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Lattice contraction and cation ordering of ZrTiO4

in the normal-to-incommensurate phase transition
Young K. Kim and Hyun M. Janga)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering and National Research Laboratory (NRL)
for Ferroelectric Phase Transitions, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH),
Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea
共Received 1 December 2000; accepted for publication 4 March 2001兲
It is known that microwave dielectric ZrTiO4 undergoes a normal-to-incommensurate phase
transition 共NICPT兲 near 1125 °C. The role of the cation ordering and its relation to the anomalous
lattice contraction observed in the NICPT were studied by x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering of
ZrTiO4 specimens prepared employing various cooling rates between 1250 and 1000 °C. It was
shown that the lattice parameter b underwent a substantial change even if the long-range cation
ordering was absent. Analysis of the Raman spectra indicated that the compositional
fluctuation-induced line broadening was mainly responsible for the extrapolated linewidth at 0 K,
suggesting that the observed lattice contraction was initiated by the local short-range cation
ordering. Based on thermodynamic arguments, the anomalous lattice contraction of ZrTiO4 was
attributed to a direct consequence of the gradient coupling between the two order parameters that
describe a compositional modulation and a displacive modulation in the NICPT. © 2001 American
Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1368871兴

I. INTRODUCTION formed ZrTiO4 forms an incommensurate 共IC兲 phase. Ac-

cording to the study done by Christoffersen and Davies,6 the
Microwave technology has made remarkable progress, IC phase of ZrO2 can be viewed as a commensurately 1:1
along with the recent development of advanced communica- cation-ordered structure with the interface modulation along
tion systems that include microcellular communications and the a axis by faulted boundaries. A variety of unusual prop-
global positioning systems 共GPS兲. In particular, dielectric erties are associated with this nonintegral periodicity in the
resonators have achieved an important position as the key IC phase.7 It is now known that ZrTiO4 dielectric undergoes
element in microwave integrated circuits and in microwave two consecutive phase transitions upon cooling the high-
filters. Microwave devices are required to have small size, temperature normal form. They are 共i兲 the normal-to-
high-level temperature stability, and low power loss.1,2 incommensurate phase transition 共NICPT兲 at near 1125 °C
Therefore dielectric materials for the resonator should pos- and 共ii兲 the incommensurate-to-commensurate phase transi-
sess 共i兲 high-dielectric permittivities, 共ii兲 small temperature tion 共ICPT兲 that recovers the usual integral periodicity near
coefficients of resonant frequency 共TCF ⭐ ⫾ 10 ppm/°C兲, 840 °C.8–10
and 共iii兲 high unloaded quality factors 共Q factor兲 for a stable However, unlike usual displacive-type IC phase transi-
resonant frequency. Zirconium titanate 共ZrTiO4 兲-based di- tions found in NaNO2 , K2 SeO4 , and BaMnF4 , the phase
electrics meet all these requirements and have been widely transition kinetics of ZrTiO4 is known to be very sluggish
used as dielectric resonators 共e.g., Sn-modified ZrTiO4 兲3 that because the NICPT is governed by the cation-positional or-
are important parts of microwave filters and frequency- dering that subsequently leads to a lattice distortion.5,8–11
controlled oscillators. Accordingly, extensive efforts have Therefore for the kinetic study of the NICPT in ZrTiO4 , one
been made for the study of physicochemical factors that has to employ a very slow cooling rate or use a prolonged
greatly influence dielectric characteristics of ZrTiO4 -based annealing 共more than four weeks兲 below the transition
materials.4–16 These factors include crystal structure, phase temperature.11
transition characteristics, and appropriate chemical additives. In addition to this kinetic feature, ZrTiO4 exhibits a sub-
It is known that the high-temperature phase of ZrTiO4 stantial degree of the lattice contraction along the b axis
polymorphs has the ␣-PbO2 structure with the space group during a slow cooling from the high-temperature phase field.
Pbcn and undergoes a cation-positional ordering upon McHale and Roth11,12 attributed this observation to a modu-
cooling.5,6 Unlike Ba-based complex perovskites that also lation of the anion packing in response to the positional or-
form an important class of microwave dielectrics 关e.g., dering of Zr and Ti cations. However, this kind of lattice
Ba共Mg1/3Ta2/3兲O3 , BMT兴, the translational lattice periodicity contraction was also observed when there was no indication
of the transformed ZrTiO4 phase is not in accordance with of long-range cation ordering, as evidenced by the absence of
that of the high-temperature form.5,6 Therefore the trans- the satellite reflection under the condition of enhanced cool-
ing rate.13 Therefore one cannot solely attribute this lattice
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: contraction to a direct consequence of the long-range order- ing associated with the NICPT. However, there has been no

