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Cut Nyak Dhien : Risma Asmalasari

Cut Nyak Meutia : Mona Mudrikah

Bloem van Mooi : Isna Nur Fatimah

Jan van Swieten : Shanti Oktaviani

Teuku Umar : Tika Kartikawati

J.B. Van Heuts. : Yulia Cantika Putri

Narator. : Mella Suryani

Cut Nyak Dhien was born to a devout religious family in Aceh Besar, VI Mukim region in 1848. His father
was Teuku Nanta Seutia, an uleebalang VI Mukim, who was also a descendant of Datuk Makhudum Sati,
a nomad from Minangkabau. In his childhood, Cut Nyak Dhien was a beautiful child. He obtained an
education in the field of religion (which was educated by parents or religious teachers) and household
(cooking, serving a husband, and concerning daily life that was educated well by his parents). Many men
like Cut Nyak Dhien and try to propose to him. At the age of 12, he was married by his parents in 1862
with Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga, son of the uleebalang Lamnga XIII. They have one son.

Jan van Swieten: "Aceh is indeed quite strong."

Bloem van Mooi: "Yes, indeed the Commander. Looks like we have to take action "

Jan van Swieten: "What do you say? Ha ha. It is very easy"

Bloem van Mooi: "What do you mean, Commander?"

Jan van Swieten: "Isn't our weaponry sophisticated enough? Whatever we can

do "

Bloem van Mooi: "Cannon? What if we fire a cannon at Aceh? "

Jan van Swieten: "Good too, it's not in vain I have a strategy companion like you. Do it. "

On March 26, 1873, the Dutch declared war on Aceh, and began firing cannons at the Aceh mainland
from the Citadel van Antwerpen. The Aceh War erupted.

Cut Nyak Meutia: "CUT NYAK DHIEN!"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "What's the matter, Meutia?"

Cut Nyak Meutia: "I saw your husband go with the Acehnese forces."

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Aceh Army? Does this have anything to do with the Netherlands? "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "It seems, because I heard from my husband the Dutch let go


Cut Nyak Dhien: "Let's calm the people. Do not let people panic because

this news. "

The Aceh Sultanate can win the first war. Ibrahim Lamnga who is fighting

on the front line back with a cheering victory, while Köhler was shot dead

in April 1873.

Jan van Swieten: "Kohler's death is indeed profitable for me. Look at me, become General now. "
* Bloem in *

Bloem van Mooi: "We need a new strategy."

Jan van Swieten: "Bloem, are you asking for a strategy proposal from me? Isn't your task the one who
made the strategy and I agreed? "

Bloem van Mooi: "I only ask my General who is a former strategist. Great strategy manager

Jan van Swieten: "Hahaha. I know ... I know I'm great. Okay, I'll give you an idea that is enough to make
Aceh suffer. "

Bloem van Mooi: "What idea is that, General?"

Jan van Swieten: "We'll see."

Under the leadership of Jan van Swieten, the VI area of the Mukim can be occupied by the Dutch.

In 1873, the Sultan Palace fell in 1874.

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Assalamualaikum"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Be careful. What's more, Meutia? "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Let's go now!"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "..."

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Come on, other mothers and groups have started to flee. Bring your child and we go

Cut Nyak Dhien: "My husband ..."

Cut Nyak Meutia: "He fought for Aceh."

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Alright."

Cut Nyak Dhien and her baby finally took refuge with their mothers and groups
others. When Ibrahim Lamnga fought in Gle Tarum, he was killed. This made Cut Nyak Dhien very
angry. And vowing to destroy the Netherlands.

down then cried)

2 years later,

Cut Nyak Meutia: "You should smile now."

Cut Nyak Dhien: "I'm old like this, there are still people who are interested in me. "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "You should be happy about that."

Cut Nyak Dhien: "How can I be happy?"

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Never mind, he has been waiting for you."

* go to the living room *


Teuku Umar: "Let me introduce myself. I am Teuku Umar. "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "I know."

Teuku Umar: "I want to propose to you, Cut Nyak Dhien."

