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Hum an brain structure is com posed of three m ain parts: the forebrain, m idbrain and hindbrain, each with m
ultiple parts.
The Cerebrum : Also known as the cerebral cortex, the cerebrum is the largest part of the hum an brain, and it is
associated with higher brain function such as thought and action. Nerve cells m ake up the gray surface, which is a
little thicker than our thum b. White nerve fibers beneath the surface carry signals between nerve cells in other parts of
the brain and body . Its wrinkled surface increases the surface area, and is a six-lay ered structure found in m am m als,
called the neocortex. It is divided into four sections, called “lobes”. They are; the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the
occipital lobe and the tem poral lobe.
Frontal Lobe – The frontal lobe lies j ust beneath our forehead and is associated with our brain’s ability to
reason, organize, plan, speak, m ove, m ake facial expressions, serial task, problem solve, control inhibition,
spontaneity , initiate and self-regulate behaviors, pay attention, rem em ber and control em otions.
Parietal Lobe – The parietal lobe is located at the upper rear of our brain, and controls our com plex behaviors,
including senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial orientation. It play s im portant roles in integrating
sensory inform ation from various parts of our body , knowledge of num bers and their relations, and in the m
anipulation of obj ects. Portions are involved with our visuospatial processing, language com prehension, the ability to
construct, body positioning and m ovem ent, neglect/inattention, left-right differentiation and self-awareness/insight.

Occipital Lobe – The occipital lobe is located at the back of our brain, and is associated with our visual
processing, such as visual recognition, visual attention, spatial analy sis (m oving in a 3-D world) and visual perception
of body language; such as postures, expressions and gestures.
Tem poral Lobe – The tem poral lobe is located near our ears, and is associated with processing our perception
and recognition of auditory stim uli (including our ability to focus on one sound am ong m any , like listening to one
voice am ong m any at a party ), com prehending spoken language, verbal m em ory , visual m em ory and language
production (including fluency and word-finding), general knowledge and autobiographical m em ories.
A deep furrow divides the cerebrum into two halves, known as the left and right hem ispheres. And, while the
two hem ispheres look alm ost sy m m etrical, each side seem s to function differently . The right hem isphere is
considered our creative side, and the left hem isphere is considered our logical side. A bundle of axons, called the
corpus callosum , connects the two hem ispheres.
Taken from

1. What is the m ain idea of the passage? 2. The sentence ‘The parietal lobe is located at the
(A) The description of surface carry signals upper rear of our brain, and controls our com plex
between nerve cells in other parts of the behaviors, including senses such as vision, touch,
brain and body . body awareness and spatial orientation’ In
(B) The explanation about A bundle of axons, paragraph 5 can best be restated as
called the corpus callosum , connects the
two hem ispheres. (A) The parietal lobe can be in at the upper rear
(C) The overview about the structure and of our brain, and controls our com plex
function of the hum an brain behaviors, excluding senses such as vision,
(D) The findings of the im portant roles of touch, body awareness and spatial
parietal lobe in integrating sensory inform orientation
ation from various parts of our body (B) The parietal lobe is located near the upper
(E) The argum ent of the perception and rear of our brain, and controls our com plex
recognition of auditory stim uli in hum an behaviors, senses such as vision, touch,
brain body awareness and spatial orientation
(C) The parietal lobe is located far from the
upper rear of our brain, and controls our
com plex behaviors, a part of senses such as
vision, touch, body awareness and spatial

(D) The location of parietal lobe is at the upper 4. What m ost likely m otivates the writer in writing
rear of our brain, and controls our com plex the passage?
behaviors, that is, senses such as vision, (A) Not m any people have m uch inform ation
touch, body awareness and spatial about the functions of parts of hum an brain
orientation (B) There is a m y stery about what functions of
(E) The upper rear of our brain is at the hum an brain
pariental lob, and controls our com plex (C) People’s inform ation about hum an brain is
behaviors, including senses such as vision, suffecient
touch, body awareness and spatial (D) Many people have known about the
orientation functions of the brain.
(E) The inform ation about functions about hum
3. It can be concluded from the passage that ... . an brain is not available
(A) Three m ain parts of hum an brain, the
forebrain, m idbrain and hindbrain, each
with m ultiple parts, have significant roles
in controlling hum an activity
(B) The frontal lobe lies j ust beneath our
forehead and is associated with our brain’s
ability to visual recognition, such as visual
recognition, visual attention, spatial analy
(C) The right hem isphere is considered our
creative side, and the left hem isphere is
considered hum an m ental activity .
(D) A deep furrow
has functions to
com prehend spoken language, verbal
m em ory , visual m em ory and language
(E) Frontal lobes are involved with our
visuospatial processing, language
com prehension, the ability to construct,
body positioning and m ovem ent

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