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clear and systematic study on this important subject related

to the NICPT.
In view of these facts, the main objective of the present
study is to clarify the role of the cation ordering and its
relation to the lattice contraction that occurs during the
NICPT in ZrTiO4 . For this purpose we have carefully ad-
justed the degree of the cation ordering by employing vari-
ous cooling rates during the NICPT. The degree of the long-
range ordering was studied by examining x-ray diffraction
共XRD兲 patterns while information on the short-range cation
ordering was obtained by analyzing the line shape of relevant
Raman bands.


The starting materials used for the preparation of high-
purity ZrTiO4 are zirconium-n-propoxide 共70% solution in
isopropyl alcohol, Aldrich Chemicals兲 and Ti-isopropoxide
共99.999%, Aldrich Chemicals兲. For subsequent chemical
processing steps we have closely followed the procedure
used by Hirano and his coworkers14 for the sol-gel synthesis
of Sn-modified ZrTiO4 . FIG. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of ZrTiO4 ceramics prepared employing
The dried powder was calcined at 800 °C for 4 h. After various cooling rates: 共a兲 1 °C/h, 共b兲 5 °C/h, 共c兲 10 °C/h, 共d兲 50 °C/h, 共e兲
the calcination, an additional ball-milling step was added to 100 °C/h, 共f兲 300 °C/h, and 共g兲 rapidly quenched. The cooling was per-
ensure a fine particle size. The dried powders were first formed between 1250 and 1000 °C, and the two satellite peaks marked with
filled stars represent superlattice reflections.
pressed as disks and then cold-isostatically pressed under
190 MPa pressure. The pressed pellets were sintered at
1500 °C for 4 h. The sintered specimens were cooled with an
tional order–disorder transition can be monitored by exam-
initial cooling rate of 300 °C/h down to 1250 °C. Various
ining satellite peaks in the XRD patterns.18 Figure 1 shows
cooling rates were employed for the subsequent cooling be-
XRD patterns of ZrTiO4 specimens prepared employing
tween 1250 and 1000 °C to critically assess the effect of the
various cooling rates. The cooling was performed between
cooling rate on the NICPT. Except for one particular pellet
1250 and 1000 °C. Except for the specimen ‘‘g’’ which was
that was directly quenched by immersing it into water at
directly quenched by immersing it into water at 1250 °C, all
1250 °C, all other specimens were then air-quenched imme-
other specimens were air-quenched immediately after they
diately after they had reached 1000 °C.
had reached 1000 °C. As shown in the XRD patterns, the
XRD patterns of various ZrTiO4 specimens were re-
existence of two satellite peaks is evident in the specimens
corded using a diffractometer 共M18XCE, MAC Science, Ja-
cooled with a cooling rate equal to or less than 10 °C/h. The
pan兲 equipped with a graphite monochromator. To correct a
two satellite peaks appeared at 25.37° and 26.86° are caused
possible zero-shift in the XRD pattern, software called
‘‘UNITCELL’’ was used. The lattice parameters were calcu- by the (0111̄) and (2001̄) superlattice reflections, respec-
lated from the XRD data and were refined using a least- tively. In addition to this, the intensity of these peaks in-
squares program. creases with decreasing cooling rate. It is well-known that
The Raman spectra for various ZrTiO4 specimens were the integrated intensity of the superlattice reflection is pro-
obtained using a NRS2100 Raman spectrometer 共JASCO, portional to the square of the long-range order parameter.18
Japan兲 equipped with a triple-grating monochromator and a Therefore it is clear that the long-range cation ordering oc-
Coherent Innova 90C Ar⫹ -laser operating at 514.5 nm. It has curs only when the disordered ZrTiO4 is cooled with a cool-
a spectral resolution of 1 cm⫺1 . A LN2 -cooled charge ing rate less than a certain critical value 共⬃10 °C/h兲 and that
coupled device system was used as a detector. The Raman the long-range order parameter increases with decreasing
scattering was done using a 180° backscattering geometry. cooling rate.
To closely monitor temperature variations between 77 and Since the cation ordering eventually leads to the transi-
450 K, the specimens were attached to a cold stage in a tion to an IC phase, the degree of structural deformation can
Joule-Thomson miniature refrigerator 共MMR Tech.兲 using be described by the incommensurate deviation factor 共␦兲7–10
thermally conducting grease. which is a measure of the structural deviation from the com-
mensurate superlattice. The deviation factor ␦ of the incom-
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION mensurately ordered ZrTiO4 was estimated using the (2001̄)
satellite reflection. As shown in Fig. 2, the deviation factor
A. XRD study of long-range cation ordering
remains constant and is essentially independent of the cool-
As discussed previously, the normal-to-incommensurate ing rate.
phase transition 共NICPT兲 occurring near 1125 °C accompa- Contrary to our observation, Park and coworkers
nies the positional ordering of Ti and Zr cations. This posi- reported9 that the cooling rate strongly influenced the devia-