Cut Nyak Dhien: "For what?"

Teuku Umar: (face surprised)

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Sorry, but I can't accept you."

Teuku Umar: "Cut Nyak Dhien, you are indeed a tough, brave woman, and also strong in your position.
When you marry me later, I will let you take part in the battlefield. That way, you can destroy the
Netherlands with your own hands. "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Alright. (standing up) I'll accept you. With the requirement that you really keep your
word earlier. I excuse me. (go)

Finally, Cut Nyak Dhien married Teuku Umar in 1880. They

blessed with children named Cut Gambang. The war continued in guerrilla warfare, and the fisabilillah
war was waged. Teuku uamr did a tactic.

Cut Nyak Dhien: "That's a pretty stupid tactic, my husband."

Teuku Umar: "No, this is a tactic I've been thinking for a long time. I do this for Aceh. Trust me. I will not
betray Aceh.

Cut Nyak Dhien: "But Teuku Umar ..."

Teuku Umar: "Look now. I succeeded this close to the Netherlands. I can fool them. Trust me."

Cut Nyak Dhien: "I believe in you. Do what you have to do. "

The next day, Teuku Umar and his army of 250 went to Kutaraja

and surrender to the Netherlands.

Until there,

Jan van Swieten: "Teuku Umar, Teuku Umar. It is an honor for me to come here.

Teuku Umar: "I came here with 250 of my troops."

Bloem van Mooi: "What do you mean? What do you want to do? "

Teuku Umar: "I want to surrender myself, and surrender my troops."

Jan van Swieten: "I will accept you, and your troops with great respect, Teuku Umar. Bloem told them to
go to the hall. I will meet him. After that, you come with me. "

Bloem van Mooi: "Go to the hall, Teuku Umar. We will meet you. "

(Teuku Umar leaves)

Jan van Swieten: "Hahaha, a very easy enemy. I thought it would be more difficult to conquer them. "

Bloem van Mooi: "Right General. We have to make the Acehnese get angry. "

Jan van Swieten: "What do you mean, Bloem?"

Bloem van Mooi: "We must make Teuku Umar very honorable here. That will burn the anger of the
Acehnese people. "

Jan van Swieten: ‘Okay, give me your idea."

Bloem van Mooi: "Take Teuku Umar as commander of the unit of the Dutch forces with full power."

Jan van Swieten: "Full power ... What an amazing idea."

The Dutch are very happy because dangerous enemies want to help them, so

they gave Teuku Umar the title Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan and made it

the commander of the Dutch army unit with full power.

In evacuation ...
Cut Nyak Meutia: "Your husband is great, now he is leading our troops. I hope the Netherlands will be
destroyed. "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Yeah."

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Do you know what your husband will do to the Netherlands?"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "A ... I don't know."

Cut Nyak Meutia: (smile) "How are you Cut Nyak Dhien? Your husband should tell you. "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "But he didn't -"

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Surely he told you."

Cut Nyak Dhien: (silent)

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Why are you silent?"

(Teuku Umar comes)

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Good afternoon, Teuku Umar."

Teuku Umar: "Good afternoon, Cut Nyak Meutia. Can I borrow Cut Nyak Dhien for a while? "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Why did you say that to me? I will go. Cut Nyak Dhien, I go first. Please, speak up. "

(Cut Nyak Meutia leaves)

Teuku Umar: (checking whether Cut Nyak Meutia was gone) "You told him?"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "No. I hope he doesn't know. "

Teuku Umar: "After all, he will know. He was the son of a senior first. He knows any information. "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "I want him to not know."

Teuku Umar: "Never mind, we do this for Aceh."

Cut Nyak Dhien: (nods)

Teuku Umar, is still in touch with the Netherlands. Umar then tried to learn Dutch tactics. While slowly
replacing as many Dutch people as possible in the unit he controlled. Because of the secret of the plan,
Teuku Umar and Cut Nyak Dhien were accused of being traitors by Acehnese.

