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Created config app in .Net C# to allow for streamlining of processing and

configurations of useful options. This generates a config file which can be
generated by hand Config.pnz if the user does not wish or does not have the ability
to use .Net 3.5.

Added support for pdf images using the extended functionality of pdftohtml and
ghostscript (gswin32c.exe) the application also sets temporary path information to
allow this process to occur.

Upon user request I have completed the command line portion of the old converter
this will not be a standard release but will become just an extra with an
executable compiled to read and write from the console using the std stream.

After a couple of weeks of conversion this app finally completed its first output
from the c# branch of the app. Currently it supports htm / html files. But being
that all the other time was spent building classes to permit the functionality of
processing filenames and creating an infrastructure for starting the external
processors the amount of bugs I am finding with this method is very small.

Rebuilt MetaData Handling function of the application after dealing with some DOPE
errors with assignment.

Next up is lit and pdb conversion. PDF will wait till there is a method of handling

added method to use local directory as the default output location for the file.
checked that both directions of the program flow match for outputs going to write
up an info list about the the stucture of the variables used within main. A

Added a dialog to confirm the change of title.

Found a bug with drag and drop when reading trying to define the file location by
reading to the first slash from the right side of the filein string. issue was the
while loop accumulated the whole string to position as opposed to the next char
implimented fix by taking accumulated string and reading 1 char from the other side
each cycle till we get to a \. Result is the loop always ends 1 index to the left
past the first \. Fix is outside the loop to slide the position back to the right 1
after loop exit.

Added function to incorporate mobi2mobi to change internal Longtitle meta data.

Still Testing
Currently this fails to make any changes
Corrected issue. Did not declare a output.

Converted Get outfile to Function function just returns what the whole process
normall would but now it is easier to be selective plus when I impliment a
configurator I can use this function to read the file and post back the config
answer instead of a dialog box.
Called at the beginning of each switch. Future plans to convert each Processor to a

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