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specimens cooled with a rate faster than 10 °C/h. In this case,

one does not expect any long-range cation ordering because
of the absence of the satellite superlattice reflection, as
shown in Fig. 1. Therefore contrary to our common belief,
the anomalous lattice contraction also occurs even if the
long-range cation ordering is absent.
It is known that ZrTiO4 is composed of hexagonally
close-packed oxygen (r O2⫺ ⫽1.40 Å兲 layers and small sized
cations (r Ti4⫹ ⫽0.605 Å, and r Zr4⫹ ⫽0.72 Å兲 that occupy
50% of the available octahedral sites formed by the close-
packed layers.19,20 Therefore the basic framework of the
ZrTiO4 structure can be viewed as hexagonally packed oxy-
gen layers. In view of this, the observed rapid contraction in
the lattice parameter b during the cooling to the
FIG. 2. The incommensurate deviation factor ␦ plotted with the unit of a* incommensurate-phase field is likely to be caused by a dis-
for three different cooling rates. tortion in the anion sublattice.11 However, XRD only detects
a long-range ordering and thus is not able to give informa-
tion on the short-ranged local structure. Moreover, it is not
tion factor of ZrTiO4 . This apparent inconsistency seems to susceptible to any variation in the displacement of oxygen
be caused by the difference in the cooling condition. Park atoms. Therefore we have employed the Raman scattering
et al. carried out their cooling experiment between 1400 °C method to obtain more detailed information on the structural
and room temperature by employing various cooling rates. variation that occurs during the cooling from the high-
Thus the ZrTiO4 specimens must have underwent the temperature disordered region 共⬎1125 °C兲.
incommensurate-to-commensurate phase transition 共ICPT兲
near 840 °C. The wave vector relevant to the incommensu-
rate ZrTiO4 undergoes a rapid change near the ICPT point, B. Raman scattering study
which in turn causes a significant variation in the incommen- 1. Splitting of Raman bands
surate deviation factor depending on the cooling rate.7,10
Contrary to this, we have rapidly quenched the incommen- The high-temperature cation-disordered ZrTiO4 is repre-
surate ZrTiO4 specimens at 1000 °C to completely suppress sented by the ␣-PbO2 structure with the space group Pbcn
any further transition to the commensurate phase. Accord- and the point group mmm. The normal vibration modes, as
ingly, the deviation factor is expected to be independent of obtained by applying the group factor analysis, predict that
the cooling rate 共between 1250 and 1000 °C兲 in this case. the high-temperature phase has 18 distinct Raman-active op-
Figure 3 shows the effect of the cooling rate between tical phonon modes.21,22 The representation for the Raman-
1250 and 1000 °C on the variation of the lattice parameters. active normal modes (⌫ RA) can be written using the follow-
Taking the lattice parameter of the ‘‘quenched’’ specimen 共at ing nondegenerate irreducible representations:
1250 °C兲 as a standard reference of the high-temperature ⌫ RA⫽4A g ⫹5B 1g ⫹4B 2g ⫹5B 3g . 共1兲
phase, one can realize a large variation of the lattice param-
eter b with the cooling rate during the NICPT. One interest- Figure 4 presents room-temperature Raman spectra of
ing feature of the experimental result presented in Fig. 3 is ZrTiO4 specimens prepared employing various cooling rates
that the lattice parameter b changes noticeably even for the between 1250 and 1000 °C and subsequently quenched at
1000 °C. As shown in the figure, the number of visible Ra-
