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Paulo Gonzalez

Miss. Figueroa

Senior English

2 November 2018

Global Warming Issues

Global warming is a very serious real issue and one of the most contributing factors of air

pollution, mainly by greenhouse chemicals. Most, if not all greenhouse chemicals used in this

process go up into the ozone layer and messes with that process and generates more heat than

needed. The ozone layer is the most important part of the earth’s atmosphere, it keeps the earth

protected from the coldness of space and absorbs most of the sun’s heat and sunlight that hits

earth. If something is wrong with the ozone layer, then the earth could go into a nuclear winter,

or can heat up into a ball of fire. As you can see it the latter option since in some places

temperature is rising while in others it’s messing with the weather patterns, it’s even doing both

in most places. This problem was discovered in the early 20th century, but not much was done or

help given into it until the middle of the 20th century. Even still then not a lot of help was given

until the mid-late 20th century. Once it did get around a lot of people started to help out, but still

not everybody believed in global warming. Even today when facts are presented and news about

it is true, the stubborn nonbelievers still won’t admit that it’s true.

Their Arguments mainly just yell out “There’s no proof of it happening!” or “That’s just

nature doing its thing”, but some do hold some ground when presented by facts and statistics.

One good argument says that a cause of global warming called the “Greenhouse effect” that

usually is made by greenhouse chemicals can actually occurs naturally in the wild. Plus one
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argument says that the causes of global warming isn’t clear yet but with this one, it’s the weakest

and dumbest thing to say. If these arguments keep popping up everywhere and all of our energy

goes to arguing about it than you can say bye-bye to the earth. If this argument doesn’t stop and

start helping out, than the earth is going to heat up and chook all humans up causing all sorts of

unneeded problems. Weather patterns will be broken, places are starting to heat up and animal’s

migration routes have already been messed with. If more money was put into this issue and, laws

were put in place to limit how much Greenhouse chemicals are brought and used since it is one

of the leading causes of global warming. Second research on global warming is properly funded

so that we can figure out more ways to reduce global warming and then convince other to join

with the new information we gather. This paper doesn’t have a masterful plan how to deal with

this but with what was just said and with other facts that will soon be show to you. In summary

everyone especially those in the younger generations need to start fixing what we’re breaking for

our own faults, carelessness, and stubbornness or else we’re done for.

The effects of global warming has huge consequences on the environments all around the

world, and we do need changes even if it’s little by little. Climate change has even messed with

animal migrations patterns and their ecosystems witch an accidently make them go extinct. “The

potential problems caused by climate change are many. A warmer climate increases the

likelihood of devastating storms throughout the world and alters the migration patterns of many

animals, fundamentally affecting the entire ecosystem.”(Rich, Alex K. /Warhal, Tom). This

single quote says it all, we humans have basically ruined the wild life by our own actions, but if

we start doing something productive than future generations will be proud of us and what we did.

It’s so simple even a mindless moron can do it, and it starts with by changing a simple light bulb.

“According to Union of concerned scientist, if every house hold in America replaced a single
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incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb the net effect on pollution would be

equivalent to the disappearance of 7.5 million cars from the road.”(Rich, Alex K. /Warhol, Tom).

This is just the beginning, if humans as a species start changing things around even if its little by

little it’ll eventually it will get better. Over all the main point here is that changing things and

fixing it is needed to deal with the problem, not avoiding it.

The effects caused by humans on the planet are many, but the one main issue and least

well known is called the greenhouse effect. This in simple terms messes with the earth’s

atmosphere and ruins it with all the gas chemical used. “The problem is that as greenhouse gases

increase, more heat is trapped within the planet’s atmosphere, lead to slow and progressive

increase in the average temperature of Earth.”(Rich, Alex K. /Warhol, Tom). As the reading said

this problem is a big one and further proves why the greenhouse effect needs to be address. Plus

there more than one way the greenhouse effect is caused and not just by actual greenhouses.

“Pollution from the use of fossil fuels has increased tropospheric ozone levels, contributing to

the Greenhouse effect.”(Driscoll, Sally /Flynn). The fossil fuels release other harmful chemicals

into the atmosphere causing even more of a problem. In any case this should help others

understand how server the problem is and will take further action to prevent any more harm than

already done.

Moving from caused to effect, the aftermath of the problem is very extreme and if not

helped then earth is doomed caused by humans. There many resulting effects to be had, but about

the main issue that’s in the main name, climate change/global warming is typically about rising

temperatures. “As the earth’s temperature rises, glaciers melt, ocean levels rises, and unusual

weather patterns occur.”(Driscoll, Sally /Flynn). If the sea levels don’t stop rising than floods

will occur all around the world constantly. It’s not just floods we need to worry about (even
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though it’s the important one) heat waves are another issue we have to deal with if not cautioned.

“According to the EPA, the global temperature increased between 0.7 and 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit

(0.4 to 0.8 degrees Celsius) during the twentieth century.”(Driscoll, Sally /Flynn). This is just the

difference before the 2000’s, imagine it how much it is today and how much more it will

increase in the future years if left alone. In conclusion hoping how much the situation has

become up to today and how much it can still affect us; expecting everyone to prevent this from

continuing or getting worse and start helping out should be the standard.

