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Generally condition of Abaarso:

Abaarso is located away from 15km west of Hargeisa the capital city of Somaliland, Abaarso is
district which is growing explicitly high in last 5years though there are a people who are coming
the district to reside the place.
Hydro logically Abaarso is one of the district that affect the huge drought that spread in
Somaliland but before the drought breakout it get enough rain in rainy seasons but no any stored
areas whether wells and bonds and embankment dams in dry seasons or winter whole population
are get water Arabsiyo, which is 15km away in the west that taken by (BOOYADO) people and
livestock both used that water if it enough or not.
Although there is time that taken water from UDAN and DHABOLOQ which away from the
district 30km west and 25km south respectively.
In February 2016 it made surveying which are fumbling water of the district they take samples
for several places and they get water 4 places where three of them are not suitable but one of
them is fit for drinking which is located in the south as the report says, that survey was did it
only but there is no any implementation of that work.
Most of the Abaarso are settlement people they are pastoral and farmers mostly practice pastoral
while it is rare the farming system of the district, although there is a little or not even exist
horticultural farms.
People are get water bonds and embankments wells in spring o spot of raining, that sources has
not encounter sufficient repairs, there were a time that made maintenance in January 2016 by
ACTION AID, were they made the embankments to take clay in order to increase the volume
and holding the water, where they did the bonds to batch the cracks of cement.
Once up on a time there were a drilling well of a private sector that was planned to use the
irrigation farming when it get water it became salt well that may not use it people and irrigation
both of them.
The population of the district is estimated for 4700 persons as told us the heard of the district
(DAYIB MUH’ED JIRDE) while each family consist of 5persons.
The growth of the people are increased 20% in each year entwine that the coming people in the
district which are reside are estimated 5% in each year.
Conditions of the stored water:
Type of well
Increasing the population last 5years which is growing 20% :
Years Population
2013 1925.12
2014 2406.4
2015 3008
2016 3760
2017 4700

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