man bands decreases with increasing cooling rate. The de-
crease in the number of visible bands seems to be closely
related to the broadening of Raman bands for the specimens
prepared employing higher cooling rates. One of the out-
standing features of the spectra presented in Fig. 4 is that the
band splitting at a low-frequency range 共below 600 cm⫺1 兲
tends to increase with decreasing cooling rate. This splitting
becomes pronounced in the specimens cooled with the rate
⭐10 °C/h. Comparing the result of Fig. 4 with that of Fig. 1,
one can conclude that the band splitting observed at low
cooling rates is directly associated with the appearance of the
superlattice reflection in the XRD patterns. This clearly indi-
cates that the Raman band splitting is a consequence of the
cation ordering that occurs during the NICPT.
Comparing the spectrum of the quenched specimen 共g兲
with 共d兲, 共e兲, and 共f兲, one can further realize that new bands
FIG. 3. Variation of the lattice parameters with the cooling rate between appear even in the rapidly cooled specimens, as marked in
1250 and 1000 °C. Fig. 4 with arrows. Figure 1 indicates the absence of long-

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FIG. 5. Fitting result of the Raman spectra obtained using the specimen
cooled at a rate of 1 °C/h. The experimental data 共filled squares兲 and the
calculated profile 共solid lines兲 show a good agreement.

line-shape parameters 共i.e., the line broadening ⌫ and the

FIG. 4. Room-temperature Raman spectra of ZrTiO4 ceramics prepared mode frequency ␻ 0 兲 obtained from these fittings are pre-
employing various cooling rates between 1250 and 1000 °C: 共a兲 1 °C/h, 共b兲 sented in Fig. 6 as a function of the cooling rate between
5 °C/h, 共c兲 10 °C/h, 共d兲 50 °C/h, 共e兲 100 °C/h, 共f兲 300 °C/h, and 共g兲 rapidly 1250 and 1000 °C. The results show that the linewidth de-
quenched. The arrows indicate peak splittings.
creases while the mode frequency increases rather monoto-
nously with decreasing cooling rate. Figure 7 further corre-
lates the line-shape parameters with the lattice constant b.
range cation ordering in the specimens that correspond to the
Irrespective of the cooling rate, both the mode frequency and
spectra 共d兲, 共e兲, and 共f兲 in Fig. 4. Therefore the appearance of
the linewidth have a good linear correlation with the param-
new bands in the spectra 共d兲, 共e兲, and 共f兲 is not a consequence
eter b suggesting that the variation of ␻ 0 and ⌫ is directly
of the long-range ordering but reflects a change in the local
related to the lattice contraction occurring in the course of
symmetry, which is caused by the short-range cation order-
the NICPT 共Fig. 3兲.
ing associated with the NICPT.
For an insulator in which cations with more than one
kind distribute randomly over the crystallographically
2. Analysis of line shape equivalent sites, the broadening of Raman band and the shift
Another prominent feature of the Raman spectra given in of the mode frequency are generally attributed to the
Fig. 4 is that the line shape continuously changes with the followings:24,25 共i兲 the anharmonic decay of optical phonons
variation of cooling rate, reflecting changes in the local and 共ii兲 the scattering caused by compositional fluctuations.
structure with the cooling rate. Therefore we have quantita- The optical phonon can decay into two or more lower-energy
tively analyzed the line shape of the Raman spectra in Fig. 4 phonons via an anharmonic process, resulting in a reduced
by applying the following spectral response function for the
damped harmonic oscillators:23
␹ ␻⌫
S共 ␻ 兲⫽ 兺i 共 ␻ 2 ⫺ ␻i2 兲 2 ⫹i ␻ 2 ⌫ 2 F 共 ␻ ,T 兲 , 共2兲
0i i

