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ENGR 0711



Joseph W Petrich (

INTRODUCTION practical applications of NIF is the testing of nuclear

weapons technology without detonating bombs. While
The 14 “Grand Challenges For Engineering,” proposed by national opinion may be against nuclear proliferation and
the National Academy of Engineering were designed to development, the Department of Defense, along with the
“make the world not only a more technologically advanced State Department are very interested in developing nuclear
and connected place, but also a more sustainable, safe, weapons technology without causing international incidents
healthy, and joyous – in other words, better – place” [1]. or breaking treaties. Thus, NIF is a government project, and,
World-wide, the best minds in engineering are working to while vastly over budget [5], it continues to receive funding
tackle these difficult and important objectives, one of which and approval from congress. This non-scientific feature of
is providing energy from nuclear fusion. From the NIF is an example of an analytical solution to a political
Fleischman-Pons “cold fusion” debacle [2] to the problem that is characteristic of the engineering mindset. By
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) agreeing to test the health of the nation’s nuclear stockpile
[3], scientists and engineers have tried for decades to bring and develop future weapons, engineers and scientists were
about controlled fusion. I hold that the most promising able to pursue research to benefit humanity, and that is
current attempt involves the use of concentrated lasers to aligned with the philosophy of the grand challenges.
incite fusion in solid deuterium/tritium pellets. Fusion is
essential to the development of the human race because our BREAKING THE LAW: NET ENERGY GAIN
world is facing an approaching energy crisis, and its
realization would provide nearly unlimited clean power to The problem thus far with nuclear fusion has been collecting
humanity. more energy from the fusion reaction than is necessary to
Though controlled fusion is being studied at various start and sustain the reaction. Prior to LIFE, all verified
research institutions, I will focus on the Laser Inertial Fusion fusion efforts have centered on controlling a cloud of helium
Engine (LIFE), part of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at plasma at 100 million degrees Celcius within a doughnut-
the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I believe that shaped structure called a tokomak. Though fusion has
LIFE has the greatest short-term promise for establishing occurred under these conditions, the energy required to
feasibility of electricity generation via fusion. This type of power the magnets and supply the liquid helium to cool
fusion would actually deplete nuclear waste, and could be them has always exceeded the amount of energy emitted by
used to test nuclear weapons without negating treaties. As the reaction [6]. The reason all this input energy is wasted is
project director Dr. Ed Moses said in a New York Times because very little of it is absorbed or used in the fusion
quote, “you’ll have, for all intents and purposes, a limitless reaction itself. In tests of lasers for LIFE at the Lawrence
supply of carbon-free energy that’s not geopolitically Livermore National Laboratory, however, nearly theoretical
sensitive. What more would you want?” [4]. My discussion energy absorption has been attained, with the target pellets
of this project will also demonstrate how engineers, through absorbing 90% of the laser energy delivered [7].
analysis and problem solving techniques benefit humanity. This unprecedented absorption level means that fusion
researchers can now use lasers to compress the target pellet
SOCIAL ENGINEERING more efficiently than ever, limiting the wasted energy and
maximizing the potential gain from LIFE power. In the
While the potential benefits from fusion are incredibly large, words of an anonymous engineer, “The goal of the engineer
securing funding for research has been notoriously difficult is to come as close to breaking the laws of thermodynamics
[3]. The memory of the Soviet disaster at Chernobyl, though as possible.” In this sense, attaining a net gain from fusion
a fission energy disaster, is forever linked in the public mind is a serious engineering accomplishment. A popular
to nuclear energy, and therefore it is difficult to persuade the paraphrase of one of the laws of thermodynamics is “you
public to support anything nuclear. In addition, the break- can’t get something for nothing.” Fusion appears to be just
down of the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island further that because the fuel is cheap and plentiful, the reaction
turned the public opinion against nuclear energy. Finally, would potentially be self-sustaining, and the byproduct is
the very public “discovery” of cold fusion in the late 1980s non-radioactive helium [8]. Furthermore, the prospect of
turned society against fusion research, and scientific supplying humanity with unlimited clean energy adheres to
research in general, after it was shown to be a hoax. the philosophy of the “Grand Challenges in Engineering.”
Ironically, the aspect of fusion which most scares the
public also creates the largest funding source. Nuclear
fusion is at the heart of nuclear weaponry, and one of the
University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering 4 October 2010
Joseph W Petrich

LIFE has the great potential of supplying unlimited clean
energy, but many engineering obstacles remain. Aside from
the difficulties of operating the lasers, manufacturing the
deuterium/tritium pellets, and supplying the incredibly high
necessary energy, public opinion must be in favor of funding
nuclear fusion if it is ever to move from the early research
stage to product development and deployment. While
remaining focused on engineering efficiency at NIF, the
engineers working towards LIFE should also be analyzing
public opinion, and solving the problems that lie in the
political realm. It is this part that separates the engineers
from the scientists, the achievers from the idealists.

[1] (2008). “Introduction to the Grand Challenges for Engineering”
National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges For Engineering.
[Online], Available:
[2] Fleischmann, Martin and Pons, Stanley. (10 April 1989).
“Electrochemically induced nuclear fusion of deuterium.” Journal of
Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 261, pp. 301-308
[3] McKie, Robin. (2008, February). “Fusion 2.0.” Cosmos. [Online].
[4] Broad, William J. (2009, May 25). “In Hot Pursuit of Fusion (or Folly).”
The New York Times. [Online]. Available:
05/ 26/science/ 26fusi.html
[5] Bohan, Suzanne. (2010, September 20). “Livermore lab nears launch of
fusion quest, though ignition not expected this month.” San Jose Mercury
News. [Online]. Available:
[6] (2010, January). “Initial NIF Experiments Show Promise for Ignition.”
Photons and Fusion. [Online]. Available:
[7] Bayramian, A. et al. (2010). “A Laser Technology Test Facility for
Laser Inertial Fusion Energy.” Journal of Physics. Vol. 244. [Online].
[8] Conahan, Gillian. (2009, October 1). “The Care and Keeping of Stars.”
Muse. Vol. 13, no 8. p. 16

I would like to thank Dr. Mark A Petrich for his suggested
reading in years past that sparked my interest in fusion. In
addition, I would like to thank the Seattle Public Library for
making a copious variety of resources available in full text

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