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Assignment No. 1: Solve all the problems. Deadline: on For Problems 2.46 and 2.

For Problems 2.46 and 2.47 (McCormac and Brown, 2014), compute the flexural
stresses in the concrete and steel for the beams shown using the transformed-area
or before 8:00am, June 25, 2018 method.
For Problems 2.42 and 2.44 (McCormac and Brown, 2014), determine the cracking
moments for
 the sections shown if fc = 28 MPa and the modulus of rupture is
fr = 0.62λ fc with fc in MPa. Use normal-weight concrete. Note that #20 = 20 mm
diameter bars.

For Problems 2.51 and 2.52 (McCormac and Brown, 2014), compute Mn values. Note
for two layers of steel, assume the tension T is applied at the centroid of rebars.

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