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Shashank Shekhar1

Justice is the foundation and the object of any civilized society.2

It has been an ancient formula for being a society to be just only if it renders to its members
what is due to them. For justice to be prevalent, an individual is due no less or no more than
what is he entitled. But how can this be ensured is the major question before all the nations
who promise their citizens of social, political and economic justice. Strong dominant
protective agencies are being time and again developed, maintained in order to attain the goal
that has been set. The modern society has been highly seen as an era of information
technology, electronic media and other technological marvels that mostly contributes to the
well being of the individuals. The technology is acting as a substitute to almost all the
traditionally practised realms that caters for the human interactions and needs. Technology
tends to have a profound prevailing effects on the political, social, economical spheres of life
and has also carved its impact on the justice delivering mechanism.

Technology is a cornerstone for access to justice. The electronic media and internet through
their principles of practical effect to openness among the common masses and interactive
technology respectively has significantly contributed to the goal of attaining procuring
justice. It has been proving to carry forward another sway of ‘E-justice’.

National University Of Study And Research In Law, Ranchi ; Sems III; NUSRL/RNC/2014/409
Justice S B SINHA, Judicial Reform in Justice Delivery System, (2004) 4 SCC (Jour) 35

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