where ␹ i is the amplitude in arbitrary units, ␻ 0i is the mode

frequency, and ⌫ i is the damping constant for the ith normal
mode. F( ␻ ,T) represents the Bose–Einstein population fac-
tor for the Stokes part and is given by
F 共 ␻ ,T 兲 ⫽ . 共3兲
1⫺exp共 ⫺ប ␻ /k B T 兲
The damping constant was corrected by the instrumental
linewidth obtained from an Ar⫹ -laser line.
Figure 5 presents the fitting result of the Raman spec-
trum obtained using the specimen cooled at a rate of 1 °C/h.
FIG. 6. Variation of the mode frequency, ␻ 0 , and the linewidth ⌫ of the
The spectral function given in Eq. 共2兲 did quantitatively fit room-temperature Raman band with the cooling rate between 1250 and
all the Raman spectra at frequencies around 800 cm⫺1 . The 1000 °C.

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FIG. 8. Variation of the line-shape parameters plotted as a function of

FIG. 7. The line-shape parameters of the Raman band at 300 K plotted as a temperature: 共a兲 mode frequency ␻ 0 and 共b兲 linewidth ⌫.
function of the lattice parameter b: 共a兲 mode frequency ␻ 0 and 共b兲
linewidth ⌫.
the harmonic approximation. The parameters A and C in Eqs.
共5兲 and 共6兲 represent the contribution of the cubic anhar-
lifetime of the optical phonon. It is known that the reduced monic term to the line shape, whereas the parameters B and
lifetime directly brings in the broadening of the Raman band D are related with the quartic anharmonic term.
via the following relation: ␶ ⫽1/␲ c⌫.25 Since this reduced The other factor that contributes to the variation of Ra-
lifetime is a consequence of an anharmonic decay, it strongly man line shape is the compositional fluctuation-induced
depends on temperature.25,26 anharmonicity.25 The origin of this compositional
Assuming that the anharmonic decay of one optical pho- fluctuation-induced line broadening is quite distinct from that
non into two acoustic phonons is primarily responsible for of the anharmonic decay of optical phonons described by
the variation of Raman line shape and taking cubic and quar- Klemens26 and Balkanski et al.27 Therefore one does not ex-
tic anharmonic terms into consideration, Balkanski et al.27 pect a simple additive rule in the description of the line shift
presented the following relationships for the temperature- or the linewidth. However, it is clearly expected that the
dependent line shift and linewidth based on the work of anharmonicity at a low-temperature region is mainly caused
Klemens:26 by the compositional fluctuation. On the basis of this argu-
ment one can thus satisfactorily separate one factor from the
␻ 0 共 T 兲 ⫽ ␻ (h)
0 ⫹⌬ 共 T 兲 , 共4兲
where Figure 8 shows the variation of the line-shape param-