(Cut Nyak Dhien is sitting)

(Cut Nyak Meutia comes)

Cut Nyak Meutia: (coming screaming from afar) REALLY


Cut Nyak Dhien: "Your voice is polite, I'm older than you."

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Why am I being polite to traitors? WHY IS CUT NYI DHIEN ?! Now give me a chance to
ask you a question. Where is your respect for your first husband who died, defending the people of
Aceh! And now you betrayed it! "

Cut Nyak Dhien: (silent)

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Why are you silent Cut Nyak Dhien? Where is your mouth? WHERE WAS YOU GIVING

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Do I have to answer it?"

Cut Nyak Meutia: (Smiling wryly) "Cut Nyak Dhien, first I thought you were a brave and tough Acehnese
woman. But now, you're even too low, so low to say that. Why is Cut Nyak Dhien? What's wrong with the
people of Aceh? "
Cut Nyak Dhien: "Go, Meutia"

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Okay, I'll leave. Thank you Cut Nyak Dhien, for your betrayal "(leave)

* Cut Nyak Dhien goes to see Teuku Umar *

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Assalamualaikum"

Teuku Umar: "Waalaikumsalam, what is Cut Nyak Dhien?"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "You better stop the plan."

Teuku Umar: "Why?"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "I don't want the people of Aceh to think we are traitors. We can stop doing this plan.
We can fight the Dutch without having to pretend to ally with them. That is very disgusting"

Teuku Umar: "My wife, Cut Nyak Dhien. The people of Aceh will soon know what we really mean. My
plan was nearing success. I've studied Dutch tactics and have also gathered Acehnese troops. We just
have to wait for that day. Be patient"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Forgive me my husband for complaining like this"

Teuku Umar: "Believe me, while we are on the right path. God will always be by our side "

Cut Nyak Dhien: (smiles)

The next day, Teuku Umar carried out his fake plan for the Dutch

Teuku Umar: (meeting the Dutch) "Today I will attack the Aceh base"

Jan van Swieten: "Are you sure of your words, Teuku Umar."

Teuku Umar: "I am sure, General"

Bloem van Mooi: "Have you prepared carefully? Of course we won't hear defeat right? "
Teuku Umar: "I will not dare to act if everyone is not ready"

Jan van Swieten: "Alright, do this attack as well as possible"

Teuku Umar and Cut Nyak Dhien left with all the troops and heavy equipment,

Weapons and Dutch ammunition. Then, never come back.

Jan van Swieten: "LESS AJAR!" (Hitting the table) "How could I be tricked by Teuku Umar !, I can't let this
be Bloem!"

Bloem van Mooi: "Of course, we must take revenge, General. We don't want to be said to be more stupid
than the people of Aceh. "

Jan van Swieten: "Right, we can't be fooled by them! Bloem, quickly carried out a massive operation to
arrest Teuku Umar and his wife. (sly smile)

However, guerrillas are now equipped with equipment from the Netherlands. They start attacking

Netherlands while General. Van Swieten was replaced.

J.B van Heutsz: "Jan van Swieten is indeed incompetent in this matter."

Bloem van Mooi: "General, I got some information"

J.B van Heutz: "Fine, give me what you have"

Bloem van Mooi: "The Acehnese forces continue to pressure us. They have attacked

Kutaraja and Meulaboh. "

J.B van Heutz: "I see, it seems like we need to send something to Aceh"

Bloem van Mooi: "What is that, General?"

J.B van Heutsz: (sly smile) "De Marsose"

Bloem van Mooi: "What, General?" (Shocked)

De Marsose's troops were Ambonese Chinese who destroyed everything in their path. However, this
force was disbanded because of the sympathy of the Dutch troops. This event led to the success of the
next general because many people who did not participate in jihad lost their lives, and fear remained
in the Acehnese population.

Bloem van Mooi: "Now Aceh must have been hit by fear"

J.B van Heutsz: "Yes, you are right. But we can't just stop here ”

Bloem van Mooi: "Mean General, General still has a plan?"