Now, many may be saying that this paper is biased or that it don’t show any “evidence”

for the opposing side, and yes this may be bias towards the issue but that does not mean that this

article doesn’t provide any information for the opposing side; But one of the worst ways some of

the arguments formats provide information, is how unreliable they are. “Artic ice increased in

volume 50% in 2012 alone.”(Rinkesh). This doesn’t account for the Antarctic ice or for the time

from then to now. Those of them who say that the calculations used to predict how bad global

warming would have gotten worst were wrong. “Climate model calculations predicted about

Global warming have been proven to be flawed.”(Rinkesh). Yes, some or even many of them

may have been wrong but that’s just it there’re just predictions not visions of the future, also it

may have been wrong for many other reasons like changing what companies do or how pollution

changed. In any case seeing and hearing both sides of the story is preferable, it’s just that the side

with the facts more than the other.

Now it’s something when the facts don’t line up but when the questions are evaded than

that’s where it falls. When those same non-believers who evaded the questions Amit part of the

truth or fact but are still stubborn and just stick to the lie they have in their hands. “Some still

dispute whether there has even been a rise in global temperatures over the past century. Also,
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arguments quickly move into the political sphere when solutions are proposed, mostly involving

steps to reduce the use of carbon fuels like petroleum coal.”(Jacobs, W.F. /Warhol Tom). They

say this but still expect others to believe them and join them, like everyone is a moron. Even if

they don’t Amit anything they’ll still try and evade the questions that are asked. “The point of

this discussion is not to dispute the fact that the earth is getting warmer. Nor is it to deny that

there is evidence that melting of glaciers is occurring and that the Arctic icecap may be getting

thinner.”(Jacobs, W.F. /Warhol, Tom). This in fact makes them the morons for not understanding

the severity of the situation and for the stubbornness nature and for not believing in simple facts.

This is by far the weakest argument that anyone can make and is a complete waste of time for

not having the common since of reality; but that doesn’t mean that all arguments are like this.

As stated earlier the Greenhouse effect does occur naturally and is used to combat

arguments against climate change. This is how the ozone layer usually works and functions

without any interference of any kind, especially when humans are in the mixed. “The greenhouse

effect is a naturally occurring process in which the accumulation of atmospheric gasses prevent

radiation from escaping; this radiation then heats the surface of the earth.”(Issitt, Micah L. /

Simone Isadora). This is very true and is a great piece of argument against climate change but

sadly it’s not used very often or treated better. Another descent argument that’s used is the way

global warming is exaggerated in the media. “Some scientist believe that the scientific

community has exaggerated the effects of human activity on global warming.”(Issitt, Micah L. /

Simone Isadora). Sadly these great arguments are greatly overshadowed by easy to make and

clearly flawed ones just because it’s the exact opposite of climate change, and supposedly

convince more people efficiently. Overall if useful information isn’t mentioned in your
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argument, then it’s just going to be a waste of potential and greatness and the argument is going

downhill from there.

The past few arguments have been useless, idiotic, and/or waste of time; all except one of

course. It’s surprising how easily convince or how brainless how the people can just be easily

persuaded into this and how the only argument that actually holds any ground is discarded or not

widely known for unknown reasons. First off trying to disproof already known facts and evading

the question is not in any way acceptable in any argument for any reason. Second there that fact

that lying or even admitting the smallest amount of truth but is stretched down is a cowardly

move and is the lowest thing to do in an argument. Thirdly the best piece or pieces of counter

arguing about climate change isn’t used as often as it should of. The fact that it’s wasted and not

used properly is a sin and if actually used correctly than people opposing climate change won’t

look so crazy than it already are.

As I have said before if we don’t start cleaning up the mess we made in the past century

then the earth is doom because of us. The causes and effects of this event includes everyone and

everything on this planet since the consequences of this is extremely desperate. With the many

ways humans have affected the planet with the knowing aftermath, it spells the end of earth. The

disasters of tomorrow can be prevented if arguments about are stop and further action to help the

problem are made. There are many more ways to deal with this problem, but by sending more

funds into research to learn more about the issue and passing some laws to prevent it from

getting worse then the climate may be under control. By doing this more ways can be found that

can make it easier with more research and with new laws added climate change can be prevented

from happening ever again.

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Works Cited

Rich, Alex K., and Tom Warhol. “Counterpoint: Scientists Know That Human Activity Has

Caused Global Warming.” Points of View: Global Warming, Dec. 2017, p. 3.


Driscoll, Sally Flynn. “Global Warming: An Overview.” Points of View: Global Warming, Dec.

2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost,

Jacobs, W. E., and Tom Warhol. “Counterpoint: The Causes of Global Warming Are Not Clear.”

Points of View: Greenhouse Effect, Mar. 2016, p. 3. EBSCOhost,

Issitt, Micah L., and Simone Isadora Flynn. “Greenhouse Effect: An Overview.” Points of View:

Greenhouse Effect, Mar. 2016, p. 1. EBSCOhost,

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