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Budgeting, Spending, Saving and Investing Practices

General Instructions: Check the box  of your answer.

Date: _______________________ School: ____________________________________________

Name: __________________________


Civil Status: Single Married Separated Widowed/Widower

Highest Educational Attainment:  Bachelor’s Degree  w/ Master’s Degree  w/ Doctorate Degree

No. of Dependents (financially dependent):  None  1-2  3-4  5 or more

Monthly Income:  Below P 10,000  P 10,000-14,999  P 15,000-19,999  P 20,000-24,999

P 25,000-29,999  P 30,000-34,999 more than P35,000


Instruction: Check the box  for your answer (Multiple answers allowed)
Where does your money go?
 Personal luxury purchases  Start-up business  Life Insurance
 First time house  Retirement  Memorial Plans
 Upgrade property  Children’s Education  Own Business
 Food  Medicine  Recreation
 Groceries (Other than food)  Investment (Stocks and Bonds)  Donations
 Utilities  Emergency Fund  Loans and Amortizations
 Others, please specify_______
Do you have monthly budget for the following:
 Food  Utilities  Loan Amortization
 Educational Plans  Emergency Fund  Investments
 Medicine  Clothing  Fare
 Insurance  Others, please specify ________

How much budget do you have for the following:

Instruction: Check the box  for your answer
P 3001 P 5001 P
Below P P 1000 to
to to P 7501or
1000 P 3000
P 5000 7500 more
Children’s Education (Allowance and School Fees)
Utilities (Phone, electricity, water, etc.)
Medicine and Healthcare
Emergency Fund
Others, please specify_______
Instruction: Encircle your answer based on the following levels:
Statement Never Sometimes Often Always
1. I only buy the things that are listed on my budget. 1 2 3 4
2. My monthly expenditures are within my monthly income. 1 2 3 4
3. I monitor my regular expenses. 1 2 3 4
4. I don’t have difficulties to cover my expenses and pay all my bills. 1 2 3 4
5. I don’t buy things through credit cards if I don’t have available
1 2 3 4


Instructions: Check the box  for your answer.
When I receive my salary
 I spend first then save the remaining  I spend even before salary is received

 I save first then spend the remaining  I spend and nothing is left

At present I do save for the following (Multiple answers allowed):

 Educational Plan  Retirement  New car  House and lot  Own business

 House Improvement  Travel  Gadgets  Emergency Fund  Others, specify ______


Instructions: Check the box  for your answer

At present, I do invest for the following: Yes Not at all

Real estate (house and lot, condo unit, etc.)
Own Business
Mutual fund
Variable life insurance (Insurance packages)
Others, specify ___________________________


Instruction: Encircle your answer based on the following levels:

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
Disagree Agree
I’d want to save but my salary is just enough for the basic needs. 1 2 3 4
I sometimes purchase things because I know they will impress
1 2 3 4
other people
I regularly put money aside for the future. 1 2 3 4
I tend to get worried about decisions involving money. 1 2 3 4
I keep a close watch on how much money I have. 1 2 3 4
I’d want to invest but I’m afraid to lose my money. 1 2 3 4
Preparing a budget is a waste of time for me. 1 2 3 4
I know how much money I have to spend each week/month 1 2 3 4
I know how much my fixed cost 1 2 3 4
I over-estimate purchases to ensure I have enough money 1 2 3 4
I better enjoy my salary immediately than saving and/or
1 2 3 4
investing, waiting for a long period of time to generate profit.


Instruction: Check the box  for your answer

1. How satisfied are you with your current financial status? Very satisfied  Dissatisfied
Satisfied  Very Dissatisfied
2. Are you familiar with financial literacy? Yes No
1.1 IF YES, from where did you learn about it? (Multiple answers allowed)
 Books Magazines Radio/Television Seminars Internet
 Others, please specify _____________
3. How would you rate your financial literacy?  Very literate  Literate
 Somewhat literate  Not at all literate
4. Are you interested to know about financial literacy? Yes No
5. If yes, do you want to attend a seminar about financial literacy? Yes No

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