J.B van Heustz: "Rent Acehnese who are not included in the rebel forces."

Bloem van Mooi: "Fine, General. But, what will we do to him? "

J.B van Heustz: "Have him spy on the rebel forces. Make sure he is

give me valuable information, not garbage. "

Bloem van Mooi: "I'll try, General. I excuse me. "

*a few days later*

Bloem van Mooi: "I have obtained information from the Aceh informants that we have rented


J.B van Heutsz: "Is that information valuable or just garbage?"

Bloem van Mooi: "This is very valuable information. You will be happy when
hear it. "

J.B van Heutsz: "Say it."

Bloem van Mooi: "On 11 February, Teuku Umar will attack

Meulaboh. "

J.B van Heutsz: "Good, that is very valuable information for me.

(cunning smile) Teuku Umar, Teuku Umar. It looks like a reply from

The real Dutch will arrive.

At Cut Nyak Dhien's place

Cut Nyak Meutia: "I hope this attack will succeed. Look at your readiness

Teuku Umar, I'm sure this works. "

Teuku Umar: "Just pray for us, ask for God's help to be given convenience."

Cut Nyak Dhien: "That is certain. You must be careful. Promise me. "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "I'd better not be here. Excuse me first. Assalamualaikum"

TU and ND Cut: "Waalaikumsalam"

Teuku Umar: "Cut Nyak Dhien, keep Acehnese well. Take care of our child

so he grows up to be a woman like you later. "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "What do you mean to say like this?"

Teuku Umar: "It's okay (smile) let's pray first, it's time to spend '"
However, because the Dutch already knew Teuku Umar's plan in advance, the Dutch could kill Teuku

Cut Nyak Dhien: "What's wrong? Why are you meddling with me? "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "I apologize to Cut Nyak Dhien. But, your husband ... "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Why about my husband? What happened to him? "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Teuku Umar was killed by a bullet"

Cut Nyak Dhien: (silent)

* Cut Xylophone comes *

Cut Gambang: "No! You must be wrong! Abu I must not have died! Not


Cut Nyak Dhien: "Cut Gambang" (slap and hug) "As an Acehnese woman, we must not shed tears on
people who have been martyred."

Cut Nyak Dien then led the resistance against the Dutch in the interior

Meulaboh with his little army and tried to forget her husband.

Besides that, Cut Nyak Dien is getting older. His eyes had started to farsight, and he was affected

gout and also the number of troops continues to decrease, and it is difficult to obtain

food. This pityed his troops.

Cut Nyak Dhien: "I'm fine Pang Laot"

Pang Laot: "Will you take me a drink and eat?"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "No need."

Pang Laot: "If so, you should rest a lot"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "If I rest too much, many Acehnese can


Pang Laot: (standing)

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Where are you going, Pang Laot?"

Pang Laot: "I will leave. But I will be back soon, hope you are happy

when i come back.

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Alright."

Pang Laot reported the location of his headquarters to the Netherlands because of pity. As a result,
the Dutch attacked Cut Nyak Dien's headquarters in Beutong Le Sageu. They were shocked and fought

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Cut Xylophone! Cut Xylophone! "

Cut Gambang: "What's the matter, Mak?"

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Cut Nyak Dhien, are you okay?"

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Meutia, take my child away from here! Please! "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "No. I will not leave you "

Cut Nyak Dhien: "Go away! Please go (while pushing) away! This is for

Aceh, Meutia! "

Cut Nyak Meutia: "Come on Cut Gambang."

Cut Gambang: "No, no. Mak! Mak! "

(Cut Nyak Meutia and Cut Gambang have moved away)

Cut Nyak Dhien: "I will not let you, the Netherlands (take rencong)"

J.B van Heutsz: (holding Cut Nyak Dhien) "You are old, and you can't

fight again Cut Nyak Dhien! Bring him a soldier! "

Cut Nyak Dhien was arrested, while Cut Gambang managed to escape to the forest and continue the
resistance carried out by his father and mother.

On November 6, 1908, Cut Nyak Dhien died of an old age.

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