冋 册 冋 册
eters 共␻ 0 and ⌫兲 with temperature. The solid lines corre-
2 3 3 spond to the computed results using Eqs. 共4兲, 共5兲, and 共6兲
⌬T⫽C 1⫹ ⫹D 1⫹ ⫹ 共5兲
e ⫺1
e ⫺1
共 e ⫺1 兲 2
with optimized fitting parameters. As shown in Fig. 8共a兲, the
difference in the mode frequency between 300 and 0 K is

冋 册 冋 册
independent of the cooling rate employed and is 3.19⫾0.48
2 3 3 cm⫺1 . To obtain the value at 0 K, the fitting was extrapolated
⌫ 共 T 兲 ⫽A 1⫹ ⫹B 1⫹ ⫹ . 共6兲 to 0 K. Compared with the values of the mode frequency at
e ⫺1
e ⫺1y
共 e ⫺1 兲 2
0 K 共extrapolated values兲, its temperature dependence is neg-
The parameters y and x in the above equations are defined as ligibly small: ⬃810 cm⫺1 versus ⬃3 cm⫺1 . Similarly, as
y⫽ប ␻ (h)
0 /3k B T and x⫽ប ␻ 0 /2k B T. ␻ 0 in Eq. 共4兲 denotes
(h) (h)
presented in Fig. 8共b兲, the difference in the linewidth be-
the intrinsic frequency of the zone-center optical phonon in tween 300 and 0 K is essentially independent of the cooling

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6354 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 89, No. 11, 1 June 2001 Y. K. Kim and H. M. Jang

