable but it show that the
body trying to heal itself.

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