range cation ordering is absent in the incommensurate phase

共Figs. 1 and 3兲.
C. Mechanism of the anomalous lattice contraction
It is known that thermodynamic stability of a modulated
structure is closely related to a coupling of two distinct phase
transition modes.28,29 Therefore we will examine the mecha-
nism of the anomalous lattice contraction in the incommen-
surate 共IC兲 phase in terms of a coupling of order parameters
involved. Heine and McConnell showed that an IC phase
could be stabilized by a gradient coupling of two relevant
order parameters.28 In general, two different phase-transition
modes having distinct physical origins do not mutually inter-
FIG. 9. The values of the mode frequency ␻ 0 and the line broadening ⌫ act because they do not possess the same symmetry. How-
extrapolated to 0 K as a function of the lattice parameter b. ever, two distinct order parameters, when expressed in a k
space, have phase angles which are shifted by ␲/2, irrespec-
tive of their actual wave form.29 Therefore one order param-
rate and has been estimated to be 10.78⫾2.3 cm⫺1 . The fact eter and the gradient of the other order parameter having a
that the temperature dependence of both ␻ 0 and ⌫ is irre- different physical origin could have the same symmetry,
spective of the cooling rate indicates that the variation of the thereby leading to a coupling between two distinct phase-
Raman line-shape parameters with temperature is not caused transition modes.
by the change in the lattice parameter b or thus by the degree To examine this argument more concretely, let us write
of cation ordering but is originated from the temperature- the Gibbs free-energy function of an incommensurate system
induced anharmonic decay of optical phonons. However, as in terms of two distinct order parameters, ␾ and ␺ .29
shown in Figs. 8共a兲 and 8共b兲, the effect of this anharmonic G 共 ␾ , ␺ 兲 ⫽L 共 ␾ 兲 ⫹L 共 ␺ 兲 ⫹G Ginzburg共 ␾ 兲 ⫹G Ginzburg共 ␺ 兲
decay is substantially smaller than the compositional fluctua-
tion effect caused by the cation disorder, as reflected in the ⫹ ␨ 1 共 ␾␺ 兲 ⫹ ␨ gradient共 ␾ ⵜ ␺ ⫺ ␺ ⵜ ␾ 兲 , 共7兲
extrapolated values at 0 K.
where the first two terms represent the Landau expansion and
One important feature of the line broadening presented
the third and fourth terms take into account the Ginzburg
in Fig. 8共b兲 is that the linewidth extrapolated to 0 K increases
gradient energies. More specifically, they can be rewritten,
with increasing cooling rate. The extrapolated value rapidly
respectively, as
increases as the cooling rate increases from 1 to 50 °C/h. As
extensively discussed, the long-range cation ordering is ab- L 共 ␾ 兲 ⫽ 21 A 0 共 T⫺T C ␾ 兲 ␾ 2 ⫹ 41 B ␾ 4 ⫹¯
sent in the ZrTiO4 prepared with the cooling rate faster than
10 °C/h 共Fig. 1兲. All these results clearly indicate that the and 共8兲
linewidth at 0 K increases with the degree of the cation dis- G Ginzburg共 ␾ 兲 ⫽ 21 ␣ 共 ⵜ ␾ 兲 2 ⫹ 41 ␤ 共 ⵜ ␾ 兲 4 ⫹¯.
order but decreases with the degree of the cation ordering.
This, in turn, indicates that the line broadening at 0 K is The last term of Eq. 共7兲 is the Lifshitz energy which de-
mainly caused by the local positional disorder or thus by the scribes the gradient interaction of the two distinct order pa-
compositional fluctuation-induced anharmonicity. rameters ␾ and ␺ .
Figure 9 correlates the line-shape parameters 共␻ 0 and ⌫兲 Since the instability arising from a generation of the gra-
extrapolated to 0 K with the lattice parameter b. Similar to dient term in one of two order parameters is relieved by the
the linear relationship observed at room temperature 共Fig. 7兲, other order parameter, the following proportionality is estab-
both the mode frequency and the linewidth have a good lin- lished in a modulated structure with the same proportionality
ear correlation with the parameter b irrespective of the cool- constant for both relations:29
ing rate. This further supports that the variation of ␻ 0 and ⌫
with the cooling rate is directly related to the lattice contrac-
␾ ⬀ⵜ ␺ and ␺ ⬀⫺ⵜ ␾ . 共9兲
tion observed during the cooling. By comparing this conclu- Since an order parameter near its relevant transition point is
sion with the role of the local cation ordering in the narrow- described by a sinusoidal wave, the following proportionality
ing of the linewidth 共or reversely, the role of cation disorder can further be established after applying Eq. 共9兲:
in the line broadening兲, one can immediately realize the im-
portance of the short-range ordering in the early stage of the ␾ ⫽ ␾ 0 exp共 ⫹ik"r兲
anomalous lattice contraction. ⬀ⵜ ␺ ⫽ⵜ 兵 ␺ 0 exp共 ⫺ik"r兲 其
From the analysis of XRD and Raman data, we therefore
conclude that the observed lattice contraction in the NICPT
is first induced by the local short-range cation ordering and
its coupling to the displacive modulation of oxygen layers.
再 冉
⫽ ␺ 0 兩 k兩 exp ⫺i k"r⫹

2 冊冎 . 共10兲

This clearly explains the observation that the lattice param- Thus the magnitude of one order parameter in a complex
eter b undergoes a substantial variation even if the long- plane is proportional to that of the other.

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Using Eqs. 共8兲 and 共9兲 one can rewrite the gradient cou- phase. 共ii兲 As indicated in the Raman line-shape parameters,
pling energy 共Lifshitz term兲 in the form of the Ginzburg the anomalous lattice contraction was first induced by the
energy, namely, local short-range ordering, even in the absence of the long-
range cation ordering. 共iii兲 The observed anomalous lattice
␨ gradient共 ␾ ⵜ ␺ ⫺ ␺ ⵜ ␾ 兲 ⬀ ␨ gradient兵 共 ⵜ ␾ 兲 2 ⫹ 共 ⵜ ␺ 兲 2 其 . 共11兲
contraction of ZrTiO4 was explained in terms of the gradient
On applying Eq. 共10兲 to Eq. 共11兲, one can readily obtain the coupling between the two order parameters that de-
contribution of the gradient coupling energy to a Fourier scribe a compositional modulation and a displacive modula-
transform of the Gibbs free energy, namely, tion in the NICPT.
G gradient⫽⫺2 兩 k兩 ␨ gradient␾ 0 ␺ 0 . 共12兲 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
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